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"Necessity is the mother of invention" An adage was brought to life with the emergence of the mRNA vaccine against the backdrop of the foreboding and mercurial COVID-19 pandemic. Considering a negligible adverse-effect profile and a break-neck manufacturing speed, it shone bright as the ideal vaccine candidate. However, "all that glitters is not gold," as was evidenced by the significant reactogenicity, a host of multi-systemic side-effects, that are being reported by the vaccine recipients; which is palpably resulting in a shift of emotions for the vaccine, accounting for vaccine hesitancy. Anaphylaxis, antibody-dependent enhancements, and deaths, comprise the most serious side-effects, albeit occurring in sparing numbers. Storage and transportation require fastidious temperatures, rendering it substantially inaccessible to a country like India. The biggest jolt, however, was the unfolding of the biases in reporting vaccine efficacy, as only the attractively high numbers of the relatively equivocal relative risk reduction were reported while keeping at bay the meager numbers of the more forthright absolute risk reduction. Notwithstanding the fallacies, the mRNA vaccine still promises hope; and with the right precautions and finesse, can be potentiated, as "a watched pot never boils."From the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, concerns have been raised about its effect on mental health and on patients with psychiatric illnesses. A few reports suggest that patients with COVID-19 have increased symptoms of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, increased substance use, and insomnia. There is an increased trend seen in flare-up of psychotic symptoms and new emergence of psychotic symptoms in previously healthy adults. There is extensive research available on the impact of COVID-19 on physical health, but there is a paucity of studies on the effects of COVID-19 on psychiatric illness.COVID-19 pandemic is generating considerable stress in the population. Uncertain prognosis, looming severe shortages of resources for testing and treatment, imposition of unfamiliar public health measures (infringing on personal freedoms), large and growing financial losses, and conflicting messages from authorities are few of the major stressors due to COVID-19. The effect due to COVID varies from individual to individual. Healthcare providers are more vulnerable as there is increased risk of exposure to coronavirus, concern about infecting and caring for loved ones, shortages of personal protective equipment, and longer working hours. Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital started functioning as Dedicated COVID-19 hospital since April 2020. Psychiatric services were also active and were delivered by means of telepsychiatry outpatient services, consultation-liaison psychiatry for COVID-19 patients, group counseling, supportive counseling, and psychosocial counseling center for relatives. Our experience is briefly described.The COVID-19 pandemic is a healthcare crisis that has led to unprecedented impact on healthcare services. At the heart of the unparalleled crisis, doctors face several challenges in treating patients with COVID-19. The psychological burden and overall wellness of healthcare workers (HCWs) have received heightened awareness, with research continuing to show high rates of burnout, psychological stress, and suicide. Detrimental effects include high rates of infection and death, excessive financial hardships, stress related to known and particularly unknown information, and fear of uncertainty regarding continued impact. Some researchers focused specifically on COVID-19's impact on HCW sleep. Anxiety and stress were significantly increased, leading to negative impacts on both self-efficacy and sleep. Stress is an important factor in drug use. Efforts should be made to explore the factors that are associated with psychological distress, which may lead to symptoms of anxiety, depression, or provoke suicidal ideation, and efforts should be made to control the factors that are modifiable. There needs to be more awareness among doctors and further long-term studies focusing on their mental health as adverse mental health conditions will further affect them as the disease advances.Quarantine is an age old methods of preventing the spread of infection by restricting the movement of persons or goods. It has again come to global attention due to its widespread implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the public health utility of quarantine is well established, it is associated with few psychological effects which are neither well known nor recognized. In this communication, the psychological side-effects of quarantine and their prevention are briefly discussed.COVID-19 has been a considerable major stress factor and has led to a great increase in psychological illnesses. Literature related to spirituality and philosophy can provide solace in times like these. We have taken excerpts from Bhagwad Gita which is a spiritual and philosophical scripture, existential philosopher Albert Camus's La Peste and the myth of Sisyphus and writings of the philosopher Immanule Kant. These literary masterpieces can provide a wealth of guidance and solace to both the medical fraternity and affected people and their caregivers. WAY-262611 mw "We tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogy of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away. But it doesn't always pass away and from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away." -Albert Camus.A number of incurable, deadly, and disfiguring diseases are associated with stigma which worsens the quality of life of the sufferer. