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Droughts are major natural disasters that affect many parts of the world all years and recently affected one of the major conilon coffee-producing regions of the world in state of Espírito Santo, which caused a huge crisis in the sector. Therefore, the objective of this study was to conduct an analysis with technical-scientific basis of the real impact of drought associated with high temperatures and irradiances on the conilon coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) plantations located in the north, northwest, and northeast regions of the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Data from 2010 to 2016 of rainfall, air temperature, production, yield, planted area and surface remote sensing were obtained from different sources, statistically analyzed, and correlated. The 2015/2016 season was the most affected by the drought and high temperatures (mean annual above 26 °C) because, in addition to the adverse weather conditions, coffee plants were already damaged by the climatic conditions of the previous season. Theng the risk of coffee production losses and contributing to the sustainability of crops in Espírito Santo.Due to the accumulation of various useful traits over evolutionary time, emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum and dicoccoides, 2n = 4x = 28; AABB), durum wheat (T. turgidum subsp. durum, 2n = 4x = 28; AABB), T. timopheevii (2n = 4x = 28; AAGG) and D genome containing Aegilops species offer excellent sources of novel variation for the improvement of bread wheat (T. aestivum L., AABBDD). Here, we made 192 different cross combinations between diverse genotypes of wheat and Aegilops species including emmer wheat × Ae. tauschii (2n = DD or DDDD), durum wheat × Ae. tauschii, T. timopheevii × Ae. tauschii, Ae. crassa × durum wheat, Ae. cylindrica × durum wheat and Ae. ventricosa × durum wheat in the field over three successive years. We successfully recovered 56 different synthetic hexaploid and octaploid F2 lines with AABBDD, AABBDDDD, AAGGDD, D1D1XcrXcrAABB, DcDcCcCcAABB and DvDvNvNvAABB genomes via in vitro rescue of F1 embryos and spontaneous production of F2 seeds on the Fl plants. Cytogenetic analysis of F2 lines showed that the produced synthetic wheat lines were generally promising stable amphiploids. Contribution of D genome bearing Aegilops and the less-investigated emmer wheat genotypes as parents in the crosses resulted in synthetic amphiploids which are a valuable resource for bread wheat breeding.Resolving set and metric basis has become an integral part in combinatorial chemistry and molecular topology. It has a lot of applications in computer, chemistry, pharmacy and mathematical disciplines. A subset S of the vertex set V of a connected graph G resolves G if all vertices of G have different representations with respect to S. A metric basis for G is a resolving set having minimum cardinal number and this cardinal number is called the metric dimension of G. In present work, we find a metric basis and also metric dimension of 1-pentagonal carbon nanocones. We conclude that only three vertices are minimal requirement for the unique identification of all vertices in this network.Massive hepatic necrosis after therapeutic embolization has been reported. We employed a 320-detector CT scanner to compare liver perfusion differences between blunt liver trauma patients treated with embolization and observation. This prospective study with informed consent was approved by institution review board. From January 2013 to December 2016, we enrolled 16 major liver trauma patients (6 women, 10 men; mean age 34.9 ± 12.8 years) who fulfilled inclusion criteria. Liver CT perfusion parameters were calculated by a two-input maximum slope model. Of 16 patients, 9 received embolization and 7 received observation. Among 9 patients of embolization group, their arterial perfusion (78.1 ± 69.3 versus 163.1 ± 134.3 mL/min/100 mL, p = 0.011) and portal venous perfusion (74.4 ± 53.0 versus 160.9 ± 140.8 mL/min/100 mL, p = 0.008) were significantly lower at traumatic parenchyma than at non-traumatic parenchyma. Among 7 patients of observation group, only portal venous perfusion was significantly lower at traumatic parenchyma than non-traumatic parenchyma (132.1 ± 127.1 vs. 231.1 ± 174.4 mL/min/100 mL, p = 0.018). The perfusion index between groups did not differ. None had massive hepatic necrosis. They were not different in age, injury severity score and injury grades. Therefore, reduction of both arterial and portal venous perfusion can occur when therapeutic embolization was performed in preexisting major liver trauma, but hepatic perfusion index may not be compromised.Extension of the Azores Plateau along the Terceira Rift exposes a lava sequence on the steep northern flank of the Hirondelle Basin. Unlike typical tholeiitic basalts of oceanic plateaus, the 1.2 km vertical submarine stratigraphic profile reveals two successive compositionally distinct basanitic to alkali basaltic eruptive units. The lower unit is volumetrically more extensive with ~ 1060 m of the crustal profile forming between ~ 2.02 and ~ 1.66 Ma, followed by a second unit erupting the uppermost ~ 30 m of lavas in ~ 100 kyrs. The age of ~ 1.56 Ma of the youngest in-situ sample at the top of the profile implies that the 35 km-wide Hirondelle Basin opened after this time along normal faults. This rifting phase was followed by alkaline volcanism at D. João de Castro seamount in the basin center indicating episodic volcanic activity along the Terceira Rift. The mantle source compositions of the two lava units change towards less radiogenic Nd, Hf, and Pb isotope ratios. A change to less SiO2-undersaturated magmas may indicate increasing degrees of partial melting beneath D. João de Castro seamount, possibly caused by lithospheric thinning