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Human similarity judgments do not reliably conform to the predictions of leading theories of psychological similarity. Evidence from the triad similarity judgment task shows that people often identify thematic associates like dog and bone as more similar than taxonomic category members like dog and cat, even though thematic associates lack the type of featural or relational similarity that is foundational to theories of psychological similarity. This specific failure to predict human behavior has been addressed as a consequence of education and other individual differences, an artifact of the triad similarity judgment paradigm, or a shortcoming in psychological accounts of similarity. We investigated the judged similarity of semantically-related concepts (taxonomic category members and thematic associates) as it relates to other task-independent measures of semantic knowledge and access. Participants were assessed on reading and language ability, then event-related potentials (ERPs) were collected during a passive, sequential word reading task that presented pseudowords and taxonomically-related, thematically-related, and unrelated word sequences, and, finally, similarity judgments were collected with the classic two-alternative forced-choice triad task. The results uncovered a correspondence between ERP amplitude and triad-based similarity judgments-similarity judgment behavior reliably predicts ERP amplitude during passive word reading, absent of any instruction to consider similarity. It was also found that individual differences in reading and language ability independently predicted ERP amplitude. This evidence suggests that similarity judgments are driven by reliable patterns of thought that are not solely rooted in the interpretation of task goals or reading and language ability. Mycobacterium tuberculosis strictly depends on oxygen to multiply, and the terminal oxidases are a vital part of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway. The bacterium possesses two aerobic respiratory branches a cytochrome bcc-aa3 and a bacteria-specific cytochrome bd oxidase. The identification of small-molecule inhibitors of the cytochrome bcc-aa3 under numerous experimental conditions reflects the essentiality of the pathway for the optimum growth of M. tuberculosis. Recent findings on the biology of the cytochrome bcc-aa3 as well as the report of the first high-resolution structure of a mycobacterial cytochrome bcc-aa3 complex will help in the characterization and further development of potent inhibitors. Although the aerobic cytochrome bd respiratory branch is not strictly essential for growth, the discovery of a strong synthetic lethal interaction with the cytochrome bcc-aa3 placed the cytochrome bd oxidase under the spotlight as an attractive drug target for its synergistic role in potentiating the efficacy of cytochrome bcc-aa3 inhibitors and other drugs targeting oxidative phosphorylation. In this review, we are discussing current knowledge about the two mycobacterial aerobic respiratory branches, their potential as drug targets, as well as potential drawbacks. BACKGROUND According to cognitive theories of depression, more negative and less positive self-schemas are thought to play a causal role in the disorder. Existing evidence speaks to the neural substrates of self-referential processes in both healthy and depressed individuals, but little is known about how the brain relates to self-referential processing in the context of depression risk in children. We therefore studied the neural substrates of self-referential processing in never-depressed preadolescent children at high and low risk for depression based on maternal depression history. METHODS A total of 87 never-depressed 10-12-year-old children (29 with maternal depression) completed a self-referential encoding task during a functional magnetic resonance imaging session, in which they were presented a series of positive and negative trait adjectives and endorsed whether each word was self-descriptive. Small volume correction analyses were conducted within 7 regions of interest that are important for self-referential and emotion-related processes. RESULTS Analyses of small volume correction indicated that high-risk children showed greater activation in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex during the positive-word self-referential encoding task condition than low-risk children. Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation mediated the association between maternal depression and child depressive symptoms only when children had lower positive self-schemas, indicating that more positive self-schemas may protect at-risk children from developing depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS Cortical midline and prefrontal regions are important to self-, emotion-, and regulation-related processes. Heightened activation within these regions in never-depressed high-risk children indicates that these neurobiological substrates may mediate early vulnerability to depression in the context of cognitive processes relevant to self-concepts. BACKGROUND AND AIMS Intestinal and anastomotic strictures in Crohn's disease (CD) produce considerable morbidity The development of surgery sparing, endoscopic modalities for stricture resolution is essential. Removable stent therapy is emerging as an efficacious and safe means of stricture resolution. We present outcomes from the largest, single-center series of CD patients undergoing removable self-expanding-metal-stent (SEMS) therapy resolving focal intestinal strictures. METHODS Symptomatic Crohn's disease patients with were assessed with MR enterography. Identified short (≤6 cm), fibrostenotic strictures of the terminal-ileum or ileocolonic anastomoses were considered by a multidisciplinary team and put forward for stent therapy. Strictures were endoscopically examined, and