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Mentoring relationships and programs have become a subject of global interest and their relevance is high in the ever-evolving health system. Trichostatin A cost In Nigeria, informal system of mentoring is largely practiced. To be able to institutionalize mentoring program, there is need to explore the various challenges of mentoring process and suggest potential approaches for effective mentor-mentee relationship in health research institutions in Nigeria.

The study was designed to explore the barriers and solutions to mentoring process from the perspectives of the mentor, mentee, and organization in health research and training institutions in Nigeria. A cross-sectional descriptive design was employed and the study was conducted among 21 health researchers drawn from 24 health research institutions across the 6 regions of Nigeria. The nominal group technique was adopted in the data collection process.

The most frequently reported mentor challenges were "lack of understanding of mentorship process" (84.2%) and "lack of capacity for mentoring" (78.9%), while those of mentee were "mentor preference" (73.7%) and "lack of freedom of expression" (47.4%). "Culture of selfishness/individualism" (84.2%) and "lack of formal relationship" (63.2%) were the most mentioned systemic challenges. Training on mentoring process and relationship was mentioned as the most frequent approach to overcoming challenges for the three perspectives.

Significant mentorship challenges exist in the Nigerian health, academic and research institution. Systematic approaches to finding and implementing the appropriate solutions are needed to circumvent these bottlenecks.

Significant mentorship challenges exist in the Nigerian health, academic and research institution. Systematic approaches to finding and implementing the appropriate solutions are needed to circumvent these bottlenecks.The reported occurrence of ocular infections with nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections has been increasing in the past few decades. NTM are known to cause intraocular infections as well as infections of the ocular appendages and are often recalcitrant to medical therapy. Uveal involvement due to NTM is rare and most reported cases have predisposing factors such as cataract surgery or immunocompromised states. Diagnosis and treatment pose challenge due to difficulty in procuring sufficient clinical material to obtain microbial diagnosis and inadequate response to medical therapy. The clinical challenge is further heightened in the presence of an underlying rheumatologic disease that is known to cause uveitis. We share the case of a young gentleman with ankylosing spondylitis who was being treated with secukinumab with good response to joint symptoms. He developed sudden onset uveitis which was diagnosed to be due to NTM infection based on aqueous humor polymerase chain reaction studies. He had a good clinical response to an empirical anti-mycobacterial regime with the restoration of vision. This report narrates the first case of NTM uveitis secondary to secukinumab therapy.Isolated calvarial involvement with tuberculosis (TB) is a very rare entity, with the incidence of only 0.01% of all patients with mycobacterial infections. The factors attributable could be malnutrition, poor socioeconomic conditions, and immunodeficiency syndromes. We hereby present the case of a 35-year-old male who had recently recovered from coronavirus disease 2019 and a diagnosed case of Evan's syndrome with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis who presented with a scalp swelling on the right frontotemporal region. He presented to the emergency department with acute-onset generalized tonic - clonic seizures with high-grade fever. Clinically, the swelling appeared like a cystic swelling of the scalp. On evaluation, there was a collection present below the scalp communicating with the extradural space, involving the underlying skull bone. The patient was operated with drainage of the abscess plus excision of the pathological underlying skull bone. The pus revealed florid amount of acid-fast bacillus on Ziehl-Neelsen staining. The patient was started on four drugs Category 1 antitubercular regimen. The patient responded well to the combined surgical and medical treatment. It should be emphasized that TB can involve any part of the body. It should be kept as differential diagnosis of any chronic inflammatory lesion involving the bony skeleton, especially in endemic countries where combined surgical and medical treatment is usually sufficient to provide a cure.Mycobacterium kansasii is the second most common cause of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease after Mycobacterium avium complex infection in the United States.[1] The first-line therapy for M. kansasii is a three-drug regimen including rifampin, isoniazid, and ethambutol. We present a case of a patient with pulmonary M. kansasii who developed bullous skin lesions while receiving this regimen and again after rechallenge with ethambutol. In patients with intolerance to one of the first-line antibiotics, a multidisciplinary team approach to starting second-line agents is needed. Ethambutol should be included in the differential diagnosis of drug-induced bullous skin lesions in treated patients with NTM, who develop new onset rash with blisters or ulceration.Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is a serious public health of concern. We present the management of multidrug-resistant (MDR)-TB with skin reaction in Zanzibar in a patient who had prior exposure to anti-TB drugs. The reaction developed 4 months later, following MDR-TB treatment, stopped when the drug was withdrawn, and reappeared when reintroduced. Close monitoring is important in managing DR-TB cases, and an active DR-TB safety, monitoring, and management is required to detect, monitor, and manage adverse events timely.Pott's disease is a vertebral infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indolent nature and subacute course are associated with late diagnosis. A clinical case is presented whose diagnosis was delayed by atypical presentation with progressive worsening of symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the dorsolumbar spine revealed T7-T8 angulation suggestive of secondary injury, with intracanalar extension and spinal cord compression. Gastric aspirate cultures, direct microscopy, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were A 79-yearold female came to the emergency department with right back pain, pleuritic, with 12 h of evolution. Anorexia and weight loss,1 month evolution. Computed tomography (CT) of the dorsal spine revealed T7-T8 lytic lesions, suggestive of secondary nature. Objectivelyweight loss and pain during thoracic palpation. Annalistically normocytic/normochromic anemia, hypercalcemia, hepatic cholestasis, C-reactive protein (CRP) 7.12 mg/dL. Chest X-ray and electrocardiogram without alterations. She was admitted in Internal Medicine service. Analytically hypophosphatemia, parathyroid hormone elevated, CRP 6 mg/dL, Beta-2 microglobulin elevated, dyslipidemia, iron and folicacid deficiency.negative for M. tuberculosis. T8 aspiration CT guided cultures/direct microscopy negative, PCR positive for M. tuberculosis. Introductionof antitubercular drugs. Worsening of symptomatology, with paraparesia. MRI of the dorsal spine revealed spondylodiscitis and spinal cordcompression in T7-T8. Diagnosis revealed vertebral tuberculosis with spinal cord compression. She was transferred to neurosurgery servicefor surgical treatment. There was clinical and analytical improvement. Draws attention to difficulty in diagnose a treatable disease in a patientwith a rare presentation.

