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The least square method is used to calculate the identification parameters of the load, the gravity, and inertial force. Finally, the experiment was verified on the robot. The experimental results show that the algorithm can quickly identify the payload, and it is faster and more accurate than other algorithms.Wearable health monitoring devices allow for measuring physiological parameters without restricting individuals' daily activities, providing information that is reflective of an individual's health and well-being. However, these systems need to be accurate, power-efficient, unobtrusive and simple to use to enable a reliable, convenient, automatic and ubiquitous means of long-term health monitoring. One such system can be embedded in an insole to obtain physiological data from the plantar aspect of the foot that can be analyzed to gain insight into an individual's health. This manuscript provides a comprehensive review of insole-based sensor systems that measure a variety of parameters useful for overall health monitoring, with a focus on insole-based PPD measurement systems developed in recent years. Existing solutions are reviewed, and several open issues are presented and discussed. The concept of a fully integrated insole-based health monitoring system and considerations for future work are described. By developing a system that is capable of measuring parameters such as PPD, gait characteristics, foot temperature and heart rate, a holistic understanding of an individual's health and well-being can be obtained without interrupting day-to-day activities. The proposed device can have a multitude of applications, such as for pathology detection, tracking medical conditions and analyzing gait characteristics.Distinguishing between wireless and wired traffic in a network middlebox is an essential ingredient for numerous applications including security monitoring and quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning. The majority of existing approaches have exploited the greater delay statistics, such as round-trip-time and inter-packet arrival time, observed in wireless traffic to infer whether the traffic is originated from Ethernet (i.e., wired) or Wi-Fi (i.e., wireless) based on the assumption that the capacity of the wireless link is much slower than that of the wired link. However, this underlying assumption is no longer valid due to increases in wireless data rates over Gbps enabled by recent Wi-Fi technologies such as 802.11ac/ax. In this paper, we revisit the problem of identifying Wi-Fi traffic in network middleboxes as the wireless link capacity approaches the capacity of the wired. We present Weigh-in-Motion, a lightweight online detection scheme, that analyzes the traffic patterns observed at the middleboxes and infers whether the traffic is originated from high-speed Wi-Fi devices. To this end, we introduce the concept of ACKBunch that captures the unique characteristics of high-speed Wi-Fi, which is further utilized to distinguish whether the observed traffic is originated from a wired or wireless device. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated via extensive real experiments, demonstrating its capability of accurately identifying wireless traffic from/to Gigabit 802.11 devices.Musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace are a growing problem in Europe. The measurement of these disorders in a working environment presents multiple limitations concerning equipment and measurement reliability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of inertial measurement units against a reference system for their use in the workplace. Ten healthy volunteers conducted three lifting methods (snatching, pushing, and pulling) for manhole cover using a custom-made tool weighting 20 and 30 kg. Participants' back and dominant arm were equipped with IMU, EMG, and reflective markers for VICON analysis and perception of effort was estimated at each trial using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS). The Bland-Altman method was used and results showed good agreement between IMU and VICON systems for Yaw, Pitch and Roll angles (bias values less then 1, -4.4 less then LOA less then 3.6°). EMG results were compared to VAS results and results showed that both are a valuable means to assess efforts during tasks. This study therefore validates the use of inertial measurement units (IMU) for motion capture and its combination with electromyography (EMG) and a Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) to assess effort for use in real work situations.The use of assistive technologies can mitigate or reduce the challenges faced by individuals with motor disabilities to use computer systems. However, those who feature severe involuntary movements often have fewer options at hand. This work describes an application that can recognize the user's head using a conventional webcam, track its motion, model the desired functional movement, and recognize it to enable the use of a virtual keyboard. The proposed classifier features a flexible structure and may be personalized for different user need. Experimental results obtained with participants with no neurological disorders have shown that classifiers based on Hidden Markov Models provided similar or better performance than a classifier based on position threshold. However, motion segmentation and interpretation modules were sensitive to involuntary movements featured by participants with cerebral palsy that took part in the study.The search for dents is a consistent part of the aircraft inspection workload. The engineer is required to find, measure, and report each dent over the aircraft skin. This process is not only hazardous, but also extremely subject to human factors and