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Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are financially incentivised groupings of General Practices (GP) in the English NHS. Their purpose is to deliver a number of policy goals set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) have a role in their establishment, support, and oversight.

Explore commissioner's perspectives on the early development of PCNs.

Qualitative study of CCGs using telephone interviews. Semi-structured interviews (n=37) with CCG employees involved in PCN establishment.

Interviewees were asked about local PCNs' characteristics, factors shaping development and form, activities to date, challenges and benefits, and their CCGs' relationship with PCNs. Interviewee responses were summarised within a matrix and analysed thematically.

Three meta-themes were identified the multifaceted role of the commissioner; uneven advantages; engaging the broader system. Interviewees reported that the policy potentially favours PCNs working from a 'blank slate' and does not sufficiently account for the fact some GP practices and wider system organisations have been doing similar work already. The prescriptive, contractual nature of the policy has led to local challenges, trying to ensure local good practices are not lost during implementation. Interviewees also considered an important part of their work to be protecting PCNs from the weight of expectations placed upon them.

CCGs are well placed to understand the complexities of local systems and facilitate PCNs and working practices between wider system partners. It is important that this local role is not lost as CCGs continue to merge and cover larger geographical populations.

CCGs are well placed to understand the complexities of local systems and facilitate PCNs and working practices between wider system partners. It is important that this local role is not lost as CCGs continue to merge and cover larger geographical populations.

Review templates are commonly used in long-term condition (LTC) consultations to standardise care for patients and promote consistent data recording. However, templates may affect interactions during the review and potentially inhibit patient-centred care.

To systematically review literature on the impact of LTC review templates on process and health outcomes, and the views of healthcare professionals and patients on using review templates in consultations.

Parallel qualitative and quantitative systematic reviews.

Following Cochrane methodology, we searched nine databases (1995-2019; updated July 2020) for clinical trials and qualitative studies of LTC templates in healthcare settings. We performed duplicate selection, risk-of-bias assessment and data extraction. The quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted in parallel and findings synthesised narratively.

We included 12 qualitative and 14 quantitative studies (two studies reported both qualitative and quantitative data and were includeded care.

The worldwide burden of musculoskeletal diseases is increasing. The number of newly registered rheumatologists has stagnated. Primary care, which takes up a key role in early detection of rheumatic disease, is working at full capacity. COVID-19 and its containment impede rheumatological treatment. Telemedicine in rheumatology (telerheumatology) could support rheumatologists and general practitioners.

The goal of this study was to investigate acceptance and preferences related to the use of telerheumatology care among German rheumatologists and general practitioners.

A nationwide, cross-sectional, self-completed, paper-based survey on telerheumatology care was conducted among outpatient rheumatologists and general practitioners during the pre-COVID-19 period.

A total of 73.3% (349/476) of survey participants rated their knowledge of telemedicine as unsatisfactory, poor, or very poor. The majority of survey participants (358/480, 74.6%) answered that they do not currently use telemedicine, although 62.3 introduced to address the limited knowledge on the part of physicians in the use of telemedicine. More research into telerheumatology is required. This includes large-scale randomized controlled trials, economic analyses, and the exploration of user preferences.

Before COVID-19 appeared, our results indicated generally low use but high acceptance of the implementation of telerheumatology among physicians. Participants indicated that the lack of a structural framework was a barrier to the effective implementation of telerheumatology. Training courses should be introduced to address the limited knowledge on the part of physicians in the use of telemedicine. More research into telerheumatology is required. This includes large-scale randomized controlled trials, economic analyses, and the exploration of user preferences.

As of March 2021, in the USA, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over 500,000 deaths, with a majority being people over 65 years of age. Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, preventive measures, including lockdowns, social isolation, quarantine, and social distancing, have been implemented to reduce viral spread. These measures, while effective for risk prevention, may contribute to increased social isolation and loneliness among older adults and negatively impact their mental and physical health.

This study aimed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting "Stay-at-Home" order on the mental and physical health of older adults and to explore ways to safely increase social connectedness among them.

This qualitative study involved older adults living in a Continued Care Senior Housing Community (CCSHC) in southern California, USA. VTP50469 purchase Four 90-minute focus groups were convened using the Zoom Video Communications platform during May 2020, involving 21 CCSHC residents. Participan technology access, connectivity, and literacy are potential game-changers to supporting the mental and physical health of older adults and must be prioritized for future research.

The dissemination of rumor rebuttal content on social media is vital for rumor control and disease containment during public health crises. Previous research on the effectiveness of rumor rebuttal, to a certain extent, ignored or simplified the structure of dissemination networks and users' cognition as well as decision-making and interaction behaviors.

