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To validate a method for visual field (VF) progression analysis, called ANSWERS (Analysis with Non-Stationary Weibull Error Regression and Spatial Enhancement), which takes into account increasing measurement variability as glaucoma progresses and spatial correlation among test locations.

ANSWERS outputs both a global index of progression and a pointwise estimate of rate of change at each VF location. ANSWERS was compared with linear regression of mean deviation (MD) and permutation of pointwise linear regression (PoPLR). Visual field series of up to 2 years from the United Kingdom Glaucoma Treatment Study were used. This consists of 9104 Swedish Interactive Thresholding Algorithm Standard 24-2 VFs. ANSWERS and PoPLR rate of change were used to predict the VF at the next visit using subseries that were within 7, 13, 18, or 22 months from the baseline. The comparison was carried out on the statistical sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of predicting future VF.

Across all subseries, statistical sensitivity of ANSWERS in detecting VF deterioration was significantly better than the linear regression of MD and PoPLR, especially in short time series. Prediction accuracy of ANSWERS was better than PoPLR at all series lengths, and the improvement was particularly marked in shorter series. Seventy-five percent of VF series were better predicted by ANSWERS compared with PoPLR. The average prediction error of ANSWERS was 15% lower than that of PoPLR.

ANSWERS is more sensitive to detect VF progression and predicts future VF loss better than linear regression of MD and PoPLR, especially over short observation periods. (http// number, ISRCTN96423140.).

