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Diabetic Keratopathy, a sight-threatening corneal disease, comprises several symptomatic conditions including delayed epithelial wound healing, recurrent erosions, and sensory nerve (SN) neuropathy. We investigated the role of neuropeptides in mediating corneal wound healing, including epithelial wound closure and SN regeneration. Denervation by Resiniferatoxin severely impaired corneal wound healing and markedly up-regulated pro-inflammatory gene expression. Exogenous neuropeptides CGRP, SP, and VIP partially reversed Resiniferatoxin's effects, with VIP specifically inducing IL-10 expression. Hence, we focused on VIP and observed that wounding induced VIP and VIPR1 expression in normal (NL), but not diabetic (DM) mouse corneas. Targeting VIPR1 in NL corneas attenuated corneal wound healing, dampened wound-induced expression of neurotrophic factors, and exacerbated inflammatory responses while exogenous VIP had the opposite effects in DM corneas. Remarkably, wounding and diabetes also affected the expression of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) in a VIP-dependent manner. Downregulating SHH expression in NL corneas decreased, while exogenous SHH in DM corneas increased the rates of corneal wound healing. Furthermore, inhibition of SHH signaling dampened VIP-promoted corneal wound healing. We conclude that VIP regulates epithelial wound healing, inflammatory response, and nerve regeneration in the corneas in a SHH-dependent manner, suggesting a therapeutic potential for these molecules in treating diabetic keratopathy. © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.Previous studies show that 12-week of high-fat diet (HFD) consumption caused not only prediabetes, but also cognitive decline and brain pathologies. Recently, necrostatin-1 (nec-1), a necroptosis inhibitor, showed beneficial effects in brain against stroke. However, the comparative effects of nec-1 and metformin on cognition and brain pathologies in prediabetes have not been investigated. We hypothesized that nec-1 and metformin equally attenuated cognitive decline and brain pathologies in prediabetic rats. Rats (n=32) were fed with either normal diet (ND) or high-fat diet (HFD) for 20 weeks. At week 13, ND-fed rats were given a vehicle (n=8) and HFD-fed rats were randomly assigned into 3 subgroups (n=8/subgroup) with vehicle, nec-1 or metformin for 8 weeks. Metabolic parameters, cognitive function, brain insulin receptor function, synaptic plasticity, dendritic spine density, microglial morphology, brain mitochondrial function, Alzheimer's protein, and cell death were determined. HFD-fed rats exhibited prediabetes, cognitive decline, and brain pathologies. selleck chemicals Nec-1 and metformin equally improved cognitive function, synaptic plasticity, dendritic spine density, microglial morphology, brain mitochondrial function, reduced hyperphosphorylated-tau and necroptosis in HFD-fed rats. Interestingly metformin, but not nec-1, improved brain insulin sensitivity in those rats. In conclusion, necroptosis inhibition directly improved cognition in prediabetic rats without alteration in insulin sensitivity. © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Kidney functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) requires further investigation to enhance the noninvasive identification of patients at high risk of CKD progression. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS In this exploratory study, we obtained baseline diffusion-weighted and blood oxygen level-dependent MRI in 122 participants of the CKD Optimal Management with Binders and Nicotinamide trial, which was a multicenter, randomized, double-blinded, 12-month, four-group parallel trial of nicotinamide and lanthanum carbonate versus placebo conducted in individuals with eGFR 20-45 ml/min per 1.73 m2. Lower values of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) on diffusion-weighted MRI may indicate increased fibrosis, and higher values of relaxation rate (R2*) on blood oxygen level-dependent MRI may represent decreased oxygenation. Because there was no effect of active treatment on eGFR over 12 months, we tested whether baseline kidney functional MRI biomarkers were associated with eGFR d and 0.68, respectively). CONCLUSIONS Baseline cortical ADC was associated with change in eGFR over time, but this association was not independent of albuminuria. Kidney functional MRI biomarkers remained stable over 1 year. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRY NAME AND REGISTRATION NUMBER CKD Optimal Management with Binders and Nicotinamide (COMBINE), NCT02258074. Copyright © 2020 by the American Society of Nephrology.Synapses exhibit an astonishing degree of adaptive plasticity in healthy and disease states. We have investigated whether synapses also adjust to life stages imposed by novel developmental programs for which they were never molded by evolution. Under conditions where Drosophila larvae are terminally arrested, we have characterized synaptic growth, structure and function at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). While wild-type larvae transition to pupae after 5 days, arrested third instar (ATI) larvae persist for 35 days, during which NMJs exhibit extensive overgrowth in muscle size, presynaptic release sites, and postsynaptic glutamate receptors. Remarkably, despite this exuberant growth, stable neurotransmission is maintained throughout the ATI lifespan through a potent homeostatic reduction in presynaptic neurotransmitter release. Arrest of the larval stage in stathmin mutants also reveals a degree of progressive instability and neurodegeneration that was not apparent during the typical larval period. Hence, an adaptive form of presynaptic depression stabilizes neurotransmission during an extended developmental period of unconstrained synaptic growth. More generally, the ATI manipulation provides a powerful system for studying neurodegeneration and plasticity across prolonged developmental timescales. