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Mucormycosis is a fast-spreading angioinvasive fungal infection with a very high mortality rate. It is associated with immunodeficiency, diabetes mellitus, iron overload, stem cell transplantation and the use of steroids. As cultures and histopathological biopsy may have low yield in invasive fungal infections, new generation sequencing of cfDNA (cell free deoxyribonucleic acid) has become a cornerstone for diagnosis. Over the past 18 months, increasing reports of COVID-19 associated Mucormycosis have emerged, most specifically in India and other nearby developing countries. Awareness and knowledge of this newly discovered association is of high importance and clinical relevance as the global COVID-19 pandemic continues. Herein, we present a case of a patient who was treated with steroids for COVID-19 in the outpatient setting and presented with unilateral periorbital pain and blurry vision. She progressively developed bilateral vision loss, fixed bilateral mydriasis, ophthalmoplegia and coma. Imaging findings included leptomeningeal, vascular, and subcortical enhancement accompanied with multifocal infarction. Subsequent biopsy of the paranasal sinuses revealed broad type fungal elements and cfDNA sequencing identified the pathogen as Rhizopus species. She was treated with intravenous amphotericin B, but succumbed to the infection.Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) is a clinico-radiological diagnosis characterized by acute or subacute neurological symptoms. A 27-year-old woman at 35 weeks of pregnancy, who presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizures had persistently low Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score after delivery of the baby. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain showed T-2 Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) hyperintensities in the brainstem, bilateral medial cerebellar hemispheres, bilateral medial temporal lobes, bilateral thalami, lentiform and caudate nuclei, and bilateral fronto-parieto-occipital lobes. There was diffusion restriction in bilateral caudate nuclei, left thalamus and right frontal lobe, and microhemorrhages in the left thalamus. These findings were suggestive of central variant PRES. She improved with strict blood pressure control and anti-edema measures. A repeat MRI brain on day 10 showed significant improvement, and she had no residual neurological deficits. The central variant of PRES is a rare entity that has to be considered in a patient presenting with neurological deficits in the setting of uncontrolled blood pressure, eclampsia, immunomodulatory medication use, or renal failure. While most patients with PRES fully recover with timely therapy targeted at reversing the primary cause, some may have residual neurological deficits or rarely, die.Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) is a neurological emergency that results from thiamine deficiency. It is most commonly associated with chronic alcohol consumption but can result from any cause of impaired thiamine absorption or dietary intake. The classic triad of ophthalmoparesis, ataxia, and altered sensorium is rarely seen in toto, and while certain radiographic findings strongly correlate with the disease, one should have a low threshold to suspect (and promptly treat) patients in order to mitigate the risk of morbidity and mortality. However, atypical presentations can result in delayed or missed diagnoses. In this report, we describe a case of severe non-alcoholic WE associated with atypical brain Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifestations of both cortical diffusion restriction and intracranial hemorrhage, which have previously been associated with poor outcomes. Early treatment with high-dose parenteral thiamine resulted in rapid improvement in ocular motility and reversal of MRI abnormalities, and on long-term follow up, the patient had made a marked functional improvement. This case highlights the importance of recognizing these unusual imaging features of WE in a patient with a compatible clinical syndrome in order to make a timely diagnosis and initiate treatment, as there is potential for a good clinical outcome despite these imaging findings.

Although rare, the co-occurrence of multiple sclerosis (MS) and glioma poses unique challenges in terms of diagnosis and management for both neurologists and neuro-oncologists.

Here we report on a single-center cohort of four patients with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis who developed gliomas.

Our cohort reflects the epidemiology of glioma in terms of the relative frequency of IDH-wildtype and IDH-mutant cases. The patients in 3 out of the 4 cases presented did not develop their tumors in areas of pre-existing demyelinating lesions.

We did not find evidence to support the hypothesis that chronic gliosis from demyelinating plaques may serve as a substrate for secondary induction of a glial neoplasm. In our Discussion, we provide recommendations for distinguishing neoplastic from demyelinating lesions, review the evidence for demyelination as a risk factor for gliomagenesis, and highlight important considerations for the concurrent management of glioma and MS.

