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The RT-qPCR assays indicated that DS-SQ (101) could cure the PHZ-induced thrombosis by downregulating the expression of PKCα, PKCβ, fga, fgb, fgg and vWF in zebrafish. Conclusions DS-SQ with the combination ratio of 101 showed optimum anti-thrombotic effect on PHZ-induced zebrafish thrombosis model, which provided a reference for reasonable clinical applications of DS-SQ herbal pair. © The Author(s) 2020.Non-parametric and semi-parametric resampling procedures are widely used to perform support estimation in computational biology and bioinformatics. Among the most widely used methods in this class is the standard bootstrap method, which consists of random sampling with replacement. While not requiring assumptions about any particular parametric model for resampling purposes, the bootstrap and related techniques assume that sites are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). The i.i.d. assumption can be an over-simplification for many problems in computational biology and bioinformatics. In particular, sequential dependence within biomolecular sequences is often an essential biological feature due to biochemical function, evolutionary processes such as recombination, and other factors. To relax the simplifying i.i.d. assumption, we propose a new non-parametric/semi-parametric sequential resampling technique that generalizes "Heads-or-Tails" mirrored inputs, a simple but clever technique due to Landan and Graur. The generalized procedure takes the form of random walks along either aligned or unaligned biomolecular sequences. Ivacaftor-D9 We refer to our new method as the SERES (or "SEquential RESampling") method. To demonstrate the performance of the new technique, we apply SERES to estimate support for the multiple sequence alignment problem. Using simulated and empirical data, we show that SERES-based support estimation yields comparable or typically better performance compared to state-of-the-art methods. © The Author(s) 2020.Plant hormones are naturally occurring small molecule compounds which are present at trace amounts in plant. They play a pivotal role in the regulation of plant growth. The biological activity of plant hormones depends on their concentrations in the plant, thus, accurate determination of plant hormone is paramount. However, the complex plant matrix, wide polarity range and low concentration of plant hormones are the main hindrances to effective analyses of plant hormone even when state-of-the-art analytical techniques are employed. These factors substantially influence the accuracy of analytical results. So far, significant progress has been realized in the analysis of plant hormones, particularly in sample pretreatment techniques and mass spectrometric methods. This review describes the classic extraction and modern microextraction techniques used to analyze plant hormone. Advancements in solid phase microextraction (SPME) methods have been driven by the ever-increasing requirement for dynamic and in vivo identification of the spatial distribution of plant hormones in real-life plant samples, which would contribute greatly to the burgeoning field of plant hormone investigation. In this review, we describe advances in various aspects of mass spectrometry methods. Many fragmentation patterns are analyzed to provide the theoretical basis for the establishment of a mass spectral database for the analysis of plant hormones. We hope to provide a technical guide for further discovery of new plant hormones. More than 140 research studies on plant hormone published in the past decade are reviewed, with a particular emphasis on the recent advances in mass spectrometry and sample pretreatment techniques in the analysis of plant hormone. The potential progress for further research in plant hormones analysis is also highlighted. © The Author(s) 2020.Background Phytoplasma are obligate intracellular plant-pathogenic bacteria that infect a broad range of plant species and are transmitted by different insect species. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is one of the most commonly used techniques for pathogen detection, especially for pathogens that cannot be cultivated outside their host like phytoplasma. PCR analysis requires the purification of total DNA from the sample and subsequent amplification of pathogen DNA with specific primers. The purified DNA contains mainly host DNA and only a marginal proportion is of phytoplasmal origin. Therefore, detection of phytoplasma DNA in a host DNA background must be sensitive, specific and reliable and is highly dependent on the quality and concentration of the purified DNA. DNA quality and concentration and the presence of PCR-inhibitors therefore have a direct impact on pathogen detection. Thus, it is indispensable for PCR-based diagnostic tests to validate the DNA preparation and DNA integrity before interpreting ed with all so far tested eukaryotic species and since multiplexing is possible, the described primer and probe set can be easily combined with other PCR-based pathogen detection systems. © The Author(s) 2020.Cytoskeletal networks are foundational examples of active matter and central to self-organized structures in the cell. In vivo, these networks are active and densely crosslinked. Relating their large-scale dynamics to the properties of their constituents remains an unsolved problem. Here, we study an in vitro active gel made from aligned microtubules and XCTK2 kinesin motors. Using photobleaching, we demonstrate that the gel's aligned microtubules, driven by motors, continually slide past each other at a speed independent of the local microtubule polarity and motor concentration. This phenomenon is also observed, and remains unexplained, in spindles. We derive a general framework for coarse graining microtubule gels crosslinked by molecular motors from microscopic considerations. Using microtubule-microtubule coupling through a force-velocity relationship for kinesin, this theory naturally explains the experimental results motors generate an active strain rate in regions of changing polarity, which allows microtubules of opposite polarities to slide past each other without stressing the material.

Autoři článku: Holcksalomonsen7475 (Bjerre Hassan)