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model.In this preview, we highlight what we believe to be the major contributions of the review and discuss opportunities to build on the work, including by closely examining the incentive structures that contribute to our dataset culture and by further engaging with other disciplines.Shaohua Ma, an early-career group leader, and his team talk about their passion for data science and their project published in Patterns, where multiplex gene quantification-based "digital markers" are used for extremely rapid evaluation of chemo-drug sensitivity. This method allows quick and personalized chemo-drug recommendations for cancer patients, helping to improve their clinical care and health outcomes.In discussing open science, one forgets that its key concept is collaboration, which may be either accelerated or hampered by digital technologies. Collaboration in personal interactions is hard; how much harder, then, is it to collaborate across temporal, geographical, or cultural barriers? Open science can be seen as a worldwide case study on peopleware-a major source of costs, but a huge asset.Pandey et al. (2021) demonstrate the importance of diversifying training data to make balanced predictions of thermodynamic properties for inorganic crystals.With a rising number of scientific datasets published and the need to test their Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) compliance repeatedly, data stakeholders have recognized the importance of an automated FAIR assessment. This paper presents a programmatic solution for assessing the FAIRness of research data. We describe the translation of the FAIR data principles into measurable metrics and the application of the metrics in evaluating FAIR compliance of research data through an open-source tool we developed. For each metric, we conceptualized and implemented practical tests drawn upon prevailing data curation and sharing practices, and the paper discusses their rationales. We demonstrate the work by evaluating multidisciplinary datasets from trustworthy repositories, followed by recommendations and improvements. We believe our experience in developing and applying the metrics in practice and the lessons we learned from it will provide helpful information to others developing similar approaches to assess different types of digital objects and services.In this article, we pursue the automatic detection of fake news reporting on the Syrian war using machine learning and meta-learning. The proposed approach is based on a suite of features that include a given article's linguistic style; its level of subjectivity, sensationalism, and sectarianism; the strength of its attribution; and its consistency with other news articles from the same "media camp". To train our models, we use FA-KES, a fake news dataset about the Syrian war. A suite of basic machine learning models is explored, as well as the model-agnostic meta-learning algorithm (MAML) suitable for few-shot learning, using datasets of a modest size. Feature-importance analysis confirms that the collected features specific to the Syrian war are indeed very important predictors for the output label. The meta-learning model achieves the best performance, improving upon the baseline approaches that are trained exclusively on text features in FA-KES.Recent advances in machine learning have greatly enhanced automatic methods to extract information from fluorescence microscopy data. However, current machine-learning-based models can require hundreds to thousands of images to train, and the most readily accessible models classify images without describing which parts of an image contributed to classification. Here, we introduce TDAExplore, a machine learning image analysis pipeline based on topological data analysis. It can classify different types of cellular perturbations after training with only 20-30 high-resolution images and performs robustly on images from multiple subjects and microscopy modes. Using only images and whole-image labels for training, TDAExplore provides quantitative, spatial information, characterizing which image regions contribute to classification. Computational requirements to train TDAExplore models are modest and a standard PC can perform training with minimal user input. TDAExplore is therefore an accessible, powerful option for obtaining quantitative information about imaging data in a wide variety of applications.Stable operation of an electric power system requires strict operational limits for the grid frequency. Fluctuations and external impacts can cause large frequency deviations and increased control efforts. Although these complex interdependencies can be modeled using machine learning algorithms, the black box character of many models limits insights and applicability. In this article, we introduce an explainable machine learning model that accurately predicts frequency stability indicators for three European synchronous areas. Using Shapley additive explanations, we identify key features and risk factors for frequency stability. We show how load and generation ramps determine frequency gradients, and we identify three classes of generation technologies with converse impacts. Control efforts vary strongly depending on the grid and time of day and are driven by ramps as well as electricity prices. Notably, renewable power generation is central only in the British grid, while forecasting errors play a major role in the Nordic grid.Disaster risk management (DRM) seeks to help societies prepare for, mitigate, or recover from the adverse impacts of disasters and climate change. Core to DRM are disaster risk models that rely heavily on geospatial data about the natural and built environments. Developers are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the