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DI countries. selleck In addition, it is very necessary to promulgate policies to prevent and control air pollution in countries with large and increasing exposure to PM2.5 pollution.

In the past 30 years, the global burden of PM2.5-related neonatal infections has increased, especially in early neonates, boys, and low-middle SDI regions. The huge difference compared to higher SDI countries means that lower SDI countries have a long way to go to reduce the disease burden. Policy makers should appropriately allocate medical resources to boys and early newborns and pay more attention to data under-reporting in low SDI countries. In addition, it is very necessary to promulgate policies to prevent and control air pollution in countries with large and increasing exposure to PM2.5 pollution.Isokinetic knee dynamometry evolves towards more precise techniques, such as the calculation of the functional ratio. This study evaluated the influence of an intermediate hip position called the unified reclined position (URP) compared to the classic sitting position, (CSP) on hamstring eccentric PT values (Hexc30) and conventional (Hcon60/Qcon60) and functional (Hexc30/Qcon60) ratios. Twenty Spanish high-level competitive soccer players (20.4 ± 4.44 years) were evaluated in CSP and in URP. The hip angle in URP (44°) was determined with a passive extensibility test (quadriceps and hamstrings), looking for an agonist/antagonist tension balance. The following were performed three repetitions (60°/s) and five repetitions (240°/s) in concentric quadriceps and hamstrings mode; and three repetitions (30°/s) in concentric and eccentric for the hamstrings. At 30°/s, the CSP presents higher values of maximal eccentric hamstring strength than URP, (Dom + N-Dom leg (Nm) CSP = 148.3 ± 19.5 vs. URP 143.5 ± 23.2); p = 0.086 (n.s.). The conventional relationship did not show data justifying the preference for URP over CSP (p = 0.86 (n.s.)). However, although the functional index did not show significant values (p = 0.97 (n.s.), it did show a greater number of subjects with imbalances measured in URP (five in URP vs. two in CSP). An assessment angle of the hip closer to sports reality seems to favor the use of the URP as a complementary method to the CSP. These data stimulate new studies using URP together with the classic protocol.Conspiracy theories often emerge during public health crises, and can provide some explanation for the causes behind the crises. However, the prevalence of conspiracy theories also poses a serious threat to public health order and hinders the implementation of disease prevention and control measures. No studies have examined the role of multiple risk perceptions in the formation of beliefs in conspiracy theories from a cognitive perspective in the context of the epidemic. In this cross-sectional study, participants filled in an online survey in order to investigate the relationship between epidemic severity and beliefs in conspiracy theories and the mediating role of risk perception in this relationship. The results showed that COVID-19 epidemic severity positively predicted beliefs in both in- and out-group conspiracy theories. Risk perception mediated the positive relationship between COVID-19 epidemic severity and belief in in-group conspiracy theories. These results suggest that in a major public health crisis event (1) residents at the epicenter may be more prone to believing in both in- and out-group conspiracy theories; and (2) beliefs in in- and out-group conspiracy theories may have different psychological mechanisms. Therefore, conspiracy theories about public health incidents, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, should be classified and treated by policy stakeholders.Investing and gambling share key features, in that both involve risk, the coming together of two or more people, and both are voluntary activities. However, investing is generally a much better way than gambling for the average person to make long-run profits. This paper reviews evidence on two types of "gamblified" investment products where this advantage does not hold for investing high-frequency stock trading and high-risk derivatives. This review defines a gamblified investment product as one that leads most investors to lose, that attracts people at risk of experiencing gambling-related harm, and that utilizes product design principles from gambling (either by encouraging a high frequency of use or by providing the allure of big lottery-like wins). The gamblification of investing produces novel challenges for the regulation of both financial markets and gambling.As a major carbon-emitting country, there is an urgent need for China to reduce carbon emissions. Studying the carbon emission efficiency of each province helps us to learn about the characteristics and evolution of regional carbon emissions, which is important for proposing effective and targeted measures to achieve the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. This paper measures the carbon emission efficiency of 30 Chinese provinces from 2006 to 2019 based on a three-stage SBM-undesirable model and explores external drivers using stochastic frontier models. The results of the SBM-undesirable model show that the inter-provincial carbon emission efficiency is unevenly distributed and shows a big difference. From the results of the stochastic frontier model analysis, external drivers such as the intensity of finance in environmental protection, the level of economic development, the industrial structure, the level of urbanization, the degree of openness and the level of science as well as technology innovation all have an impact on the emission efficiency. In terms of LSTM model prediction, the model shows an excellent fitting effect, which provides a possible path for carbon emission efficiency prediction. Finally, based on the empirical results and the actual situation of each province in China, this paper proposes relevant feasible suggestions.Human ageing involves several physiological impairments-in particular, a decrease in sensorimotor