environmental conditions. This study discusses the feasibility of automated dent scanning via a single-shot triangular stereo Fourier transform algorithm, designed to be compatible with the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle. The original algorithm is modified introducing two main contributions. First, the automatic estimation of the pass-band filter removes the user interaction in the phase filtering process. Secondly, the employment of a virtual reference plane reduces unwrapping errors, leading to improved accuracy independently of the chosen unwrapping algorithm. Static experiments reached a mean absolute error of ∼0.1mm at a distance of 60cm, while dynamic experiments showed ∼0.3mm at a distance of 120cm. On average, the mean absolute error decreased by ∼34%, proving the validity of the proposed single-shot 3D reconstruction algorithm and suggesting its applicability for future automated dent inspections.Cyber security has become increasingly challenging due to the proliferation of the Internet of things (IoT), where a massive number of tiny, smart devices push trillion bytes of data to the Internet. However, these devices possess various security flaws resulting from the lack of defense mechanisms and hardware security support, therefore making them vulnerable to cyber attacks. In addition, IoT gateways provide very limited security features to detect such threats, especially the absence of intrusion detection methods powered by deep learning. Indeed, deep learning models require high computational power that exceeds the capacity of these gateways. In this paper, we introduce Realguard, an DNN-based network intrusion detection system (NIDS) directly operated on local gateways to protect IoT devices within the network. The superiority of our proposal is that it can accurately detect multiple cyber attacks in real time with a small computational footprint. This is achieved by a lightweight feature extraction mechanism and an efficient attack detection model powered by deep neural networks. Our evaluations on practical datasets indicate that Realguard could detect ten types of attacks (e.g., port scan, Botnet, and FTP-Patator) in real time with an average accuracy of 99.57%, whereas the best of our competitors is 98.85%. Furthermore, our proposal effectively operates on resource-constraint gateways (Raspberry PI) at a high packet processing rate reported about 10.600 packets per second.Software Defined Networking represents a mature technology for the control of optical networks, though all open controller implementations present in the literature still lack the adequate level of maturity and completeness to be considered for (pre)-production network deployments. This work aims at experimenting on, assessing and discussing the use of the OneM2M open-source platform in the context of optical networks. Network elements and devices are implemented as IoT devices, and the control application is built on top of an OneM2M-compliant server. The work concretely addresses the scalability and flexibility performances of the proposed solution, accounting for the expected growth of optical networks. The two experiment scenarios show promising results and confirm that the OneM2M platform can be adopted in such a context, paving the way to other researches and studies.Acousto-optic modulator (AOM) and electro-optical modulator (EOM) are applied to realize the all-fiber current sensor with a pulsed light source. Rolipram The pulsed light is realized by amplitude modulation with AOM. The reflected interferometer current sensor is constructed by the mirror and phase modulation with EOM to improve the anti-interference ability. A correlation demodulation algorithm is applied for data processing. The influence of the modulation frequency and duty cycle of AOM on the optical system is determined by modeling and experiment. The duty cycle is the main factor affecting the normalized scale factor of the system. The modulation frequency mainly affects the output amplitude of the correlation demodulation and the system signal-to-noise ratio. The frequency multiplication factor links AOM and EOM, primarily affecting the ratio error. When the frequency multiplication factor is equal to the duty cycle of AOM and it is an integer multiple of 0.1, the ratio error of the system is less than 1.8% and the sensitivity and the resolution of AFOCS are 0.01063 mV/mA and 3 mA, respectively. The measurement range of AFOCS is from 11 mA to 196.62 A, which is excellent enough to meet the practical requirements for microcurrent measurement.The structured road is a scene with high interaction between vehicles, but due to the high uncertainty of behavior, the prediction of vehicle interaction behavior is still a challenge. This prediction is significant for controlling the ego-vehicle. We propose an interaction behavior prediction model based on vehicle cluster (VC) by self-attention (VC-Attention) to improve the prediction performance. Firstly, a five-vehicle based cluster structure is designed to extract the interactive features between ego-vehicle and target vehicle, such as Deceleration Rate to Avoid a Crash (DRAC) and the lane gap. In addition, the proposed model utilizes the sliding window algorithm to extract VC behavior information. Then the temporal characteristics of the three interactive features mentioned above will be caught by two layers of self-attention encoder with six heads respectively. Finally, target vehicle's future behavior will be predicted by a sub-network consists of a fully connected layer and SoftMax module. The experimental results show that this method has achieved accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score of more than 92% and time to event of 2.

Autoři článku: Jerniganmartinez1689 (Caspersen Yildirim)