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The biochar-microorganism composite system shows a promising application for heavy metal wastewater treatment.The corrosion and odor in concrete sewers are mainly related to the sulfide production, which is, under certain circumstances, directly proportional to the hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the sewer. To reduce the corrosion and control the odor in concrete sewers, it is necessary to model the production of sulfide in the concrete sewers with different HRTs. However, previous researches were mostly carried out in simulated Perspex-made sewers, and the obtained theoretical formulas based on the Monod equation were impractical because of the complexity. An actual concrete pipe with domestic sewage was employed in this study to obtain a simple but practical model, which can be applied to quantitively describe the sulfide production according to the HRT of the sewer and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the sewage. The empirical equation obtained was rs = (0.045 × lnHRT + 0.071) × ([COD] - b)0.6, the coefficient is a logarithmic function of the HRT, and the sulfide production rate and COD have a power relationship. Based on the data of COD and HRT obtained in the realistic sewer, the production of sulfide in the sewer can be predicted for better maintaining sewers through sulfide control.Ciprofloxacin (CIP) removal efficiency in aqueous solutions in the ultrasonic (US), K2S2O8, and US/K2S2O8 systems was investigated. The free radical generation and action ratio were studied based on variations of K2S2O8 concentration, ultrasonic power, pH, and the addition of isopropanol (ISP) or tert-butyl alcohol (TBA) in the US/K2S2O8 system. The results showed that under conditions of 20 mg·L-1 CIP concentration, 20 mmol·L-1 K2S2O8 concentration, an ultrasonic power of 360 W and pH = 7, CIP removal efficiency in the US/K2S2O8 system was 92.20% after 180 min. The reaction in the US/K2S2O8 system was explicitly divided into two stages free radical generation and pollutants degradation. The ultrasonic and chain reaction facilitated enhanced generation of SO4-• and HO•. The presence of K2S2O8 can promote HO• generation and K2S2O8 concentration also exerted a significant effect on SO4-• generation, however, high concentrations were not beneficial to the reaction. Quenching reactions occurred under high concentrations of HO• and SO4-•. During the initial stage of the reaction, HO• played a more prominent role than SO4-•, however, the role of SO4-• gradually increased as the reaction proceeded and eventually surpassed HO•.

Social communication disorder (SCD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes communication difficulties. Literature linking SCD and addictions is scarce, and there are only a few case reports regarding the co-occurrence of addiction and autism disorder spectrum, and only one of them addressed behavioural addictions.

We report MC's case, who displayed an SCD and sexual addiction (SA). Clinical and neuropsychological evaluations suggested an alteration of social cognition, especially of affective theory of mind. This article also presents the adaptation made of the usual treatment.

This case report illustrates the importance of social cognition abilities in the development and maintenance of behavioural addictions, and specifically SA. It also highlights the possible comorbidity of these two disorders and the possibility to work on social cognition as an alternate therapy in the treatment of behavioural addictions.

The co-occurrence of SCD and a behavioural addiction triggered clinical adaptations and implications that may affect a patient's treatment presenting one of these disorders.

