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This study investigated the adsorption capacities and photocatalytic activities of geopolymer-zeolite composite materials by incorporating different amounts of zeolite and TiO2 in a geopolymer matrix for dye removal. Geopolymers with SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio of 2.5 were synthesized from metakaolin. The geopolymers containing zeolite and TiO2-doped zeolite exhibited similar behavior in terms of mineral compositions, microstructures and chemical frameworks. The compressive strength of geopolymer-zeolite composite materials decreased with increasing amount of zeolite and TiO2-doped zeolite (0-40 wt%) because of the increase in the porosity of composite materials. The maximum methylene blue adsorption capacity and photocatalytic efficiency of the powdered geopolymer composites with 40 wt% TiO2-doped zeolite was 99.1% and was higher than that of the composites with 40 wt% zeolite without TiO2-doping (92.5%). In addition, the geopolymer composites with TiO2-doped zeolite exhibited excellent stability after repeated usage as photocatalysts. The adsorption capacity and photocatalytic activity of pelletized geopolymer composites decreased because of the reduction in their specific surface area.Koi herpesvirus disease (KHVD) is a highly infectious disease leading to outbreaks and mass mortality in captive and free-ranging common carp and koi carp. Outbreaks may result in high morbidity and mortality which can have a severe economic impact along the supply chain. Currently, control and prevention of KHVD relies on avoiding exposure to the virus based on efficient hygiene and biosecurity measures. An early diagnosis of the disease is crucial to prevent its spread and to minimize economic losses. Therefore, an easy-to-handle, sensitive, specific and reliable test prototype for a point-of-care detection of KHV was developed and evaluated in this study. We used a multiplex-endpoint-PCR followed by a specific probe hybridization step. PCR-products/hybridization-products were visualized with a simple and universal lateral flow immunoassay (PCR-LFA). Fifty-four gill tissue samples (KHV-positive n = 33, KHV-negative n = 21) and 46 kidney samples (KHV-positive n = 24, KHV-negative n = 22) were used to determivity.

In recent years, resilience has received extensive attention in psychology. The 14-Item Resilience Scale (RS-14) has been developed as a newer and shorter version of the resilience scale and has been applied in Western countries. In Eastern cultures, however, and particularly among Chinese populations, its factor structure remains unverified. The purpose of this study is to realize the first evaluation of the psychometric characteristics of the Chinese version of the RS-14 in young adults from Mainland China.

The resilience scale, Connor-Davidson resilience scale, general health questionnaire 12, perceived stress scale 14, general self-efficacy scale and meaning in life questionnaire were used to investigate 1010 undergraduates (321 male college students, 689 female college students, aged 17-25 years; mean age = 20.27; SD = 1.572). We evaluated the item quality, latent structure, reliability, criterion validity and differential item functioning on the gender variable.

Through the analysis methods of exploratory and confirmatory factor-analytic, the original single-factor model has been proven to be applicable within the Chinese population. #link# Both an adequate construct validity and an excellent degree of reliability were reflected in the data. In addition, test-retest evinced good stability. The current study interrogates associations with external criteria, as well as providing evidence in support of the RS-14.

To sum up, this study showed that the RS-14 is a reliable assessment for measuring resilience in China, and provides an alternative to the original scale.

To sum up, this study showed that the RS-14 is a reliable assessment for measuring resilience in China, and provides an alternative to the original scale.

Initial reports indicate a high incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), but more data are required to clarify if COVID-19 is an independent risk factor for AKI and how COVID-19-associated AKI may differ from AKI due to other causes. We therefore sought to study the relationship between COVID-19, AKI, and outcomes in a retrospective cohort of patients admitted to 2 acute hospitals in Derby, United Kingdom.

