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It was recently demonstrated theoretically, when the polarimetric properties of a material depend only upon the direction transverse to that of propagation (long coherence length regime), depolarization in transmission evolves quadratically with material thickness. This behavior was observed in several experimental studies. However, some of these studies unlikely satisfy the long coherence length condition under which the theory applies. Here, we demonstrate that abandoning a unidirectional approach to the propagation of light through a medium, i.e., introducing scatter, causes quadratic depolarization to occur in the short coherence length regime.As the world undergoes rapid ageing, informal support from friends and relatives is becoming especially important among older adults in middle and low income countries, where formalized social protections may be limited. We use new data from a cohort of adults ages 40 and older in rural South Africa to explore how receipt of emotional support differs by gender and marital status. Our findings suggest that women are more likely to get emotional support than men and have more sources of support. Moreover, women are more likely to get emotional support from relatives, whereas men are more likely to get support from friends. In regard to marital status, married people are more likely to get emotional support and have more sources of support than people who are not married. However, separated/divorced and widowed people are more likely to get emotional support from relatives and have more sources of non-spousal support than married people. These findings point toward gaps in informal systems of support, and the particular importance of considering men and unmarried (especially never married) people when designing policies to offer social protections to older populations.

Corrections-involved adults with a history of opioid use disorder are at elevated risk of opioid overdose following release from correctional settings. Increased opioid prescribing restrictions and monitoring during a time when heroin is becoming cheaper and ubiquitous means that adults who misused prescription opioids prior to incarceration may be reentering communities at greater risk for heroin exposure and use.

Determine risk factors of post-release heroin use among a sample of adults who participated in corrections-based drug treatment in Kentucky released between 2012 and 2017.

Survey data obtained as part of an ongoing evaluation of corrections-based drug treatment were examined.

The final sample (N = 1,563) was majority male (80.9%). Nearly 11.0% reported past-year heroin use following their release. Depressive symptoms, polydrug use, and urban proximity were more common among participants reporting post-release heroin use. Heroin use 30 days prior to incarceration was associated with a 432.1% increase in odds of heroin use subsequent to incarceration. Post-release suicidal ideation increased odds of heroin use by 154.2%, whereas reporting satisfaction from social interactions decreased odds of use by nearly 60%. Post-release use of cocaine and diverted buprenorphine were associated with increased likelihood of heroin use during this time period, increasing odds by 469.1% and 265.9%, respectively. Residing in Central Appalachia subsequent to incarceration was associated with decreased likelihood of use.

In this sample, post-release heroin use was associated with concerning features, such as polydrug use, lack of social satisfaction, and suicidal ideation. These features can serve as clear targets for clinical intervention.

