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KT seems to be superior, however, both have a positive effect on LBP. Although benefits decrease, long-term treatments focusing on pain alleviation and functional recovery is needed to maintain the benefits achieved.

KT was an effective complement for this treatment. Although both show improvements, KT is recommended. Future studies are needed to demonstrate KT properties, to establish a treatment protocol to prevent chronic LBP and to avoid sick leave and absenteeism.

KT was an effective complement for this treatment. Although both show improvements, KT is recommended. Future studies are needed to demonstrate KT properties, to establish a treatment protocol to prevent chronic LBP and to avoid sick leave and absenteeism.

Despite constant technological evolution, the forestry sector is still characterised as one with the highest risk of occupational accidents. There is no doubt that accidents penalise workers considerably, as well as the companies, insurers, and, consequently, the society, to which many of the costs are externalised, namely in cases where the worker is incapacitated and unable to work.

The aim of this work is to analyse data on occupational accidents in forestry operations in Brazil between 2007 and 2018 in both native and planted forests.

Data were made available by the Brazilian Statistical Directory of Accidents at Work.

The results show that, although most accidents occurred in planted forests, mortality was higher in native forests. It was also found that, overall, the rate of serious accidents resulting in an incapacity to work and, consequently, sick leave is considerably high.

These results highlight that integrating an occupational safety system into a forest management system is crucial for reducing work-related accidents in both native and planted forests. However, the success of this measure will only be effective if it is accompanied by a review of both the Brazilian labour policy and the Brazilian occupational safety management policy, to ensure compliance with legislation, mainly on the part of outsourced companies.

These results highlight that integrating an occupational safety system into a forest management system is crucial for reducing work-related accidents in both native and planted forests. However, the success of this measure will only be effective if it is accompanied by a review of both the Brazilian labour policy and the Brazilian occupational safety management policy, to ensure compliance with legislation, mainly on the part of outsourced companies.

During Finnmarksløpet (FL, one of the longest distance sleddog races in the world), veterinarians are exposed to extreme environmental conditions and tight working schedules, with little and fragmented sleep.

The aim of this case study was to examine cardiovascular parameters and sleep-wake patterns among veterinarians working within FL, during and after (for a month) the end of the race.

Six female veterinarians volunteered for the study. The participants wore a wrist device for a total of eight weeks in order to passively and semi-continuously record physiological responses throughout the day (i.e., heart rate, heart rate variability, number of steps, and sleep quality). Moreover, perceived sleep quality was assessed by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) at three time-points.

During and for one month after completion of the FL, most veterinarians presented an alteration of cardiovascular parameters and sleep quality. The heart rate circadian rhythm returned to pre-race values within about two weeks.

The long-lasting alteration of the veterinarians' cardiovascular parameters and sleep-wake patterns might have negative consequences for their health in the long-term, especially if similar experiences are repeated more times though the course of a year or season. More research is needed in order to understand the health risks, as well as how to prevent them, among veterinarians in long-distance sleddog races or other similar events.

The long-lasting alteration of the veterinarians' cardiovascular parameters and sleep-wake patterns might have negative consequences for their health in the long-term, especially if similar experiences are repeated more times though the course of a year or season. More research is needed in order to understand the health risks, as well as how to prevent them, among veterinarians in long-distance sleddog races or other similar events.

Many agricultural activities excessively need human power and are associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Leafy vegetable cultivation (LVC) is one of these.

The postural workload, body discomfort, and explainable linkage between these among Iranian wintry LVC workers were investigated.

Postures and body discomfort were evaluated using Ovako working posture analyzing system (OWAS) and a body map, respectively. The explainable body discomforts by working postures for each body region were descriptively discussed using some of the literature.

Considering the maximum MSD risk value of 400%, irrigation and manual harvesting had the highest MSD risks with index risks of 313% and 305% respectively. Low back discomfort was the most common body discomfort in LVC which was reported for the operations of moldboard plowing, disking, manure application, chemical broadcasting, spraying, and manual harvesting. LVC operations seemed to rely heavily on the use of low back and shoulders. Bent and/or twist postures were the most common postures for the back.