We extracted electronic data from 4,759 hospitalised patients who were tested for COVID-19 between 5 March 2020 and 12 May 2020. The data were linked to electronic patient records and laboratory information management systems. The primary outcome was AKI, and secondary outcomes included in-hospital mortality, need for ventilatory support, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and length of stay. link2 As compared to the COVID-19-negative group (n = 3,374), COVID-19 patients (n = 1,161) were older (72.1 ± 16.1 versus 65.3 ± 20.4 years, p < 0.001), had a greater proportioer odds of death than COVID-19 without AKI and a 4-fold higher odds of death than AKI due to other causes. These data indicate that patients with COVID-19 should be monitored for the development of AKI and measures taken to prevent this. NCT04407156. NCT04407156.According to PubMed, roughly 10% of the annually added publications are describing findings from the small animal model (mice and rats), including investigations in the field of muscle physiology and training. A subset of this research requires neural stimulation with flexible adjustments of stimulation parameters, highlighting the need for reliable implantable electrical stimulators, small enough (~1 cm3), that even mice can tolerate them without impairing their movement. The MiniVStimA is a battery-powered implant for nerve stimulation with an outer diameter of 15 mm and an encapsulated volume of 1.2 cm3 in its smallest variation. It can be pre-programmed according to the experimental protocol and controlled after implantation with a magnet. It delivers constant current charge-balanced monophasic rectangular pulses up to 2 mA and 1 ms phase width (1 kΩ load). The circuitry is optimized for small volume and energy efficiency. Due to the variation of the internal oscillator (31 kHz ± 10%), calibration measures must be implemented during the manufacturing process, which can reduce the deviation of the frequency related parameters down to ± 1%. The expected lifetime of the smaller (larger) version is 100 (480) days for stimulation with 7 Hz all day and 10 (48) days for stimulation with 100 Hz. Devices with complex stimulation patterns for nerve stimulation have been successfully used in two in-vivo studies, lasting up to nine weeks. The implant worked fully self-contained while the animal stayed in its familiar environment. External components are not required during the entire time.

Young person's susceptibility to sexually transmitted infection has been consistently linked to intractable work places. In Ethiopia, different behavior related interventions had carried out to raise awareness of risky sexual behaviors and their consequences. However, there is still limited information on risky sexual practices.

Withaferin A mouse -sectional study was conducted among the big construction site daily laborers from April 1, 2019 to May 30, 2019. A pre-tested questionnaire was used for data collection, and data were entered into Epidata and transported to SPSS for analysis. Independent variables with p < 0.05 in the multivariate analysis were considered to have a statistically significant association with risky sexual practice.

Among 627 sample respondents, the magnitude of risky sexual practice was found to be 24.2%. Labor workers who had a history of an STIs (AOR = 4.29; 95% CI 2.56, 7.19), those who enjoy in the nightclubs (AOR = 2.33; 95% CI 1.34, 4.08), those who started sex by peer pressure (Ashow the need of targeted HIV prevention plan to give due attention for daily laborers who had a history of an STI, enjoy in the night clubs, peer pressure, substance users, educational status and living arrangement. The Amhara Education Bureau and the city education department have to design ways to deliver at least a high school education.In view of the difficulty, high cost and complex technology of pharmaceutical logistics green transformation, based on the idea of green supply chain, three different government subsidy strategies for green logistics were proposed. Firstly, by constructing a Stackelberg game model with pharmaceutical logistics provider as the leader and manufacturer as the followers, the behavior selection and optimal decisions of the participants under the anarchic subsidy strategy, the single subsidy strategy of the pharmaceutical logistics provider, the single subsidy strategy of the pharmaceutical manufacturer and the coordinated subsidy strategy are analyzed respectively. Furthermore, the effects of different subsidy strategies on the green investment and strategy selection of logistics provider and manufacturer are compared. Finally, according to the research results, the paper provides reference and suggestions for the formulation of government subsidy strategy. The results show that the three subsidy strategies have different degrees of incentive effect on the green transformation of pharmaceutical logistics, and the single logistics provider subsidy strategy is the best.The dive start is an important component of competitive swimming, especially at shorter race distances. Previous research has suggested that start performance depends on kinematic variables pertaining to the swimmer at water entry, notably the distance from the block, the horizontal velocity of the centre of mass and the angle between body and water surface. However, the combined and relative contributions of these variables to start performance remain to be determined. The aim of the present study was therefore to develop a model to predict start performance (time from take-off to reaching the 15-m line) from a set of kinematic variables that collectively define the swimmer's entry state. To obtain an appropriate database for this purpose, fifteen well-trained, (sub-)elite swimmers performed dive starts under different instructions intended to induce substantial variation in entry state. Kinematic data were extracted from video recordings of these starts, optimised and analysed statistically. A mixed effects analysis of the relation between entry state and start performance was conducted, which revealed a significant and robust dependence of start performance on entry state (χ2(3) = 88, p less then .001), explaining 86.1% of the variance. Start time was reduced by 0.6 s (p less then .001) when the horizontal displacement at water entry was 1 m further, by 0.3 s (p less then .001) when the horizontal velocity of the centre of mass was 1 m/s higher, and by 0.5 s (p less then .01) when the entry angle was 1 radian flatter. link3 The robustness of the analysis was confirmed by a similar mixed effects analysis of the relation between entry state and time to the 5-m line. In conclusion, dive start performance can be predicted to a considerable extent from the swimmer's state at water entry. The implications of those findings for studying and improving block phase kinetics are discussed.

Autoři článku: Husumharboe3571 (Herskind Sumner)