within the past 1.5 million years. Our results suggest that rifting of oceanic lithosphere alternates between magmatically and tectonically dominated phases.Most of the human genome is non-coding. However, some of the non-coding part is transcriptionally active. In humans, the tandemly repeated (TR) pericentromeric non-coding DNA-human satellites 2 and 3 (HS2, HS3)-are transcribed in somatic cells. These transcripts are also found in pre- and post-implantation embryos. The aim of this study was to analyze HS2/HS3 transcription and cellular localization of transcripts in human maturating oocytes. Tetramisole clinical trial The maternal HS2/HS3 TR transcripts transcribed from both strands were accumulated in the ooplasm in GV-MI oocytes as shown by DNA-RNA FISH (fluorescence in-situ hybridization). The transcripts' content was higher in GV oocytes than in somatic cumulus cells according to real-time PCR. Using bioinformatics analysis, we demonstrated the presence of polyadenylated HS2 and HS3 RNAs in datasets of GV and MII oocyte transcriptomes. The transcripts shared a high degree of homology with HS2, HS3 transcripts previously observed in cancer cells. The HS2/HS3 transcripts were revealed by a combination of FISH and immunocytochemical staining within membraneless RNP structures that contained DEAD-box helicases DDX5 and DDX4. The RNP structures were closely associated with mitochondria, and are therefore similar to membraneless bodies described previously only in oogonia. These membraneless structures may be a site for spatial sequestration of RNAs and proteins in both maturating oocytes and cancer cells.The main cause of death by cancer is metastasis rather than local complications of primary tumors. Recent studies suggest that breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs), retains the ability to self-renew and differentiate to repopulate the entire tumor, also, they have been associated with resistance to chemotherapy and tumor recurrence, even after tumor resection. Chemotherapy has been implicated in the induction of resistant phenotypes with highly metastatic potential. Naturally occurring compounds, especially phytochemicals such as P2Et, can target different populations of cancer cells as well as BCSC, favoring the activation of immune response via immunogenic tumor death. Here, we evaluated the presence of BCSC as well as markers related to drug resistance in tumors obtained from 78 patients who had received (or not) chemotherapy before surgery. We evaluated the ex vivo response of patient tumor-derived organoids (or mammospheres) to chemotherapy alone or in combination with P2Et. A xenotransplant model engrafted with MDA-MB-468 was used to evaluate in vivo the activity of P2Et, in this model P2Et delay tumor growth. We show that patients with luminal and TNBC, and those who received neoadjuvant therapy before surgery have a higher frequency of BCSC. Further, the treatment with P2Et in mammospheres and human breast cancer cell lines improve the in vitro tumor death and decrease its viability and proliferation together with the release of immunogenic signals. P2Et could be a good co-adjuvant in antitumor therapy in patients, retarding the tumor growth by enabling the activation of the immune response.COVID-19 disease caused by the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has already brought unprecedented challenges for public health and resulted in huge numbers of cases and deaths worldwide. In the absence of effective vaccine, different countries have employed various other types of non-pharmaceutical interventions to contain the spread of this disease, including quarantines and lockdowns, tracking, tracing and isolation of infected individuals, and social distancing measures. Effectiveness of these and other measures of disease containment and prevention to a large degree depends on good understanding of disease dynamics, and robust mathematical models play an important role in forecasting its future dynamics. In this paper we focus on Ukraine, one of Europe's largest countries, and develop a mathematical model of COVID-19 dynamics, using latest data on parameters characterising clinical features of disease. For improved accuracy, our model includes age-stratified disease parameters, as well as age- and location-specific contact matrices to represent contacts. We show that the model is able to provide an accurate short-term forecast for the numbers and age distribution of cases and deaths. We also simulated different lockdown scenarios, and the results suggest that reducing work contacts is more efficient at reducing the disease burden than reducing school contacts, or implementing shielding for people over 60.Birdstrikes are an important threat to aviation safety. A standardized, scientific process for assessing birdstrike risk could prevent accidents, thereby improving the flight safety and reducing economic losses. However, China currently lacks a unified birdstrike risk assessment system. Here, we propose and validate a new model for assessing birdstrike risk in order to fill that need. The model consists of two elements. First, empirical data are collected on the occurrence of birds at the airport and in a surrounding 8 km buffer. Second, each species is evaluated with a risk assessment matrix that takes into account the number of birds, weight, flight altitude, a tendency to cluster, and range of activity. These five factors allow each species to be divided into one of three risk levels high danger (level 3), moderate danger (level 2) and low danger (level 1). We propose corresponding birdstrike prevention measures for each level. We apply this method to the civil aviation airport in Ordos, China. We found that 20 of the 118 species of birds in and around the airport were high danger birds (level 3).

Autoři článku: Johansenzacho0857 (Bonde Smed)