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The majority of participants (59.7%) reported being disappointed with the current mental health care system in Egypt.

There is a high prevalence of mental challenges among Egyptian youth and the health care system is not adequately prepared to respond to their needs. Epigenetic inhibitor E-Mental Health and online interventions seem to be a promising solution that could increase access to mental health services for Egyptian youth.

There is a high prevalence of mental challenges among Egyptian youth and the health care system is not adequately prepared to respond to their needs. E-Mental Health and online interventions seem to be a promising solution that could increase access to mental health services for Egyptian youth.It is well recognized that randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are a powerful tool to investigate causal relationships, and are considered the gold standard level of research evidence. However, RCTs can be expensive and time-consuming, and when they employ strict eligibility criteria, it results in an unrepresentative population and limited external validity. Recently, the registry-based randomized clinical trial (RRCT) has emerged as an alternative trial design. Utilizing registries to underpin such studies, RRCTs can have advantages including rapid recruitment, and enhanced generalizability. In Australia, legislated mandatory reporting of cancer diagnoses means that jurisdictional cancer registries are a rich source of systematically collected patient details, representing sound platforms for comprehensive data capture that can serve as a key tool for further research. We review the roles of cancer registries in Australia, discuss important considerations relevant to the design of RRCTs, and outline the opportunities provided by cancer registries to strengthen cancer research.

Optimal risk stratification is the key to minimizing relapse and toxicity in children with Wilms tumor (WT). The study evaluated poor tumor volume response to chemotherapy as a risk factor that predicts relapse.

Children with WT who were treated between 2005 and 2020 at the center were analyzed. Tumor volumes at the time of diagnosis and after preoperative chemotherapy were calculated from cross-sectional imaging. The International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP)-WT-2001 protocol was used for treatment. The area under a receiver operating characteristic curve was estimated to ascertain the ability of tumor volume to predict relapse.

Ninety-five patients with a median age of 40months were included. A postchemotherapy tumor volume cutoff of 270ml was ascertained to have the best predictive value for relapse. Patients with a tumor volume of <270ml following preoperative chemotherapy had a better 3-year event-free survival (EFS) than those with a tumor volume of ≥270ml (89.8% ± 4.0% vs. 57.4% ± 12.5%, p=.001). The data demonstrated that a tumor volume of ≥270ml after chemotherapy was associated with an increased risk of relapse (hazard ratio [HR] 5.3, p=.006). The EFS in patients with an epithelial or stromal type of histopathology was not affected by the tumor volume response (p=.437). Conversely, patients with other types of intermediate-risk histopathology who had a poor tumor volume response had an inferior survival (3-year EFS 51.4% ± 18.7%, p=.001).

A postchemotherapy tumor volume cutoff of ≥270ml emerged as a strong predictor of relapse in a low- and middle-income country (LMIC) center study of WT treated with the SIOP protocol.

A postchemotherapy tumor volume cutoff of ≥270 ml emerged as a strong predictor of relapse in a low- and middle-income country (LMIC) center study of WT treated with the SIOP protocol.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges for young people and youth mental health services. To address a gap in knowledge about the impact of the pandemic and associated restrictions on youth mental health services, this paper examined the nature of young people's engagement with Jigsaw's brief intervention service during the pandemic.

Data gathered from young people engaging with Jigsaw's brief intervention service in the 12 months after the official declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic (n=6161), and 12 months prior (n=8665) were examined.

There were less referrals to Jigsaw during the pandemic, especially during lockdown periods, but this rebounded when public health restrictions were eased. A higher proportion of females (p < .001) and 12-17 year olds (p < .001) were referred during the pandemic period. There was an increase in the proportion of young people who presented with anxiety (p < .001) and sleep changes (p < .001). Although 12-16 year olds reported significantly higher levels of distress during the pandemic (p < .05), the effect size was small. Young people reported high levels of satisfaction with the new phone/video modes of support offered by Jigsaw, and the overall attendance rate improved during the pandemic period.

The impact of COVID-19 on young people's mental health needs to be considered as a priority. This paper is helpful for services considering the long-term mental health needs of young people, and the best way of meeting those needs.

The impact of COVID-19 on young people's mental health needs to be considered as a priority. This paper is helpful for services considering the long-term mental health needs of young people, and the best way of meeting those needs.Given the increasing use of novel targeted therapies, dermatologists are constantly confronted with novel cutaneous side effects of these agents. A rapid diagnosis and appropriate management of these side effects are crucial to prevent impairment of the patients' quality of life and interruptions of essential cancer treatments. Immune checkpoint and EGFR inhibitors are frequently used targeted therapies for various malignancies and are associated with a distinct spectrum of cutaneous adverse events. Exanthematous drug eruptions represent a particular diagnostic challenge in these patients. Immune checkpoint inhibitors can elicit a plethora of immune-related exanthemas, most commonly maculopapular, lichenoid, and psoriasiform eruptions. Additionally, autoimmune bullous dermatoses and exanthemas associated with connective tissue diseases may arise. In cases of severe, atypical or therapy-resistant presentations an extensive dermatological investigation including a skin biopsy is recommended. Topical and systemic steroids are the mainstay of treatment. Papulopustular eruptions represent the major cutaneous adverse effect of EGFR inhibitor therapy, occurring in up to 90 % of patients within the first two weeks of therapy, depending on the agent. Besides topical antibiotics and steroids, oral tetracyclines are the first choice in systemic treatment and can also be used as prophylaxis.Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common malignancy of the skin after basal cell carcinoma and mainly found in sun-exposed areas such as the face. This mostly locally destructive malignancy may show invasive growth and insidious mechanisms of dissemination such as perineural invasion. Periorbital squamous cell carcinoma is associated with perineural invasion in up to 14 % of cases. Specifically in this region, the proximity to cranial nerves and therefore the associated risk of progression to the central nervous system are associated with poor prognosis. The clinically concealed character of this entity often leads to a delay in diagnosis and consequently makes complete resection and reconstruction demanding. Careful clinical evaluation often hints at perineural invasion before obtaining histology. Aside from presenting five challenging cases, this work analyzes risk factors, clinical as well as histological features, and treatment options for periorbital squamous cell carcinoma with perineural invasion.

