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The aim of our investigation was the assessment of the efficacy of endobronchial valve (EBV) therapy in the complex treatment BPF. The presented study has been carried out in several centers of Georgia (basically in the National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases). The study group was selected from 30 patients with BPF, who underwent endobronchial valve therapy and signed the informed consent to participate in the study. The corresponding control group was selected from 28 patients with BPF, who underwent conservative therapy by multiple thoracocentesis, chest tube insertion and also surgery and signed the informed consent to participate in the study. EBV therapy has been carried out by combined using the rigid (Friedel) and flexible (Olympus and Pentax) bronchoscopes. EBV therapy has been performed by valves of Medlung Ltd.The quality of life in study and control groups has been studied by the Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). Statistical analysis performed by software SPSS 22.0. BPF closnificantly during 6 months from 65.4 to 42.3 (p less then 0.001), i.e. by 23.1. The total SGRQ score in the control group was not decreased significantly during 6 months (from 63.6 to 58.4, p=NS). The dynamics for symptom domain was also significant -27.6 (p=0.008), for activity domain -31.5 (p less then 0.001), for impact domain -17.0 (p=0.011). EBV therapy revealed high efficacy in the treatment of BPF. Compared to traditional methods, such as conservative therapy (thoracentesis, chest tube insertion) and surgery it was expressed by significantly lower frequency of relapses, lower duration of chest tube insertion, and lower duration of hospital delay.The aim of the study was to optimize the method of selecting patients with bronchial asthma for the use of allergen-specific immunotherapy with allergens of house dust mites and to evaluate its effectiveness. The research was carried out based on the Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise «City Children's Clinical Hospital» in Lviv. The study included 120 school-age children (aged 6-17) with bronchial asthma and sensitization to house dust mites. 60 patients were the main group of patients who received ASIT along with the basic treatment (30 sublingual sprays, 30 subcutaneous ASIT). The other 60 patients were in the comparison group and received only basic therapy for bronchial asthma. The presence of sensitization to house dust mites was proved based on skin prick testing. Optimization of patient selection consisted of molecular allergy diagnostics using the Immuno CAP method with the determination of sIgE to components of allergens of house dust mites rDer p1, rDer p2, rDer p10 to accurately assess patient senlows optimizing the selection of patients for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Treatment of bronchial asthma with the involvement of ASIT during the first year allows obtaining higher efficiency indicators, which are manifested by a significant improvement in asthma control test, external respiration function and quality of life. Monitoring of immunological parameters showed a significant increase in IFNγ, which can be regarded as the activation of the process of switching the immune response from Th-2 to Th-1 indirect, and thus illustrates the positive effect of ASIT.Aim - the improvement of treatment results of patients with complicated Crohn's disease based on study and analysis of own results of surgical interventions. Since 2008 to 2020 years 23 patients at the age 1,5-17 years old with Crohn's disease in 3 pediatric surgical hospitals have been observed. The article presents the analysis of surgical treatment of these patients with complications of main pathology. Diagnostics is integrated and includes clinical and laboratorian examination of patients, X-ray, endoscopic, sonography methods of examination and morphological research method of clinical biopsy. Complications of Crohn's disease were presented by intestinal obstructions (34,78% of cases), intestinal perforations (26,09%), acute appendicitis with mesadenitis (13,04%), intraabdominal abscesses (8,7%), intestinal hemorragia from inflammatory wart (4,35%), perianal inflammatory complications with fistulas (13,04%). The article has covered all possible methods of surgical operations depending on the type of comn children were resections of the affected areas of the intestine with formation of intestinal stomas. 3. The modern tactic of surgical treatment of complicated of Crohn's disease in children based on local intestinal resections with intestinal stomas. 4. It is very important to use a combined approach combining conservative and surgical treatment. Surgical treatment and drug treatment of Crohn's disease should be complementary treatments.The aim of study was to assess prevalence, severity, and associated risk-factors for Dental Fluorosis in Pre-School children (1-6 years) in Fluoride deficient regions (1) Tbilisi (F=0.08-0.22 mg/l) and (2) Akhaltsikhe, (F0.05). Indoor coal-burning environment increasing airborne Fluoride absorption during pregnancy was recognized as a risk-factor for dental fluorosis occurrence in children (OR=5.8 (95% CI; 2.1-15.9)). High tea consumption (≥2 cups/day) was increasing Odds of DF occurrence (OR=17.3 (95% CI; 7.4-40.7)). Exposure to diverse fluoride sources like indoor coal-burning and high tea consumption in non-fluoridated areas is a risk-factor of Dental Fluorosis in study community.Analysis of the literature data evidenced that in recent decades, increased consumption of SSD and energy drinks has raised concerns among professionals, as it contributes to an increase in total calorie intake, leading to overweight and obesity in the young population, as well as damage to tooth tissues due to the exposure of highly cariogenic/erosive ingredients of these drinks. According to many authors there are a number of factors conditioning the influence of energy drinks on oral health or the risk of overweight and obesity including the duration, amount and frequency of consumption. Currently, these factors still remain practically unexplored. In addition, it is