impassable strictures were treated with SEMSs. The Hannaro HRC-20-080-230 partially covered SEMS was used for all treated patients. Endoscopically inaccessible or inflammatory strictures were excluded. Stent retrieval was scheduled fo These results suggest that the efficacy of stent therapy in this context merits powered, head-to-head investigation with other modalities for stricture resolution. The head kidney is a lymphoid immune organ that plays a key role in the immune and inflammatory responses of teleost fish. It is associated with immunoglobulin G production and differentiation of B cells. The presence of a multi-enzymatic complex found anchored in the plasma membrane makes the head kidney an important purinergic-dependent tissue. Purinergic signaling has been associated with these responses under pathological conditions via regulation of extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main damage molecular associated pattern agent released during bacterial infections. The aim of this study was to determine whether purinergic signaling is a pathway associated with impairment of immune responses in silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) experimentally infected by Flavobacterium columnare, as well as to evaluate the role of P2 purine receptors in this response. Triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) activity in the head kidney was significantly lower in silver catfish experimentally-infected F. columnare 72 h post-infection (hpi) than in the control group, while no significant difference was observed with respect NTPDase activity on adenosine diphosphate, as well as on 5'-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase activities. Extracellular ATP levels were significantly higher in the head kidney of experimentally-infected fish than in the control group at 72 hpi. Finally, p2ry11 and p2rx3 purine receptor levels were significantly higher in experimentally-infected fish than in the control group at 72 hpi. We conclude that purinergic signaling in the head kidney of silver catfish infected by F. columnare creates a pro-inflammatory profile that may contribute to impairment of immune and inflammatory responses via reduction of ATP hydrolysis and its accumulation in the extracellular milieu, accompanied by upregulation of p2ry11 and p2rx3 purine receptors, leading to pro-inflammatory status. Regulatory T (Treg) cells, a subtype of immunosuppressive CD4+ T cells, are vital for maintaining immune homeostasis in healthy people. Forkhead box protein P3 (FOXP3), a member of the forkhead-winged-helix family, is the pivotal transcriptional factor of Treg cells. The expression, post-translational modifications, and protein complex of FOXP3 present a great impact on the functional stability and immune plasticity of Treg cells in vivo. In particular, the mutation of FOXP3 can result in immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked (IPEX) syndrome, which is a rare genetic disease mostly diagnosed in early childhood and can soon be fatal. Brensocatib IPEX syndrome is related to several manifestations, including dermatitis, enteropathy, type 1 diabetes, thyroiditis, and so on. Here, we summarize some recent findings on FOXP3 regulation and Treg cell function. We also review the current knowledge about the underlying mechanism of FOXP3 mutant-induced IPEX syndrome and some latest clinical prospects. At last, this review offers a novel insight into the role played by the FOXP3 complex in potential therapeutic applications in IPEX syndrome. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) play important roles in many biological processes and provide materials for evolutionary adaptations beyond protein-coding genes, such as in the arms race between the host and pathogen. However, currently, a comprehensive high-resolution analysis of primate genomes that includes the latest annotated ncRNAs is not available. Here, we developed a computational pipeline to estimate the selections that act on noncoding regions based on comparisons with a large number of reference sequences in introns adjacent to the interested regions. Our method yields result comparable with those of the established codon-based method and phyloP method for coding genes; thus, it provides a holistic framework for estimating the selection on the entire genome. We further showed that fast-evolving protein-coding genes and their corresponding 5' UTRs have a significantly lower frequency of the CpG dinucleotides than those evolving at an average pace, and these fast-evolving genes are enriched in the process of immunity and host defense. We also identified fast-evolving miRNAs with antiviral functions in cells. Our results provide a resource for high-resolution evolution analysis of the primate genomes. BACKGROUND Data on real-world antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant therapy use in elderly atrial fibrillation (AF) patients are lacking; thus, we performed a subanalysis of data from the ANAFIE registry to clarify the current management of Japanese patients aged ≥75 years with non-valvular AF. METHODS The ANAFIE registry was a multicenter, prospective, observational study. Patients were stratified into three groups rhythm control group, rate control group, and no antiarrhythmic group. The CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, and HAS-BLED scores were used to estimate embolic and bleeding risk. RESULTS Among 32,490 patients, the overall frequencies of AF by type were 42.0 % (paroxysmal), 30.1 % (persistent and long-standing persistent), and 27.9 % (permanent). Significant differences (p  less then  0.0001, each) in age were observed among the three groups; more patients aged 75-79 years received rhythm control (44.2 %) vs rate control (38.8 %). Patients aged ≥85 years received either rate control therapy or no antiarrhythmic agent (∼20 %, each).

Autoři článku: Hohalsey5330 (Duke Hvidberg)