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Class III homeodomain leucine zipper (HD-ZIPIII) transcription factors play fundamental roles in controlling plant development. The known HD-ZIPIII target genes encode proteins involved in the production and dissipation of the auxin signal, HD-ZIPII transcription factors and components that feedback-regulate HD-ZIPIII expression or protein activity. Here we investigated the regulatory hierarchies of the control of MORE AXILLARY BRANCHES2 (MAX2) by the HD-ZIPIII protein REVOLUTA (REV). We found that REV can interact with the promoter of MAX2 In agreement had rev10D, gain-of-function mutants increased levels of MAX2 expression while rev loss-of-function mutants showed lower levels of MAX2 in some tissues. Like REV, plays MAX2 known roles in the control of plant architecture, photobiology and senescence which prompted us to initiate a multi-level analysis of growth phenotypes of hd-zipIII, max2 and respective higher order mutants thereof. Our data suggest a complex relationship of synergistic and antagonistic activities between REV and MAX2 and these interactions appear to depend on the developmental context and not all involve the direct regulation of MAX2 by REV. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Precise guided pollen tube growth by the female gametophyte is a pre-requisite for successful sexual reproduction in flowering plants. Cysteine-rich proteins (CRPs) secreted from the embryo sac are known pollen tube attractants perceived by pollen tube receptor-like kinases (RLK's). How pre-mRNA splicing facilitates this cell-to-cell communication is not understood. Here, we report novel function of Pre-mRNA PROCESSING factor 8 paralogs, PRP8A and PRP8B, as regulators of pollen tube attraction. Double mutant prp8a prp8b ovules cannot attract pollen tubes, and prp8a prp8b pollen tubes fail in sensing ovules attraction signals. Only 3% of ovule-expressed genes were misregulated in prp8a prp8b Combination of RNA-seq and MYB98/LURE1.2-YFP reporter revealed the expression of MYB98, LUREs and 49 other CRPs were downregulated suggesting loss of synergid cell fate. Differential Exon usage (DEU) and Intron-retention (IR) analysis revealed autoregulation of PPR8A/PRP8B splicing. In vivo, PRP8A coimmunoprecipitates with splicing enhancer AtSF3A1, suggesting involvement of PRP8A in 3'-splice site selection. Our data hint that PRP8A/PRP8B module exhibit spliceosome-autoregulation to facilitate pollen tube attraction via transcriptional regulation of MYB98, CRPs and LURE pollen tube attractants. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.Sonic hedgehog (Shh), produced in notochord and floor plate, is necessary both for neural and mesodermal development. To reach the myotome, Shh has to traverse the sclerotome and a reduction of sclerotomal Shh affects myotome differentiation. By loss and gain of Shh function, and floor plate deletions, we presently report that sclerotomal Shh is also necessary for neural tube development. Reducing the amount of Shh in sclerotome by membrane-tethered hedgehog-interacting protein or by Patched1, but not by dominant active Patched, decreased the number of Olig2+ motoneuron progenitors and of Hb9+ motoneurons without a significant effect on either cell survival or proliferation. These effects were a specific and direct consequence of reducing Shh in mesoderm. In addition, grafting notochords in a basal, but not apical location vis-a-vis the tube, profoundly affected motoneuron development, suggesting that initial ligand presentation occurs at the basal side of epithelia corresponding to the sclerotome-neural tube interface.Collectively, our results reveal that the sclerotome is a potential site of a Shh gradient that coordinates development of mesodermal and neural progenitors. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.The nuclear lamina (NL) is an extensive protein network that underlies the inner nuclear envelope. This network includes LAP2-emerin-MAN1 domain (LEM-D) proteins that associate with the chromatin and DNA-binding protein Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF). Here, we investigate the partnership between three NL Drosophila LEM-D proteins and BAF. In most tissues, only Emerin/Otefin is required for NL enrichment of BAF, revealing an unexpected dependence on a single LEM-D protein. Prompted by these observations, we studied BAF contributions in the ovary, a tissue where Emerin/Otefin function is essential. We show that germ cell-specific BAF knockdown causes phenotypes that mirror emerin/otefin mutants. Loss of BAF disrupts NL structure, blocks differentiation and promotes germ cell loss, phenotypes that are partially rescued by inactivation of the ATR and Chk2 kinases. These data suggest that, similar to emerin/otefin mutants, BAF depletion activates the NL checkpoint that causes germ cell loss. Taken together, our findings provide evidence for a prominent NL partnership between the LEM-D protein Emerin/Otefin and BAF, revealing that BAF functions with this partner in the maintenance of an adult stem cell population. © 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.BACKGROUND The overwhelming demand for mechanical ventilators due to COVID-19 has stimulated interest in using one ventilator for multiple patients (multiplex ventilation). Despite a plethora of information on the Internet, there is little supporting evidence and no human studies. The risk of multiplex ventilation is that ventilation and PEEP effects are largely uncontrollable and depend on the difference between patient resistance, (R) and compliance (C). It is not clear whether volume control or pressure control is safer or more effective. We designed a simulation-based study to allow complete control over the relevant variables to determine the effects of various degrees of RC imbalance on tidal volume (VT), end-expiratory lung volume (VEE), and imputed pH. METHODS Two separate breathing simulators were ventilated with a ventilator using pressure control (PC) and volume control (VC) breaths. Evidence-based lung models simulated a range of differences in R and C (six pairs of simulated patients). Differences in VT, VEE, and imputed pH were recorded.

Autoři článku: Ingramstephenson2051 (Dillon Knight)