evident that intensive preventive measures are required to prevent development of tooth decay, including limiting the consumption of sweets and sugar sweetened drinks, as well as regular dental care with fluoride-containing toothpastes and a balanced diet.Generalized parodontal diseases (GPD) consistently occupy one of the leading places in the structure of dental diseases. Early diagnosis of the initial degree of generalized parodontitis (GP) is an effective way of secondary prevention. This is due to the complexity of understanding the etio-pathogenetic mechanisms of the development generalized parodontal diseases (GPD) and the high association of them with a number of diseases of the internal organs and systems with common points of contact between interdependence and mutual influence, in particular with anorexia nervosa (AN). The aim of this research was to develop a protocol for the treatment of GP in patients with AN. The object - 60 patients (mean age 26±3.8 years), with a diagnosis of GP, I-II degree, chronic, and AN, restrictive, which by simple randomization were divided into three groups (randomized by sex, age of patients, underlying and comorbidy diagnosis) to study the clinical effectiveness of our proposed method. Clinical, radiological, hygienic, immunological, biochemical, psychological and statistical methods were used. Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the proposed treatment protocol, the largest number of satisfactory treatment results was observed in group III patients (85.0±8.0%) with the inclusion of drugs that affect the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease, including normalization of local immunity, markers of decline oxidative-antioxidant stress, radiological data of normalization of bone tissue of the alveolar process, a tendency to reduce microbial and tissue sensitization.The goal of the study is assessing the population structure of lymphocytes and the subpopulation composition of NK cells in the peripheral blood of humans in the case of drug-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw for improving the quality of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Thirty patients were examined, including 15 patients with drug-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), 10 healthy individuals, and five patients with pyoinflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region, aged 49 to 77. Every four weeks, the patients had been receiving 4 mg intravenous injections of bisphosphonates (the Zometa preparation (zoledronic acid)) for 1.5 - 3 years. The study was performed on a FACS Canto II flow cytometer manufactured by Becton Dickinson (BD), USA. In the patients with ONJ, an imbalance of the NK cell subtypes was observed. As to the common NK cells, the level of subtypes of cytolytic NK cells (CD3-CD16+(or hight)56dim) was elevated, and the level of cytokine-producing cells (СD3-CD16-(or low) 56bright) was reduced, compared to the healthy individuals (p less then 0.05). In the patients with ONJ, after the surgical treatment, the relative and absolute levels of lymphocytes and the total level of NK cells (CD3-CD16+/56+) normalized on the seventh day. The level of NK cells subtypes did not change after the treatment. This pathology is characterized by a low level of innate protection factors, as evidenced by the reduction of the total population of NK cells, and the imbalance of NK cells subtypes. The imbalance of NK cells (the natural killer cells) was an indicator of unfavorable prognosis for osteonecrosis treatment.The purpose of the study was to evaluate the functional resistance of enamel in children with malocclusions. Material and research methods there were examined 579 children aged 12-16 years with malocclusions and was determined the functional enamel resistance. The data obtained in the study indicate that the prevalence of malocclusions among examined children, according to the average data, is 67,76±1,99%. There is a tendency to decrease the number of persons with orthodontic pathology with the age among the examined group of children. It was found that from 12 to 16 years the prevalence of malocclusions decreases from 71,5±4,47% to 64,17±4,38%, р>0,05. The lowest prevalence of malocclusions is found in the group of 16-year-old children. From 12 to 13 years the prevalence of malocclusions decreases by 3,43%, from 13 to 14 years - by 2,49%, from 14 to 15 years increases by 0,72%, and by 16 years decreases by 5,38%. The decrease in the prevalence of malocclusions in the group of examined children with age is exlts of the study showed that in children with CR enamel, malocclusions are much more common than in chidren with RR and CS enamel. In children with CS enamel, the enamel structure is resolved, which can be caused by a violation of the mineral metabolism, especially during the period of development and formation of the body. Against the background of such disorders, there may be susceptibility to the development of dental caries and malocclusions, which is important to consider when carrying out preventive measures.The frequency of occurrence of inverted papilloma (IP) ranges from 0.4% to 7% of all neoplasms of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Inverted papilloma is a benign epithelial tumor that refers to Schneider's sinonasal papilloma. IP is usually diagnosed in the late stages in average, 1-4 years after the first appearance of sinonasal symptoms. The purpose of this study - to summarize the results of diagnosis and treatment of patients with sinonasal inverted papilloma, who underwent surgical treatment in our department. We evaluated 37 patients with histologically verified sinonasal IP from 2015 to 2019. 29 were men (78,4%), and 8 women (21,6%). Along with generally accepted clinical studies, all patients underwent CT and MRI of the paranasal sinuses. Using the results of CT and MRI images, all patients were classified according to the Krouse classification. We evaluated the postoperative period, the presence of complications. The main criteria for assessing the results of treatment were indicators of continued growth and recurrence of IP.

Autoři článku: Holckstephenson8755 (Laugesen Busch)