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Preparation of this manuscript was supported in part by grant number R01HL089336 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland USA, Robert M. Carney.Recent strategies in cancer immunotherapy based on interleukin-2 (IL-2) are generally focused on reducing regulatory T cell (Treg) development by modifying IL-2 receptor alpha (IL-2Rα) domain. However, the clinical utility of high-dose IL-2 treatment is mainly limited by severe systemic toxicity. We find that peritumorally injectable 'BALLkine-2', recombinant human IL-2 (rIL-2) loaded porous nanoparticle, dramatically reduces systemic side effects of rIL-2 by minimizing systemic IL-2 exposure. Notably, in cynomolgus monkeys, subcutaneous (SC)-injection of BALLkine-2 not only dramatically reduces systemic circulation of rIL-2 in the blood, but also increases half-life of IL-2 compared to IV- or SC-injection of free rIL-2. Peritumorally-injected BALLkine-2 enhances intratumoral lymphocyte infiltration without inducing Treg development and more effectively synergizes with PD-1 blockade than high-dose rIL-2 administration in B16F10 melanoma model. BALLkine-2 could be a highly potent therapeutic option due to higher anti-tumor efficacy with lower and fewer doses and reduced systemic toxicity compared to systemic rIL-2.

Radiology reports contain important clinical information that can be used to automatically construct fine-grained labels for applications requiring deep phenotyping. this website We propose a two-turn question answering (QA) method based on a transformer language model, BERT, for extracting detailed spatial information from radiology reports. We aim to demonstrate the advantage that a multi-turn QA framework provides over sequence-based methods for extracting fine-grained information.

Our proposed method identifies spatial and descriptor information by answering queries given a radiology report text. We frame the extraction problem such that all the main radiology entities (e.g., finding, device, anatomy) and the spatial trigger terms (denoting the presence of a spatial relation between finding/device and anatomical location) are identified in the first turn. In the subsequent turn, various other contextual information that acts as important spatial roles with respect to a spatial trigger term are extracted along withd finding/device/anatomy entity, thereby enabling the extraction of more comprehensive information in the radiology domain.

Extracting fine-grained spatial information from text in the form of answering natural language queries holds potential in achieving better results when compared to more standard sequence labeling-based approaches.

Extracting fine-grained spatial information from text in the form of answering natural language queries holds potential in achieving better results when compared to more standard sequence labeling-based approaches.Doublet or triplet chemotherapy regimens in combination with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (anti-EGFR) monoclonal antibodies (mAb), such as cetuximab or panitumumab, or the anti-vascular endothelial growth factor mAb bevacizumab, are the current recommended standard of care therapies for unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). While the recommended dosing schedule for the triplet chemotherapy regimen with 5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin and irinotecan (FOLFOXIRI) in combination with bevacizumab is well established, the optimal dosing of FOLFOXIRI in combination with anti-EGFR agents is unknown. Several randomized, phase 3 clinical trials of patients with mCRC have demonstrated improved survival and response rates with FOLFOXIRI, alone or when combined with bevacizumab, compared with doublet chemotherapy regimens. Trials of anti-EGFR agents in combination with FOLFOXIRI have also shown promising results. In this review, we summarize the emerging evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of anti-EGFR agents in combination with triplet chemotherapy regimens and discuss the potential for this combination as a future treatment option for patients with RAS-wild-type mCRC.With estrogen regulation of the reproductive system, G-protein-coupled membrane estrogen receptor (GPER) and estrogen-related receptors (ERRs) are implicated. Non-canonical receptors can bind estrogens such as environmental and pharmacological chemicals. These compounds induce rapid non-genomic pathways or receptor interaction including autoactivation. Testicular tumors occur in dogs more frequently than in other domestic animals. Also, in recent decades there were increased occurrences of various tumor types in dogs. Using qRT-PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry procedures in the present study, there was determination of abundance pattern of GPER, ERRα, β and γ in dog tests when there were intratubular germ cell tumors. There was quantitation of estradiol, cyclic GMP and calcium ions (Ca2+). There were changes (P less then 0.01; P less then 0.001) in GPER, ERRα and β in both mRNA transcript and protein abundances including less (P less then 0.001) co-abundance of ERRγ mRNA transcript and protein. Receptors were mainly located in Leydig cells with there being receptor delocalization to the cell cytoplasm or occasionally detections in the seminiferous tubule epithelia, especially of testicular tumor tissues. There were also greater estradiol (P less then 0.05) and lesser cGMP and Ca2+ concentrations in testicular tumor tissues indicating there was a disrupted sex steroid milieu and tumor cell metastasis. Results from the present study provide further evidence that ERRγ has marked actions in testicular germ cell tumor initiation and development and in further structural-functional disruptions of dog testis. Concomitantly, abundance pattern of GPER and ERRs, relative to concentrations of cGMP and Ca2+, may be an additional indicator of intratubular germ cell tumors in dogs.

Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the lung is extremely rare. This tumor can be asymptomatic or have non characteristics symptoms, and the diagnosis is often late. The treatment of choice is surgery when it's possible.

We herein report the case of a young patient with ACC of the left main bronchus. He had dyspnea and chest pain for 6months. Complete atelectasis of the left lung was found on the chest x-ray. Bronchoscopy showed a tumor obstructing the LMB and invading the carina. The CT scan revealed a 5cm tumor obstructing the left main bronchus (LMB) with extension to the carina and thoracic trachea. The extension assessment was without abnormalities. The treatment was surgical. A left carinal pneumonectomy by double lateral thoracotomy was performed. The postoperative results were satisfactory. There was no recurrence with a follow-up of 2years.

The therapeutic management of ACC is essentially based on surgical resection, which should be as radical as possible. However, complete resection is often difficult given the infiltrating nature of the tumor.

Sleeve pneumonectomy with carinal resection is a curative option for patients with ACC of the main bronchi and carina that require expertise of the surgeons.

Sleeve pneumonectomy with carinal resection is a curative option for patients with ACC of the main bronchi and carina that require expertise of the surgeons.

Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS) is one of the most common sarcomas affecting elderly patients, majority of UPS usually in the extremities, trunk, and retroperitoneum. However, its rarely observed in the digestive system. There are minimal data published regarding this topic.

Here we present a 58years old female patient with a rare case of the pleomorphic sarcoma of retro-gastric mass measures about (24.7×23.5×17.4cm) who underwent exploration laparotomy founded a freely and mobile retro-gastric mass measuring 30×20cm with a cystic and solid component. The mass was freely and mobile located with no true gastric relation is the first one to be reported.

The undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas or MFH has been regarded as the most common soft tissue sarcoma for many years (Kabashima et al., 2017). The incidence increases with age, with an inclusive incidence of about 1-2 cases per 100,000 patients per year, predominately 1.21 for males. Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the stomach is rare and counted to have a worse prognosis when compared to the other types of pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma.

We present a rare case of high-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the retro-gastric mass with no invasion to the surrounding structures, managed with surgical resection of the tumor.

We present a rare case of high-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the retro-gastric mass with no invasion to the surrounding structures, managed with surgical resection of the tumor.

Appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors (ANETs) are incidentally found in 0.2-0.7% of appendectomies for suspected appendicitis.

A 29-year-old female presented with pain in the right lower quadrant of her abdomen for the past 48h. On emergency appendectomy for suspected acute appendicitis, a perforated appendix was found. Histopathological examination showed grade 1 (low) ANET.

Appendiceal neuroendocrine neoplasms (ANENs) are commonly found at the tip of the appendix and are treated with appendectomy alone. For few ANENs located at the base, or small tumors (≤2cm) infiltrating the submucosa, the muscularis, the subserosa layer or the mesoappendix, right hemicolectomy is recommended. However, no guidelines have been established concerning patients with appendiceal perforation in case of ANENs.

Although rare, ANETs should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Since, ANETs are rarely diagnosed preoperatively, subsequent patient evaluation after appendectomy is crucial for management of the patient.

Although rare, ANETs should be considered in the differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Since, ANETs are rarely diagnosed preoperatively, subsequent patient evaluation after appendectomy is crucial for management of the patient.Narrative reviews offer a flexible way to report intervention results and comprise the majority of reviews published in top medical journals. However variations in their transparency pose evaluation challenges, compromising their value and potentially resulting in research wastage. Calls have been made to reduce the number of narrative reviews published. Others argue narrative reviews provide an important platform and should even be placed on an equal footing to systematic reviews. We believe narrative intervention reviews can provide a vital perspective when transparent, and thus support Systematic Transparency Assessment in Intervention Reviews (STAIR). This research evaluates the transparency of 172 health-related narrative and literature reviews (K = 172), by assessing how they communicate information about the interventions they review. Eight points supporting transparency, relating to sample sizes, traceability, article numbers, and references, were assessed. Half of the reviews reported on at least four of the eight points, but 24% reported on none. Only 56% of the reviews clearly communicated full references. The STAIR* (Sample sizes, Traceability, Article numbers, Intervention numbers, References*) checklist comprises five sections, and nine points. It is proposed as a convenient tool to address STAIR and complement existing review guidelines to assist authors in planning, reviewers in evaluating, and scholars in utilising narrative reviews. The objectives of STAIR* are to 1) encourage narrative review transparency and readability, 2) facilitate the incorporation of narrative reviews results into other research; and 3) enrich narrative review methodology with a checklist to guide, and evaluate, intervention reviews.

Autoři článku: Holmejohannesen7517 (Abel Birk)