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Spin-singlet Cooper pairs convert to spin-triplet Cooper pairs on passing through a magnetically noncollinear structure at a superconductor(S)/ferromagnet(F) interface. In this context, the generation of triplet supercurrents through intrinsic ferromagnetic domain walls, which are naturally occurring noncollinear magnetic features, was proposed theoretically in the past decade. However, an experimental demonstration has been lacking in the literature, particularly because of the difficulty in accessing a single domain wall, which is typically buried between two domains in a ferromagnetic material. By patterning a ferromagnetic nanoconstriction, we have been able to realize a nanoscale S/F/S planar junction, where a single domain wall (pinned at the nanoconstriction) acts as a Josephson barrier. In this geometry, we are able to show the predicted long-range triplet supercurrent across a ferromagnetic barrier exceeding 70 nm. Using this technique, we have demonstrated a ferromagnetic planar nano-SQUID device consisting of two Nb/Ni/Nb spin-triplet Josephson junctions.Herein we report an efficient protocol for the C(sp2)-H carbonylation of amino acid derivatives based on an inexpensive cobalt(II) salt catalyst. Carbonylation was accomplished using picolinamide as a traceless directing group, CO (1 atm) as the carbonyl source, and Co(dpm)2 as the catalyst. A broad range of phenylalanine derivatives bearing diverse functional groups were tolerated. Moreover, the method can be successfully applied for the C(sp2)-H carbonylation of short peptides thereby allowing access for peptide late-stage carbonylation.A simple and efficient methodology for the synthesis of large sterically hindered triarylamines in a single step was developed. A direct N,N-diarylation of 8-aminoquinoline with sterically hindered bromides, making use of inexpensive nickel as a catalyst and simple sodium salt as a base, gives the products in good to excellent yields. Various bromides and substituted 8-aminoquinolines are tolerated. Preliminary fluorescence results indicate that these sterically hindered and conjugated triarylamines may have some potential in material chemistry.We utilize coherent femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (EUV) pulses from a free electron laser (FEL) to generate transient periodic magnetization patterns with periods as short as 44 nm. Combining spatially periodic excitation with resonant probing at the M-edge of cobalt allows us to create and probe transient gratings of electronic and magnetic excitations in a CoGd alloy. In a demagnetized sample, we observe an electronic excitation with a rise time close to the FEL pulse duration and ∼0.5 ps decay time indicative of electron-phonon relaxation. When the sample is magnetized to saturation in an external field, we observe a magnetization grating, which appears on a subpicosecond time scale as the sample is demagnetized at the maxima of the EUV intensity and then decays on the time scale of tens of picoseconds via thermal diffusion. The described approach opens multiple avenues for studying dynamics of ultrafast magnetic phenomena on nanometer length scales.The solvent-dependent photophysics of two 4-amino-substituted 1,8-naphthalene imides (AIs) were studied using fluorescence spectroscopy and laser flash photolysis. The compounds were functionalized with water-soluble 2,2'(ethylenedioxy) diethylamine groups, yielding a monomer (AI3) and a dimer (AI4). The radiative and nonradiative singlet-state deactivation processes of AI3 and AI4 were quantified in 10 solvents and at different pH values. AZD7545 price The fluorescence quantum yield for the AI4 dimer in water was more than 100× lower than in other solvents, or for the monomeric AI3. The enhanced nonradiative decay of aqueous solutions of dimeric AI4 is accompanied by biexponential decay kinetics, suggesting equilibration with a dark excited state. An oxygen-quenchable triplet state (T1) of AI3 was produced upon 416 nm excitation in both water and n-octanol. In water, the T1 state evolved into a long-lived transient that was unreactive toward oxygen or several electron donors. This species was not observed in n-octanol. The transient observed upon 416 nm excitation of AI4 in water was extremely weak. However, production of T1 in both AI3 and AI4 was evidenced by the photoinduced electron transfer to methyl viologen, albeit in low quantum yield (0.0503 and 0.00778 for AI3 and AI4, respectively). The photophysics and reactivity are consistent with the production of an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) state that is stabilized in water. Significantly, this stabilization enhances nonradiative decay pathways, particularly in the AI4 dimer. link2 The results indicate that the photochemistry of these compounds can be environmentally mediated, switching from radical- to triplet-initiated processes.Mesoporous silica materials (MSMs) produced by true liquid crystal templating (TLCT) are often considered as direct inverted replicas of the initial lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC) phase. However, the predictive design of tailor-made MSMs requires the full knowledge of the TLCT process, which is still incomplete. Here, we tackle this issue by monitoring the structural evolution during the templating process by small-angle X-ray scattering, showing that after the addition of the silica source the reaction mixture is first isotropic and then an intermediary liquid crystal phase appears, which is the key to the success of the templating process, namely the formation of ordered MSMs. We analyze the structure and the formation dynamics of this intermediary phase and present a simple theoretical model, which allows us to connect the structural parameters of the initial LLC and the MSM. link3 These results provide an enhanced understanding of the TLCT process and are an important step toward the predictable synthesis of new MSMs in the future.Even in the absence of surfactants, polymers, or particles, spontaneous emulsions produced by dilution with water can be stable over days. This "Ouzo effect" used by the industry is obtained by rapid dilution from an identified "pre-Ouzo" domain of composition where weak aggregates are present nanometer-sized clusters covered by a surface layer enriched in a hydrotrope such as ethanol. In these systems, Ostwald ripening is not an effective destabilizing mechanism. Using in situ autodilution small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), we follow the morphological transitions occurring in a ternary mixture of water/n-octanol/ethanol throughout the monophasic and biphasic regions. This allows for the first time an online characterization of the multiscale coexisting microstructures. