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Mycetoma recently had gained international attention and conscious awareness after its inclusion under the WHO/NTD list in 2016. The journey to achieve that was both long, challenging as well as it was exciting and hard. In this article, the milestones and various events that took place in this journey were documented and highlighted.The Rice Core Collection of Japanese Landraces (JRC) consisting of 50 accessions was developed by the genebank at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) in 2008. As a Japanese landrace core collection, the JRC has been used for many research projects, including screening for different phenotypes and allele mining for target genes. To understand the genetic diversity of Japanese Landraces, we performed whole-genome resequencing of these 50 accessions and obtained a total of 2,145,095 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) and 317,832 insertion-deletions (indels) by mapping against the Oryza sativa ssp. japonica Nipponbare genome. A JRC phylogenetic tree based on 1,394 representative SNPs showed that JRC accessions were divided into two major groups and one small group. We used the multiple genome browser, TASUKE+, to examine the haplotypes of flowering genes and detected new mutations in these genes. Finally, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for agronomical traits using the JRC and another core collection, the World Rice Core Collection (WRC), comprising 69 accessions also provided by the NARO genebank. In leaf blade width, a strong peak close to NAL1, a key gene for the regulation of leaf width, and, in heading date, a peak near HESO1 involved in flowering regulation were observed in GWAS using the JRC. They were also detected in GWAS using the combined JRC + WRC. Thus, JRC and JRC + WRC are suitable populations for GWAS of particular traits.As the world welcomes the availability and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, coupled with it is the 'hesitant' predicament of some Filipinos to get vaccinated because of the confusing information regarding its efficacy. With this, the government needs to build up public trust to assure a successful vaccination program. A recent study suggested that a more 'localized' public education and role-modeling from public officials and health authorities can help in building public trust. TMP269 However, this needs a lot of clarification if applied in the current situation where education is fully executed online. The problem now lies in the country's poor internet connectivity which greatly affects the online setup. This study then proposes that a house-to-house massive information campaign by local health care personnel which is led by a medical doctor to ensure a credible explanation of the entire procedure. In the same way, the idea of public officials as role-models seemed to be ineffective since there were already casualties linked to the vaccine. A consistent transparent approach is suggested in lieu of this which can prepare the country for a more defensive strategy to fight the pandemic.Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin production from pancreatic beta cells or insufficient insulin action leading to an inability to control blood glucose. While a wide range of treatments exist to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes, therapies addressing the root cause of diabetes through replacing lost beta cells with functional cells remain an active pursuit. We previously demonstrated that genetic deletion of Fstl3, a critical regulator of activin activity, enhanced beta cell number and glucose-responsive insulin production. These observations suggested the hypothesis that FSTL3 neutralization could be used to therapeutically enhance beta cell number and function in humans. To pursue this possibility, we developed an FSTL3 neutralizing antibody, FP-101, and characterized its ability to prevent or disrupt FSTL3 from complexing with activin or related ligands. This antibody was selective for FSTL3 relative to the closely related follistatin thereby reducing the chance for off-target effects. In vitro assays with FP-101 and activin revealed that FP-101-mediated neutralization of FSTL3 can enhance both insulin secretion and glucose responsiveness to non-functional mouse and human islets under conditions that model diabetes. Thus, FSTL3 neutralization may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for treating diabetes through repairing dysfunctional beta cells.Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) improves oxidative stress and mitochondrial biogenesis in various species but has not been thoroughly investigated in horses. We collected blood and muscle samples from lightly exercising horses before and 6 and 12 wk after receiving either soybean oil (CON; n = 5) or CLA (CLA; n = 5) supplementation. Samples were analyzed for markers of mitochondrial characteristics, antioxidant status, oxidative stress, and muscle damage. Data were analyzed using a linear model with repeated measures. In the triceps brachii (TB), citrate synthase (CS) activity was higher in CON than CLA horses (P = 0.003) but was unaffected by diet in the gluteus medius (GM). Integrative (relative to mg protein) cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) activity was higher in TB than the GM (P less then 0.0001), while intrinsic (relative to CS) CCO was lower in the TB than the GM (P = 0.02) and tended to be lower in CON than CLA horses (P = 0.06). Neither CS nor integrative CCO activities were affected by time. In the GM, superoxide dismutase activity tended to increase in CON through week 12 (P = 0.10). Over both muscle groups, glutathione peroxidase activity tended to be higher in CON compared with CLA at week 12 (P = 0.06). Malondialdehyde was higher in the TB than the GM (P = 0.0004) but was unaffected by diet, while serum creatine kinase activity tended to be lower in CLA than CON horses (P = 0.07). These results suggest that CLA supplementation may lead to mitochondrial adaptations and prevent myofiber perturbation in skeletal muscle of young, lightly exercised horses.In this study, we found that loss of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 causes disruptions throughout the growth hormone (GH) axis, from hepatic gene expression to production of urinary pheromones and pheromone-dependent behavior. First, we show that Bmal1 knockout (KO) males elicit reduced aggressive responses from wild-type (WT) males and secrete lower levels of major urinary proteins (MUPs); however, we also found that a liver-specific KO of Bmal1 (liver-Bmal1-KO) produces a similar reduction in MUP secretion without a defect in aggressive behavior, indicating that the decrease in elicited aggression arises from another factor. We then shifted our investigation to determine the cause of MUP dysregulation in Bmal1 KO animals. Because the pulse pattern of GH drives sexually dimorphic expression of hepatic genes including MUPs, we examined GH pulsatility. We found that Bmal1 KO males have a female-like pattern of GH release, whereas liver-Bmal1-KO mice are not significantly different from either WT or Bmal1 KO. Since differential patterns of GH release regulate the transcription of many sexually dimorphic genes in the liver, we then examined hepatic gene transcription in Bmal1 KO and liver-Bmal1-KO mice. We found that while some female-predominant genes increase in the Bmal1 KO, there was no decrease in male-predominant genes, and little change in the liver-Bmal1-KO. We also found disrupted serum insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and liver Igf1 messenger RNA in the Bmal1 KO mice, which may underlie the disrupted GH release. Overall, our findings differentiate between GH-pulse-driven and circadian-driven effects on hepatic genes, and the functional consequences of altered GH pulsatility.The virtue of compassion is a valid antidote to lighten the burden of negative effects brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, real-life situations can attest that this is not always the kind of behavior for some people since the current situation is considered as 'survival of the fittest.' In its absence, the respect of freedom by public officials to every citizen is a great substitute most especially in the implementation of the government's vaccination program. This behavior actualizes every person's plan of protection without being pressured. This right needs to be provided and not taken away by the government.