quality of these models. Yet, there is still little understanding of how the extent of hidden geospatial biases affects disaster risk models and how accountability relationships are affected by these emerging actors and methods. In many cases, there is also a disconnect between the algorithm designers and the communities where the research is conducted or algorithms are implemented. This perspective highlights emerging concerns about the use of AI in DRM. We discuss potential concerns and illustrate what must be considered from a data science, ethical, and social perspective to ensure the responsible usage of AI in this field.The discovery of new inorganic materials in unexplored chemical spaces necessitates calculating total energy quickly and with sufficient accuracy. Machine learning models that provide such a capability for both ground-state (GS) and higher-energy structures would be instrumental in accelerated screening. Here, we demonstrate the importance of a balanced training dataset of GS and higher-energy structures to accurately predict total energies using a generic graph neural network architecture. Erastin manufacturer Using ∼ 16,500 density functional theory calculations from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Materials Database and ∼ 11,000 calculations for hypothetical structures as our training database, we demonstrate that our model satisfactorily ranks the structures in the correct order of total energies for a given composition. link2 Furthermore, we present a thorough error analysis to explain failure modes of the model, including both prediction outliers and occasional inconsistencies in the training data. By examining intermediate layers of the model, we analyze how the model represents learned structures and properties.Memetics has so far been developing in social sciences, but to fully understand memetic processes it should be linked to neuroscience models of learning, encoding, and retrieval of memories in the brain. Attractor neural networks show how incoming information is encoded in memory patterns, how it may become distorted, and how chunks of information may form patterns that are activated by many cues, forming the foundation of conspiracy theories. The rapid freezing of high neuroplasticity (RFHN) model is offered as one plausible mechanism of such processes. Illustrations of distorted memory formation based on simulations of competitive learning neural networks are presented as an example. Linking memes to attractors of neurodynamics should help to give memetics solid foundations, show why some information is easily encoded and propagated, and draw attention to the need to analyze neural mechanisms of learning and memory that lead to conspiracies.Chemical signals mediate major ecological interactions in insects. However, using bioassays only, it is difficult to quantify the bioactivity of complex mixtures, such as volatile defensive secretions emitted by prey insects, and to assess the impact of single compounds on the repellence of the entire mixture. To represent chemical data in a different perceptive mode, we used a process of sonification by parameter mapping of single molecules, which translated chemical signals into acoustic signals. These sounds were then mixed at dB levels reflecting the relative concentrations of the molecules within species-specific secretions. Repellence of single volatiles, as well as mixtures of volatiles, against predators were significantly correlated with the repulsiveness of their respective auditory translates against humans, who mainly reacted to sound pressure. Furthermore, sound pressure and predator response were associated with the number of different molecules in a secretion. Our transmodal approach, from olfactory to auditory perception, offers further prospects for chemo-ecological research and data representation.In this work, we survey a breadth of literature that has revealed the limitations of predominant practices for dataset collection and use in the field of machine learning. We cover studies that critically review the design and development of datasets with a focus on negative societal impacts and poor outcomes for system performance. We also cover approaches to filtering and augmenting data and modeling techniques aimed at mitigating the impact of bias in datasets. Finally, we discuss works that have studied data practices, cultures, and disciplinary norms and discuss implications for the legal, ethical, and functional challenges the field continues to face. Based on these findings, we advocate for the use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to more carefully document and analyze datasets during the creation and usage phases.The Internet of Food Things Network+ (IoFT) and the Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Intelligence for Automated Investigation for Scientific Discovery Network+ (AI3SD) brought together an interdisciplinary multi-institution working group to create an ethical framework for digital collaboration in the food industry. This will enable the exploration of implications and consequences (both intentional and unintentional) of using cutting-edge technologies to support the implementation of data trusts and other forms of digital collaboration in the food sector. This article describes how we identified areas for ethical consideration with respect to digital collaboration and the use of Industry 4.0 technologies in the food sector and describes the different interdisciplinary methodologies being used to produce this framework. link3 The research questions and objectives that are being addressed by the working group are laid out, with a report on our ongoing work. The article concludes with recommendations about working on projects in this area.

Autoři článku: Kanstruplawrence2706 (Hartman Wilkins)