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The COVID-19 pandemic increased the saliency of an old phenomenon - conspiracy theories. In times of a global crisis and an unprecedented access to information, fake news seems to spread as fast as the virus. A global pandemic requires more than ever self-compliance. Only behavior change and vaccination on a large scale can bring us to normality. Yet believing in conspiracy theories about COVID-19 is expected to undermine such compliance. What determines susceptibility to believing in misinformation? In this study, using data on mostly representative samples of 45 countries around the world (38,113 participants), we found evidence that people with more deliberate thinking are less likely to believe in conspiracy theories. Furthermore, on the individual level people who are more prone to believe in conspiracy theories are less likely to comply with behavior change. We are in the midst of the biggest coordination game and such insights in social psychology can inform policymakers.Numerous lines of research suggest that communicative dyadic actions elicit preferential processing and more accurate detection compared to similar but individual actions. SPOP-i-6lc However, it is unclear whether the presence of the second agent provides additional cues that allow for more accurate discriminability between communicative and individual intentions or whether it lowers the threshold for perceiving third-party encounters as interactive. We performed a series of studies comparing the recognition of communicative actions from single and dyadic displays in healthy individuals. A decreased response threshold for communicative actions was observed for dyadic vs. single-agent animations across all three studies, providing evidence for the dyadic communicative bias. Furthermore, consistent with the facilitated recognition hypothesis, congruent response to a communicative gesture increased the ability to accurately interpret the actions. In line with dual-process theory, we propose that both mechanisms may be perceived as complementary rather than competitive and affect different stages of stimuli processing.

Few existing evidence-based parent interventions (EBPIs) for prevention and treatment of child and youth mental health disorders are implemented in low-middle-income countries. This study aimed to translate and confirm the factor structure of the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS-15) survey in Brazilian Portuguese with the goal of examining providers' perspective about EBPIs.

We translated and back translated the EBPAS-15 from English to Brazilian Portuguese. Participants were recruited via snowball sampling and data were collected using an online survey from July of 2018 through January of 2020. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to determine if the scale retained its original structure. Open-ended questions about providers' perspectives of their own clinical practice were coded using the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF). Analyses included data from 362 clinicians (318 women, 41 men) from 20 of the 27 states of Brazil. Participants on average were 26.7 years old, held specialist degrees in the field of psychology, actively worked as therapists, and practiced in private clinics.

The translation of the EBPAS to Brazilian Portuguese retained the same four-factor structure as the English version except for dropping one item from the Divergence domain. When asked about the challenges in their practices, providers generally referred to parents as clients with little skills to discipline their children and lacking knowledge about child development.

The Brazilian version of the EBPAS-15 is promising, but future research should consider using quantitative data alongside qualitative information to better understand providers' attitudes about evidence-based interventions to inform implementation efforts.


