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The membrane integrity was lower in the contaminated (urine 72.38 ± 15.55%, blood 77.00 ± 11.50%, and feces 68.00 ± 13.64%) than in the contaminant-free (91.46 ± 5.12%) sperm. DNA integrity and mitochondrial functionality were greater in the contaminant-free (82.85 ± 12.19% and 87.15 ± 9.01%, respectively) than in the feces-contaminated (93.38 ± 5.49% and 94.92 ± 6.73%, respectively) samples. C. macropomum sperm contaminated with urine, blood, or feces should not be used for cryopreservation, as these contaminants have detrimental effects on sperm quality.Since turkey reproduction is mainly through artificial insemination, short-term preservation of turkey semen is one of the most important issues in turkey reproduction management. The present study investigates the effects of glutathione (GSH) and trehalose on lipid peroxidation degree and turkey semen quality while being stored at 5 °C for 72 h. To this end, semen samples were collected from 20 turkeys with a weekly frequency for 12 weeks. A glucose-based extender was used to dilute the pooled semen. It was divided into seven equal parts with varying levels of glutathione [0.5, 1 and 2 mM), trehalose [50, 75 and 100] and control [extender without antioxidant]. Subsequently, the divided semen samples were stored at 5 °C for 72 h. Several sperm parameters such as motility and motion parameters, plasma membrane integrity (PMI), plasma membrane functionality, DNA integrity, and oxidative parameters were assessed following storage for 0, 24, 48, and 72 h. The obtained results indicated an improvement in the plasma membrane functionality and DNA integrity, along with the percentages of PMI in GSH-2 mM group in comparison to the control group following storage at 5 °C for 72 h (P ≤ 0.05). It is also notable that the 2 and 1 mM concentrations of GSH increased the spermatozoa motility and motion parameters in comparison to the control group, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). The study results indicated that GSH-2, 1 mM and trehalose- 100 mM concentrations reduced lipid peroxidase levels and increased total antioxidant activity, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase in comparison to the control group (P ≤ 0.05). Our study's data show that improvement of semen parameters and oxidative stress parameters of turkey semen can be improved by glutathione at 2 and 1 mM and trehalose at 75 mM while storing it 5 °C.

To report our experiences with an extraction technique using a prebent, curved needle placed under deeply located single-rod implants to aid in removal.

We conducted a retrospective case series of all patients who were referred for removal of a deeply located or nonpalpable implant to one single specialized center between 2002 and 2019 by screening the database of the private office for "complex implants removals" or "nonpalpable implant" as a result for consultation. After implant-localization via high-resolution ultrasound, we performed a standard incision along the axis of the rod under local anesthesia. We fixed the rod by insertion of a curved needle directly beneath it piercing it through the tissue to the opposite side of the skin. After dissection of the subcutaneous tissue, we palpated the rod above the needle, grasped and removed it. In case of subfascial or intramuscular locations, we applied retractors and opened the fascia along the axis of the device to attempt removal.

Of 117 referrals, medical records of 95 patients provided sufficient information to be included in our analysis. We could not palpate 81 (85%) devices and questionably palpate 14 (15%) implants. We successfully extracted all implants using this technique with an average removal duration of 30 minutes (SD +/- 6.8). Five (5.3%) patients noted intraoperative discomfort with 3 of them describing transient dysesthesia in the fingers innervated by the median nerve, which disappeared within a maximum of 48 hours.

Following the described protocol, this novel technique reliably facilitates removal of nonpalpable or deeply located etonogestrel implants.

This series of nonpalpable implants, all of which have been removed with the same standardized technique provides evidence that the given protocol permits successful extraction.

This series of nonpalpable implants, all of which have been removed with the same standardized technique provides evidence that the given protocol permits successful extraction.

Clinical literature and contraception information guides use the terms "male sterilization" and "vasectomy" interchangeably. We investigate the meanings men attach to "sterilization" and how those meanings compare to perceptions of "vasectomy."

Cisgender, heterosexual men, ages 25 to 67, living across seven U.S. southern states participated in individual telephone interviews from May to December 2019. Interviews explored men's experiences with contraception, including their perception of the term "sterilization." We audio-recorded and transcribed the interviews and conducted thematic analyses using an inductive approach.

While most participants described "vasectomy" as a relatively benign procedure, they described "sterilization" as "sinister," "bleak," and "barbaric." Participants' discussions of sterilization invoked associations with eugenicist practices and specific historical examples of forced sterilization. While some participants recognized that vasectomy is a means of achieving sterilization, most viewed the term "sterilization" as incongruous with the modern medical procedure of "vasectomy," precisely because sterilization has been used as a form of reproductive oppression.

Our findings suggest that men have strong affective responses to the term "sterilization." Participants' knowledge of historical eugenicist practices has implications for the acceptability of vasectomy as a permanent contraceptive option in our contemporary context.