In this sample, post-release heroin use was associated with concerning features, such as polydrug use, lack of social satisfaction, and suicidal ideation. These features can serve as clear targets for clinical intervention.Using new data from the first two waves of the Understanding Society COVID-19 Study collected in April and in May 2020 in the UK, we study the labour market shocks that individuals experienced in the first wave of the pandemic, and the steps they and their households took to cope with those shocks. Understanding Society is based on probability samples and the Covid-19 Study is constructed carefully to support valid population inferences. The Covid-19 Study collected novel data on the mitigation strategies that individuals and households employ. Further, prior observation of respondents in the panel allows us to characterize regressivity with respect to pre-pandemic economic positions. Our key findings are that those with precarious employment, aged under 30 and from minority ethnic groups faced the biggest labour market shocks. Almost 50% of individuals have experienced declines in household earnings of at least 10%, but declines are most severe in the bottom pre-pandemic income quintiles. Methods of mitigation vary substantially across groups borrowing and transfers from family and friends are most prevalent among those most in need.We develop an international model of the design of institutions for regulating innovative activities of private corporations. Informational limitations faced by the social planner preclude complete contracting with private firms. Corporate innovation creates positive and negative externalities. The social planner in each country takes into account the legal system in place, and designs an umbrella of institutions that include a menu of organizational forms, liability structures, corporate taxes, and subsidies. We show that limited liability may be accompanied by excessive innovation. However, when the nonmonetized benefits are very high, private firms may be too conservative in innovation policies. Firms choose their organizational form and level of innovation consistent with private optimality. With the optimal institutional design for each country, we demonstrate that private innovation choices are aligned with social optimality. In particular, we show that the optimally designed corporate tax rate in each country is a decreasing function of its legal effectiveness. Using data from 63 countries over 2003-2018, we document supporting evidence. MNCs can take advantage of differential liability and corporate tax structures across national boundaries to circumvent institutional design constraints. However, when MNCs generate positive externalities to host countries, their governments may provide subsidies and incentives.Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are emerging contaminants of critical concern. As surfactants, PFAS tend to accumulate at air-water interfaces and may stay in the vadose zone for long times before contaminating groundwater. selleckchem Yet not well understood, the extent of retention in the vadose zone has critical implications for risk management and remediation strategies. We present the first mathematical model that accounts for surfactant-induced flow and solid-phase and air-water interfacial adsorption. We apply the model to simulate PFOS (a PFAS compound of primary concern) transport in the vadose zone at a model fire-training area site impacted by Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF). Air-water interfacial adsorption is shown to have a significant impact-amplified by the low water content due to gravity drainage-total retardation factors range from 233 to 1355 for the sand and 146 to 792 for the soil used in the study. The simulations illustrate it can take several decades or longer for PFOS to reach groundwater. Counterintuitively, the lower water content in the sand-due to stronger drainage and weaker capillary retention-leads to retardation factors greater than for the soil. Also, most PFOS is adsorbed at air-water interfaces with only 1-2% in the aqueous phase. The implications include 1) fine-texture materials could have lower retardation factors than sand due to higher retained water content, 2) soil PFAS concentrations are likely to be orders of magnitude higher than those in groundwater at source zones. Both implications are consistent with recent field observations at hundreds of AFFF-impacted sites.Graphical models have been used in many scientific fields for exploration of conditional independence relationships for a large set of random variables. link2 Although a variety of methods have been proposed in the literature for estimating graphical models with different types of data, none of them is applicable for jointly estimating multiple mixed graphical models. To tackle this problem, we propose a joint mixed learning method. The proposed method is very flexible, which works for various mixed types of data, such as those mixed with Gaussian, multinomial, and Poisson, and also allows people to incorporate domain knowledge into network construction by restricting some links to be included in or excluded from the networks. link3 As an application, the proposed method is applied to pan-cancer network analysis for six types of cancer with data from The Cancer Genome Atlas. To our knowledge, this is the first work for joint estimation of multiple mixed graphical models.

To examine whether work-limiting disability may modify intergenerational economic mobility in the United States.

Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, common metrics of intergenerational mobility are estimated by parent work-limiting disability. These include rank slope coefficients capturing persistence of socioeconomic status and absolute upward economic mobility capturing expected child outcomes.

Parent-child pairs with work-limiting disability experience five to twelve percentiles lower absolute economic mobility at the 25

percentile of parent income. More severe and/or chronic conditions have larger disparities and higher parent income is associated with smaller disparities. Women may experience larger mobility differences, while non-Hispanic black children may face a higher likelihood of parents experiencing work limitations.

Work-limiting disability appears to modify children's economic opportunity. This contributes to the understanding of disparate access to opportunity in the United States while also identifying economic disadvantages associated with disability for subsequent generations.

Work-limiting disability appears to modify children's economic opportunity. This contributes to the understanding of disparate access to opportunity in the United States while also identifying economic disadvantages associated with disability for subsequent generations.In this study, the asymmetric Granger causality relationship between tourist arrivals and world pandemic uncertainty index is examined by controlling inflation, consumer confidence index, and industrial production for the period 2000M1 and 2020M1 in Italy. To the best of our knowledge, the current study is one of the few studies to investigate the relationship between tourist arrivals and world pandemic uncertainty in an asymmetric framework. The empirical results show that using the Granger causality test in a linear framework causes bias results due to misspecification. Therefore, the study relies on asymmetric Granger causality test results which reveal that the positive shock of world pandemic uncertainty Granger causes a negative shock of tourist arrivals. It is suggested that international tourist arrivals are sensitive to external shocks such as pandemics and in such instances the government of the concerned country can insulate the tourism-service and hospitality industry against the shocks by developing strategies to promote full information between all stakeholders.

Autoři článku: Hvidberglutz8138 (Kejser Sloan)