The early secreted antigenic target-6 kDa (ESAT-6) being one of the important antigens expressed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) has been widely investigated for its strong immunmodulatory effects. We have previously evaluated the immunotherapeutic efficacy of ESAT-6 in the murine model of experimental tuberculosis (TB). Now in the present study, we have evaluated the immunotherapeutic efficacy of N-terminally formylated form of ESAT-6 (f-ESAT-6) in murine TB.

The production and purification of f-ESAT-6 have been discussed in our earlier report (Mir SA and Sharma S, 2014). In the present study, the MTB H

Rv-infected mice were treated with f-ESAT-6 alone or in combination with anti-TB drugs (ATDs). Four weeks postinitiation of the treatment, the experimental mice were sacrificed, and the colony-forming units (CFUs) were enumerated in their lungs and spleen as described in "materials and methods" section.

The N-terminally formylated ESAT-6 protein (f-ESAT-6) induced a moderate reduction in the bacterial load in the target organs of infected mice. Compared to the dimethyldioctadecyl ammonium bromide treated and untreated groups, the f-ESAT-6 treatment significantly reduced the CFU in the spleen and lungs of infected mice by 0.377 log

units (P < 0.05) and 0.396 log

units (P < 0.01), respectively. The administration of f-ESAT-6 in combination with ATDs revealed an additional immunotherapeutic effect and elicited higher therapeutic efficacy over drugs (ATDs) alone.

The results of the present study clearly indicate that f-ESAT-6 protein alone as well as in combination with the conventional ATDs induce moderate therapeutic effect against experimental TB.

The results of the present study clearly indicate that f-ESAT-6 protein alone as well as in combination with the conventional ATDs induce moderate therapeutic effect against experimental TB.

Health facilities which do not have capacity to diagnose tuberculosis (TB) depend on other facilities. This involves the courier of specimen such as sputum to diagnostic centers. This study was aimed at determining the turnaround time of sputum examinations for TB patients involving a courier system between the treatment and diagnostic centers.

The study tracked the sputum samples between TB treatment and diagnostic centers. Sputum samples for both diagnosis and follow-up reasons were purposely and serially tracked from the time they were sent to the laboratory to the time results were received at the treatment centers.

Of the 65 sputum samples tracked at Chazanga, results were available for 49 (75.4%), 6 (9.2%) were unaccounted for, 4 (6.2%) were rejected by the laboratory, 4 (6.2%) had "error" results, and 2 (3.1%) were declared "missing" because it took more than a month to return the results. The turnaround time ranged from 2 days to 18 days with an average of 5.8 days (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.5-7.1 days). At Kaunda Square, of the 49 samples tracked, results were available for 44 (89.8%), 2 (4.1%) were unaccounted for, 2 (4.1%) were rejected, and 1 (2.0%) was declared "missing." The turnaround time ranged from 2 to 25 days with an average of 6.3 days (95% CI 5.3-7.4 days).

The turnaround times of sputum examinations of the two treatment centers were long. The courier system should be closely monitored to determine if it is performing well because the system is still necessary for facilities without laboratories.

The turnaround times of sputum examinations of the two treatment centers were long. The courier system should be closely monitored to determine if it is performing well because the system is still necessary for facilities without laboratories.

Autoři článku: Johnstonklint0965 (Olsen Krause)