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0006), lateralization of tibial tuberosity (16 versus 7, p=0.0495) and superolateral Hoffa's fat pad edema (16 versus 4, p=0.0073) compared to the control group. In the distal patellar tendinosis group, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of any maltracking indicator or superolateral Hoffa's fat pad edema compared to the control group.

Proximal patellar tendinosis was associated with patellar maltracking parameters including patella alta, lateralized tibial tuberosity and superolateral Hoffa's fat pad impingement. No association was demonstrated between distal patellar tendinosis and patellar maltracking indicators or superolateral Hoffa's fat pad impingement.

Proximal patellar tendinosis was associated with patellar maltracking parameters including patella alta, lateralized tibial tuberosity and superolateral Hoffa's fat pad impingement. No association was demonstrated between distal patellar tendinosis and patellar maltracking indicators or superolateral Hoffa's fat pad impingement.

After traumatic Sacroiliac (SI) joint injury, follow up radiographic imaging can demonstrate subchondral bone resorption resembling inflammatory sacroiliitis. No studies have described the incidence of marginal SI post-traumatic osteitis, the probable temporal relationship to the initial traumatic injury, or the possible effect of unilateral hardware fixation on the contralateral SI joint.

A Level 1 trauma center imaging database was queried to identify patients with pelvic bony trauma between 2005 and 2017 with CT baseline preserved SI cortication and unilateral/bilateral traumatic SI diastasis. Serial radiographs were retrospectively evaluated by 2 musculoskeletal-trained radiologists at initial, 6weeks, 3months and 6months following trauma, with documentation of diastasis, subchondral resorption, and operative fixation.

206 SI joints in 106 total patients met inclusion criteria. There was a statistically significant association between injury and presence of resorption at 6weeks post-trauma for the ration of this traumatic finding minimizes inappropriate consultation and intervention for inflammatory sacroiliitis.Advances in electron microscopy and data processing techniques are leading to increasingly large and complete microscale connectomes. At the same time, advances in artificial neural networks have produced model systems that perform comparably rich computations with perfectly specified connectivity. This raises an exciting scientific opportunity for the study of both biological and artificial neural networks to infer the underlying circuit function from the structure of its connectivity. A potential roadblock, however, is that - even with well constrained neural dynamics - there are in principle many different connectomes that could support a given computation. Here, we define a tractable setting in which the problem of inferring circuit function from circuit connectivity can be analyzed in detail the function of input compression and reconstruction, in an autoencoder network with a single hidden layer. Here, in general there is substantial ambiguity in the weights that can produce the same circuit function, because largely arbitrary changes to input weights can be undone by applying the inverse modifications to the output weights. However, we use mathematical arguments and simulations to show that adding simple, biologically motivated regularization of connectivity resolves this ambiguity in an interesting way weights are constrained such that the latent variable structure underlying the inputs can be extracted from the weights by using nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods.Great improvement has been made in the field of expressive audiovisual Text-to-Speech synthesis (EAVTTS) thanks to deep learning techniques. However, generating realistic speech is still an open issue and researchers in this area have been focusing lately on controlling the speech variability. In this paper, we use different neural architectures to synthesize emotional speech. We study the application of unsupervised learning techniques for emotional speech modeling as well as methods for restructuring emotions representation to make it continuous and more flexible. This manipulation of the emotional representation should allow us to generate new styles of speech by mixing emotions. We first present our expressive audiovisual corpus. We validate the emotional content of this corpus with three perceptual experiments using acoustic only, visual only and audiovisual stimuli. After that, we analyze the performance of a fully connected neural network in learning characteristics specific to different emotions for the phone duration aspect and the acoustic and visual modalities. We also study the contribution of a joint and separate training of the acoustic and visual modalities in the quality of the generated synthetic speech. In the second part of this paper, we use a conditional variational auto-encoder (CVAE) architecture to learn a latent representation of emotions. We applied this method in an unsupervised manner to generate features of expressive speech. We used a probabilistic metric to compute the overlapping degree between emotions latent clusters to choose the best parameters for the CVAE. By manipulating the latent vectors, we were able to generate nuances of a given emotion and to generate new emotions that do not exist in our database. For these new emotions, we obtain a coherent articulation. We conducted four perceptual experiments to evaluate our findings.Non-autoregressive architecture for neural text-to-speech (TTS) allows for parallel implementation, thus reduces inference time over its autoregressive counterpart. However, such system architecture does not explicitly model temporal dependency of acoustic signal as it generates individual acoustic frames independently. The lack of temporal modeling often adversely impacts speech continuity, thus voice quality. In this paper, we propose a novel neural TTS model that is denoted as FastTalker. We study two strategies for high-quality speech synthesis at low computational cost. First, we add a shallow autoregressive acoustic decoder on top of the non-autoregressive context decoder to retrieve the temporal information of the acoustic signal. find more Second, we further implement group autoregression to accelerate the inference of the autoregressive acoustic decoder. The group-based autoregression acoustic decoder generates acoustic features as a sequence of groups instead of frames, each group having multiple consecutive frames. Within a group, the acoustic features are generated in parallel. With the shallow and group autoregression, FastTalker retrieves the temporal information of the acoustic signal, while keeping the fast-decoding property. The proposed FastTalker achieves a good balance between speech quality and inference speed. Experiments show that, in terms of voice quality and naturalness, FastTalker outperforms the non-autoregressive FastSpeech baseline significantly, and is on par with the autoregressive baselines. It also shows a considerable inference speedup over Tacotron2 and Transformer TTS.Since 2000, the Israeli mental health system has undergone a reduction in hospital beds, initiation of community-based rehabilitation, and transfer of governmental services to health maintenance organizations. This study examined trends, predictors and outcomes of involuntary psychiatric hospitalizations (IPH), in particular for immigrants. All first psychiatric hospitalizations of adults, 2001-2018, in the National Psychiatric Case Registry were used. Involuntary and voluntary hospitalizations were analyzed by demographic and clinical characteristics, and age-adjusted rates calculated over time. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to investigate IPH predictors and first IPH as a risk factor for one-year suicide after last discharge, and a Cox multivariate regression model to examine its risk for all-cause mortality. Among 73,904 persons in the study, age-adjusted rates of IPH were higher between 2011 and 2015 and then decreased slightly until 2018. Ethiopian immigrants had the highest risk for IPH, immigrants from the former Soviet Union a lower risk, and that of Arabs was not significantly different, from non-immigrant Jews. IPH was not significantly associated with one-year suicide or all-cause mortality. These findings demonstrate the vulnerability of Ethiopian immigrants, typical of disadvantaged immigrants having a cultural gap with the host country and highlight the importance of expanding community mental health services.

Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer with a high mortality rate. Early detection using medical imaging is critically important for the long-term survival of the patients. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tools can potentially reduce the number of incorrect interpretations of medical image data by radiologists. Datasets with adequate sample size, annotation, and truth are the dominant factors in developing and training effective CAD algorithms. The objective of this study was to produce a practical approach and a tool for the creation of medical image datasets.

The proposed model uses the modified maximum transverse diameter approach to mark a putative lung nodule. The modification involves the possibility to use a set of overlapping spheres of appropriate size to approximate the shape of the nodule. The algorithm embedded in the model also groups the marks made by different readers for the same lesion. We used the data of 536 randomly selected patients of Moscow outpatient clinics to create a datasttps//github.com/Center-of-Diagnostics-and-Telemedicine/FAnTom.git and https//mosmed.ai/en/datasets/ct_lungcancer_500/, respectively.

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the most demanded screening tools that investigates the effects of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) on human brain. Identification of AD in early stage gives rise to efficient treatment in dementia. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is considered as a conversion stage. Reducing EEG complexity can be used as a marker to detect AD. The aim of this study is to develop a 3-way diagnostic classification using EEG complexity in the detection of MCI/AD in clinical practice. This study also investigates the effects of different eyes states, i.e. eyes-open, eyes-closed on classification performance.

EEG recordings from 85 AD, 85 MCI subjects, and 85 Healthy Controls with eyes-open and eyes- closed are analyzed. Permutation Entropy (PE) values are computed from frontal, central, parietal, temporal, and occipital regions for each EEG epoch. Distribution of PE values are visualized to observe discrimination of MCI/AD with HC. Visual investigations are combined with statistical analysis usingnosis of AD.

This nonlinear EEG methodology study contributes to literature with high discrimination rates for identification of AD. PE is recommended as a practical diagnostic neuro-marker for AD studies. Resting state EEG at eyes-open condition can be more advantageous over eyes-closed EEG recordings for diagnosis of AD.

Recognition of motor intention based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals has attracted considerable research interest in the field of pattern recognition due to its notable application of non-muscular communication and control for those with severe motor disabilities. In analysis of EEG data, achieving a higher classification performance is dependent on the appropriate representation of EEG features which is mostly characterized by one unique frequency before applying a learning model. Neglecting other frequencies of EEG signals could deteriorate the recognition performance of the model because each frequency has its unique advantages. Motivated by this idea, we propose to obtain distinguishable features with different frequencies by introducing an integrated deep learning model to accurately classify multiple classes of upper limb movement intentions.

The proposed model is a combination of long short-term memory (LSTM) and stacked autoencoder (SAE). To validate the method, four high-level amputees were recruited to perform five motor intention tasks.

Autoři článku: Jarvisskipper6698 (Melchiorsen Andersson)