The co-occurrence of SCD and a behavioural addiction triggered clinical adaptations and implications that may affect a patient's treatment presenting one of these disorders.Iodine deficiency has multiple adverse effects on growth and development. Diets in many countries cannot provide adequate iodine without iodine fortification of salt. In 2020, 124 countries have legislation for mandatory salt iodization and 21 have legislation allowing voluntary iodization. As a result, 88% of the global population uses iodized salt. For population surveys, the urinary iodine concentration (UIC) should be measured and expressed as the median, in μg/L. The quality of available survey data is high UIC surveys have been done in 152 out of 194 countries in the past 15 years; in 132 countries, the studies were nationally representative. The number of countries with adequate iodine intake has nearly doubled from 67 in 2003 to 118 in 2020. However, 21 countries remain deficient, while 13 countries have excessive intakes, either due to excess groundwater iodine, or over-iodized salt. Iodine programs are reaching the poorest of the poor of the 15 poorest countries in the world, 10 are iodine sufficient and only 3 (Burundi, Mozambique and Madagascar) remain mild-to-moderately deficient. Nigeria and India have unstable food systems and millions of malnourished children, but both are iodine-sufficient and population coverage with iodized salt is a remarkable 93% in both. Once entrenched, iodine programs are often surprisingly durable even during national crises, for example, war-torn Afghanistan and Yemen are iodine-sufficient. However, the equity of iodized salt programs within countries remains an important issue. In summary, continued support of iodine programs is needed to sustain these remarkable global achievements, and to reach the remaining iodine-deficient countries.Emerging evidence has demonstrated that melatonin (MT) plays a crucial role in regulating mammalian reproductive functions. It has been reported that MT has a protective effect on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). However, the protective mechanisms of MT remain poorly understood. This study aims to explore the effect of MT on ovarian function in PCOS and to elucidate the relevant molecular mechanisms in vivo and in vitro. We first analysed MT expression levels in the follicular fluid of PCOS patients. A significant reduction in MT expression levels was noted in PCOS patients. Intriguingly, reduced MT levels correlated with serum testosterone and inflammatory cytokine levels in follicular fluid. Moreover, we confirmed the protective function of MT through regulating autophagy in a DHEA-induced PCOS rat model. Autophagy was activated in the ovarian tissue of the PCOS rat model, whereas additional MT inhibited autophagy by increasing PI3K--Akt pathway expression. In addition, serum-free testosterone, inflammatory and apoptosis indexes were reduced after MT supplementation. Furthermore, we also found that MT suppressed autophagy and apoptosis by activating the PI3K-Akt pathway in the DHEA-exposed human granulosa cell line KGN. Our study showed that MT ameliorated ovarian dysfunction by regulating autophagy in DHEA-induced PCOS via the PI3K-Akt pathway, revealing a potential therapeutic drug target for PCOS.Cambodia has made impressive progress in reducing malaria trends and, in 2018, reported no malaria-related deaths for the first time. However, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic presents a potential challenge to the country's goal for malaria elimination by 2025. The path toward malaria elimination depends on sustained interventions to prevent rapid resurgence, which can quickly set back any gains achieved.Malaria Consortium supported mobile malaria workers (MMWs) to engage with target communities to build acceptance, trust, and resilience. At the start of the pandemic, Malaria Consortium conducted a COVID-19 risk assessment and quickly developed and implemented a mitigation plan to ensure MMWs were able to continue providing malaria services without putting themselves or their patients at risk. Changes in malaria intervention coverage and community uptake have been monitored to gauge the indirect effects of COVID-19. Comparisons have been made between output indicators reported in 2020 and from the same month-period of the previous year.In general, malaria service intervention coverage and utilization rates did not decline in 2020. Rather, the reported figures show there was a substantial increase in service utilization. Preliminary internal reviews and community meetings show that despite a heightened public risk perception toward COVID-19, malaria testing motivation has been well sustained throughout the pandemic. This may be attributable to proactive program planning and data monitoring and active engagement with the communities and the national authorities to circumvent the indirect effect of COVID-19 on intervention coverage in Cambodia during the pandemic.For gait analysis, especially for the detection of subtle gait abnormalities, the collected datasets involve high variability across subjects due to inherent biometric traits and movement behaviors, leading to limited detection accuracy and poor generalizability. read more To address this, we propose a novel deep multi-source Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) approach, namely Maximum Cross-Domain Classifier Discrepancy (MCDCD), which aims to improve the classification performance on the test subject (target domain) by leveraging the information from multiple labelled training subjects (source domains). Specifically, the proposed model consists of a feature extractor and a domain-specific category classifier per source domain. The former feature extractor learns to generate discriminative gait features. For the latter classifiers, we minimize the cross-entropy loss to accurately classify source samples, and simultaneously maximize a novel cross-domain discrepancy loss between any two category classifiers to minimize domain shift between multiple sources and the target domain. To validate the proposed MCDCD for detecting gait abnormalities on novel subjects, we collected both high-quality Motion capture (Mocap) and noisy Electromyography (EMG) data from eighteen subjects with both normal and imitated abnormal gaits. Experiment results using both data modalities demonstrate that the proposed approach can achieve superior performance in abnormal gait classification compared to baseline deep models and state-of-the-art UDA methods.Haptic communication, the exchange of force and tactile information during dancing or moving a table together, has been shown to benefit the performance of human partners. Similarly, it could also be used to improve the performance of robots working in contact with a human operator. As we move to more robot integrated workspaces, how common network features such as delay or jitter impact haptic communication need to be better understood. Here using a human-like interactive robotic controller, that has been found to be indistinguishable by humans to human interaction, we evaluate how subjects' performance and perception is altered by varying levels of transmission delay. We find that subjects are able to recognise haptic delay at very small levels within haptic interaction. However, while they are consciously aware of the delay they can only compensate for it up until a certain point, after which they perceive it as the addition of noise/impedance into the system.Modern neuromodulation systems typically provide a large number of recording and stimulation channels, which reduces the available power and area budget per channel. To maintain the necessary input-referred noise performance despite growingly rigorous area constraints, chopped neural front-ends are often the modality of choice, as chopperstabilization allows to simultaneously improve (1/f) noise and area consumption. The resulting issue of a drastically reduced input impedance has been addressed in prior art by impedance boosters based on voltage buffers at the input. These buffers precharge the large input capacitors, reduce the charge drawn from the electrodes and effectively boost the input impedance. Offset on these buffers directly translates into charge-transfer to the electrodes, which can accelerate electrode aging. To tackle this issue, a voltage buffer with ultra-low time-averaged offset is proposed, which cancels offset by periodic reconfiguration, thereby minimizing unintended charge transfer. This article explains the background and circuit design in detail and presents measurement results of a prototype implemented in a 180nm HV CMOS process.

Autoři článku: Horowitzhildebrandt6149 (Mitchell Stender)