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Two-dimensional (2D) acoustic vortex allows new physics and applications different from three-dimensional counterparts, yet existing mechanisms usually have to rely on active array composed of transducers which may result in complexity, high cost and, in particular, undesired spatial aliasing effect. We propose to generate 2D acoustic vortex inside an enclosed metasurface illuminated by axisymmetric wave carrying no orbital angular momentum. We derive the criterion on unit size for eliminating spatial aliasing effect which is challenging for conventional active approaches and design a membrane-based metasurface to implement our mechanism. The performance of our strategy is demonstrated via precise production of different orders of non-aliased vortices regardless of center-to-center alignment, with undistorted Bessel-like pattern extending to the whole inner region. We anticipate our design with simplicity, compactness, precision and flexibility to open up possibility to design novel vortex devices and find important applications in diverse scenarios such as on-chip particle manipulations.A person may be identified by comparison between ante- and post-mortem dental panoramic radiographs (DPR). However, it is difficult to find reference material if the person is unknown. This is often the case when victims of crime or mass disaster are found. Computer vision can be a helpful solution to automate the finding of reference material in a large database of images. The purpose of the present study was to improve the automated identification of unknown individuals by comparison of ante- and post-mortem DPR using computer vision. The study includes 61,545 DPRs from 33,206 patients, acquired between October 2006 and June 2018. The matching process is based on the Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithm to find unique corresponding points between two DPRs (unknown person and database entry). The number of matching points found is an indicator for identification. All 43 individuals (100%) were successfully identified by comparison with the content of the feature database. The experimental setup was designed to identify unknown persons based on their DPR using an automatic algorithm system. The proposed tool is able to filter large databases with many entries of potentially matching partners. This identification method is suitable even if dental characteristics were removed or added in the past.Neurofibrillary tangles are a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, and their levels correlate with the severity of cognitive dysfunction in humans. However, experimental evidence suggests that soluble tau species cause cognitive deficits and memory impairment. Our recent study suggests that caspase-2 (Casp2)-catalyzed tau cleavage at aspartate 314 mediates synaptic dysfunction and memory impairment in mouse and cellular models of neurodegenerative disorders. Δtau314, the C-terminally-truncated cleavage products, are soluble and present in human brain. In addition, levels of Δtau314 proteins are elevated in the brain of the cognitively impaired individuals compared to the cognitively normal individuals, indicating a possible role for Δtau314 proteins in cognitive deterioration. Here we show that (1) Δtau314 proteins are present in the inferior temporal gyrus of human brains; (2) Δtau314 proteins are generated from all six tau splicing isoforms, (3) levels of both Casp2 and Δtau314 proteins are elevated in cognitively impaired individuals compared to cognitively normal individuals, and (4) levels of Δtau314 proteins show a modest predictive value for dementia. These findings advance our understanding of the characteristics of Δtau314 proteins and their relevance to cognitive dysfunction and shed light on the contribution of Casp2-mediated Δtau314 production to cognitive deterioration.The formation of some Earth's monomineralic igneous rocks appears to be prohibited by constraints imposed by liquidus phase-equilibria on evolution of mantle-derived magmas. Yet, these rocks exist as stratiform layers in many mafic-ultramafic intrusions. One conspicuous example is monomineralic anorthosites in the Bushveld Complex that occur as stratiform layers up to hundreds of kilometres in length. Such monomineralic anorthosites appear to require parental melts saturated in plagioclase only but where and how to produce these melts remains a contentious issue. Here we argue that they are likely sourced from deep-seated magma reservoirs. In response to pressure reduction, these ascending melts become first superheated and then saturated in plagioclase after stalling and cooling in shallow-level chambers. Adcumulus growth of plagioclase from such melts at the chamber floor results in the formation of monomineralic anorthosites. We propose that stratiform layers of monomineralic anorthosites in layered intrusions are products of the chamber replenishment by melts whose saturation in plagioclase as a single liquidus phase is triggered by their transcrustal ascent towards the Earth's surface.Cardiac synchrony is a crucial component of shared experiences, considered as an objective measure of emotional processes accompanying empathic interactions. No study has investigated whether cardiac synchrony among people engaged in collective situations links to the individual emotional evaluation of the shared experience. We investigated theatrical live performances as collective experiences evoking strong emotional engagement in the audience. Cross Recurrence Quantification Analysis was applied to obtain the cardiac synchrony of twelve spectators' quartets attending to two live acting performances. This physiological measure was then correlated with