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Transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a well-established technique worldwide, with minimal incidence of associated major and minor complications. Surgical closure of PDA is equally effective with negligible mortality risk. We describe a case of an adult with unexpected diagnosis of PDA occluder device embolization in main pulmonary artery, presenting after 12 years of initial device deployment during childhood. Due to persistent duct flow, patient developed severe pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure. In this report, we are focusing on perioperative management of surgical retrieval of the embolized device along with the need of intermediate and sometimes long term follow up of patients planned for percutaneous closure, in order to avoid procedure-related complications and associated morbidity and mortality risk. At the same time, the socio-economic aspects of the patient should also be considered in decision-making in terms of choice of transcatheter versus surgical closure of the shunt.Patients with thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis present unique challenges to anesthesia. We report an interesting and challenging case of kyphoscoliosis presenting with a displaced right intertrochanteric femur fracture who was planned for spinal anesthesia. However, spinal anesthesia was not successful even with the use of intraoperative fluoroscopy. The patient was again planned for spinal anesthesia the next day after reviewing his preoperative lumbar X-rays, which were suggestive of severe canal stenosis and sclerosis of the spine at L4-L5 and L5-S1 level thus causing the failure of contrast to spread up. Using appropriate space (L3-L4) after viewing X-ray, successful spinal anesthesia could be given. This report underscores the importance of reviewing the preoperative radiology of the diseased spine by the anesthesiologist to administer an effective and safe spinal anesthesia in such patients.

Airway management is a lifesaving skill which all health-care workers should possess. Currently, most of the resuscitation councils recommend supraglottic airway devices as the technique of choice for airway management during cardiopulmonary resuscitation by health-care providers without expertise in tracheal intubation. This is because of its high first-pass success rate and easy to acquire and retain skill even by novices.

The present study was planned to compare the efficacy of two commonly available supraglottic airway devices, classic LMA (cLMA) and I-gel in securing airway in adult manikin by inexperienced persons (58 paramedics and 46 medical students), after a brief training. Our primary aim was to determine the first attempt success rate, and other parameters studied were the time and ease of insertion, overall success rate, and preference for device.

The first-attempt success rate of I-gel was higher in both groups of participants (74% in students and 69% in paramedicals) compared to that of cLMA (70% in l students and 53% in paramedics) although the overall success was the same. Majority of participants could secure airway quickly and easily by I-gel than by cLMA. More than 90% of participants preferred I-gel over cLMA.

This study shows that inexperienced persons could learn to place the I-Gel and cLMA successfully in the manikin after a brief training in manikin. The first-attempt success rate and insertion of I-gel was easier and faster than that of cLMA by both groups of participants and most participants preferred I-gel due to ease of handling.

This study shows that inexperienced persons could learn to place the I-Gel and cLMA successfully in the manikin after a brief training in manikin. The first-attempt success rate and insertion of I-gel was easier and faster than that of cLMA by both groups of participants and most participants preferred I-gel due to ease of handling.

Neurosurgical procedures are associated with profound blood loss that necessitates need for intraoperative and postoperative blood transfusion. Excessive ordering of blood based on physicians' habitual practice may lead to unintentional misuse of blood bank services. For the optimal use of blood resources, transfusion practices have to be appropriate.

The aim of this study is to study the cross match to transfusion ratio and to review the blood utilization practices (transfusion index and maximal surgical blood order schedule) in elective neurosurgical procedures.

A prospective, observational study comprising 740 patients undergoing elective neurosurgical procedures.

Blood requisition forms and patient records were analyzed of patients undergoing elective neurosurgical procedures from December 2017 to December 2018. A review and note was made of the patient's age, sex, and diagnosis. The number of units prepared, cross matched, and transfused were noted.

Statistical analysis was performed with the I, and craniovertrebral junctional anomalies. However, the blood resources were poorly utilized in patients undergoing surgery for subarachnoid hemorrhage and pituitary tumors. A revision of blood transfusion policy within the hospital is needed.

Ventilator setting in the intensive care unit patients is a topic of debate and setting of tidal volume (TV) should be patient-specific based on lung mechanics. In this study, we have evaluated to develop optimal ventilator strategies through continuous and thorough monitoring of respiratory mechanics during ongoing ventilator support to prevent alveolar collapse and alveolar injury in mechanically ventilated patients.

In our monocentric, randomized, observational study, we had recruited 60 patients and divided them into two groups of 30 each. In Group 1 patients, TV and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were set according to pressure-volume (P/V) curve obtained by the mechanical ventilator in a conventional manner (control group), and in Group 2, TV and PEEP were set according to P/V curve obtained by the mechanical ventilator using intratracheal catheter. PEEP and TV were set accordingly. TV, PEEP, and PaO


(P/F) ratio at days 1, 3, and 7, mortality within 7 days and mortality within 28 days were measured in each group and compared.