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) profiles on metastable emulsions as well as phase-separated samples complete the SAXS data, taking advantage of contrast variation via isotopic substitution. After crossing the phase boundary into the two-phase region, coexisting phases are both ternary solutions structured at the nanometer scale when the emulsion is stable. The transition from single phase to two phases is asymmetric around the plait point. When the initial concentration of the hydrotrope is below the minimum hydrotrope concentration (MHC), emulsification failure occurs, i.e., emulsions cream within seconds. Beyond MHC, the low interfacial tension between coexisting ternary fluids results in a Laplace pressure below 100 Pa, explaining the puzzling resilience of spontaneous emulsion to the universal mechanism of Ostwald ripening.The mercury dihalides show a remarkable diversity in the structural preferences in their minimum energy structure types, spanning molecular to strongly bound ionic solids. A challenge in the development of density functional methods for extended systems is to arrive at strategies that serve equally well such a broad range of bonding modes or structural preferences. The chemical bonding and the stabilities of mercury dihalides and the general utility and reliability of the van der Waals density functional with C09 exchange (vdW-DF-C09) in predicting or describing the energetics and structural preferences in these metal dihalides is examined. We show that, in contrast with the uncorrected generalized gradient approximation of the Perdew-Burke-Erzenhoff (PBE) exchange-correlation functional, qualitative and quantitative patterns in the bonding of the mercury dihalide solids are well reproduced with vdW-DF-C09 for the full series of HgX2 systems for X = F, Cl, Br, and I. The possible existence of a low-temperature cotunnite polymorph for HgF2 and PbF2 is posited.The cooperativity of a monomeric enzyme arises from dynamic correlation instead of spatial correlation and is a consequence of nonequilibrium conformation fluctuations. We investigate the conformation-modulated kinetics of human glucokinase, a monomeric enzyme with important physiological functions, using a five-state kinetic model. We derive the non-Michealis-Menten (MM) correction term of the activity (i.e., turnover rate), predict its relationship to cooperativity, and reveal the violation of conformational detailed balance. Most importantly, we reproduce and explain the observed resonance effect in human glucokinase (i.e., maximal cooperativity when the conformational fluctuation rate is comparable to the catalytic rate). With the realistic parameters, our theoretical results are in quantitative agreement with the reported measurement by Miller and co-workers. The analysis can be extended to a general chemical network beyond the five-state model, suggesting the generality of kinetic cooperativity and resonance.The fabrication of electrically conductive hydrogels is challenging as the introduction of an electrically conductive filler often changes mechanical hydrogel matrix properties. Here, we present an approach for the preparation of hydrogel composites with outstanding electrical conductivity at extremely low filler loadings (0.34 S m-1, 0.16 vol %). Exfoliated graphene and polyacrylamide are microengineered to 3D composites such that conductive graphene pathways pervade the hydrogel matrix similar to an artificial nervous system. This makes it possible to combine both the exceptional conductivity of exfoliated graphene and the adaptable mechanical properties of polyacrylamide. The demonstrated approach is highly versatile regarding porosity, filler material, as well as hydrogel system. The important difference to other approaches is that we keep the original properties of the matrix, while ensuring conductivity through graphene-coated microchannels. This novel approach of generating conductive hydrogels is very promising, with particular applications in the fields of bioelectronics and biohybrid robotics.Thermally activated delayed fluorescent (TADF) emitters have received great attention in organic light-emitting diodes and laser diodes because of high exciton utilization efficiency and low optical loss caused by triplets. However, the direct observation of lasing emission from nondoped TADF microcrystals has yet to be reported. Here, we demonstrated a three-color (green, yellow, and red) microlaser from three nondoped TADF microcrystals with well-controlled geometries. The temperature-dependent dynamic analyses testify that the regenerated singlets which originated from the reverse intersystem crossing process at room temperature are beneficial for population inversion and reduce triplet-absorption/annihilation optical loses, together resulting in thermally activated lasing actions. Thanks to single-crystalline structures of TADF emitters, the relationship between triplet-harvesting capability and the molecular structure was systematically investigated. The results not only offer rational design of pure TADF gain materials but also provide guidance for the high-performance electrically driven organic solid-state lasers and multicolor laser integration.

Autoři článku: Jorgensenwallace8570 (Wyatt Dalgaard)