N/A.In the last decades, anthropogenic drivers have significantly influenced the natural climate variability of Earth's atmosphere. Climate change has become a subject of major interest for different levels of our society, such as national governments, businesses, local administration, or citizens. While national and local policies propose mitigation and adaptation strategies for different sectors, public perception is a key component of any implementation plan. This study investigates the CC perception in Romania, based on a national-scale online survey performed in the spring of 2020, aiming to outline the prominence of environmental and CC issues, level of information and interest, perceived causes, changes perceived in meteorological phenomena at the regional scale, perceived impacts, and the psychological representation of the CC. The study investigates single causal factors of perception. We found that particularly (i) the regional differences on climate change intensity strongly bias the perception of CC causes; (ii) age is very likely to influence the acceptance of CC, the importance of environmental issues, and the levels of information and interest; while (iii) age, gender, and place of residence (rural-urban) are very likely to control the changes perceived in the occurrence of various meteorological phenomena, and their impact. This research is the first statistically relevant analysis (± 4%, statistical significance) developed at national and regional scales and the only study of climate change perception performed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. Its results may represent the baseline for more in-depth research.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00704-022-04041-4.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00704-022-04041-4.The traditional approaches to false discovery rate (FDR) control in multiple hypothesis testing are usually based on the null distribution of a test statistic. However, all types of null distributions, including the theoretical, permutation-based and empirical ones, have some inherent drawbacks. For example, the theoretical null might fail because of improper assumptions on the sample distribution. Here, we propose a null distribution-free approach to FDR control for multiple hypothesis testing in the case-control study. This approach, named target-decoy procedure, simply builds on the ordering of tests by some statistic or score, the null distribution of which is not required to be known. Competitive decoy tests are constructed from permutations of original samples and are used to estimate the false target discoveries. We prove that this approach controls the FDR when the score function is symmetric and the scores are independent between different tests. Simulation demonstrates that it is more stable and powerful than two popular traditional approaches, even in the existence of dependency. Evaluation is also made on two real datasets, including an arabidopsis genomics dataset and a COVID-19 proteomics dataset.For some infectious diseases such as mumps, HBV, there is evidence showing that vaccinated individuals always lose their immunity at different rates depending on the inoculation time. In this paper, we propose an age-structured epidemic model using a step function to describe the rate at which vaccinated individuals lose immunity and reduce the age-structured epidemic model to the delay differential model. For the age-structured model, we consider the positivity, boundedness, and compactness of the semiflow and study global stability of equilibria by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functionals. Moreover, for the reduced delay differential equation model, we study the existence of the endemic equilibrium and prove the global stability of equilibria. Finally, some numerical simulations are provided to support our theoretical results and a brief discussion is given.Online reviews have an undeniable impact on the market and are an important source of consumer information. From a legal perspective, online reviews actively influence consumers' decisions to enter into a contract. Moreover, online reviews convey pre-contractual information that consumers find relevant and easy to understand, unlike the pre-contractual information disclosed as a result of EU law-based information duties. From this perspective, online reviews could potentially be seen as a complement of the flawed EU law-based information paradigm and regulatory improvement options based on reviews could be explored. However, the unreliability of online reviews is an obstacle that haunts consumers, practitioners, regulators, and academics alike. This unreliability has previously been identified as a reason not to award online reviews a more significant role in the EU law-based regulatory framework of pre-contractual information in consumer contracts. This paper explores the merits of this argument by discussing how the unreliability of online reviews is currently regulated. This paper takes a broad perspective on regulation, focusing not only on EU consumer legislation, but also looking at standardization, soft law, self-regulation, and the role of national consumer authorities. Overall, this paper argues that there are sufficient measures in place to shift the debate from the unreliability of reviews to reviews' potential role in the protection of consumer informational interests.COVID-19 is the disease caused by a novel coronavirus (CoV) named the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (termed SARS coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2). Since the first case reported in December 2019, infections caused by this novel virus have led to a continuous global pandemic that has placed an unprecedented burden on health, economic, and social systems worldwide. In response, multiple therapeutic options have been developed to stop this pandemic. One of these options is based on traditional corticosteroids, however, chemical modifications to enhance their efficacy remain largely unexplored. Obtaining additional insight into the chemical and physical properties of pharmacologically effective drugs used to combat COVID-19 will help physicians and researchers alike to improve current treatments and vaccines (i.e., Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Janssen). Herein, we examined the charge-transfer properties of two corticosteroids used as adjunctive therapies in the treatment of COVID-19, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone, as donors with 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-p-benzoquinone as an acceptor in various solvents. We found that the examined donors reacted strongly with the acceptor in CH2Cl2 and CHCl3 solvents to create stable compounds with novel clinical potential.A modular design composed of 3D-printed polycaprolactone (PCL) as the load-bearing module, and dual porosity gelatin foam as the bio-reactive module, was developed and characterized in this study. Surface treatment of the PCL module through aminolysis-aldehyde process was found to yield a stronger interface bonding compared to NaOH hydrolysis, and therefore was used in the fabrication procedure. The modular scaffold was shown to significantly improve the mechanical properties of the gelatin foam. Both compressive modulus and ultimate strength was found to increase over 10 times when the modular design was employed. The bio-reactive module i.e., gelatin foam, presented a dual porosity network of 100-300 μm primary and less then 10 μm secondary pores. SEM images revealed excellent attachment of DPSCs to the bio-reactive module.

Autoři článku: Johnstongoldberg8977 (Iversen Grimes)