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Italy, one of the first countries to be heavily hit by the spread of the new Coronavirus, has activated precautionary measures aimed at limiting its spread. This emergency situation may be cause of psychological distress in the general population. Therefore, the Italian Twins Registry has decided to carry out an epidemiological study to investigate the social and mental health impact of the covid-19 pandemic on Italian adults.

The study has a longitudinal design and is aimed at twins of all ages residing in Italy. An online questionnaire was administered to collect information on socio-economic and health status of the participants, as well as of the households during the lockdown, and on the impact of the pandemic on participants' lives. Levels and prevalence of symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression were measured using validated instruments, such as the STAI-6, IES-R and PHQ-9. This article shows the results of the first wave of the survey (June 2020).

A total of 2589 twins participated in the stuic condition and mental health of the Italian population and suggests that some individuals are more vulnerable than others.

To evaluate the refusal of the prosthesis in order to highlight elements in determining the acceptance/rejection of the prosthetic devices, and its role on rehabilitation program.

A literature review through a search of the database Medline for studies published between October 2007 and May 2020 using the key words "prosthesis", "limb", and "accept"*.

Nine studies were included. Women appear to be more concerned about discomfort in using body-powered devices and about prosthesis cosmetic appearance. Level of limb amputation was considered relevant for prosthesis rejection only for the upper limb. Children fitted with prosthesis before two years old were less likely to abandon the prosthesis, preschool children have a lower drop-out prevalence compared to adults and school-age children.

Understating the factors for rejections is crucial for more favorable health outcomes; multiple psychological factors should be considered during the rehabilitation process of individuals with limb amputation. Rehabilitation should consider psychosocial assistance for acceptance and perception of body representation and its discrepancy with the real body.

Understating the factors for rejections is crucial for more favorable health outcomes; multiple psychological factors should be considered during the rehabilitation process of individuals with limb amputation. Rehabilitation should consider psychosocial assistance for acceptance and perception of body representation and its discrepancy with the real body.This ANMCO position paper aims to analyze the complex action of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors at the level of the kidney and cardiovascular system, focusing on the effect that these molecules have shown in the prevention and treatment of heart failure in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. The goal was pursued by comparing the data generated with pathophysiology studies and with multicenter controlled studies in large populations. In accordance with the analysis carried out in the document, the following recommendations are issued (i) canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin and ertugliflozin are molecules recommended for the prevention of heart failure hospitalizations in type 2 diabetic subjects; (ii) canagliflozin and dapagliflozin are recommended for the prevention of heart failure hospitalizations in type 2 diabetic subjects with severe chronic kidney disease, dapagliflozin proved to be safe and effective also in diabetic subjects; and (iii) dapagliflozin and empagliflozin are recommended to reduce the combined risk of heart failure and cardiovascular death in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction.We describe the case of an 84-year-old woman, hospitalized for acute heart failure, presenting with an intracardiac mass detected on echocardiography. The differential diagnosis and the usefulness of multimodality imaging are discussed.

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is usually a procedure based on patient's hospitalization. However, the increasingly widespread use of radial access, the technical evolution of the devices employed and current pharmacotherapy standards have simplified this procedure with satisfying outcomes and significantly reduced complications. It can be assumed that overnight hospitalization may not impact patient safety. The purpose of this study is to describe the experience of a single center in the same-day discharge of elective patients undergoing PCI.

A retrospective analysis of the cath-lab database was carried out for the years 2016-2019. All elective PCI patients discharged on the same day were identified. All were observed in a hospital setting for at least 6 h and then, after discharge, interviewed by telephone within 24 h and at 30 days.

During the time interval examined, 36 patients (mean age 66 ± 10 years) who had procedural same-day discharged were identified. From 2016 to 2019, they represen increase patient satisfaction, to improve hospital performance by reducing costs and to increase efficiency without adversely affecting procedural outcomes should be confirmed in larger and unselected groups of patients.

Safety of same-day discharge (SSD) after percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) has been demonstrated in several studies. However, SDD is rarely adopted in Italy, with a potential waste of resources and decrease of patient satisfaction.

In 2019 we implemented a strategy of SDD for all elective coronary procedures admitted to our Radial Unit. Patients were excluded from SDD in case of contraindications for radial access, known contrast allergy, known left main disease based on previous angiogram or coronary computed tomography scan, chronic total occlusions considered as target of revascularization. We assessed the feasibility and safety of this approach in consecutive patients treated at Humanitas Research Center.

