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The rapid emergence of organic-inorganic lead halide perovskites for low-cost and high-efficiency photovoltaics promises to impact new photovoltaic concepts. Their high power conversion efficiencies, ability to coat perovskite layers on glass via various scalable deposition techniques, excellent optoelectronic properties and synthetic versatility for modulating transparency and colour, allows perovskite solar cells (PSCs) to be an ideal solution for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) which transforms windows or façades into electric power generators. In this review, the unique features and properties of PSCs for BIPV application are accessed. Device engineering and optical management strategies of active layers, interlayers and electrodes for semi-transparent, bifacial and colourful PSCs are also discussed. The performance of PSCs under conditions that are relevant for BIPV such as different operational temperature, light intensity and light incident angle are also reviewed. Recent outdoor stability testing of PSCs in different countries and other demonstration of scalability and deployment of PSCs are also spotlighted. Finally, the current challenges and future opportunities for realising perovskite based BIPV are discussed. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.While flux balance analysis (FBA) provides a framework for predicting steady-state leaf metabolic network fluxes, it does not readily capture the response to environmental variables without being coupled to other modelling formulations. To address this, we coupled an FBA model of 903 reactions of soybean (Glycine max) leaf metabolism with e-photosynthesis, a dynamic model that captures the kinetics of 126 reactions of photosynthesis and associated chloroplast carbon metabolism. Successful coupling was achieved in an iterative formulation in which fluxes from e-photosynthesis were used to constrain the FBA model and then, in turn, fluxes computed from the FBA model used to update parameters in e-photosynthesis. This process was repeated until common fluxes in the two models converged. Coupling did not hamper the ability of the kinetic module to accurately predict the carbon assimilation rate, photosystem II electron flux, and starch accumulation of field-grown soybean at two CO2 concentrations. The coupled model also allowed accurate predictions of additional parameters such as nocturnal respiration, as well as analysis of the effect of light intensity and elevated CO2 on leaf metabolism. Predictions included an unexpected decrease in the rate of export of sucrose from the leaf at high light, due to altered starch-sucrose partitioning, and altered daytime flux modes in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle at elevated CO2 . Mitochondrial fluxes were notably different between growing and mature leaves, with greater anaplerotic, TCA cycle and mitochondrial ATP synthase fluxes predicted in the former, primarily to provide carbon skeletons and energy for protein synthesis.Plant genetic engineering is essential for improving crop yield, quality, and resistance to abiotic/biotic stresses for sustainable agriculture. Agrobacterium-, biolistic bombardment-, electroporation-, and PEG-mediated genetic transformation systems have been extensively used in plant genetic engineering. However, these systems have limitations, including species dependency, destruction of plant tissues, low transformation efficiency, and high cost. Recently, nanotechnology-based gene delivery methods have been developed for plant genetic transformation. This nano-strategy shows excellent transformation efficiency, good biocompatibility, adequate protection of exogenous nucleic acids, and the potential for plant regeneration. However, the nanomaterial-mediated gene delivery system in plants is still in its infancy, and there are many challenges for its broad applications. In this review, we first briefly discuss the conventional genetic transformation techniques used in plants. After that, we focus on the progress in the development of nanomaterial-based gene delivery systems. CRISPR-Cas-mediated genome editing and its combined applications with plant nanotechnology are also discussed. The conceptual innovations, methods, and practical applications of nanomaterial-mediated genetic transformation summarized in this review will be beneficial for promoting plant genetic engineering in modern agriculture. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Paraspeckles compound 1 (PSPC1) is a multifunctional protein that plays an important role in cancer cells, where PSPC1 is a master regulator of pro-oncogenic responses that includes activation of TGFβ (TGFβ1), TGFβ-dependent EMT, and metastasis. The pro-oncogenic activities of PSPC1 closely resembled those observed for the orphan nuclear receptor 4A1 (NR4A1, Nur77) and knockdown of NR4A1 decreased expression of PSPC1 in MDA-MB-231 breast, H1299 lung, and SNU449 liver cancer cells. Similar results were observed in these same cell lines after treatment with bisindole-derived (CDIMs) NR4A1 antagonists. Moreover, PSPC1-dependent regulation of TGFβ, genes associated with cancer stem cells and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) were also downregulated after NR4A1 silencing or treatment of breast, lung, and liver cancer cells with CDIM/NR4A1 antagonists. Results of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays suggest that NR4A1 regulates PSPC1 through interaction with an NBRE sequence in the PSPC1 gene promoter. Sodium Pyruvate purchase These results coupled with in vivo studies showing that NR4A1 antagonists inhibit breast tumor growth and downregulate PSPC1 in tumors indicate that the pro-oncogenic nuclear PSPC1 factor can be targeted by CDIM/NR4A1 antagonists.Cellular interactions between endothelial cells and macrophages regulate macrophage localization and phenotype, but the mechanisms underlying these interactions are poorly understood. Here we explored the role of sialoglycans on lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) in interactions with macrophage-expressed Siglec-1 (CD169). Lectin-binding assays and mass spectrometric analyses revealed that LEC from human skin express more sialylated glycans than the corresponding blood endothelial cells. Higher amounts of sialylated and/or sulfated glycans on LEC than BEC were consistently observed in murine skin, lung and lymph nodes. The floor LEC of the subcapsular sinus (SCS) in murine lymph nodes (LN) displayed sialylated glycans at particularly high densities. The sialoglycans of LN LEC were strongly bound by Siglec-1. Such binding plays an important role in the localization of Siglec-1+ LN-SCS macrophages, as their numbers are strongly reduced in mice expressing a Siglec-1 mutant that is defective in sialoglycan binding. The residual Siglec-1+ macrophages are less proliferative and have a more anti-inflammatory phenotype. We propose that the densely clustered, sialylated glycans on the SCS floor LEC are a key component of the macrophage niche, providing anchorage for the Siglec-1+ LN-SCS macrophages.Periodontitis-mediated alveolar bone loss is caused by dysbiotic shifts in the commensal oral microbiota that upregulate proinflammatory osteoimmune responses. The study purpose was to determine whether antimicrobial-induced disruption of the commensal microbiota has deleterious effects on alveolar bone. We administered an antibiotic cocktail, minocycline, or vehicle-control to sex-matched C57BL/6T mice from age 6- to 12 weeks. Antibiotic cocktail and minocycline had catabolic effects on alveolar bone in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mice. We then administered minocycline or vehicle-control to male mice reared under SPF and germ-free conditions, and we subjected minocycline-treated SPF mice to chlorhexidine oral antiseptic rinses. Alveolar bone loss was greater in vehicle-treated SPF versus germ-free mice, demonstrating that the commensal microbiota drives naturally occurring alveolar bone loss. Minocycline- versus vehicle-treated germ-free mice had similar alveolar bone loss outcomes, implying that antimicrobial-driven alveolar bone loss is microbiota dependent. Minocycline induced phylum-level shifts in the oral bacteriome and exacerbated naturally occurring alveolar bone loss in SPF mice. Chlorhexidine further disrupted the oral bacteriome and worsened alveolar bone loss in minocycline-treated SPF mice, validating that antimicrobial-induced oral dysbiosis has deleterious effects on alveolar bone. Minocycline enhanced osteoclast size and interface with alveolar bone in SPF mice. Neutrophils and plasmacytoid dendritic cells were upregulated in cervical lymph nodes of minocycline-treated SPF mice. Paralleling the upregulated proinflammatory innate immune cells, minocycline therapy increased TH 1 and TH 17 cells that have known pro-osteoclastic actions in the alveolar bone. This report reveals that antimicrobial perturbation of the commensal microbiota induces a proinflammatory oral dysbiotic state that exacerbates naturally occurring alveolar bone loss.