We found a significant difference between PEEP and P/F ratio in both groups while intragroup comparison at days 1, 3, and 7. After the intergroup comparison of Group 1 and 2, we observed a significant difference of PEEP and P/F ratio between the groups at day 7 and not on day 1 or 3.

This study concludes that optimal PEEP is more accurate using an intratracheal catheter than the conventional method of deciding ventilator setting. Hence, it is recommended to use intratracheal catheter to obtain more accurate ventilator settings.

This study concludes that optimal PEEP is more accurate using an intratracheal catheter than the conventional method of deciding ventilator setting. Hence, it is recommended to use intratracheal catheter to obtain more accurate ventilator settings.

Dexmedetomidine has been used as an effective adjuvant to local anesthetics in peripheral nerve blocks and at the incision site.

We compared the postoperative analgesic effect of bupivacaine alone and in addition of dexmedetomidine to bupivacaine in wound instillation during lumbar laminectomy.

This was a prospective, double-blind, randomized control trial.

Sixty adults of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Grade I-II scheduled for elective lumbar laminectomy under general anesthesia were randomly allocated into two groups. Group B (control group) patients received wound instillation with 20 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine at the end of surgery and Group D patients received 2 μ

dexmedetomidine diluted in 20 mL 0.25% bupivacaine as instillation over the incision site. If the NRS exceeded "4" at any point of time, rescue analgesia with injection diclofenac 75 mg deep intramuscular was administered. Postoperative pain score, duration of analgesia, total rescue analgesic required in the first 24 h, and side effects were compared between the groups.

Demographic data were comparable in both the groups. Duration of analgesia (19.93 ± 3.2 in Group D vs. 12.13 ± 1.8 in Group B) was significantly more in Group D, number of analgesic demands were less in group D as compared to Group B, and total rescue analgesic required (62.51 ± 39.13 vs. 95.68 ± 33.5) was significantly less in Group D as compared to Group B.

We conclude that dexmedetomidine 2 μ

is an effective adjuvant to bupivacaine for wound instillation in terms of quality and duration of postoperative analgesia following lumbar laminectomy.

We conclude that dexmedetomidine 2 μ is an effective adjuvant to bupivacaine for wound instillation in terms of quality and duration of postoperative analgesia following lumbar laminectomy.

Supraclavicular brachial plexus block offers good operating conditions with limited postoperative analgesia. CAY10603 HDAC inhibitor Magnesium sulfate (MgSO

) and ketamine block peripheral nociception mediated via N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of MgSO

and ketamine on the duration of analgesia in brachial block.

This was a prospective, randomized, controlled double-blind study.

One hundred and five adult patients were randomly divided into three groups Group I = 27 mL of 0.5% ropivacaine; Group II = 27 mL of 0.5% ropivacaine + 250 mg MgSO

 ; and Group II = 27 mL of 0.5% ropivacaine + 2

ketamine. Normal saline was added to make a total volume of 30 mL. The onset and duration of the sensorimotor blockade, quality and duration of postoperative analgesia, and adverse effects were assessed.

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS, version 17.0 software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Chi-square test was used for nonparametric and ANOVA for parametric data.

Stompared to ketamine.

Bariatric surgery is the effective management of obesity; however, postoperative pain is associated with a great morbidity. The management of pain is important for the enhancement of patient recovery. Local anesthetics can be injected during laparoscopic surgery into the peritoneum throughout the ports produced either before the beginning of laparoscopy or before the closure of the wound to reduce postoperative pain. Our aim is to evaluate if there is an additive analgesic effect by the administration of intraperitoneal hydrocortisone with streamed intraperitoneal bupivacaine as a method of postoperative pain relief in laparoscopic bariatric surgeries.

One hundred patients listed for laparoscopic bariatric surgery were the subject of this study. Patients were randomly allocated into two groups Group I received 100 mg of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine plus 20 mL normal saline intraperitoneally and Group II received intraperitoneal 100 mg of 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine + 100 mg hydrocortisone + 20 mL of saline at the end of the laparoscopic procedure. The primary outcome was the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score for pain. The secondary outcomes were the time of first analgesic request, total opioid requirement, heart rate, and mean blood pressure.

VAS showed a significant decrease at 4, 6, and 12 h postoperative in Group II compared to Group I. There was a marked decrease in total meperidine requirement with prolonged time of the first analgesic request in Group II compared to Group I.

Intraperitoneal hydrocortisone with bupivacaine had improved postoperative pain relief with a decrease in analgesic requirement.

Intraperitoneal hydrocortisone with bupivacaine had improved postoperative pain relief with a decrease in analgesic requirement.

Autoři článku: Housedowns5589 (Lauesen Nicholson)