Out of 366 patients who were admitted electively to our Radial Unit, 152 (41.5%) underwent only diagnostic coronary angiography, while 214 underwent PCI. As expected, radial access was used in the vast majority of cases (361; 98.6%). Patients were mostly discharged in the same day (268; 73% be implemented in 2020.Mitral valve therapy is rapidly evolving. In this context, there is a clear evolution towards the diffusion of minimally invasive techniques for surgical mitral valve replacement or repair, namely in the context of primary mitral regurgitation. The robotic-assisted mitral surgery strategy allows the greatest reduction in surgical trauma to the patients, as well as improved ergonomics and video-assistance for performance of the mitral procedure. We currently observe a rapid diffusion of robotic-assisted mitral valve surgery across Europe, which rightfully forms part of the treatment modalities available to multidisciplinary Mitral Teams. However, the development of a robotic cardiac surgery program should be established maintaining reproducibility and patient safety. Adequate training and preparation are essential to initiate and sustain a robotic-assisted mitral valve surgery program. Herein, we address its main steps fundamentals, multidisciplinary approach, risk management, team management, development and consolidation. We also present the initial clinical results in our Center, and analyze some learning-curve aspects.In recent years, lung ultrasonography has acquired an important role as a valuable diagnostic tool in clinical practice. The lung is usually poorly explorable, but it provides more acoustic information in pathological conditions that modify the relationship between air, water and tissues. The different acoustic impedance of all these components makes the chest wall a powerful ultrasound reflector this is responsible for the creation of several artifacts providing valuable information about lung pathophysiology. Lung ultrasonography helps in the diagnostic process of parenchymal and pleural pathologies, in the differential diagnosis of dyspnea and in the clinical and prognostic evaluation of the SARS-CoV-2 infection.The diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is challenging because of its phenotypic heterogeneity, multi-organ involvement often requiring the interaction among experts in different specialties and subspecialties, the lack of a single non-invasive diagnostic tool, and limited awareness in the medical community. check details Recent studies have challenged the dogma of CA as a rare, incurable disease, and have redefined the epidemiology and therapeutic options for this condition. Missing or delaying the diagnosis may have a profound impact on patient outcome, as potentially life-saving treatments may be omitted or delayed, particularly chemotherapy in the case of amyloid light-chain amyloidosis. For a timely identification, clinical cardiologists should be able to recognize the "red flags" prompting a dedicated diagnostic work-up. Cardiologists could also face the challenge of making decisions about drug and device therapies for patients with known CA. The present consensus document aims to provide a practical guide and an organizational framework for professionals belonging to the Tuscan network of hospital cardiologists.The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented event that has brought deep changes in hospital facilities with reshaping of the health system organization, revealing inadequacies of current hospital and local health systems. When the COVID-19 emergency will end, further evaluation of the national health system, new organization of acute wards, and a further evolution of the entire health system will be needed to improve care during the chronic phase of disease. Therefore, new standards for healthcare personnel, more efficient organization of hospital facilities for patients with acute illnesses, improvement of technological approaches, and better integration between hospital and territorial services should be pursued. With experience derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, new models, paradigms, interventional approaches, values and priorities should be suggested and implemented.In the last few decades, great epidemiological studies identified the main risk factors and their causative role in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In this field, the pivotal study was the Framingham Heart Study for the evaluation of classical risk factors and for the production of initial instruments of risk calculation. The Seven Countries Study of Cardiovascular Diseases was the first to compare the influence of different cultural environments on the risks of developing atherosclerosis. In 1980, the Italian Journal of Cardiology published an extensive evaluation of risk factors in nine Italian communities. Since the early '90s, the first risk charts for global and individual risk evaluation were available (Framingham, SCORE, PROCAM, CUORE). Mortality reduction in the period of 1980-2000 can be attributed to risk factor reduction in primary prevention (55%) and to pharmacological treatment in the acute phase of the disease or in secondary prevention (40%). Two important longitudinal studies have been conducted in Italy in the periods of 1998-2002 and 2008-2012 thanks to the cooperation of the National Association of Hospital Cardiologists (ANMCO) and the National Health Institute (ISS), which became the reference point for the influence of lifestyle and risk factors on CVD.

Autoři článku: Katzjacobs4851 (Adcock Bradley)