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SWAT estimated pesticide surface water concentrations for the pesticides chlorpyrifos and trifluralin followed temporal trend in PSD monitoring results and the 5th to 95th percentile range of estimated pesticide concentrations based on the probabilistic assessment encompassed 65-76% of the observed PSD concentrations. Evaluation of model estimates for metolachlor in surface water was challenged by insufficient publicly available grab sample monitoring data. A process to estimate pesticide surface water concentrations on biologically relevant time scales and comparison to screening level aquatic life benchmarks is presented. Additionally, model estimates were used to characterize the variance in surface water concentrations in this small hydrologically responsive watershed to determine grab sampling frequency adequate for model evaluation.To evaluate the impact of stand age on the ecosystem's C budget, as well as the post-harvest recovery of the C storages and fluxes, a chronosequence of Scots pine stands from the clear-cut stage up to the age of 110 years was studied. An age-related trend of net primary production (NPP) demonstrated effective C accumulation in the young and middle-aged stands and their levelling out thereafter. The understorey vegetation contributed 8-46% to total NPP, being lower in the pole and middle-aged stands, but without a clear age related trend. Annual cumulative soil heterotrophic respiration (Rh) demonstrated stable values along the chronosequence, varying between 3.8 and 5.4 t C ha-1 yr-1. The Rh flux of 2.9 t C ha-1 yr-1 at the clear-cut site did not exceed the corresponding value for stands. The NEP along the chronosequence followed the dynamics of the annual biomass production of the trees, peaking at the middle-aged stage and decreasing in the older stands; the NPP of the trees was the main driver directing the dynamics of NEP. There was no significant correlation between Rh and dynamics of aboveground litter or fine root production, which can partly explain why no relationship was established between annual Rh and stand age. The total ecosystem C stocks followed the same trend as cumulative tree biomass, peaking in the older stands, however, the soil C stocks varied along the chronosequence irrespective of stand age. The post-harvest C compensation point was reached at the age of 7-years and C payback occurred at a stand age of 11-12 years. Stands acted as C accumulating ecosystems and average annual C accumulation was around 2.5 t C ha-1 yr-1, except for the youngest stand and the clear-cut area which acted as C sources. In the oldest stand C budget was almost balanced, with a modest annual accumulation of 0.12 t C ha-1 yr-1.Urban population and urbanisation are increasing rapidly, mainly in developing countries, usually at the expense of green and blue areas. This trend will decrease the ecosystems' capacity to supply ecosystem services (ES) and threaten human wellbeing. Therefore, it is key to establish greening policies in urbanising areas, which are essential to improve the liveability of cities. Restoring and developing green and blue infrastructures using nature-based solutions is vital to improving urban biodiversity and urban ecosystems. Healthy urban ecosystems have a high capacity to supply regulating (e.g., air, noise, climate and water regulation), provisioning (e.g., food, medicinal plants, biomass) and cultural (e.g., recreation, landscape aesthetics, social cohesion) ES. This multifunctionality can provide diverse environmental, social and economic benefits to urban residents, hence contributing to the sustainability of urban areas. However, urban green and blue areas are also associated with ecosystem disservices (e.g., plant allergies or poisoning, emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds, unpleasant smells), tradeoffs (e.g., increased water consumption, wildfire risk, associated management costs) and implementation barriers (e.g., political motivation, lack of knowledge, time and workload). Overall, the SI published 8 articles from different parts of the world, such as China, the USA, Italy or Spain, focused on important aspects of greening the city (e.g., green roofs, green walls, green infrastructures, sustainable mobility).Immobilization and release of colloids are important for colloids-facilitated migrations, and in the safety assessment of geological disposal for high-level radioactive waste, the association between the immobilization and release process of the bentonite colloids with selenite migration has not been well revealed. In this work, the migration of bentonite colloids under different conditions is evaluated, and the effects of colloids immobilization and release on selenite migration are studied. In addition, the cases of in-migration (colloids are immobilized in the quartz sand, and then selenite migrates through the quartz sand with immobilized colloids) and co-migration (colloids bearing selenite are immobilized in the quartz sand) are investigated. The results show that in the systems containing 3.0 mM Mg2+, the mobility of the colloids is highly hindered and the colloids are immobilized in the quartz sand mainly by straining effect. The immobilization of bentonite colloids affects selenite migration differently according to the immobilization process (in-migration or co-migration). A more significant retardation effect is observed in the co-migration process than in-migration due to the additional inner-sphere complexed selenite in the co-migration. The immobilized colloids can be more easily released by alkaline DI-water (pH 11.0) than acidic one (pH 6.0) as a result of the more negative surface charges of the immobilized bentonite colloids. DMAMCL The average size of the released colloids is larger than the initial colloids at the same pH. Selenite is found to be released ahead of colloids in