Chagas disease is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and is endemic from Latin American countries. The goal of our study was to identify novel genetic loci associated with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy development in Chagas disease patients from different Latin American populations.

We performed a cross-sectional, nested case-control study including three sample collections from Colombia, Argentina and Bolivia. Samples were genotyped to conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS). These results were meta-analyzed with summary statistic data from Brazil, gathering a total of 3,413 Chagas disease patients. To identify the functional impact of the associated variant and its proxies we performed an in silico analysis of this region.

The meta-analysis revealed a novel genome-wide statistically significant association with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy development in rs2458298 (OR=0.90, 95%CI=0.87-0.94, p-value=3.27x10 -08), nearby the SAC3D1 gene. In addition, further in silico analyses displayed functional relationships between the associated variant and the SNX15, BAFT2 and FERMT3 genes, related to cardiovascular traits.

Our findings support the role of the host genetic factors in the susceptibility to the development of the chronic cardiac form of this neglected disease.

Our findings support the role of the host genetic factors in the susceptibility to the development of the chronic cardiac form of this neglected disease.With the increasing number of immunoinflammatory complexities, cancer patients have a higher risk of serious disease outcomes and mortality with SARS-CoV-2 infection which is still not clear. In this study, we aimed to identify infectome, diseasome and comorbidities between COVID-19 and cancer via comprehensive bioinformatics analysis to identify the synergistic severity of the cancer patient for SARS-CoV-2 infection. We utilized transcriptomic datasets of SARS-CoV-2 and different cancers from Gene Expression Omnibus and Array Express Database to develop a bioinformatics pipeline and software tools to analyze a large set of transcriptomic data and identify the pathobiological relationships between the disease conditions. Our bioinformatics approach revealed commonly dysregulated genes (MARCO, VCAN, ACTB, LGALS1, HMOX1, TIMP1, OAS2, GAPDH, MSH3, FN1, NPC2, JUND, CHI3L1, GPNMB, SYTL2, CASP1, S100A8, MYO10, IGFBP3, APCDD1, COL6A3, FABP5, PRDX3, CLEC1B, DDIT4, CXCL10 and CXCL8), common gene ontology (GO), molecular pathways between SARS-CoV-2 infections and cancers. This work also shows the synergistic complexities of SARS-CoV-2 infections for cancer patients through the gene set enrichment and semantic similarity. These results highlighted the immune systems, cell activation and cytokine production GO pathways that were observed in SARS-CoV-2 infections as well as breast, lungs, colon, kidney and thyroid cancers. This work also revealed ribosome biogenesis, wnt signaling pathway, ribosome, chemokine and cytokine pathways that are commonly deregulated in cancers and COVID-19. Thus, our bioinformatics approach and tools revealed interconnections in terms of significant genes, GO, pathways between SARS-CoV-2 infections and malignant tumors.

Autoři článku: Humphreymosegaard7906 (Warren Ferrell)