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Cooking time was correlated positively with texture and intactness and negatively with washed-drained weights, indicating that slower cooking beans have higher canning quality. Color changed with retort processing such that longer times produced darker beans with more red and yellow. CONCLUSIONS While fast-cooking beans exhibited lower canning quality at standard processing times, reduced retort processing time allowed them to meet quality standards while still maintaining food safety. By accounting for cooking time as a component of canning quality, breeders can develop varieties that are convenient and cost efficient to prepare for both consumers and the canning industry. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.KEY POINTS Receptor-operated activation of TRPC4 cation channels requires Gi/o proteins and phospholipase-Cδ1 (PLCδ1) activation by intracellular Ca2+ Concurrent stimulation of Gq/11 pathway accelerates Gi/o activation of TRPC4, which is not mimicked by increasing cytosolic Ca2+ The kinetic effect of Gq/11 was diminished by alkaline intracellular pH (pHi ) and increased pHi buffer capacity Acidic pHi (6.75-6.25) together with the cytosolic Ca2+ rise accelerated Gi/o -mediated TRPC4 activation Protons exert their facilitation effect through Ca2+ -dependent activation of PLCδ1 The data suggest that Gq/11 -PLCβ pathway facilitates Gi/o activation of TRPC4 through hydrolyzing PIP2 to produce the initial proton signal that triggers a self-propagating PLCδ1 activity supported by regenerative H+ and Ca2+ . The findings provide novel mechanistic insights on receptor-operated TRPC4 activation by coincident Gq/11 and Gi/o pathways and shed lights on how aberrant activation of TRPC4 may occur under pathological conditioccelerated the rate of TRPC4 activation without altering the maximal current density and this effect was dependent on intracellular Ca2+ elevation. However, protons did not accelerate channel activation by directly acting upon TRPC4. We additionally demonstrated that protons exert their effect through sensitization of PLCδ1 to Ca2+ , which in turn promotes PLCδ1 activity and further potentiates TRPC4 via a positive feedback mechanism. The mechanism elucidated here helps explain how Gi/o and Gq/11 co-stimulation induces a faster activation of TRPC4 than Gi/o activation alone and highlights again the critical role of PLCδ1 in TRPC4 gating. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Avocado is affected by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose. Antagonistic microorganisms against C. gloeosporioides represent an alternative for biological control, therefore, in this work we focused on the isolation and the characterization of potential antagonist bacteria against a member of the C. gloeosporioides species complex for their possible future application. RESULTS Samples of avocado rhizospheric soil were obtained from an orchard located in Ocuituco, Morelos, Mexico, in order to obtain bacterial isolates with potential antifungal activity. From the soil samples, 136 bacteria were isolated and then they were challenged against a member of the C. gloeosporioides species complex, only three bacterial isolates A1, A2 and A3 significantly diminished the mycelial fungus growth in 75, 70 and 60%, respectively. Two of these isolates were identified by 16S rRNA, as Bacillus mycoides (A1 and A2) and the third as Bacillus tequilensis (A3). Bacillus mycoides bacterial cell-free supernatant reduced mycelial growth of a member of the C. gloeosporioides species complex isolated from avocado in 65%, whereas Bacillus tequilensis A3 supernatant did so in 25% after 3 days post inoculation. B. tequilensis mycoides A1was a producer of proteases, indolacetic acid and siderophores. Preventive treatment using cell-free supernatant of B. mycoides A1, diminished the severity of anthracnose disease (41.9%) on avocado fruit. CONCLUSION These results reveal the possibility of using Bacillus mycoides A1 as a potential biological control agent. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Multi-elements have been widely used to identify the geographical origins of various agricultural products. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of identifying the geographical origins of peanut kernels at different regional scales by using the multi-element fingerprinting technique. The concentrations of 20 elements (B, Mg, P, K, Ca, etc.) were determined in 135 peanut samples from Jilin Province, Jiangsu Province, and Shandong Province of China. Data obtained were processed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal components analysis (PCA), k nearest neighbors (k-NN), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and support vector machine (SVM). RESULTS Peanut kernels from different regions had their own element fingerprints. k-NN, LDA, and SVM were all suitable to predict peanut kernels according to their grown provinces with the total correct classification rates of 91.2, 91.1, and 91.1%, respectively. Triapine purchase While SVM was the best to identify different grown cities of peanut kernels with the prediction accuracy of 91.3%, compared to 72.2 and 78.3% for k-NN and LDA respectively. CONCLUSION It was an effective method to identify producing areas of peanut kernels at different regional scales using multi-element fingerprinting combined with SVM to enhance regional capabilities for quality assurance and control. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Size of fruit is an important issue in determining yield at harvest. Even in controlled conditions, variation between fruit and trusses can be considerable. As an easy to measure indication of size, the diameter of tomatoes growing in trusses was assessed in three experiments with different number of tomatoes per truss, cultivars and varying the level of ions in the recirculated drain water. RESULTS By applying the von Bertalanffy growth model, more than 99% of the variation present could be explained by the time of fruit set for all tomatoes growing anywhere in trusses. A linear relation between time of fruit set and the biological shift factor, an indication of developmental age, was observed. Integrating this linear relation in the analysis of the diameter data removed one stochastic variable (biological shift factor) effectively halving the number of parameters to be estimated. CONCLUSION These results indicate that the major part of the variation present in the diameter of tomatoes growing in trusses is the result of variation in time of fruit set of individual fruit. The position within the greenhouse, i.e. local differences in assimilates supply, exerted only a minor effect on diameter development. So, the time of fruit set largely determines fruit size. Likely,, growing conditions before fruit set are crucial for final fruit size. The time of fruit set of each tomato in the truss and the local growing conditions within the greenhouse affecting assimilate supply need to be assessed accurately for a reliable size prediction. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.AIM investigating the anti-angiogenic effect of bevacizumab on chronic schistosomiasis mansoniin atrial to hinder the Schistosoma-induced angiogenesis and porto-systemic shunting complications. METHODS The immunohistochemical expression of CD34, VEGF-R1, PCNA & α-SMA (angiogenesis markers) was analyzed in the lung, liver and gastrointestinal-junctions of chronic S. mansoni infected mice after intraperitoneal injection of bevacizumab. Prolonged administration of bevacizumab with praziquantel was also assessed through parasitic load, protective index, granuloma and fibrous tissue evaluation. RESULTS A significantly less vascular activity and micro vascular density were observed in bevacizumab treated mice. They had a significantly less VEGF-R1, PCNA, CD-34 & α-SMA expression compared to the infected untreated. The least tissue egg count was reported in mice received bevacizumab for 6 weeks (Mean=27120). However, they had persistent liver granulomas, and massively amalgamated fibrosis. Interestingly, the least faecal egg & tissue worms counts (Mean=112, 13.4), and highest protection index (39.26) were reported in mice received bevacizumab for 3 weeks, with marked granuloma, and fibrous tissue resolution. CONCLUSIONS Bevacizumab has a promising protective effect against the Schistosma-induced angiogenesis. As an adjuvant to praziquamntel; it is important to adjust the duration of administration to achieve the best schistosomicidal effect without impeding granuloma and fibrous tissue resolution. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND The polishing process plays a key role in determining the beneficial quality of rice. However, the effects of polishing on human exposure to essential and toxic elements are not well reported. This study evaluated the effects of polishing on the levels of essential and toxic elements in rice grains and evaluated the status of their daily intake using probabilistic assessment. RESULTS The levels of essential elements decreased as the degree of polishing increased. The highest reduction percentages of essential elements (24% of Cu, 26% of Ni, and 52% of Mn) were found after the first polishing step. The highest Zn reduction (15%) was found after the fourth polishing step. For toxic elements, polishing significantly reduced the As concentration (15% to 31%) from that of the whole grains, of which 26% was removed after the first step. CONCLUSION Polishing removed both essential and toxic elements from rice grains. The highest losses of Cu, Mn, Ni, and As were found after the first polishing step since these elements generally localize in the aleurone layers of rice grains. The last polishing step caused a significant Zn reduction from the grain. Polishing had no significant effect on the Cd concentration in grains. The consumption of all types of rice could not supply sufficient amounts of all microelements except Mn to maintain optimum health. Both As and Cd intake levels were lower than the benchmarks of toxic health effects. Thus, the potential health impacts of both of these elements in rice can be neglected. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.in English, Arabic, العوامل المرتبطة بالتأخر في تشخيص السل وعلاجه في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا استعراض منهجي. داليا الطيب، إليز بيترسون، مارك إنجيل، ليلى عبد الله. الخلفية يؤثر انعدام الاستقرار السياسي، والعقوبات الاقتصادية، وتدني نوعية الرعاية الصحية سلبا على جهود مكافحة السل في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. الأهداف استهدفنا توضيح العوامل المسهمة في تأخير تشخيص السل وعلاجه في بُلدان منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. طرق البحث قام مراجعان مستقلان بتقييم المقالات المؤهلة التي حُدِّدت من خلال البحث الشامل واستخلاص البيانات وخضعت للتحليل التلوي. النتائج اقترن تأخير تشخيص السل بتقدم العمر وانخفاض الدخل (1.70–1.31 CI %95 ;1.49 = OR)و (1.45–1.09 CI %95 ;1.26 = OR) على التوالي (17 دراسة). وارتبط النوع الاجتماعي للإناث بتأخر تشخيص المرضى وتأخر النظام الصحي [(1.50–1.02 CI %95 ;1.24 = OR) و (2.38–1.18 CI %95 ;1.68 = OR)] على التوالي. ووجد الباحثون أن المعرفة بالسل وفهمه، ووجود وظيفة، وانخفاض مستويات الازدحام، كان كل منها كفيلا بالحماية من تأخر تشخيص المرضى وعلاجهم. وصنف نظام تصنيف التوصيات وتقديرها ووضعها وتقييمها البيّنات المتاحة بأنها منخفضة الجودة.

Autoři článku: Jacobsonhusum5654 (Nixon Rosendal)