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Extracellular electron transfer (EET) allows microorganisms to gain energy by linking intracellular reactions to external surfaces ranging from natural minerals to the electrodes of bioelectrochemical renewable energy technologies. In the past two decades, electrochemical techniques have been used to investigate EET in a wide range of microbes, with emphasis on dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria, such as Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, as model organisms. However, due to the typically bulk nature of these techniques, they are unable to reveal the subpopulation variation in EET or link the observed electrochemical currents to energy gain by individual cells, thus overlooking the potentially complex spatial patterns of activity in bioelectrochemical systems. Here, to address these limitations, we use the cell membrane potential as a bioenergetic indicator of EET by S. oneidensis MR-1 cells. Using a fluorescent membrane potential indicator during in vivo single-cell-level fluorescence microscopy in a bioelectrochemical reactor, we demonstrate that membrane potential strongly correlates with EET. Increasing electrode potential and associated EET current leads to more negative membrane potential. This EET-induced membrane hyperpolarization is spatially limited to cells in contact with the electrode and within a near-electrode zone ( less then 30 μm) where the hyperpolarization decays with increasing cell-electrode distance. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the reported technique can be used to study the single-cell-level dynamics of EET not only on electrode surfaces, but also during respiration of other solid-phase electron acceptors.The C2 domain containing protein extended synaptotagmin (E-Syt) plays important roles in both lipid homeostasis and the intracellular signaling; however, its role in physiology remains largely unknown. Here, we show that hypothalamic E-Syt3 plays a critical role in diet-induced obesity (DIO). E-Syt3 is characteristically expressed in the hypothalamic nuclei. Whole-body or proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neuron-specific ablation of E-Syt3 ameliorated DIO and related comorbidities, including glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia. Conversely, overexpression of E-Syt3 in the arcuate nucleus moderately promoted food intake and impaired energy expenditure, leading to increased weight gain. EHT 1864 in vitro Mechanistically, E-Syt3 ablation led to increased processing of POMC to α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), increased activities of protein kinase C and activator protein-1, and enhanced expression of prohormone convertases. These findings reveal a previously unappreciated role for hypothalamic E-Syt3 in DIO and related metabolic disorders.Although more than 75% of the proteome is composed of multidomain proteins, current knowledge of protein folding is based primarily on studies of isolated domains. In this work, we describe the folding mechanism of a multidomain tandem construct comprising two distinct covalently bound PDZ domains belonging to a protein called Whirlin, a scaffolding protein of the hearing apparatus. In particular, via a synergy between NMR and kinetic experiments, we demonstrate the presence of a misfolded intermediate that competes with productive folding. In agreement with the view that tandem domain swapping is a potential source of transient misfolding, we demonstrate that such a kinetic trap retains native-like functional activity, as shown by the preserved ability to bind its physiological ligand. link2 Thus, despite the general knowledge that protein misfolding is intimately associated with dysfunction and diseases, we provide a direct example of a functionally competent misfolded state. Remarkably, a bioinformatics analysis of the amino acidic sequence of Whirlin from different species suggests that the tendency to perform tandem domain swapping between PDZ1 and PDZ2 is highly conserved, as demonstrated by their unexpectedly high sequence identity. On the basis of these observations, we discuss on a possible physiological role of such misfolded intermediate.t(8;21)(q22;q22) acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is morphologically characterized by a continuum of heterogeneous leukemia cells from myeloblasts to differentiated myeloid elements. Thus, t(8;21) AML is an excellent model for studying heterogeneous cell populations and cellular evolution during disease progression. Using integrative analyses of immunophenotype, RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), and single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq), we identified three distinct intrapatient leukemic cell populations that were arrested at different stages of myeloid differentiation CD34+CD117dim blasts, CD34+CD117bri blasts, and abnormal myeloid cells with partial maturation (AM). CD117 is also known as c-KIT protein. CD34+CD117dim cells were blocked in the G0/G1 phase at disease onset, presenting with the regular morphology of myeloblasts showing features of granulocyte-monocyte progenitors (GMP), and were drug-resistant to chemotherapy. Genes associated with cell migration and adhesion (LGALS1, EMP3, and ANXA2) were highly expressed in the CD34+CD117dim population. CD34+CD117bri blasts were blocked a bit later than the CD34+CD117dim population in the hematopoietic differentiation stage and displayed high proliferation ability. link3 AM cells, which bear abnormal myelocyte morphology, especially overexpressed granule genes AZU1, ELANE, and PRTN3 and were sensitive to chemotherapy. scRNA-seq at different time points identified CD34+CD117dim blasts as an important leukemic cluster that expanded at postrelapse refractory stage after several cycles of chemotherapy. Patients with t(8;21) AML with a higher proportion of CD34+CD117dim cells had significantly worse clinical outcomes than those with a lower CD34+CD117dim proportion. Univariate and multivariate analyses identified CD34+CD117dim proportion as an independent factor for poor disease outcome. Our study provides evidence for the multidimensional heterogeneity of t(8;21)AML and may offer new tools for future disease stratification.The transcriptional