ANSWERS is more sensitive to detect VF progression and predicts future VF loss better than linear regression of MD and PoPLR, especially over short observation periods. (http// number, ISRCTN96423140.).We examined the cytotoxicity and cellular uptake in L1210 murine leukemia cells, as well as the coordinative reaction with the guanine derivative 9-ethylguanine (9EtG), of a series of μ-hydroxo-μ-tetrazolato dinuclear platinum(II) complexes (tetrazolato-bridged complexes), [cis-Pt(NH3)22(μ-OH)(μ-tetrazolato-N1,N2)](2+) (5-H-X) and [cis-Pt(NH3)22(μ-OH)(μ-5-R-tetrazolato-N2,N3)](n+), where R = H (5-H-Y), CH3 (1), C6H5 (2), CH2COOCH2CH3 (3), or CH2COO(-) (4), and n = 2 (5-H-Y, 1-3) or 1 (4). Most tetrazolato-bridged complexes overcame cross-resistance to cisplatin and were more efficiently taken up into cisplatin-resistant cells (L1210R) than into parental cisplatin-sensitive cells (L1210), whereas cisplatin uptake into L1210R was decreased compared with that into L1210. The cellular uptake was most likely controlled by the total charge of the complexes. There was no correlation between the cytotoxicity and the kinetics of the coordinative reactions of 1-4 with 9EtG, but the isomerization involved in the reactions could contribute to determining the higher order structures of the compacted DNA. The cytotoxicity of tetrazolato-bridged complexes appears to correlate with the efficiency of cellular uptake and DNA compaction.Selenium (Se) is an element that, in trace quantities, plays an important role in the normal function of a number of biological processes in humans. Many studies have demonstrated that selenium deficiency in the body may contribute to an increased risk for certain neoplastic, cardiovascular, osseous, and nervous system diseases including retardation of bone formation. However, at higher concentrations Se is cytotoxic. For these reasons it is desirable to have a means of monitoring selenium concentration in humans.This paper presents the outcome of a feasibility study carried out for measuring selenium in humans using in vivo neutron activation analysis (IVNAA). In this technique a small dose of neutrons is delivered to the organ of interest, the neutrons are readily captured by the target nuclei, and the γ-rays given off are detected outside of the body. For the present study, human hand (bone) tissue equivalent phantoms were prepared with varying amounts of Se. These were irradiated by a low energy fast neuturement of selenium in humans are limited; the results of the present study would greatly contribute to the present data.The molecular mechanisms that lead to the progression of alcoholic liver disease have been actively examined for decades. Because the hepatic microtubule cytoskeleton supports innumerable cellular processes, it has been the focus of many such mechanistic studies. It has long been appreciated that α-tubulin is a major target for modification by highly reactive ethanol metabolites and reactive oxygen species. It is also now apparent that alcohol exposure induces post-translational modifications that are part of the natural repertoire, mainly acetylation. In this review, the modifications of the "tubulin code" are described as well as those adducts by ethanol metabolites. The potential cellular consequences of microtubule modification are described with a focus on alcohol-induced defects in protein trafficking and enhanced steatosis. Possible mechanisms that can explain hepatic dysfunction are described and how this relates to the onset of liver injury is discussed. Finally, we propose that agents that alter the cellular acetylation state may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for treating liver disease.Replication fork stalling generates a variety of responses, most of which cause an increase in single-stranded DNA. ssDNA is a primary signal of replication distress that activates cellular checkpoints. It is also a potential source of genome instability and a substrate for mutation and recombination. Therefore, managing ssDNA levels is crucial to chromosome integrity. Limited ssDNA accumulation occurs in wild-type cells under stress. In contrast, cells lacking the replication checkpoint cannot arrest forks properly and accumulate large amounts of ssDNA. Doxorubicin cost This likely occurs when the replication fork polymerase and helicase units are uncoupled. Some cells with mutations in the replication helicase (mcm-ts) mimic checkpoint-deficient cells, and accumulate extensive areas of ssDNA to trigger the G2-checkpoint. Another category of helicase mutant (mcm4-degron) causes fork stalling in early S-phase due to immediate loss of helicase function. Intriguingly, cells realize that ssDNA is present, but fail to detect that they accumulate ssDNA, and continue to divide. Thus, the cellular response to replication stalling depends on checkpoint activity and the time that replication stress occurs in S-phase. In this review we describe the signs, signals, and symptoms of replication arrest from an ssDNA perspective. We explore the possible mechanisms for these effects. We also advise the need for caution when detecting and interpreting data related to the accumulation of ssDNA.Recent advances in 13C-Metabolic flux analysis (13C-MFA) have increased its capability to accurately resolve fluxes using a genome-scale model with narrow confidence intervals without pre-judging the activity or inactivity of alternate metabolic pathways. However, the necessary precautions, computational challenges, and minimum data requirements for successful analysis remain poorly established. This review aims to establish the necessary guidelines for performing 13C-MFA at the genome-scale for a compartmentalized eukaryotic system such as yeast in terms of model and data requirements, while addressing key issues such as statistical analysis and network complexity. We describe the various approaches used to simplify the genome-scale model in the absence of sufficient experimental flux measurements, the availability and generation of reaction atom mapping information, and the experimental flux and metabolite labeling distribution measurements to ensure statistical validity of the obtained flux distribution. Organism-specific challenges such as the impact of compartmentalization of metabolism, variability of biomass composition, and the cell-cycle dependence of metabolism are discussed. Identification of errors arising from incorrect gene annotation and suggested alternate routes using MFA are also highlighted.Transcription is a dynamic process influenced by the cellular environment healthy, transformed, and otherwise. Genome-wide mRNA expression profiles reflect the collective impact of pathways modulating cell function under different conditions. In this review we focus on the transcriptional pathways that control tumor infiltrating CD8+ T cell (TIL) function. Simultaneous restraint of overlapping inhibitory pathways may confer TIL resistance to multiple mechanisms of suppression traditionally referred to as exhaustion, tolerance, or anergy. Although decades of work have laid a solid foundation of altered transcriptional networks underlying various subsets of hypofunctional or "dysfunctional" CD8+ T cells, an understanding of the relevance in TIL has just begun. With recent technological advances, it is now feasible to further elucidate and utilize these pathways in immunotherapy platforms that seek to increase TIL function.Many recognize that several behaviors potentially affecting the reward circuitry in human brains lead to a loss of control and other symptoms of addiction in at least some individuals. Regarding Internet addiction, neuroscientific research supports the assumption that underlying neural processes are similar to substance addiction. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has recognized one such Internet related behavior, Internet gaming, as a potential addictive disorder warranting further study, in the 2013 revision of their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Other Internet related behaviors, e.g., Internet pornography use, were not covered. Within this review, we give a summary of the concepts proposed underlying addiction and give an overview about neuroscientific studies on Internet addiction and Internet gaming disorder. Moreover, we reviewed available neuroscientific literature on Internet pornography addiction and connect the results to the addiction model. The review leads to the conclusion that Internet pornography addiction fits into the addiction framework and shares similar basic mechanisms with substance addiction. Together with studies on Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder we see strong evidence for considering addictive Internet behaviors as behavioral addiction. Future research needs to address whether or not there are specific differences between substance and behavioral addiction.Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a leading respiratory viral pathogen associated with bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and asthma exacerbation in young children, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals. The development of a potential vaccine against hMPV requires detailed understanding of the host immune system, which plays a significant role in hMPV pathogenesis, susceptibility and vaccine efficacy. As a result, animal models have been developed to better understand the mechanisms by which hMPV causes disease. Several animal models have been evaluated and established so far to study the host immune responses and pathophysiology of hMPV infection. However, inbred laboratory mouse strains have been one of the most used animal species for experimental modeling and therefore used for the studies of immunity and immunopathogenesis to hMPV. This review summarizes the contributions of the mouse model to our understanding of the immune response against hMPV infection.

Autoři článku: Jeppesenhouse8605 (Malling Ford)