The phrase "male sterilization" can be associated with eugenics and coercive reproductive practices. Using the term for reproductive counselling, education, or research purposes may have implications for the acceptability of vasectomy as a permanent contraceptive option.

The phrase "male sterilization" can be associated with eugenics and coercive reproductive practices. Using the term for reproductive counselling, education, or research purposes may have implications for the acceptability of vasectomy as a permanent contraceptive option.Despite intensive research activity within the area of climate change, substantial knowledge gaps still remain regarding the potential future impacts of climate change on human health. A key shortcoming in the scientific understanding of these impacts is the lack of studies that are conducted in a coordinated and consistent fashion, producing directly comparable outputs. This Viewpoint discusses and exemplifies a bottom-up initiative generating new research evidence in a more coordinated and consistent way compared with previous efforts. It describes one of the largest model comparisons of projected health impacts due to climate change, so far. Yet, the included studies constitute only a selection of health impacts in a variety of geographical locations, and are therefore not a comprehensive assessment of all possible impact pathways and potential consequences. The new findings of these studies shed light on the complex and multidirectional impacts of climate change on health, where impacts can be both adverse or beneficial. However, the adverse impacts dominate overall, especially in the scenarios with more greenhouse gas forcing. Overall, the future population at risk of disease and incidence rates are predicted to increase substantially, but in a highly location-specific and disease-specific fashion. Greenhouse gas emission mitigation can substantially reduce risk and resultant morbidity and mortality. The potential positive impact of adaptation has not been included in the models applied, and thus remains a major source of uncertainty. This bottom-up initiative lays out a research strategy that brings more meaningful research outputs and calls for greater coordination of research initiatives across the health community.Record climate extremes are reducing urban liveability, compounding inequality, and threatening infrastructure. Adaptation measures that integrate technological, nature-based, and social solutions can provide multiple co-benefits to address complex socioecological issues in cities while increasing resilience to potential impacts. However, there remain many challenges to developing and implementing integrated solutions. In this Viewpoint, we consider the value of integrating across the three solution sets, the challenges and potential enablers for integrating solution sets, and present examples of challenges and adopted solutions in three cities with different urban contexts and climates (Freiburg, Germany; Durban, South Africa; and Singapore). We conclude with a discussion of research directions and provide a road map to identify the actions that enable successful implementation of integrated climate solutions. We highlight the need for more systematic research that targets enabling environments for integration; achieving integrated solutions in different contexts to avoid maladaptation; simultaneously improving liveability, sustainability, and equality; and replicating via transfer and scale-up of local solutions. Cities in systematically disadvantaged countries (sometimes referred to as the Global South) are central to future urban development and must be prioritised. Helping decision makers and communities understand the potential opportunities associated with integrated solutions for climate change will encourage urgent and deliberate strides towards adapting cities to the dynamic climate reality.Transmission of many infectious diseases depends on interactions between humans, animals, and the environment. Incorporating these complex processes in transmission dynamic models can help inform policy and disease control interventions. We identified 20 diseases involving environmentally persistent pathogens (ie, pathogens that survive for more than 48 h in the environment and can cause subsequent human infections), of which indirect transmission can occur from animals to humans via the environment. Using a systematic approach, we critically appraised dynamic transmission models for environmentally persistent zoonotic diseases to quantify traits of models across diseases. 210 transmission modelling studies were identified and most studies considered diseases of domestic animals or high-income settings, or both. We found that less than half of studies validated their models to real-world data, and environmental data on pathogen persistence was rarely incorporated. Model structures varied, with few studies considering the animal-human-environment interface of transmission in the context of a One Health framework. This Review highlights the need for more data-driven modelling of these diseases and a holistic One Health approach to model these pathogens to inform disease prevention and control strategies.

Although effects on labour is one of the most tangible and attributable climate impact, our quantification of these effects is insufficient and based on weak methodologies. Sorafenib clinical trial Partly, this gap is due to the inability to resolve different impact channels, such as changes in time allocation (labour supply) and slowdown of work (labour productivity). Explicitly resolving those in a multi-model inter-comparison framework can help to improve estimates of the effects of climate change on labour effectiveness.

In this empirical, multi-model study, we used a large collection of micro-survey data aggregated to subnational regions across the world to estimate new, robust global and regional temperature and wet-bulb globe temperature exposure-response functions (ERFs) for labour supply. We then assessed the uncertainty in existing labour productivity response functions and derived an augmented mean function. Finally, we combined these two dimensions of labour into a single compound metric (effective labour effects). This combined measure allowed us to estimate the effect of future climate change on both the number of hours worked and on the productivity of workers during their working hours under 1·5°C, 2·0°C, and 3·0°C of global warming.

Autoři článku: Hornemedina2133 (Bondesen Lehmann)