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A two-factor solution was found for the SF-MPG. The two-factors for SF-MPG were sensory and affective subscales with Cronbach's alpha of 0.82 and 0.714, respectively. When the two scales were combined, an EFA analysis confirmed the PII and SF-MPG measure different aspects of chronic pain.

The PII and SF-MPG had good construct validity and reliability for assessing different aspects of chronic pain among working Chilean adults.

The PII and SF-MPG had good construct validity and reliability for assessing different aspects of chronic pain among working Chilean adults.Birds can assess nest predation risk and adjust their parental activity accordingly. Risk taking behavior should be related to investment in reproduction as well as to confidence in parenthood that often differ between sexes. In those cases, sexual differences in risk taking behavior may be expected. For example, in blue tits, females invest more time and energy than males in nest-building, egg laying and incubation. Furthermore, confidence in parenthood is supposed to be higher for females, as extrapair paternity is common in this species. Therefore, the reproductive value of nestlings may be higher for females than for males and the former may assume greater risks to ensure nestling growth and maximize their reproductive success. We examined potential sexual differences in the risk assumed by parents in relation to perceived risk of predation inside the nest cavity, where predation risk perception may be higher. We increased perceived predation risk by adding predator chemical cues inside blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) nest-boxes, and we tested whether female and male parents differed in the risk assumed when taking care of nestlings. Females and males did not differ in the risk assumed in response to perceived predation risk. However, females reduced time devoted to nest sanitation activities when predator chemical cues were detected inside the nest-box, likely as an anti-predatory strategy to minimize their own risk of predation. Therefore, these results add to the evidence that birds can detect chemical cues of predators inside the nest cavity and suggest that the behavioral response to an increase in risk of predation perceived through olfactory cues is not sex-dependent in blue tit.Weather is the most important driver of crop development. However, spatial variability in weather makes it hard to obtain reliable high resolution datasets across large areas. Most growers rely on data from a single station that can be up to 50km away to make decisions about irrigation, pest management and penology-associated cultural practices at the block level. In this regard, we hypothesize that kriging a large network of weather stations can improve thermal time data quality compared to using the closest station. This study aims to explore the spatial variability in California's Central Valley and what is the relationship between the density of weather stations used and the error in the measurement of temperature related metrics and derived models. For this purpose, we used temperature records from January 1st 2020 to March 1st 2021 collected by the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) and a system of 731 weather stations placed above the canopy of trees in commercial orchards (in-orchard). We observed large discrepancies (>300 GDDTb0) in thermal time accumulation between using an interpolation of all stations available and just using the closest CIMIS station. Our data suggests these differences are not systematic bias but true differences in mesoclimate. Similar results were observed for chill accumulation in areas especially prone to not meeting pistachio chill requirements where the discrepancies between using the site-specific in-orchard weather station network and not using them were up to 10 CP. The use of this high resolution network of weather stations revealed spatial patterns in grape, almond, pistachio and pests phenology not reported before. Whereas previous studies have been focused on predictions at the county or state or regional level, our data suggests that a finer resolution can result in major improvements in the quality of data crucial for crop decision making.Understanding people's practices, knowledge and perceptions of the use of fire and fire regimes can inform fire management plans that could contribute to savanna conservation and sustainable management. We investigated the frequency of fire use, control and perceptions of fire regimes for selected livelihood and socio-cultural activities in six districts in the Guinea savanna of Ghana. The six districts were selected to have a good representation of fire prone areas in the region based on fire frequency data obtained from the CSIR Meraka Institute, South Africa. A multiple regression analysis showed that people's use of fire for the selected socio-cultural activities from district, occupation, gender, age and ethnic group significantly predicted fire use for the activities R2 = 0.043, F (5,498) = 5.43, p less then 0.000. Age and occupation added significantly to the use of fire. The study revealed that the majority of respondents (83%) across the study districts used fire once a year for at least one of the to mitigate and/or manage bushfires in West African savannas and enhance savanna conservation and management. Hence, the need to better understand people's knowledge and perceptions of fire regimes in fire assisted socio-cultural practices in West Africa.Appropriate cardiac performance depends on a tightly controlled handling of Ca2+ in a broad range of species, from invertebrates to mammals. The role of the Ca2+ ATPase, SERCA, in Ca2+ handling is pivotal, and its activity is regulated, inter alia, by interacting with distinct proteins. Herein, we give evidence that 4E binding protein (4E-BP) is a novel regulator of SERCA activity in Drosophila melanogaster during cardiac function. Flies over-expressing 4E-BP showed improved cardiac performance in young individuals associated with incremented SERCA activity. Moreover, we demonstrate that SERCA interacts with translation initiation factors eIF4E-1, eIF4E-2 and eIF4E-4 in a yeast two-hybrid assay. The specific identification of eIF4E-4 in cardiac tissue leads us to propose that the interaction of elF4E-4 with SERCA may be the basis of the cardiac effects observed in 4E-BP over-expressing flies associated with incremented SERCA activity.