function and changes in the nervous system reduce muscle strength, power, balance, and functional capacity performance. Preventive strategies are essential to ensure the quality of life of the elderly. High-speed resistance training (HSRT) may be an effective approach to muscle power development in this population, with significant short-term effects on neural adaptations and muscle power production. Therefore, the present study intends to analyze and systematize the studies focused on HSRT interventions and their effects on health outcomes in independent older adults. Four electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCO, and Scielo) were used for the purposes of searching randomized controlled trials that measured at least one key outcome measure focusing on velocity-based training and health outcomes in older adults on 7 March 2022 and identified 1950 studies. At the end of the process, fourteen studies were included in this systematic review and ten studies were included in the quantitative analysis. The main results showed that HSRT interventions would improve health measures, mostly cognitive function (large effects, p = 0.001, SMD = 0.94), neuromuscular function (moderate effects, p = 0.003, SMD = 0.70), and physical function (moderate effects, p = 0.04, SMD = 0.55 and p = 0.009, SMD = -0.59). Additionally, the results suggested that interventions with ten weeks or more, performed three times a week, provide significant improvements in neuromuscular function. In this sense, HSRT is effective for improving overall health outcomes in older adults. Future studies should include proper follow-ups (e.g., minimum six months) to assess the durability of HSRT intervention effects on all health-related variables.Background This study aimed to observe the effects of a fast acute ascent to simulated high altitudes on cardiovascular function both in the main arteries and in peripheral circulation. Methods We examined 17 healthy volunteers, between 18 and 50 years old, at sea level, at 3842 m of hypobaric hypoxia and after return to sea level. Cardiac output (CO) was measured with Doppler transthoracic echocardiography. Oxygen delivery was estimated as the product of CO and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2). The brachial artery's flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was measured with the ultrasound method. Post-occlusion reactive hyperemia (PORH) was assessed by digital plethysmography. Results During altitude stay, peripheral oxygen saturation decreased (84.9 ± 4.2% of pre-ascent values; p < 0.001). None of the volunteers presented any hypoxia-related symptoms. Nevertheless, an increase in cardiac output (143.2 ± 36.2% of pre-ascent values, p < 0.001) and oxygen delivery index (120.6 ± 28.4% of pre-ascent values; p > 0.05) was observed. FMD decreased (97.3 ± 4.5% of pre-ascent values; p < 0.05) and PORH did not change throughout the whole experiment. Τhe observed changes disappeared after return to sea level, and normoxia re-ensued. Conclusions Acute exposure to hypobaric hypoxia resulted in decreased oxygen saturation and increased compensatory heart rate, cardiac output and oxygen delivery. Pre-occlusion vascular diameters increase probably due to the reduction in systemic vascular resistance preventing flow-mediated dilation from increasing. Mean Arterial Pressure possibly decrease for the same reason without altering post-occlusive reactive hyperemia throughout the whole experiment, which shows that compensation mechanisms that increase oxygen delivery are effective.As a result of aging populations globally, a growing number of older adults prefer to age in place; therefore, it is essential to study the spatial adaptability of the house. This study aimed to explore the relationship between the efficiency of daily activities and the spatial layout of home kitchens in the elderly population, and to assess the moderating role of cognitive function. Twenty-one elderly participants completed the experiment, including non-cognitively impaired (n = 12) and cognitively impaired groups (n = 9). Their home kitchen space was partitioned in plan and elevation based on space syntax theory. They were required to complete three tasks (i.e., an easy task, a medium task, and a difficult task) in their respective kitchens. The relationship between the efficiency of different tasks' completion and the corresponding kitchen space attributes (integration, mean depth) was examined. The results showed a significant association between the home kitchen space layout of homebound older adults and their kitchen activity efficiency. In addition, a positive moderating effect of cognitive ability was found in the association between moderate and difficult tasks (p < 0.05), and its effect appeared to be stronger under challenging tasks (p < 0.01). The results of this study may help provide a basis for future design and optimization of aging-friendly residential spaces.Functional trait diversity represents ecological differences among species, and the structure of waterbird communities is an important aspect of biodiversity. To understand the effect of meteorological changes on the waterbird functional diversity and provide suggestions for management and conservation, we selected a study area (726 km2) in Liaohe Estuary, located in northeast China. We explored the trends of the waterbird functional diversity changes in response to meteorological factors using fourth corner analysis. Our study demonstrated that temperature was a key factor that impacted waterbird functional diversity in spring, while precipitation had a greater impact in autumn. The population size of goose and duck was positively associated with temperature and negatively with precipitation, while that of the waders (Charadriiformes) showed opposite association trends. Herbivores and species nesting on the bare ground exhibited responses to meteorological factors similar to those of geese and ducks, while benthivores and waterbirds nesting under grass/shrubs exhibited trends similar to those of waterbirds.

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