either in- or co-migration process, and part of selenite is discovered migrating with released colloids in co-migration process. Since colloids immobilization and release would influence radionuclides migration, further research about colloids immobilization and release with broad range of pH and ionic strength in the host rock and its influence on the migration of other radionuclides are needed.Contaminated groundwater is a priority issue on the environmental agendas of developed countries. Therefore, there is an obvious need to develop instruments and decision-making mechanisms that allow the estimation of the risk to human health due to the presence of contaminants in soils and groundwater, in a fast and reliable manner. Thus, this study aims to assess whether the spilling of hydraulic fracturing fluids prior to injection has a potential risk to groundwater quality in the Kern County Sub-basin, California, by identifying the hydrological factors and solute transport characteristics that control these risks while taking into consideration the temperature rises due to climate change. The approach uses the concept of the groundwater pollution risk based on comparing the concentration of pollutants within the water table by using a predetermined permissible level. The current average annual temperature and that by the end of the 21st century was used to estimate the diffusion of benzene through three types of soil by using HYDRUS-1D software. The software was used to predict the contaminant concentration profile of benzene in the water table with special reference to the impact of surface temperatures. The results showed that an expected rise of the surface temperature by 4.3 °C led to an increase in the concentration of benzene by 2.3 μg/l in sandy loam soil, 6.8 μg/l in silt loam soil, and finally, 2.6 μg/l in loam soil. The results show that climate change can substantially affect soil properties and their chemical constituents, which then play a major role in absorbing pollutants.Exploring the changes in wheat traits under future climate change and their contributions to yield changes is essential to improve the understanding of climate impact mechanisms and develop climate-resilient cultivars, which however has been seldom conducted. In this study, using a process-based crop model (APSIM-Wheat), meta-regression analyses, and machine learning approaches, we assessed the impacts of different warming levels on soil environments and wheat traits; investigated the impacts of future climate change on wheat traits, growth and development; and identified the favorable wheat traits for breeding under future climate change conditions. Meta-analyses showed that climate warming could significantly advance anthesis date by 3.50% and shorten the entire growth duration by 1.18%, although the duration from anthesis to maturity could be elongated by 7.72%. It could also increase grain yield slightly by 2.72% in the North China Plain, mainly due to the increase in biomass by 6.66%, grain weight by 3.8nd climate change impact mechanisms and develop climate-resilient cultivars.The triplet excited state of dissolved organic matter (3DOM⁎) is highly effective in the photodegradation of a broad spectrum of trace organic pollutants (TOPs), and its photoactivity is affected by concomitant metal ions in surface waters. However, the impact of environmental metal ions on the 3DOM⁎-induced photodegradation of TOPs has not been systemically explored. Herein, we investigated the effect of environmental Cu2+ on the 3DOM⁎-induced photodegradation kinetics of 16 TOPs. A fluorescence quenching experiment showed that a Cu(II)-DOM complex was formed. For the TOPs with stronger electron-donating groups (triplet-labile moieties, e.g., phenols and anilines), Cu2+ complexation notably inhibited 3DOM⁎-induced photodegradation. This may be ascribed to the decrease of 3DOM⁎ steady-state concentration because Cu2+ complexation reduces its formation rates and enhances scavenging rates tested by sorbic acid isomerization experiment. Meanwhile, it was found that Cu2+ complexation facilitated the photolysis of refractory TOPs (lower triplet reactivity) because of enhanced electron transfer between DOM and Cu(II), causing photoinduced OH formation. These findings implied that 3DOM⁎ reactivity differences in TOPs could affect the photodegradation rates in the complex system, which was confirmed via a linear correlation of photodegradation rate ratios for 16 TOPs induced by 3DOM⁎ in the presence/absence of Cu2+ with their 3DOM⁎ reactivity. These findings helped to improve our understanding of the photochemical reactivity of 3DOM⁎ in natural waters, especially the effects of environmentally concomitant metal ions.An increasing number of studies on the toxicities of citric acid esters (CAEs)-a class of so-called "safe" alternative plasticizers-have highlighted the urgent need to understand their contamination profiles in foodstuffs and the corresponding potential risks to human health. This study determined the concentrations of 8 target CAEs in 105 foodstuff samples, grouped into 6 food categories, collected from Nanjing City, China, in 2020. All eight CAEs were detected in at least one of the analyzed samples and had detection frequencies (DFs) of 5-47%. The DFs and distribution profiles of the target CAEs varied among different food categories; for example, cereals had the highest DF (92%), while meat/fish contained the highest mean total concentration of CAEs (8.35 ng/g wet weight (ww)). Among the target CAEs, acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) had the highest DF (47%), and tributyl citrate (TBC) exhibited the highest mean concentration (1.24 ng/g ww). Based on the food ingestion route, the estimated total daily intake (EDI) values of the target CAEs for adults under average- and high-exposure scenarios were 38.

Autoři článku: Hugheskaufman7575 (Drew Sampson)