We did not find evidence to support the hypothesis that chronic gliosis from demyelinating plaques may serve as a substrate for secondary induction of a glial neoplasm. In our Discussion, we provide recommendations for distinguishing neoplastic from demyelinating lesions, review the evidence for demyelination as a risk factor for gliomagenesis, and highlight important considerations for the concurrent management of glioma and MS.As specialists in acute neurology, neurohospitalists are often called upon to diagnose and manage acute viral infections affecting the nervous system. In this broad review covering the neurology of several acute viral infections, our aim is to provide key diagnostic and therapeutic pearls of practical use to the busy neurohospitalist. We will review acute presentations, diagnosis, and treatment of human herpesviruses, arboviruses, enteroviruses, and some vaccine-preventable viruses. The neurological effects of coronaviruses, including COVID-19, are not covered in this review.A poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOTPSS)-based conducting polymer, which has biorecognition capabilities, has promising biosensing applications. Previously, we developed a facile method for post-printing chemical modification of PEDOTPSS thin films from commercial sources. Molecular recognition elements were directly introduced into the PSS side chain by a two-step chemical reaction introduction of an ethylenediamine linker via an acid chloride reaction of the sulfonate moiety, and subsequent receptor attachment to the linker via amine coupling. In this study, the same method was used to introduce 6-carboxypyridine-3-boronic acid (carboxy-PyBA) into the linker for specifically detecting N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid, SA), as a cancer biomarker. The surface-modified PEDOTPSS films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and static water contact angle and conductivity measurements. The specific interaction between PyBA and SA was detected by label-free reagent-free potentiometry. The SA-specific negative potential responses of modified PEDOTPSS electrodes, which was ascribed to an SA carboxyl anion, were observed in a physiologically relevant SA range (1.6-2.9 mM) at pH 5, in a concentration-dependent manner even in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum. The sensitivity was -2.9 mV/mM in 1-5 mM SA with a limit of detection of 0.7 mM. selleck The sensing performances were almost equivalent to those of existing graphene-based electrical SA sensors. These results show that our chemical derivatization method for printing PEDOTPSS thin films will have applications in SA clinical diagnostics.Lung cancer is a highly prevalent type of cancer, accounting for 11.6% of all cancer incidences. Early detection and treatment can significantly improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients; however, there is no accurate, effective, and easy-to-use test for early lung cancer screening. In this study, flow cytometry was used to detect the presence of CD45+EpCAM+ cells in tumor tissues and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in patients with lung cancer. Moreover, the proportion of CD45+EpCAM+ cells in PBMCs of patients with lung cancer was found to be significantly higher than that of healthy volunteers. Tumor-related serum markers level was also measured in the peripheral blood of these patients using an electrochemiluminescence assay. The correlation between CD45+EpCAM+ cells, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and lung cancer was investigated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, which showed the sensitivity and specificity of the CD45+EpCAM+ cell to be 81.58% and 88.89%, respectively. Further analysis yielded an area under the ROC curve (ROC/area under the curve [AUC]) of 0.845 in patients PBMCs with lung cancer, which was slightly higher than that of CEA (0.732). Therefore, the detection of CD45+EpCAM+ cells in PBMCs may be helpful for the early screening and auxiliary diagnosis of lung cancer.The growing demand for radiation therapy to treat cancer has been directed to focus on improving treatment planning flow for patients. Accurate dose prediction, therefore, plays a prominent role in this regard. In this study, we propose a framework based on our newly developed scale attention networks (SA-Net) to attain voxel-wise dose prediction. Our network 's dynamic scale attention model incorporates low-level details with high-level semantics from feature maps at different scales. To achieve more accurate results, we used distance data between each local voxel and the organ surfaces instead of binary masks of organs at risk as well as CT image as input of the network. The proposed method is tested on prostate cancer treated with Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT), where the model was training with 120 cases and tested on 20 cases. The average dose difference between the predicted dose and the clinical planned dose was 0.94 Gy, which is equivalent to 2.1% as compared to the prescription dose of 45 Gy. We also compared the performance of SA-Net dose prediction framework with different input format, the signed distance map vs. binary mask and showed the signed distance map was a better format as input to the model training. These findings show that our deep learning-based strategy of dose prediction is effectively feasible for automating the treatment planning in prostate cancer radiography.Oligodendrocytes are myelin-forming cells in the central nervous system (CNS). The development of oligodendrocytes is regulated by a large number of molecules, including extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins that are relatively less characterized. Here, we review the molecular functions of the major ECM proteins in oligodendrocyte development and pathology. Among the ECM proteins, laminins are positive regulators in oligodendrocyte survival, differentiation, and/or myelination in the CNS. Conversely, fibronectin, tenascin-C, hyaluronan, and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans suppress the differentiation and myelination. Tenascin-R shows either positive or negative functions in these activities. In addition, the extracellular domain of the transmembrane protein teneurin-4, which possesses the sequence homology with tenascins, promotes the differentiation of oligodendrocytes. The activities of these ECM proteins are exerted through binding to the cellular receptors and co-receptors, such as integrins and growth factor receptors, which induces the signaling to form the elaborated and functional structure of myelin.

Autoři článku: Hollandmarker6230 (Kristiansen Dalrymple)