To measure and evaluate the distribution and possible contributing factors of seven bone metabolism-associated biomarkers in Tibet, a plateau province of China.

A total of 1615 individuals were recruited from Tibet at three different altitudes. The levels and possible contributing factors of serum calcium, serum phosphorus, ALP, 25OHD, PINP, CTX, and PTH were evaluated.

In total, 1246 Tibetan adults (males n=543) were eventually enrolled in this study. Multiple linear regression recognized age, sex, altitude, and BMI as the major effect factors. The levels of ALP, PINP, and CTX in males continuously decreased with age; however, those in females increased after approximately 39years of age. Males had higher 25OHD levels (23.9 vs. 15.4ng/ml) but lower levels of serum phosphorus (1.12 vs. 1.19mmol/L) and PTH (41.3 vs. 47.4pg/ml) than females. Before the age of 50, males had higher levels of calcium, ALP, PINP, and CTX than females, and the opposite trend was observed after the age of 50. The highest levels of serum calcium and phosphorus and the lowest levels of PINP and CTX were found in the Shigatse/Lhasa region, suggesting a better bone metabolism status. Compared with reports from plain areas of China, significantly higher levels of PINP (65.3 vs. 49.36ng/ml) and CTX (0.46 vs. 0.37ng/ml) were recorded in Tibetan adults.

A more active bone turnover status was found in Tibetan adults than in individuals from the plain areas of China.

A more active bone turnover status was found in Tibetan adults than in individuals from the plain areas of China.Horticultural crops mainly include fruits, vegetables, ornamental trees and flowers, and tea trees. They deliver a variety of nutrients for the daily human diet in addition to the nutrition provided by staple crops, and some of them additionally possess ornamental and medicinal features. As such, horticultural crops make unique and important contributions to both food security and a colorful lifestyle. Under the current climate change scenario, growing population and limited arable land means that agriculture, and especially horticulture, has been facing unprecedented challenges to meet the diverse demands of human daily life. Breeding horticultural crops with high quality and adaptability, and establishing an effective system that combines cultivation, post-harvest handling and sales becomes increasingly imperative for horticultural production. This review introduces characteristic and recent research highlights in horticultural crops, focusing on the breeding of quality traits and the mechanisms that underpin them.

Autoři článku: Jensenkearney4166 (Stokholm Munro)