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We conclude that RMR evolutionary trajectories are shaped by other processes than natural selection in this long-lived ectotherm.The transition of animal life from water onto land is associated with well-documented changes in respiratory physiology and blood chemistry, including a dramatic increase in blood pCO2 and bicarbonate, and changes in ventilatory control. However, these changes have primarily been documented among ancestrally aquatic animal lineages that have evolved to breathe air. In contrast, the physiological consequences of air-breathing animals secondarily adopting aquatic gas exchange are not well explored. Insects are arguably the most successful air-breathing animals, but they have also re-evolved the ability to breathe water multiple times. The juvenile life stages of many insect lineages possess tracheal gills for aquatic gas exchange, but all shift back to breathing air in their adult form. This makes these amphibiotic insects an instructive contrast to most other animal groups, being not only an ancestrally air-breathing group of animals that have re-adapted to life in water, but also a group that undergoes an ontogenetic shift from water back to air across their life cycle. This graphical review summarizes the current knowledge on how blood acid-base balance and ventilatory control change in the dragonfly during its water-to-air transition, and highlights some of the remaining gaps to be filled.The seasonal cycle of growth and regression in the prostate gland of wild ground squirrel provide a unique research model to understand the morphological changes of prostate glands. Our previous studies showed that the local production of dihydrotestosterone could affect the morphology and function of the prostate gland in either an autocrine or paracrine manner. In the present study, we attempted to gain more insight into this process by investigating the expression of key factors implicated in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and the cell cycle, including mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), cyclin-D2, p21, p27 and retinoblastoma 1 (pRB). Morphological and histological observations confirmed that the prostate increased significantly in both size and weight during the breeding season. Positive immunostaining for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was mainly localized to the prostate epithelial cells during the breeding season, which is significantly higher in the prostate gland during the breeding season (2470 ± 81/mm2) than that in the nonbreeding season (324 ± 54/mm2). However, there was no significant difference in the prostate gland when compared between the breeding and nonbreeding seasons, with regards to TUNEL staining. Moreover, cell cycle regulators were mainly localized to the epithelial cells, including mTOR, cyclin-D2, p21, p27 and pRB. the immunostaining of mTOR and cyclin D2 were stronger during the breeding season, whereas the immunostaining of p27 and pRB were stronger during the nonbreeding season. The mRNA expression levels of mTOR, cyclin D2, and PCNA, were higher during the breeding season while those of p27 and p21 were higher during the nonbreeding season. Collectively, this study profiled the distinct expression pattern of key cell cycle regulators throughout the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Collectively, these factors may play important roles in regulating the seasonal growth and regression of the prostatic epithelium in the wild ground squirrel.In contrast to most vertebrates, freshwater turtles of the genera Trachemys and Chrysemys survive total oxygen deprivation for long periods of time. This remarkable tolerance makes them ideal August Krogh's model animals to study adaptions to survive oxygen deprivation. The gasotransmitters nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and their metabolic derivatives are central in regulating the physiological responses to oxygen deprivation. Here, we explore the role of these signaling molecules in the anoxia tolerance of the freshwater turtle, including metabolic suppression and protection against oxidative damage with oxygen deprivation. We describe the interaction of NO and H2S with protein thiols and specifically how this regulates the function of central metabolic enzymes. These interactions contribute both to metabolic suppression and to prevent oxidative damage with oxygen deprivation. Furthermore, NO and H2S interact with ferrous and ferric heme iron, respectively, which affects the activity of central heme proteins. In turtles, these interactions contribute to regulate oxygen consumption in the mitochondria, as well as vascular tone and blood flow during oxygen deprivation. The versatile biological effects of NO and H2S underscore the importance of these volatile signaling molecules in the remarkable tolerance of freshwater turtles to oxygen deprivation.The small intestine of mammals and birds exhibits fascinating variation across taxa, body size, and life history features such as locomotion and diet. In the intestine's brush border membrane (BBM), hydrolases are more abundant than transporters in both mammals and birds, but there are differences among the groups in abundance of certain hydrolases and possibly in transporters. For example, mammals express two α-glucosidases, sucrase-isomaltase (SI) and maltase glucoamylase (MGAM), whereas songbirds we studied have only SI, and the chicken expresses SI plus another α-glucosidase that functions similarly to MGAM but is not a true ortholog. For intestinal absorption of sugars and amino acids, small fliers rely on a paracellular pathway to a greater extent than do nonflying mammals, which rely more on transporters. Possibly having evolved in fliers as compensation for lower intestinal nominal surface area (NSA), the fliers' reliance on paracellular absorption is supported by their greater villous surface enlargement that leads to more (per cm2 NSA) tight junctions and greater clearance of passively absorbed compounds. To match digestive capacity to nutrient load, a positive relationship is often observed between dietary intake of macronutrients and intestinal activity of the enzymes and transporters of their respective constituents. AZD7762 mw In enterocytes, rapid, fine-tuned adjustment to high dietary carbohydrate and protein involves rapid, specific correlated increase in activity and abundance of hydrolases and transporters in the BBM and increases in their mRNA.Lipase from Rhizomucor miehei (RML) is a promising biocatalyst used in food industry, fine chemicals, and biodiesel production. Yeast surface display allows direct application of lipase in form of whole-cell biocatalyst, avoiding purification and immobilization process, but the protease of the host cell may affect the activity of displayed lipase. Herein, we used the protease-deficient Pichia pastoris, PichiaPink™ as host to display RML efficiently. RML gene, GCW21 gene and α-factor gene were co-cloned into plasmid pPink LC/HC and transformed into protease-deficient P. pastoris. After inducution expression for 96 h, the lipase activity of displayed RML reached 121.72 U/g in proteinase-A-deficient P. pastoris harboring high-copy plasmid, which exhibited 46.7% higher than recombinant P. pastoris without protease defect. Displayed RML occurred the maximum activity at pH 8.0 and 45 °C and the optimal substrate was p-nitrophenyl octanoate. Metal ions Li+, Na+, K+, and Mg2+ of 1-10 mM had activation towards displayed RML. Displayed RML was effectively improved in PichiaPink™ protease-deficient system, which may promote the further research and development for the industrial application of RML.Breast cancer (BRCA) is the most common malignant tumor in women. The estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) subtype accounts for ∼70% of BRCA cases. Estrogen is a crucial hormone that directly stimulates the growth and development of mammary glands. Recent studies revealed that, as an estrogen cofactor, ATP has an important role in determining the action of estrogen by mediating phase separation. NUDT5 has been recognized as a key factor for ATP production in the nucleus of BRCA cells and, therefore, could represent a novel drug target for ER+ BRCA. Based on a survival analysis of patients with BRCA documented in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TGCA) database, we show that NUDT5 is also a potential prognostic biomarker for ER+ BRCA.

