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Aim We aim to study clinically and pathologically whether narrow resection margin (1 cm) and narrow resection margin ( less then 1 cm) of the two groups. Pathologically, the tumor of all 42 patients had capsules surrounding the tumor. Of the patients in Group 1 (without preoperative CHT), 9% (2/22) had micrometastatic cancer nests outside the capsule, and the farthest distance from the cancer nests to the capsule was 4.6 mm. Of the patients in Group 2 (with preoperative CHT), 75% (15/20) showed residual cancer nests in the paratumor liver tissue, and the farthest distance was 9.6 mm; three and two cases, respectively, showed extracapsular intravascular microtumorous thrombi. Conclusion Clinically and pathologically, narrow resection margin is acceptable in hepatoblastoma surgery. Copyright © 2020 Shen, Wu, Zhao, Wei, Zhou, Wang, Liu and Dong.Autophagy is a fundamental cell survival mechanism that allows cells to adapt to metabolic stress through the degradation and recycling of intracellular components to generate macromolecular precursors and produce energy. The autophagy pathway is critical for development, maintaining cellular and tissue homeostasis, as well as immunity and prevention of human disease. Defects in autophagy have been attributed to cancer, neurodegeneration, muscle and heart disease, infectious disease, as well as aging. While autophagy has classically been viewed as a passive quality control and general house-keeping mechanism, emerging evidence demonstrates that autophagy is an active process that regulates the metabolic status of the cell. Adult stem cells, which are long-lived cells that possess the unique ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cells throughout the body, have distinct metabolic requirements. Research in a variety of stem cell types have established that autophagy plays critical roles in stem cell quiescence, activation, differentiation, and self-renewal. Here, we will review the evidence demonstrating that autophagy is a key regulator of stem cell function and how defective stem cell autophagy contributes to degenerative disease, aging and the generation of cancer stem cells. Moreover, we will discuss the merits of targeting autophagy as a regenerative medicine strategy to promote stem cell function and improve stem cell-based therapies. Copyright © 2020 Chang.In the framework of the Human Proteome Project initiative, we aim to improve mapping and characterization of mitochondrial proteome. In this work we implemented an experimental workflow, combining classical biochemical enrichments and mass spectrometry, to pursue a much deeper definition of mitochondrial proteome and possibly mine mitochondrial uncharacterized dark proteins. We fractionated in two compartments mitochondria enriched from HeLa cells in order to annotate 4230 proteins in both fraction by means of a multiple-enzyme digestion (trypsin, chymotrypsin and Glu-C) followed by mass spectrometry analysis using a combination of Data Dependent Acquisition (DDA) and Data Independent Acquisition (DIA). We detected 22 mitochondrial dark proteins not annotated for their function and we provide their relative abundance inside the mitochondrial organelle. Considering this work as a pilot study we expect that the same approach, in different biological system, could represent an advancement in the characterization of the human mitochondrial proteome providing uncharted ground to explore the mitonuclear phenotypic relationships. All spectra have been deposited to ProteomeXchange with PXD014201 and PXD014200 identifier. Copyright © 2020 Marini, Carregari, Greco, Ronci, Iavarone, Persichilli, Castagnola, Urbani and Pieroni.Chemotaxis is a widespread mechanism that allows migrating cells to steer to where they are needed. Attractant gradients may be imposed by external sources, or self-generated, when cells create their own steep local gradients by breaking down a prevalent, broadly distributed attractant. Here we show that chemotaxis works far more robustly toward self-generated gradients. Cells can only respond efficiently to a restricted range of attractant concentrations; if attractants are too dilute, their gradients are too shallow for cells to sense, but if they are too high, all receptors become saturated and cells cannot perceive spatial differences. Self-generated gradients are robust because cells maintain the attractant at optimal concentrations. A wave can recruit varying numbers of steered cells, and cells can take time to break down attractant before starting to migrate. Self-generated gradients can therefore operate over a greater range of attractant concentrations, larger distances, and longer times than imposed gradients. The robustness is further enhanced at low cell numbers if attractants also act as mitogens, and at high attractant concentrations if the enzymes that break down attractants are themselves induced by constant attractant levels. Copyright © 2020 Tweedy and Insall.Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA (MPS-IIIA, Sanfilippo A) is one of the most severe lysosomal storage disorder (LSD) caused by the inherited deficiency of sulfamidase, a lysosomal sulfatase enzyme involved in the stepwise degradation of heparan sulfates (HS). MPS-IIIA patients show multisystemic problems, including a strong impairment of central nervous system (CNS), mild somatic involvement, and ocular manifestations that result in significant visual impairment. Despite the CNS and somatic pathology have been well characterized, studies on visual system and function remain partially explored. Here, we characterized the retina morphology and functionality in MPS-IIIA mouse model and analyzed how the SGSH deficiency affects the autophagic flux. MPS-IIIA mice exhibited a progressive retinal dystrophy characterized by significant alterations in visual function. The photoreceptor degeneration was associated with HS accumulation and a block of autophagy pathway. These events caused a reactive microgliosis, and a development of apoptotic processes in MPS-IIIA mouse retina. Overall, this study provides the first phenotypic spectrum of retinal disorders in MPS-IIIA and significantly contributes for diagnosis, counseling, and potential therapies development. Copyright © 2020 Intartaglia, Giamundo, Marrocco, Maffia, Salierno, Nusco, Fraldi, Conte and Sorrentino.The peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) Pin1 is a unique enzyme that only binds to Ser/Thr-Pro peptide motifs after phosphorylation and regulates the conformational changes of the bond. The Pin1-catalyzed isomerization upon phosphorylation can have profound effects on substrate biological functions, including their activity, stability, assembly, and subcellular localization, affecting its role in intracellular signaling, transcription, and cell cycle progression. The functions of Pin1 are regulated by post-translational modifications (PTMs) in many biological processes, which include phosphorylation, ubiquitination, SUMOylation and oxidation. Phosphorylation of different Pin1 sites regulates Pin1 enzymatic activity, binding ability, localization, and ubiquitination by different kinases under various cellular contexts. Moreover, SUMOylation and oxidation have been shown to downregulate Pin1 activity. Although Pin1 is tightly regulated under physiological conditions, deregulation of Pin1 PTMs contributes to the development of human diseases including cancer and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Therefore, manipulating the PTMs of Pin1 may be a promising therapeutic option for treating various human diseases. In this review, we focus on the molecular mechanisms of Pin1 regulation by PTMs and the major impact of Pin1 PTMs on the progression of cancer and AD. Copyright © 2020 Chen, Wang and Lee.In vertebrate, the nucleus pulposus (NP), which is an essential component of the intervertebral disk, is constantly impacted by fluid shear stress (FSS); however, molecular mechanism(s) through which FSS modulates the NP homeostasis is poorly understood. Here we show that FSS regulates the extracellular matrix (ECM) homeostasis in NP cells. A moderate dose of FSS (i.e., 12 dyne/cm2) increases the sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) content and protein levels of Col2a1 and Aggrecan and decreases those of matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13) and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motif 5 (ADMATS5) in rat NP cells, while a higher dose of FSS (i.e., 24 dyne/cm2) displays opposite effects. Results from RNA sequencing analysis, quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis and western blotting establish that the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a key downstream mediator of the FSS actions in NP cells. HO-1 knockdown abolishes FSS-induced alterations in ECM protein production and sGAG content in NP cells, which is reversed by HO-1 induction. Furthermore, FSS activates the autophagic pathway by increasing the LC3-II/LC3-I ratio, Beclin-1 protein level, and formation of autophagosome and autolysosome and thereby regulates ECM protein and sGAG production in a HO-1 dependent manner. Finally, we demonstrate that the intraflagellar transport (IFT) 88, a core trafficking protein of primary cilia, is critically involved in the HO-1-mediated autophagy activation and ECM protein and sGAG production in FSS-treated NP cells. Thus, we for the first time demonstrate that FSS plays an important role in maintaining ECM homeostasis through HO-1-dependent activation of autophagy in NP cells. Copyright © 2020 Chen, Qin, Wu, Fu, Lin, Chen, Xiao, Shao and Cao.Integrins are heterodimeric glycoproteins that bind cells to extracellular matrix. Upon integrin clustering, multimolecular integrin adhesion complexes (IACs) are formed, creating links to the cell cytoskeleton. We have previously observed decreased cell migration and increased sensitivity to microtubule (MT) poisons, paclitaxel and vincristine, in the melanoma cell line MDA-MB-435S upon transfection with integrin αV-specific siRNA, suggesting a link between adhesion and drug sensitivity. To elucidate the underlying mechanism, we determined αV-dependent changes in IAC composition. Using mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics, we analyzed the components of isolated IACs of MDA-MB-435S cells and two MDA-MB-435S-derived integrin αV-specific shRNA-expressing cell clones with decreased expression of integrin αV. Oltipraz clinical trial MS analysis showed that cells preferentially use integrin αVβ5 for the formation of IACs. The differential analysis between MDA-MB-435S cells and clones with decreased expression of integrin αV identified key components of integrin αVβ5 adhesion complexes as talins 1 and 2, α-actinins 1 and 4, filamins A and B, plectin and vinculin. The data also revealed decreased levels of several components of the cortical microtubule stabilization complex, which recruits MTs to adhesion sites (notably liprins α and β, ELKS, LL5β, MACF1, KANK1, and KANK2), following αV knockdown. KANK2 knockdown in MDA-MB-435S cells mimicked the effect of integrin αV knockdown and resulted in increased sensitivity to MT poisons and decreased migration. Taken together, we conclude that KANK2 is a key molecule linking integrin αVβ5 IACs to MTs, and enabling the actin-MT crosstalk that is important for both sensitivity to MT poisons and cell migration. Copyright © 2020 Paradžik, Humphries, Stojanović, Nestić, Majhen, Dekanić, Samaržija, Sedda, Weber, Humphries and Ambriović-Ristov.

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