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Testing under what conditions a product satisfies the desired properties is a fundamental problem in manufacturing industry. If the condition and the property are respectively regarded as the input and the output of a black-box function, this task can be interpreted as the problem called level set estimation (LSE) the problem of identifying input regions such that the function value is above (or below) a threshold. Although various methods for LSE problems have been developed, many issues remain to be solved for their practical use. As one of such issues, we consider the case where the input conditions cannot be controlled precisely-LSE problems under input uncertainty. We introduce a basic framework for handling input uncertainty in LSE problems and then propose efficient methods with proper theoretical guarantees. The proposed methods and theories can be generally applied to a variety of challenges related to LSE under input uncertainty such as cost-dependent input uncertainties and unknown input uncertainties. We apply the proposed methods to artificial and real data to demonstrate their applicability and effectiveness.The ability to encode and manipulate data structures with distributed neural representations could qualitatively enhance the capabilities of traditional neural networks by supporting rule-based symbolic reasoning, a central property of cognition. Here we show how this may be accomplished within the framework of Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSAs) (Plate, 1991; Gayler, 1998; Kanerva, 1996), whereby data structures are encoded by combining high-dimensional vectors with operations that together form an algebra on the space of distributed representations. In particular, we propose an efficient solution to a hard combinatorial search problem that arises when decoding elements of a VSA data structure the factorization of products of multiple codevectors. Our proposed algorithm, called a resonator network, is a new type of recurrent neural network that interleaves VSA multiplication operations and pattern completion. We show in two examples-parsing of a tree-like data structure and parsing of a visual scene-how the factorization problem arises and how the resonator network can solve it. More broadly, resonator networks open the possibility of applying VSAs to myriad artificial intelligence problems in real-world domains. The companion article in this issue (Kent, Frady, Sommer, & Olshausen, 2020) presents a rigorous analysis and evaluation of the performance of resonator networks, showing it outperforms alternative approaches.Pruning is an effective way to slim and speed up convolutional neural networks. Generally previous work directly pruned neural networks in the original feature space without considering the correlation of neurons. We argue that such a way of pruning still keeps some redundancy in the pruned networks. In this letter, we proposed to prune in the intermediate space in which the correlation of neurons is eliminated. To achieve this goal, the input and output of a convolutional layer are first mapped to an intermediate space by orthogonal transformation. Then neurons are evaluated and pruned in the intermediate space. Extensive experiments have shown that our redundancy-aware pruning method surpasses state-of-the-art pruning methods on both efficiency and accuracy. Notably, using our redundancy-aware pruning method, ResNet models with three times the speed-up could achieve competitive performance with fewer floating point operations per second even compared to DenseNet.We develop theoretical foundations of resonator networks, a new type of recurrent neural network introduced in Frady, Kent, Olshausen, and Sommer (2020), a companion article in this issue, to solve a high-dimensional vector factorization problem arising in Vector Symbolic Architectures. Vismodegib Given a composite vector formed by the Hadamard product between a discrete set of high-dimensional vectors, a resonator network can efficiently decompose the composite into these factors. We compare the performance of resonator networks against optimization-based methods, including Alternating Least Squares and several gradient-based algorithms, showing that resonator networks are superior in several important ways. This advantage is achieved by leveraging a combination of nonlinear dynamics and searching in superposition, by which estimates of the correct solution are formed from a weighted superposition of all possible solutions. While the alternative methods also search in superposition, the dynamics of resonator networks allow them to strike a more effective balance between exploring the solution space and exploiting local information to drive the network toward probable solutions. Resonator networks are not guaranteed to converge, but within a particular regime they almost always do. In exchange for relaxing the guarantee of global convergence, resonator networks are dramatically more effective at finding factorizations than all alternative approaches considered.Working memory is essential it serves to guide intelligent behavior of humans and nonhuman primates when task-relevant stimuli are no longer present to the senses. Moreover, complex tasks often require that multiple working memory representations can be flexibly and independently maintained, prioritized, and updated according to changing task demands. Thus far, neural network models of working memory have been unable to offer an integrative account of how such control mechanisms can be acquired in a biologically plausible manner. Here, we present WorkMATe, a neural network architecture that models cognitive control over working memory content and learns the appropriate control operations needed to solve complex working memory tasks. Key components of the model include a gated memory circuit that is controlled by internal actions, encoding sensory information through untrained connections, and a neural circuit that matches sensory inputs to memory content. The network is trained by means of a biologically plausible reinforcement learning rule that relies on attentional feedback and reward prediction errors to guide synaptic updates. We demonstrate that the model successfully acquires policies to solve classical working memory tasks, such as delayed recognition and delayed pro-saccade/anti-saccade tasks. In addition, the model solves much more complex tasks, including the hierarchical 12-AX task or the ABAB ordered recognition task, both of which demand an agent to independently store and updated multiple items separately in memory. Furthermore, the control strategies that the model acquires for these tasks subsequently generalize to new task contexts with novel stimuli, thus bringing symbolic production rule qualities to a neural network architecture. As such, WorkMATe provides a new solution for the neural implementation of flexible memory control.

Autoři článku: Humphriesbateman1483 (Hu Broberg)