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease was associated with severe stigma and extreme prejudice. Stigma of COVID-19 and its adverse effects are briefly discussed and solutions suggested.Although much has been talked and written about the respiratory menace that Coronavirus disease causes, a close examination reveals that gut symptoms are equally important diagnostic markers for COVID-19. Almost 53% of COVID-19 patients experience gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. The entry of the SARS Cov-2 virus is mediated through angiotensin-converting enzyme receptors which are abundant in the GI tract. The virus also affects the GI tract through the gut lung axis. In addition to the GI tract epithelium, hepatobiliary and pancreatic systems are also affected in COVID through multiple mechanisms. GI manifestations vary from relatively benign symptoms such as nausea vomiting diarrhea to rare cases of life-threatening mesenteric vein thrombosis. The relationship of the symptoms with morbidity and mortality is not clear. link2 Anorexia is related to inflammation, and agneusia and anosmia carry a good prognosis. link3 Psychiatric manifestations may be more common in those with GI affection, inflammation being the common pathogenic factor. Treatment is symptomatic, and proper hygiene precautions are necessary considering the possible fecal shedding of the virus, especially during endoscopic procedures on the GI tract.Phenomenon of induced delusional disorder has a relatively long, controversial history of conceptualization. It is a rare entity and goes undiagnosed mostly as only the primary partner is brought to clinical attention. We present a case series of induced delusional disorder with different presentations. For effective management, understanding the dynamics of relationship shared by the partners and addressing the biopsychosocial factors are crucial. Failure to adhere to treatment poses additional challenge in these cases.Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCDs) are one of the top 10 contributors of debilitating medical illnesses and are the fourth most common psychiatric disorder. Blasphemous thoughts, also known as scrupulosity, as an obsessional theme has piqued curiosities long before it was considered a neurosis. Such obsessions may or may not have an accompanying compulsion and comprise 5% of the patients of OCD. The case series is of three patients suffering from repetitive, intrusive, ego-dystonic, and distressing blasphemous thoughts, which are extremely distressing to them, rendering them unable to perform any other activity. The symptoms also indicate the presence of comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders, developing secondary to the blasphemous thoughts. Inadequate knowledge in this subtype of OCD mandates the need for more studying and research, especially with new texts suggesting the implementation of faith-assisted psychotherapy in addition to the conventional psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.People with intellectual disability (ID) have a greater frequency of psychiatric illnesses, ranging from 10% to 80%, as compared to the general population. It has been proven that mood stabilizers are beneficial in the management of behavior issues in people with ID. Here, we report a series of five cases with mild and moderate ID with behavioral disturbances including mood and psychotic symptoms managed successfully with sodium valproate as the part of the treatment.Psychogenic vomiting is a syndrome in of recurrent vomiting without any organic pathology. It must be differentiated from cyclical vomiting syndrome, functional vomiting, and chronic idiopathic nausea. It occurs as a result of an emotional or psychic disturbance. This condition is highly disabling, increasingly recognized, and under-researched. In India, the number of patients reporting to the psychiatric outpatient department with eating disorders is comparatively very less. We describe how two patients with diagnostic dilemmas who were treated successfully after psychiatric intervention.Erotomania is an unusual psychotic disorder exemplified by an individual's delusions of another person being infatuated with them. The condition is usually, but not exclusively, observed in females who are shy, dependent, and sexually inexperienced. The object of the delusion is usually beyond reach, being of much higher social or financial status, already married or disinterested. We present a case series of three patients suffering from this uncommon disorder.Trichotillomania is a psychodermatological disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to pull one's own hair. It is often associated with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. We report five cases, a young male and four females, who presented with an increased desire to pluck out their hair, leading to large patches of baldness. Despite distinct forms of presentations and different comorbidities, the management more or less remained the same.Geophagia, a form of pica, is often associated with iron and zinc deficiency. However, a number of environmental, cultural, and psychological factors are also implicated. Pica in children is common with those having intellectual disability. In adults, it is most commonly associated with pregnancy. No specific screening tests for pica exist, but many nutritional and psychological complications can be avoided by accurate and timely diagnosis. Even when pica is diagnosed, no proven treatments exist. Two patients who reported to the psychiatry outpatient department with habit of eating nonnutritive substances for a prolonged period associated with apprehension and decreased appetite are reported. Both the patients were diagnosed with adult pica and were treated with selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors and psychotherapy with considerable improvement.

Autoři článku: Kahncruz0837 (Sehested Fisher)