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Tracing a link between the findings of pedological viewer studies and the 'healthy' cinema championed in the 1930s, this article sheds light on the vital role played by medical and scientific expertise in shaping Stalinist culture. © The Author(s) 2019.This study presents boron (B) concentration and isotope data for white mica from (ultra)high-pressure (UHP), subduction-related metamorphic rocks from Lago di Cignana (Western Alps, Italy). These rocks are of specific geological interest, because they comprise the most deeply subducted rocks of oceanic origin worldwide. Boron geochemistry can track fluid-rock interaction during their metamorphic evolution and provide important insights into mass transfer processes in subduction zones. The highest B contents (up to 345 μg/g B) occur in peak metamorphic phengite from a garnet-phengite quartzite. The B isotopic composition is variable (δ11B = - 10.3 to - 3.6%) and correlates positively with B concentrations. Based on similar textures and major element mica composition, neither textural differences, prograde growth zoning, diffusion nor a retrograde overprint can explain this correlation. Modelling shows that B devolatilization during metamorphism can explain the general trend, but fails to account for the wide can be successfully modelled as fluid-rock interaction with low-to-moderate ( less then  3) fluid/rock ratios, where mica equilibrates with a fluid into which B preferentially partitions, causing leaching of B from the rock. The metamorphic rocks from Lago di Cignana show variable retention of B in white mica during subduction-related metamorphism and exhumation. The variability in the B geochemical signature in white mica is significant and enhances our understanding of metamorphic processes and their role in element transfer in subduction zones. © The Author(s) 2020.Minkowski space is shown to be globally stable as a solution to the massive Einstein-Vlasov system. The proof is based on a harmonic gauge in which the equations reduce to a system of quasilinear wave equations for the metric, satisfying the weak null condition, coupled to a transport equation for the Vlasov particle distribution function. Central to the proof is a collection of vector fields used to control the particle distribution function, a function of both spacetime and momentum variables. The vector fields are derived using a general procedure, are adapted to the geometry of the solution and reduce to the generators of the symmetries of Minkowski space when restricted to acting on spacetime functions. Moreover, when specialising to the case of vacuum, the proof provides a simplification of previous stability works. © The Author(s) 2019.BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to analyze the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA)-associated competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) network in human retinal tissues following detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). MATERIAL AND METHODS Expression data of 19 human detached retinas with PVR and 19 normal retinas from postmortem donors were downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibust (GEO) database (GSE28133). The R package "limma" was utilized to discriminate the dysregulated lncRNA and mRNA profiles. Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analyses of differentially expressed mRNAs were performed using R packages "Clusterprofiler." The ceRNA network of dysregulated genes was constructed by using mircode, miRDB, miRTarBase and TargetScan databases, and was visualized by Cytoscape v3.6.1. RESULTS A total of 23 lncRNAs and 994 mRNAs were identified significantly expressed between the human detached retinas with PVR and the normal retina tissues, with thresholds of |log₂FoldChange| >1.0 and adjusted P-value less then 0.05. The constructed ceRNA network (lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory axis) included 9 PVR-specific lncRNAs, as well as 27 miRNAs and 73 mRNAs. CONCLUSIONS We demonstrated the differential lncRNA expression profile and constructed a lncRNA-associated ceRNA network in human detached retinas with PVR. This may ferret out an unknown ceRNA regulatory network in human retinal detachment with PVR.OBJECTIVE Electrical stimulation of the human brain is commonly used for eliciting and inhibiting neural activity for clinical diagnostics, modifying abnormal neural circuit function for therapeutics, and interrogating cortical connectivity. However, recording electrical signals with concurrent stimulation results in dominant electrical artifacts that mask the neural signals of interest. Here we develop a method to reproducibly and robustly recover neural activity during concurrent stimulation. We concentrate on signal recovery across an array of electrodes without channel-wise fine-tuning of the algorithm. Our goal includes signal recovery with trains of stimulation pulses, since repeated, high-frequency pulses are often required to induce desired effects in both therapeutic and research domains. We have made all of our code and data publicly available. APPROACH We developed an algorithm that automatically detects templates of artifacts across many channels of recording, creating a dictionary of learned templates using unsupervised clustering. The artifact template that best matches each individual artifact pulse is subtracted to recover the underlying activity. To assess the success of our method, we focus on whether it extracts physiologically interpretable signals from real recordings. MAIN RESULTS We demonstrate our signal recovery approach on invasive electrophysiologic recordings from human subjects during stimulation. We show the recovery of meaningful neural signatures in both electrocorticographic (ECoG) arrays and deep brain stimulation (DBS) recordings. In addition, we compared cortical responses induced by the stimulation of primary somatosensory (S1) by natural peripheral touch, as well as motor cortex activity with and without concurrent S1 stimulation. SIGNIFICANCE Our work will enable future advances in neural engineering with simultaneous stimulation and recording. Creative Commons Attribution license.OBJECTIVE Graphical networks and network metrics are widely used to understand and characterise brain networks and brain function. These methods can be applied to a range of electrophysiological data including electroencephalography, local field potential and single unit recordings. Functional networks are often constructed using pair-wise correlation between variables. