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With more than 28 active members, the Mediterranean Engineering Schools Network (RMEI) is the most active network on gender equality in the Mediterranean area. Supported by the HORIZON2020 TARGET project 'Taking a Reflexive Approach to Gender Equality for Institutional Transformation', in conceptualizing gender equality learning and system change, the network took a context-specific approach based on a theory of change and other STEM organizational frameworks, to design a self-assessment framework and indicators, considering the systemic view of SDG5 horizontally connected to all SDGs, national context complexity, and transdisciplinary requirements. 95 simple, practical, user-friendly indicators were designed, fitting in the specificities of the Mediterranean-Engineering context. The analysis showed that the network realized its vision, made the 'passage' from theory to praxis on gender equality change, effectively developed meaningful processes/structures, formulated a policy statement, built a community of practice and inspired members. It also achieved trustful relationships and inspired outputs, effective communication, sharing of information and resources, and top management commitment. Critical aspects are a) the analysis in depth of issues linked to the existence of gender-based stereotypes and bias in engineering schools of the Mediterranean that entails tackling gender ideologies considering the whole national social system and existing structures; b) sustainability of gender equality structures created at the member institutions with the support of TARGET project which is depending on the willingness of institution's leaders to continue/advance with gender-sensitive strategies in their institution.The MinION is a portable DNA sequencer that allows real time sequencing at low capital cost investment. We assessed accuracy and cost-effectivess of the MinION for genetic diagnostic testing of known SCN1A mutations that cause Dravet Syndrome (DS). Capsazepine concentration DNA samples (n = 7) from DS patients previously shown to carry SCN1A mutations via Ion Torrent and Sanger sequencing were sequenced using the MinION. SCN1A amplicons for 8 exons were sequenced using the MinION with 1D chemistry on an R9.4 flow cell. All known missense mutations were detected in all samples showing 100 % concordance with results from other methods. However, the MinION failed to detect the insertions/deletions (INDELs) present in these patients. Nevertheless, these results indicate that MinION is a cost-effective platform for use as an initial screening step in the detection of nucleotide substitution mutations in in SCN1A, especially in under-resourced laboratories or hospitals. Further improvements are required to reliably detect INDELS in this gene.

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is a severe childhood-onset epileptic encephalopathy characterized by the presence of multiple types of intractable seizures, cognitive impairment, and specific electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns. The aim of this study was to investigate the electroclinical features of patients with LGS during adulthood.

We retrospectively identified the medical records of 20 patients aged over 18 years with a diagnosis of LGS from 3896 patients with epilepsy.

Thirteen (65 %) patients were male. The mean age of the patients was 23.4 ± 7.1 (min-max; 18-43) years, and the mean follow-up period was 5.6 ± 4.5 (min-max; 1-14) years. The etiology was identified in 11 (55 %) patients. None of the patients achieved seizure freedom. The most prevalent seizure types were atypical absences in 14 (70 %) patients, tonic seizures in 13 (65 %) patients, and atonic seizures in 11 (55 %) patients. One (5 %) patient was diagnosed as having psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. Mental retardation was reported in all patients and only half of them could walk independently. All patients had drug-resistant seizures and 16 (80 %) patients were on polytherapy. A vagus nerve stimulator was implanted into ten (50 %) patients and five reported 50-80 % seizure reduction. Ketogenic diet was administered to two (10 %) patients and epilepsy surgery was performed in two (10 %) patients with no significant benefit.

Paying attention to all factors of seizure outcomes, cognitive impairment, and ambulatory status, all patients were dependent on caregivers for daily living abilities. LGS has life-long persistence with poor outcomes, even during adulthood.

Paying attention to all factors of seizure outcomes, cognitive impairment, and ambulatory status, all patients were dependent on caregivers for daily living abilities. LGS has life-long persistence with poor outcomes, even during adulthood.In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the potential involvement of neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. Specifically, the role of innate immunity (that includes cytokines and chemokines) has been extensively investigated either in animal models of epilepsy and in clinical settings. Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEE) are a heterogeneous group of epileptic disorders, in which uncontrolled epileptic activity results in cognitive, motor and behavioral impairment. By definition, epilepsy in DEE is poorly controlled by common antiepileptic drugs but may respond to alternative treatments, including steroids and immunomodulatory drugs. In this review, we will focus on how cytokines and chemokines play a role in the pathogenesis of DEE and why expanding our knowledge about the role of neuroinflammation in DEE may be crucial to develop new and effective targeted therapeutic strategies to prevent seizure recurrence and developmental regression.

Seizures are a frequent complication after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). The CAVE score was developed in Europeans to predict late seizures after ICH. Given the higher incidence of ICH in Asians, we aimed to develop and validate a clinical scoring tool for predicting post-ICH late seizures in Chinese.

We retrospectively included patients admitted with ICH to a major stroke center in Shandong province, China, in the derivation cohort, who were followed up for occurrence of late seizures (more than seven days after ICH). We applied Cox regression model to identify significant clinical factors which were used to derive a predictive scoring model. The performance of this model was compared with CAVE, and validated in a separate cohort of patients with ICH admitted to another stroke center.

In the derivation cohort (n = 602; median age 65 years; 57 % male;median follow up 24 months), 47 (7.8 %) patients had late seizures during follow up. Four significant risk factors were identified and selected to derive the LANE score (Lobar hemorrhage, Age <65 years, NIHSS score ≥15, Early seizures).

Autoři článku: Johnstonbekker3920 (Grant Binderup)