Pemphigus ist mit physischen und psychischen Erkrankungen assoziiert. Diese Studie soll derartige Zusammenhänge bei Patienten mit Pemphigus näher untersuchen sowie die Komorbidität nach Geschlecht, Alter, dem Pemphigus Disease Area Index, der Diagnoseverzögerung und der Beteiligung von Haut/Schleimhaut analysieren.

Jedem Pemphigus-Patienten wurden acht Kontrollen mit ähnlichem Alter, Geschlecht und Wohnsitz zugeordnet. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Begleiterkrankungen bei Patienten und Kontrollpersonen wurde anhand univariater konditionaler Regressionsmodelle bestimmt. Begleiterkrankungen, die in den univariaten Modellen mit P<0,05 mit der Diagnose Pemphigus assoziiert waren, wurden dann in einem Vorwärtsverfahren in ein multivariates konditionales Regressionsmodell eingefügt.

Die Studie umfasste 163Patienten mit Pemphigus. Die hauptsächlichen Erkrankungen zum Diagnosezeitpunkt waren kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen, Hyperlipidämie, Autoimmunerkrankungen der Schilddrüse, autoimmune/entzündliche Dermatosen und Krebs. In der multivariaten konditionalen Regressionsanalyse waren Krebs und autoimmune/entzündliche Dermatosen unabhängig mit Pemphigus assoziiert. In Sensitivitätsanalysen, in denen vier Patienten mit paraneoplastischem Pemphigus ausgeschlossen wurden, waren diese Assoziationen ebenfalls signifikant.

Krebs und autoimmune/entzündliche Dermatosen sind möglicherweise auslösende Faktoren für Pemphigus dar und sollten als frühe Warnsignale für diese Erkrankung angesehen werden.

Krebs und autoimmune/entzündliche Dermatosen sind möglicherweise auslösende Faktoren für Pemphigus dar und sollten als frühe Warnsignale für diese Erkrankung angesehen werden.

Die Dermatomyositis gehört zur Gruppe der seltenen, idiopathischen, inflammatorischen Myositiden. Für die paraneoplastische Form der Dermatomyositis wurde in der Vergangenheit ein Zusammenhang mit Malignomen erkannt. Faktoren, die für eine Malignom-Assoziation sprechen, werden bis heute untersucht.

Es wurden retrospektiv über einen Zeitraum von 15 Jahren die Daten von 63 Patienten mit Dermatomyositis analysiert.

Folgende Faktoren gaben einen Hinweis für eine Dermatomyositis mit Malignom-Assoziation ein höheres Patientenalter (>52 Jahre [P=0,001], >65 Jahre [P=0,002], ≥75 Jahre [P=0,002]), eine kürzere Zeit zwischen Erstmanifestation und Erstdiagnose (Malignom-Gruppe 59 Tage vs. Nicht-Malignom-Gruppe 137 Tage [P=0,022]), eine Hautbeteiligung in Form von Gottron-Zeichen (P=0,045), zentrofazialen Erythemen (P=0,036) oder typischen Erythemen an den Ober-/Unterarmen (P=0,019), eine oropharyngeale Beteiligung (P=0,015) und eine GPT-Erhöhung (P=0,031). Folgende Faktoren sprachen eher gegen eine Malignom-ung der Nomenklatur. Mit unserer Studie wollen wir einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Identifizierung von Risikofaktoren bei Dermatomyositis mit Malignom-Assoziation leisten.Das Plattenepithelkarzinom ist nach dem Basalzellkarzinom das zweithäufigste Malignom der Haut und wird vorwiegend an sonnenexponierten Stellen wie der Gesichtshaut diagnostiziert. Diese meist lokal destruktiv wachsende Malignität kann durchaus auch invasives Wachstumsverhalten, wie perineurale Ausbreitungsmechanismen, aufweisen. Das Plattenepithelkarzinom der periorbitalen Region ist in bis zu 14 % der Fälle mit perineuraler Invasion assoziiert. Vor allem in diesem Bereich birgt die anatomische Nähe zu den Hirnnerven das Risiko einer Progression Richtung zentrales Nervensystem, was mit einer schlechteren Prognose assoziiert ist. Der klinisch unauffällige Charakter dieser Entität resultiert oft in einer Verzögerung der definitiven Diagnosestellung, wodurch die vollständige Resektion und anschließende Rekonstruktion erschwert werden. Eine aufmerksame klinische Evaluierung kann bereits vor Erlangen histologischer Befunde Hinweise für ein perineurales Wachstum liefern. Neben fünf herausfordernden Fällen analysiert diese Arbeit Risikofaktoren, klinische als auch histologische Merkmale und Behandlungsoptionen des periorbitalen Plattenepithelkarzinoms mit perineuraler Invasion.

Autoři článku: Hortonsoelberg2909 (Ward Rodriquez)