This study aimed to roughly evaluate the effectiveness of rumor rebuttal; dig deeply into the attitude-based echo chamber effect on users' responses to rumor rebuttal under multiple topics on Weibo, a Chinese social media platform, in the early stage of the COVID-19 epidemic; and evaluate the echo chamber's impact on the information characteristics of user interaction content.

We used Sina Weibo's application programming interface to crawl rumor rebuttal content related to COVID-19 from 10 AM on January 23, 2020, to midnight on April 8, 2020. Using content analysis, sentiment analysis, social network analysis, and statistical analysis, we first analyzed nline users' information-seeking behavior was accompanied by incivility, and information-sharing behavior was accompanied by more negative sentiment, which was often accompanied by incivility.

Our findings revealed the existence and degree of an echo chamber effect from multiple dimensions, such as topic, interaction mechanism, and interaction level, and its impact on interaction content. Based on these findings, we provide several suggestions for preventing or alleviating group polarization to achieve better rumor rebuttal.

Our findings revealed the existence and degree of an echo chamber effect from multiple dimensions, such as topic, interaction mechanism, and interaction level, and its impact on interaction content. Based on these findings, we provide several suggestions for preventing or alleviating group polarization to achieve better rumor rebuttal.[This corrects the article DOI 10.2196/25443.].

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every region in the world. At the time of this study, the number of daily new cases in the United States was greater than that in any other country, and the trend was increasing in most states. Google Trends provides data regarding public interest in various topics during different periods. Analyzing these trends using data mining methods may provide useful insights and observations regarding the COVID-19 outbreak.

The objective of this study is to consider the predictive ability of different search terms not directly related to COVID-19 with regard to the increase of daily cases in the United States. In particular, we are concerned with searches related to dine-in restaurants and bars. Data were obtained from the Google Trends application programming interface and the COVID-19 Tracking Project.

To test the causation of one time series on another, we used the Granger causality test. We considered the causation of two different search query trends related to d provide additional information for prediction tasks regarding new cases in each region. These predictions can help health care leaders manage and control the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on society and prepare for its outcomes.

Although a limited number of search queries were considered, Google search trends for restaurants and bars showed a significant effect on daily new cases in US states and territories with higher numbers of daily new cases. We showed that these influential search trends can be used to provide additional information for prediction tasks regarding new cases in each region. These predictions can help health care leaders manage and control the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on society and prepare for its outcomes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced drastic changes to daily life, from the implementation of stay-at-home orders to mandating facial coverings and limiting in-person gatherings. While the relaxation of these control measures has varied geographically, it is widely agreed that contact tracing efforts will play a major role in the successful reopening of businesses and schools. As the volume of positive cases has increased in the United States, it has become clear that there is room for digital health interventions to assist in contact tracing.

The goal of this study was to evaluate the use of a mobile-friendly app designed to supplement manual COVID-19 contact tracing efforts on a university campus. Here, we present the results of a development and validation study centered around the use of the MyCOVIDKey app on the Vanderbilt University campus during the summer of 2020.

We performed a 6-week pilot study in the Stevenson Center Science and Engineering Complex on Vanderbilt University's campus in Nashvillease. Incentives to continue the use of such tools can improve uptake, and their continued usage increases utility to both organizational and public health efforts. Parameters of digital tools, including MyCOVIDKey, should ideally be optimized to supplement existing contact tracing efforts. These tools represent a critical addition to manual contact tracing efforts during reopening and sustained regular activity.

This study aimed to evaluate the safety of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) during daily clinical practice.

This was a prospective study conducted between January 01, 2016, and April 01, 2017, in patients aged ≥18 years with a diagnosis of NVAF. We performed the study in 9 clinical centers from different regions of Turkey, and the mean follow-up period was 12+2 months. We investigated major and minor bleeding events of DOAC.

A total of 1807 patients with NVAF were enrolled. The mean age of the patients was 73.6±10.2 years, CHA2DS2-VASc score was 3.6±1.4, and HAS-BLED score was 2±1.2. The most frequently prescribed DOAC was dabigatran 110 mg bid in 409 (22.6%) patients. The patients on apixaban 2.5 mg bid were older (p<0.001). Patients on rivaroxaban 15 mg od also had a higher prevalence of chronic renal failure, 46 (16.7%) patients. A total of 205 (11.4%) bleeding events were observed; among these, 34 (1.9%) patients had major bleeding and 171 (9.

Autoři článku: Housedunn9743 (Adair Honore)