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that functional networks can be more accurately estimated using partial correlation than with pair-wise correlation. APPROACH We compared network metrics derived from unconditional and conditional graphical networks, obtained using coherence and multivariate partial coherence (MVPC), respectively. Graphical networks were constructed using coherence and MVPC estimates, and binary and weighted network metrics derived from these node degree, path length, clustering coefficients and small-world index. MAIN RESULTS Network metrics were applied to simulated and experimental single unit spike train data. on, based on MVPC estimates, as opposed to the common approach of pair-wise correlation. Creative Commons Attribution license.Current brain stimulation paradigms are largely empirical rather than theoretical. An opportunity exists to improve upon their modest effectiveness in closed-loop control strategies with the development of theoretically grounded, model-based designs. Inspired by this need, here we couple experimental data and mathematical modeling with a control-theoretic strategy for seizure termination. We begin by exercising a dynamical systems approach to model seizures (n=94) recorded using intracranial EEG (iEEG) from 21 patients with medication-resistant, localization-related epilepsy. Although each patient's seizures displayed unique spatial and temporal patterns, their evolution can be parsimoniously characterized by the same model form. Idiosyncracies of the model can inform individualized intervention strategies, specifically in iEEG samples with well-localized seizure onset zones. Temporal fluctuations in the spatial profiles of the oscillatory modes show that seizure onset marks a transition into a regime in which the underlying system supports prolonged rhythmic and focal activity. Based on these observations, we propose a control-theoretic strategy that aims to stabilize ictal activity using static output feedback for linear time-invariant switching systems. Finally, we demonstrate in silico that our proposed strategy allows us to dampen the emerging focal oscillatory sources using only a small set of electrodes. Our integrative study informs the development of modulation and control algorithms for neurostimulation that could improve the effectiveness of implantable, closed-loop anti-epileptic devices. Creative Commons Attribution license.In gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata, infection by Enteromyxum leei produces a cachectic syndrome with anorexia, weight loss, severe epaxial muscle atrophy and, eventually, death. Currently, there are neither vaccines nor effective prescription medicines to control this infection. STAT inhibitor Nutraceutical approaches are raising interest in the aquaculture industry, responding to the lack of therapeutic tools for the management of insidious chronic losses due to parasites. In this study, the effect of a commercially available health-promoting feed additive (SANACORE® GM) at 2 different doses was tested in comparison with a basal diet without the additive during a laboratory-controlled challenge with E. leei. link2 Group performance and biometrical values were monitored, and an in-depth parasitological diagnosis, quantification of parasite loads and histopathological examination were carried out at the end of the trial. Supplemented diets mitigated the anorexia and growth arrestment observed in challenged fish fed the basal diet. This mitigation was maximum in the highest dose group, whose growth performance was not different from that of unchallenged controls. Treated groups also presented lower prevalence of infection and a lower parasite load, although the differences in the mean intensity of infection were not statistically significant. Although the decrease in parasite levels was similar with both doses of additive tested, the pathogeny of the infection was mostly suppressed with the higher dose, while only mitigated with the lower dose. The mechanisms involved in the effects obtained remain to be investigated, but the results point to a modulation of the immunopathological response to the infection.Grey seals Halichoerus grypus and harbour seals Phoca vitulina are common seal species in the North and Baltic seas and final hosts of Corynosoma acanthocephalans. C. strumosum and C. magdaleni infect the small intestines of both seal species. In contrast to harbour seals, Baltic grey seals in the past have regularly displayed severe C. semerme infections in the caecum and colon, with associated tunica muscularis hypertrophy, inflammation and ulcerations as part of the Baltic seal disease complex (BSDC). link3 Pathogenesis and correlation of acanthocephalan infections with these lesions are still unknown. This study describes the intestinal pathology and parasitic distribution in each seal species. Grey seal (n = 83) and harbour seal (n = 1156) intestines of all age groups and sexes, collected in Poland, Germany and Estonia from 1998 to 2017, were investigated. Most harbour seals came from the North Sea, whereas grey seals were predominantly derived from the Baltic Sea. Both species featured mild to moderate small intestinal infections.

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