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Hepatitis B virus is a major human pathogen, which forms enveloped virus particles. During viral maturation, membrane-bound hepatitis B surface proteins package hepatitis B core protein capsids. This process is intercepted by certain peptides with an "LLGRMKG" motif that binds to the capsids at the tips of dimeric spikes. With microcalorimetry, electron cryo microscopy and peptide microarray-based screens, we have characterized the structural and thermodynamic properties of peptide binding to hepatitis B core protein capsids with different secretion phenotypes. The peptide "GSLLGRMKGA" binds weakly to hepatitis B core protein capsids and mutant capsids with a premature (F97L) or low-secretion phenotype (L60V and P5T). With electron cryo microscopy, we provide novel structures for L60V and P5T and demonstrate that binding occurs at the tips of the spikes at the dimer interface, splaying the helices apart independent of the secretion phenotype. Peptide array screening identifies "SLLGRM" as the core binding motif. This shortened motif binds only to one of the two spikes in the asymmetric unit of the capsid and induces a much smaller conformational change. Altogether, these comprehensive studies suggest that the tips of the spikes act as an autonomous binding platform that is unaffected by mutations that affect secretion phenotypes.The fascinating world of lichens draws the attention of the researchers because of the numerous properties of lichens used traditionally and, in modern times, as a raw material for medicines and in the perfumery industry, for food and spices, for fodder, as dyes, and for other various purposes all over the world. However, lichens being widespread symbiotic entities between fungi and photosynthetic partners may acquire toxic features due to either the fungi, algae, or cyano-procaryotes producing toxins. By this way, several common lichens acquire toxic features. In this survey, recent data about the ecology, phytogenetics, and biology of some lichens with respect to the associated toxin-producing cyanoprokaryotes in different habitats around the world are discussed. Special attention is paid to the common toxins, called microcystin and nodularin, produced mainly by the Nostoc species. The effective application of a series of modern research methods to approach the issue of lichen toxicity as contributed by the cyanophotobiont partner is emphasized.Enzymes are biological catalysts whose dynamics enable their reactivity. Visualizing conformational changes, in particular, is technically challenging, and little is known about these crucial atomic motions. This is especially problematic for understanding the functional diversity associated with the radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) superfamily whose members share a common radical mechanism but ultimately catalyze a broad range of challenging reactions. Computational chemistry approaches provide a readily accessible alternative to exploring the time-resolved behavior of these enzymes that is not limited by experimental logistics. SMAP activator Here, we review the application of molecular docking, molecular dynamics, and density functional theory, as well as hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics methods to the study of these enzymes, with a focus on understanding the mechanistic dynamics associated with turnover.Fish vary in their ability to biosynthesise long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) depending upon the complement and function of key enzymes commonly known as fatty acyl desaturases and elongases. It has been reported in Solea senegalensis the existence of a Δ4 desaturase, enabling the biosynthesis of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which can be modulated by the diet. The present study aims to evaluate the combined effects of the partial replacement of fish oil (FO) with vegetable oils and reduced environmental salinity in the fatty acid composition of relevant body compartments (muscle, hepatocytes and enterocytes), the enzymatic activity over α-linolenic acid (ALA) to form n-3 LC-PUFA through the incubation of isolated hepatocytes and enterocytes with [1-14C] 183 n-3, and the regulation of the S. senegalensis fads2 and elovl5 in the liver and intestine. The presence of radiolabelled products, including 184n-3, 204n-3 and EPA, provided compelling evidence that a complete pathway enabling the biosynthesis of EPA from ALA, establishing S. senegalensis, has at least one Fads2 with ∆6 activity. Dietary composition prevailed over salinity in regulating the expression of fads2, while salinity did so over dietary composition for elovl5. FO replacement enhanced the proportion of DHA in S. senegalensis muscle and the combination with 20 ppt salinity increased the amount of n-3 LC-PUFA in hepatocytes.The resilience of health systems has received considerable attention as of late, yet little is known about what a resilience test might look like. We develop a resilience test concept and methodology. We describe key components of a toolkit and a 5-phased approach to implementation of resilience testing that can be adapted to individual health systems. We develop a methodology for a test that is balanced in terms of standardization and system-specific characteristics/needs. We specify how to work with diverse stakeholders from the health ecosystem via participatory processes to assess and identify recommendations for health system strengthening. The proposed resilience test toolkit consists of "what if" adverse scenarios, a menu of health system performance elements and indicators based on an input-output-outcomes framework, a discussion guide for each adverse scenario, and a traffic light scorecard template. The five phases of implementation include Phase 0, a preparatory phase to adapt the toolkit materials; Phase 1 facilitated discussion groups with stakeholders regarding the adverse scenarios; Phase 2 supplemental data collection of relevant quantitative indicators; Phase 3 summarization of results; Phase 4 action planning and health system transformation. The toolkit and 5-phased approach can support countries to test resilience of health systems, and provides a concrete roadmap to its implementation.

Autoři článku: Hurstburris1283 (Mosegaard Ohlsen)