Almost all the body discomforts were explained by awkward postures shown by postural workload analysis. Therefore, the working posture analysis results may be reliable and utilized in future decisions around ergonomic interventions. GW806742X Future studies may be conducted to investigate the simple and inexpensive ergonomic interventions to mitigate MSD risks.

Almost all the body discomforts were explained by awkward postures shown by postural workload analysis. Therefore, the working posture analysis results may be reliable and utilized in future decisions around ergonomic interventions. Future studies may be conducted to investigate the simple and inexpensive ergonomic interventions to mitigate MSD risks.

Surgeon's hands are exposed to a range of chemical and physical stressors that influence the integrity of gloves. Thus, glove perforation facilitates pathogen transmission through the holes. Numerous studies have shown that glove perforation is of great importance, but there is still no complete consensus.

This study aimed to investigate the safety conditions of surgical gloves based on the incidence of glove perforation among surgical teams.

A literature review was conducted by searching PubMed, Embase, Scopus, ISI, and ProQuest databases. The incidence of glove perforation was reviewed in eight categories. A total of 580 articles were found in the initial search.

109 articles containing 130 datasets were analyzed. The overall incidence of glove perforation was 14.44 %. Surgeons had the highest incidence of glove perforation (23.09 %). An increase in the duration of surgery increased the odds of perforation. It was found that 68.58% of the glove perforations were not identified by practitioners.

Despite major advances in the design of surgical gloves, the issue of safety and integrity of gloves has not improved. Due to the high incidence of surgical glove perforations, most of which had not been identified, it is imperative to consider strategies to minimize the incidence of perforation. The results of the present study can be used to integrate information related to the rate of perforation of surgical gloves in different surgeries.

Despite major advances in the design of surgical gloves, the issue of safety and integrity of gloves has not improved. Due to the high incidence of surgical glove perforations, most of which had not been identified, it is imperative to consider strategies to minimize the incidence of perforation. The results of the present study can be used to integrate information related to the rate of perforation of surgical gloves in different surgeries.

Concerns have been raised about compliance with environmental and safety regulations during mining activities.

The study assessed miners' experiences and perceptions of environmental and safety regulations, in addition to comparing their experiences and regulatory perceptions.

A cross-sectional survey design was adopted for data collection from field miners in Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Findings show that miners still experience environmental pollution and serious injuries during mining activities, notwithstanding regulatory visits. Miners' perceptions of environmental regulatory requirements and their perceptions of safety regulatory requirements had more non-significant correlations, while miners' environmental and safety experiences had significant relationships with their perceptions of environmental and safety regulatory requirements. Nonetheless, environmental and safety regulations were perceived in different ways by miners based on important regulatory requirements.

The study demonstrates the importance of using a practical approach in managing environmental and safety issues during mining activities in a developing country like Nigeria.

The study demonstrates the importance of using a practical approach in managing environmental and safety issues during mining activities in a developing country like Nigeria.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with increased stressful impact among different populations that are at an increased risk of mental health problems, such as university students.

To investigate the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical and rehabilitation sciences university students, explore the factors affecting them, and provide helpful recommendations for better mental health.

An online survey was conducted with a sample of medical and rehabilitation sciences students. The anxiety visual analogue scale, the perceived stress scale (PSS), and the impact of events scale-revised (IES-R) were applied.

A total of 244 students completed the survey (60.7% were female). The mean scores of total anxiety, PSS and IES-R were significantly higher in females than males. 34.5% and 29.4% of the students reported that their sleep and appetite were respectively disturbed during the pandemic. Students with adequate knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic reported a significant decrease in anxiety level (p = 0.01), perceived stress (p = 0.00), and less negative impacts of the pandemic (p = 0.01).

This study shed light on factors that play a major role in anxiety, perceived stress and stressful impact of COVID-19 pandemic among medical and health sciences students, such as gender, knowledge, educational level, presence of chronic condition, and family financial status. Developing proper mental health management guidelines and providing psychological support are recommended and should be considered.

This study shed light on factors that play a major role in anxiety, perceived stress and stressful impact of COVID-19 pandemic among medical and health sciences students, such as gender, knowledge, educational level, presence of chronic condition, and family financial status. Developing proper mental health management guidelines and providing psychological support are recommended and should be considered.

Autoři článku: Hornebrask3628 (Winther Bond)