regulator YAP, which plays important roles in the development, regeneration, and tumorigenesis, is activated when released from inhibition by the Hippo kinase cascade. The regulatory mechanism of YAP in Hippo-low contexts is poorly understood. Here, we performed a genome-wide RNA interference screen to identify genes whose loss of function in a Hippo-null background affects YAP activity. We discovered that the coatomer protein complex I (COPI) is required for YAP nuclear enrichment and that COPI dependency of YAP confers an intrinsic vulnerability to COPI disruption in YAP-driven cancer cells. We identified MAP2K3 as a YAP regulator involved in inhibitory YAP phosphorylation induced by COPI subunit depletion. The endoplasmic reticulum stress response pathway activated by COPI malfunction appears to connect COPI and MAP2K3. In addition, we provide evidence that YAP inhibition by COPI disruption may contribute to transcriptional up-regulation of PTGS2 and proinflammatory cytokines. Our study offers a resource for investigating Hippo-independent YAP regulation as a therapeutic target for cancers and suggests a link between YAP and COPI-associated inflammatory diseases.The understanding of fossilization mechanisms at the nanoscale remains extremely challenging despite its fundamental interest and its implications for paleontology, archaeology, geoscience, and environmental and material sciences. The mineralization mechanism by which cellulosic, keratinous, and silk tissues fossilize in the vicinity of archaeological metal artifacts offers the most exquisite preservation through a mechanism unexplored on the nanoscale. It is at the center of the vast majority of ancient textiles preserved under nonextreme conditions, known through extremely valuable fragments. Here we show the reconstruction of the nanoscale mechanism leading to the preservation of an exceptional collection of ancient cellulosic textiles recovered in the ancient Near East (4,000 to 5,000 years ago). We demonstrate that even the most mineralized fibers, which contain inorganic compounds throughout their histology, enclose preserved cellulosic remains in place. We evidence a process that combines the three steps of water transport of biocidal metal cations and soil solutes, degradation and loss of crystallinity of cellulosic polysaccharides, and silicification.Huntington disease (HD) is an ideal model for investigating selective neurodegeneration, as expanded polyQ repeats in the ubiquitously expressed huntingtin (HTT) cause the preferential neurodegeneration in the striatum of the HD patient brains. Here we report that adeno-associated virus (AAV) transduction-mediated depletion of Hap1, the first identified huntingtin-associated protein, in adult HD knock-in (KI) mouse brains leads to selective neuronal loss in the striatum. Further, Hap1 depletion-mediated neuronal loss via AAV transduction requires the presence of mutant HTT. Rhes, a GTPase that is enriched in the striatum and sumoylates mutant HTT to mediate neurotoxicity, binds more N-terminal HTT when Hap1 is deficient. Consistently, more soluble and sumoylated N-terminal HTT is presented in HD KI mouse striatum when HAP1 is absent. Our findings suggest that both Rhes and Hap1 as well as cellular stress contribute to the preferential neurodegeneration in HD, highlighting the involvement of multiple factors in selective neurodegeneration.The giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) is a decapod crustacean widely reared for human consumption. Currently, viruses of two distinct lineages of parvoviruses (PVs, family Parvoviridae; subfamily Hamaparvovirinae) infect penaeid shrimp. Here, a PV was isolated and cloned from Vietnamese P. monodon specimens, designated Penaeus monodon metallodensovirus (PmMDV). This is the first member of a third divergent lineage shown to infect penaeid decapods. PmMDV has a transcription strategy unique among invertebrate PVs, using extensive alternative splicing and incorporating transcription elements characteristic of vertebrate-infecting PVs. The PmMDV proteins have no significant sequence similarity with other PVs, except for an SF3 helicase domain in its nonstructural protein. Its capsid structure, determined by cryoelectron microscopy to 3-Å resolution, has a similar surface morphology to Penaeus stylirostris densovirus, despite the lack of significant capsid viral protein (VP) sequence similarity. Unlike other PVs, PmMDV folds its VP without incorporating a βA strand and displayed unique multimer interactions, including the incorporation of a Ca2+ cation, attaching the N termini under the icosahedral fivefold symmetry axis, and forming a basket-like pentamer helix bundle. While the PmMDV VP sequence lacks a canonical phospholipase A2 domain, the structure of an EDTA-treated capsid, determined to 2.8-Å resolution, suggests an alternative membrane-penetrating cation-dependent mechanism in its N-terminal region. PmMDV is an observed example of convergent evolution among invertebrate PVs with respect to host-driven capsid structure and unique as a PV showing a cation-sensitive/dependent basket structure for an alternative endosomal egress.Although immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy has revolutionized cancer treatment, many patients do not respond or develop resistance to ICB. N6 -methylation of adenosine (m6A) in RNA regulates many pathophysiological processes. Here, we show that deletion of the m6A demethylase Alkbh5 sensitized tumors to cancer immunotherapy. Alkbh5 has effects on m6A density and splicing events in tumors during ICB. Alkbh5 modulates Mct4/Slc16a3 expression and lactate content of the tumor microenvironment and the composition of tumor-infiltrating Treg and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Importantly, a small-molecule Alkbh5 inhibitor enhanced the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. Notably, the ALKBH5 gene mutation and expression status of melanoma patients correlate with their response to immunotherapy. Our results suggest that m6A demethylases in tumor cells contribute to the efficacy of immunotherapy and identify ALKBH5 as a potential therapeutic target to enhance immunotherapy outcome in melanoma, colorectal, and potentially other cancers.

Autoři článku: Justskriver1918 (Juel Donaldson)