To investigate the etiology, progression, and treatment of precocious puberty in 7- to 8-year-old girls with breast development. Additionally, we evaluated the value of diagnostic tests in differentiating rapidly progressive precocious puberty (RP-PP) and slowly progressive precocious puberty (SP-PP) in these girls.

Ambispective cohort study.

Single-center, pediatric endocrinology unit.

Girls with breast development between the ages of 7 and 8years and assessed between July 2016 and July2018.

Collected of clinical data and followed-up for 2 to 3years. Girls were divided into RP-PP and SP-PP groups.

Described the etiology, rate of progression of puberty, and proportion intervened and compared the results of auxiliary examinations between the groups.

A total of 212 girls were enrolled, of which 211 (99.53%) were diagnosed with central precocious puberty (CPP) and 1 with peripheral precocious puberty (PPP). Hypophysis magnetic resonance imaging revealed that none had pathological brain lesions requiring surgical intervention. A total of 95 girls (44.81%) developed RP-PP, and 117 girls (55.19%) developed SP-PP. A total of 31 girls (14.62%) with RP-PP received treatment due to deteriorated predicting adult height. As compared with the SP-PP group, the RP-PP group showed more advanced bone age (BA), a higher level of basal luteinizing hormone (LH), and larger ovarian volume and uterine volumes. Receiver operating characteristic analyses revealed that BA was the best at identifying girls with RP-PP.

The majority of girls with breast development between the ages of 7-8years do not need treatment. BA is a useful preliminary test for identifying girls with RP-PP who are more likely to require treatment.

The majority of girls with breast development between the ages of 7-8 years do not need treatment. BA is a useful preliminary test for identifying girls with RP-PP who are more likely to require treatment.

Provider misconceptions regarding intrauterine device (IUD) safety for adolescents and young women can unnecessarily limit contraceptive options offered; we sought to evaluate rates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis (GC/CT) diagnoses among young women who adopted IUDs.

Secondary analysis of a cluster-randomized provider educational trial.

Forty US-based reproductive health centers.

We followed 1350 participants for 12months aged 18-25years who sought contraceptive care.

The parent study assessed the effect of provider training on evidence-based contraceptive counseling.

We assessed incidence of GC/CT diagnoses according to IUD use and sexually transmitted infection risk factors using Cox regression modeling and generalized estimating equations.

Two hundred four participants had GC/CT history at baseline; 103 received a new GC/CT diagnosis over the 12-month follow-up period. IUDs were initiated by 194 participants. Incidence of GC/CT diagnosis was 10.0 per 100 person-years during IUD use vs 8.

Autoři článku: Jochumsenwoodruff4013 (Bryant Weiss)