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0248873.].Phenytoin is a powerful antiseizure drug with complex pharmacokinetic properties, making it an interesting model drug to use in preclinical in vivo investigations, especially with regards to formulations aiming to improve drug delivery to the brain. Moreover, it has a major metabolite, 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin, which can be simultaneously studied to achieve a better assessment of its behaviour in the body. Here, we describe the development and validation of a sensitive LCMS/MS method for quantification of phenytoin and 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin in rat plasma and brain which can be used in such preclinical studies. Calibration curves produced covered a range of 7.81 to 250 ng/mL (plasma) and 23.4 to 750 ng/g (brain tissue) for both analytes. The method was validated for specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, and precision and found to be within the acceptable limits of ±15% over this range in both tissue types. The method when applied in two in vivo investigations validation of a seizure model and to study the behaviour of a solution of intranasally administered phenytoin as a foundation for future studies into direct nose-to-brain delivery of phenytoin using specifically developed particulate systems, was highly sensitive for detecting phenytoin and 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-phenylhydantoin in rat plasma and brain.The main objective of this study is to assess the economic value of the Brazilian Amazon's ecosystem services accruing to Brazilians based on a meta-analysis of the Brazilian valuation literature. Insight in these local values provides an important benchmark to demonstrate the importance of preserving the Brazilian Amazon forest. The review covers almost 30 years of Brazilian valuation research on the Amazon, published predominantly in Portuguese, highlighting a high degree of study and data heterogeneity. The estimated mean value of the provision of habitat for species, carbon sequestration, water regulation, recreation and ecotourism to local populations is about 410 USD/ha/year. The standard deviation is however high, reflecting a wide dispersion in the distribution of values. Between 50 and 70 percent of the variation in these values can be explained with the help of the estimated meta-regression models, resulting in considerable prediction errors when applying a within-sample resampling procedure. These findings demonstrate the need for a more robust, common ecosystem services accounting and valuation framework before these values can be scaled up and aggregated across the entire Brazilian Amazon.Severe coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is characterized by vascular inflammation and thrombosis. We and others have proposed that the inflammatory response to coronavirus infection activates endothelial cells, leading to endothelial release of pro-thrombotic proteins. These mediators can trigger obstruction of the pulmonary microvasculature, leading to worsening oxygenation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and death. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that higher levels of biomarkers released from endothelial cells are associated with worse oxygenation in patients with COVID-19. We studied 83 participants aged 18-84 years with COVID-19 admitted to a single center. The severity of pulmonary disease was classified by oxygen requirement, including no oxygen requirement, low-flow oxygen, high-flow nasal cannula oxygen, mechanical ventilation, and death. We measured plasma levels of two proteins released by activated endothelial cells, von Willebrand Factor (VWF) antigen and soluble P-Selectin (sP-Sel), and a biomarker of systemic thrombosis, D-dimer. Additionally, we explored the association of endothelial biomarker levels with the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokines, and vascular inflammation biomarkers. We found that levels of VWF, sP-sel, and D-dimer were increased in individuals with more severe COVID-19 pulmonary disease. Biomarkers of endothelial cell activation were also correlated with proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines. find more Taken together, our data demonstrate increased levels of VWF and sP-selectin are linked to the severity of lung disease in COVID-19 and correlated with biomarkers of inflammation and vascular inflammation. Our data support the concept that COVID-19 is a vascular disease which involves endothelial injury in the context of an inflammatory state.Non-adherence to antibiotics is a well-known, core player to antibiotic resistance. The current adherence behavior toward short-term antibiotic regimens has never been investigated before in Jordan. This study assessed the prevalence and predictors of non-adherence to short-term antibiotics among Jordanians and investigated participants' views about different reasons related to antibiotics non-adherence. A cross-sectional face-to-face survey-based interview was conducted in three hospital pharmacies in Jordan. Adults and mother of children (≤12 years old) who completed their short course treatment ( less then 30 day) of oral antibiotic within the last month were recruited. A total of 2000 participants (adults 1000 and mothers of children 1000) were included in the study with a response rate of 91.60%. The prevalence of non-adherence was estimated to be 32.10%. Non-adherent respondents scored a lower Medication Adherence Report Scale [16.76±5.02 vs. 23.04 ±3.24] than adherent respondents (p less then 0.001). Adults without comorbidity and children with higher number of doses per regimen were significantly less adherent to antibiotic [(OR = 0.

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