spectators' emotional intensity ratings. Results showed an expected increment in synchrony among people belonging to the same quartet during both performances attendance and rest periods. Furthermore, participants' cardiac synchrony was found to be correlated with audience's convergence in the explicit emotional evaluation of the performances they attended to. These findings demonstrate that the mere co-presence of other people sharing a common experience is enough for cardiac synchrony to occur spontaneously and that it increases in function of a shared and coherent explicit emotional experience.Sea-level rise (SLR) induced flooding is often envisioned as solely originating from a direct marine source. This results in alternate sources such as groundwater inundation and storm-drain backflow being overlooked in studies that inform planning. Here a method is developed that identifies flooding extents and infrastructure vulnerabilities that are likely to result from alternate flood sources over coming decades. The method includes simulation of flood scenarios consisting of high-resolution raster datasets featuring flood-water depth generated by three mechanisms (1) direct marine flooding, (2) storm-drain backflow, and (3) groundwater inundation. We apply the method to Honolulu's primary urban center based on its high density of vulnerable assets and present-day tidal flooding issues. Annual exceedance frequencies of simulated flood thresholds are established using a statistical model that considers predicted tide and projections of SLR. Through assessment of multi-mechanism flooding, we find that approaching decades will likely feature large and increasing percentages of flooded area impacted simultaneously by the three flood mechanisms, in which groundwater inundation and direct marine flooding represent the most and least substantial single-mechanism flood source, respectively. These results illustrate the need to reevaluate main sources of SLR induced flooding to promote the development of effective flood management strategies.Application of crude xylanolytic and pectinolytic enzymes in diverse industrial processes make these enzymes commercially valuable and demand their production process to be cost-effective. Out of four different agrowaste biomass, wheat bran (WB) and citrus peel (CP), when amended as fermentation substrates, respectively induced the highest xylanolytic enzymes and pectinolytic enzymes from both, B. safensis M35 and B. altitudinis J208. Further, the simultaneous amendment of WB and CP yielded concurrent production of these cellulase free xylanolytic and pectinolytic enzymes. Hence, the quadratic model was developed using the Central Composite Design of Response Surface Method (CCD-RSM). The model gave the concentration values for WB and CP substrates to be amended in one single production medium for obtaining two optimized predicted response values of xylanase activity and pectinase activity units, which were further practically validated for the xylanase and pectinase production responses from the optimized production medium (OPM). AZD2811 These practically obtained response values from OPM were found to be in accordance with a range of 95% predicted intervals (PI) values. These observations verified the validity of the predicted quadratic model from RSM and suggested that both xylanase and pectinase enzymes can be induced concurrently from both of the bacterial strains.The LRRK2 protein consists of multiple functional domains, including protein-binding domains at its N and C-terminus. link2 Mutations in the Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene (LRRK2) have been linked to familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD). link3 We have recently described a novel variant falling within the N-terminal armadillo repeats, E193K. Herein, our aim is to investigate the functional impact of LRRK2 N-terminal domain and the E193K variant on vesicle trafficking. By combining Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy and a synaptopHluorin assay, we found that expression of a construct lacking the N-terminal domain increases the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous synaptic events. Complementary biochemical approaches showed that the E193K variant alters the binding properties of LRRK2, decreases LRRK2 binding to synaptic vesicles, and promotes vesicle fusion. Our results confirm the physiological and pathological relevance of the nature of the LRRK2-associated macro-molecular complex solidifying the idea that different pathological mutations critically alter the scaffolding function of LRRK2 resulting in a perturbation of the vesicular trafficking as a common denominator.The objective of this study was to determine if 15 weeks of resistance training (RT) can alter the levels of blood lipids, body iron status, and oxidative stress in postmenopausal women with vasomotor symptoms. Postmenopausal women enrolled in a randomised controlled trial were allocated to either a sedentary control group (n = 29) or a RT group (n = 26). Blood samples were taken at week-0 and week-15 for all participants. Blood lipids and iron status were measured via routine clinical analyses. Immunoassays were used to measure oxidative stress markers. The RT group, with good compliance, was associated with significant reductions in ferritin, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Moreover, ferritin was positively correlated with atherogenic lipids while negatively correlated with high-density lipoprotein in RT women. This occurred without alterations in serum iron, transferrin, transferrin-saturation, C-reactive protein and oxidative stress markers. No differences were found in control women.

Autoři článku: Honggalloway2575 (Guldager Korsgaard)