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Further, overexpressed miR-342 activated the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway, as evidenced by upregulated levels of p-PI3K/PI3K, p-AKT/AKT, and p-mTOR/mTOR. Taken together, miR-342 targets ANXA2 to activate the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway, thereby promoting the malignant-like phenotype of endometrial stromal cells, highlighting miR-342 inhibition as a promising approach for the treatment of endometriosis.Due to the rapid growth of electronic documents, e.g., tweets, blogs, Facebook posts, snaps in different languages that use the same writing script, language categorization, and processing have great importance. For instance, to identify COVID-19 positive patients or people's emotions on COVID-19 pandemic from tweets written in 35 different languages faster and accurate, language categorization and processing of tweets is significantly essential. Among many language categorization and processing techniques, character and word n-gram based techniques are very popular and simple but very efficient for categorizing and processing both short and large documents. One of the fundamental problems of language processing is the efficient use of memory space in implementing a technique so that a vast collection of documents can be easily categorized and processed. In this paper, we introduce a framework that categorizes the language of tweets using n-gram based language categorization technique and further processes the tweets using the machine-learning approach, Linear Support Vector Machine (LSVM), that may be able to identify COVID-19 positive patients. We evaluate and compare the performance of the proposed framework in terms of language categorization accuracy, precession, recall, and F-measure over n-gram length. The proposed framework is scalable as many other applications that involve extracting features and classifying languages collected from social media, and different types of networks may use this framework. This proposed framework, also being a part of health monitoring and improvement, tends to achieve the goal of having a sustainable society.In 2019, a novel type of coronavirus emerged in China called SARS-COV-2, known COVID-19, threatens global health and possesses negative impact on people's quality of life, leading to an urgent need for its diagnosis and remedy. On the other hand, the presence of hazardous infectious waste led to the increase of the risk of transmitting the virus by individuals and by hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, in this review, we survey previous researches on nanomaterials that can be effective for guiding strategies to deal with the current COVID-19 pandemic and also decrease the hazardous infectious waste in the environment. We highlight the contribution of nanomaterials that possess potential to therapy, prevention, detect targeted virus proteins and also can be useful for large population screening, for the development of environmental sensors and filters. Besides, we investigate the possibilities of employing the nanomaterials in antiviral research and treatment development, examining the role of nanomaterials in antiviral- drug design, including the importance of nanomaterials in drug delivery and vaccination, and for the production of medical equipment. Nanomaterials-based technologies not only contribute to the ongoing SARS- CoV-2 research efforts but can also provide platforms and tools for the understanding, protection, detection and treatment of future viral diseases.The gold nanoclusters (Au NCs) are a special kind of gold nanomaterial containing several gold atoms. Because of their small size and large surface area, Au NCs possess macroscopic quantum tunneling and dielectric domain effects. Furthermore, Au NCs fluorescent materials have longer luminous time and better photobleaching resistance compared with other fluorescent materials. The synthetic process of traditional Au NCs is complicated. Traditional Au NCs are prepared mainly by using polyamide amine type dendrites, and sixteen alkyl trimethylamine bromide or sulfhydryl small molecule as stabilizers. They are consequently synthesized by the reduction of strong reducing agents such as sodium borohydride. Notably, these materials are toxic and environmental-unfriendly. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop more effective methods for synthesizing Au NCs via a green approach. On the other hand, the self-assembly of protein gold cluster-based materials, and their biomedical applications have become research hotspots in this field. We have been working on the synthesis, assembly and application of protein conjugated gold clusters for a long time. In this review, the synthesis and assembly of protein-gold nanoclusters and their usage in cell imaging and other medical research are discussed.Increasing numbers of lung tumors are identified at early disease stages by diagnostic imaging in screening programs, but difficulties in locating these during surgical intervention has prevented an improved treatment outcome. Surgical biomarkers that are visible on diagnostic images, and that provide the surgeon with real-time image guidance during the intervention are thus highly warranted to bridge diagnostic precision into enhanced therapeutic outcome. In this paper, a liquid soft tissue marker for near infrared fluorescence and radio-guidance is presented. The biocompatible marker is based on the carbohydrate ester, sucrose acetate isobutyrate, ethanol, and a multifunctional naphthalocyanine dye, which enable near infrared fluorescence image-guided resection at short, medium and long tissue depths. Naphthalocyanine dyes have high quantum yields and may further act as chelators of radionuclides. Upon injection of the liquid marker, a gel-like depot is formed in situ at the site of injection, wherein the fluorescent dye and radionuclide is retained. The radiolabeled markers were optimized for minimal fluorescence quenching and high retention of the positron emission tomography radionuclide 64Cu. Saracatinib The performance of the radiolabeled marker was tested in vivo in mice, where it displayed high photostability over a period of 4 weeks, and high retention of 64Cu for 48 hours. The retention and biodistribution of 64Cu was quantified via PET/CT, and the fluorescence emission by an in vivo imaging system. The presented data demonstrate proof-of-concept for naphthalocyanine markers as multimodal imaging agents that can bridge the precision of diagnostic imaging into surgical interventions.

Autoři článku: Hoppebrowning5105 (Svendsen Hassan)