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Severe hypothyroidism has profound effects on lipoprotein metabolism including high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol elevations but effects on HDL function metrics are unknown.

To determine the impact of severe short-term hypothyroidism on HDL particle characteristics, HDL cholesterol efflux capacity (CEC), and HDL antioxidative capacity.

Observational study with variables measured during severe short-term hypothyroidism (median TSH 81 mU/L) and after 20 weeks of thyroid hormone supplementation (median TSH 0.03 mU/L) (Netherlands Trial Registry ID 7228).

University hospital setting in The Netherlands.

Seventeen patients who had undergone a total thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma.

HDL particle characteristics (nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry), CEC (human THP-1-derived macrophage foam cells and apolipoprotein B-depleted plasma), and HDL anti-oxidative capacity (inhibition of low-density lipoprotein oxidation).

During hypothyroidism plasma total cholesterol, HDL cholesothyroidism.

Older adults anxious about falling will often consciously process walking movements in an attempt to avoid falling. They also fixate their gaze on the present step rather than looking ahead to plan future actions. The present work examined whether conscious movement strategies result in such restricted visual planning.

A total of 18 community-dwelling older adults (agemean = 71.22; SD = 5.75) walked along a path and stepped into two raised targets. Repeated-measures analyses of variance were used to compare gaze behavior and movement kinematics when participants walked (a) at baseline (ground level); (b) under conditions designed to induce fall-related anxiety (walkway elevated 0.6 m); and (c) in the absence of anxiety (ground level), but with explicit instructions to consciously process movements.

Participants reported increased conscious movement processing when walking both on the elevated walkway (fall-related anxiety condition) and at ground level when instructed to consciously process gait. During movement, this suggests that fall-related anxiety may disrupt the visual control of gait through increased conscious movement processing.The organizational/activational hypothesis suggests that gonadal steroid hormones like testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) are important at 2 different times during the lifespan when they perform 2 different functions. First steroids "organize" brain structures early in life and during puberty, and in adults these same hormones "activate" sexually dimorphic behaviors. This hypothesis has been tested and proven valid for a large number of behaviors (learning, memory, social, and sexual behaviors). Sex differences in drug addiction are well established both for humans and animal models. Previous research in this field has focused primarily on cocaine self-administration by rats. Traditionally, observed sex differences have been explained by the sex-specific concentrations of gonadal hormones present at the time of the drug-related behavior. Studies with gonadectomized rodents establishes an activational role for E2 that facilitates vulnerability in females, and when E2 is combined with progesterone, addiction is attenuated. Literature on organizational actions of steroids is sparse but predicts that T, after it is aromatized to E2, changes aspects of the neural reward system. click here Here we summarize these data and propose that sex chromosome complement also plays a role in determining sex-specific drug-taking behavior. Future research is needed to disentangle the effects of hormones and sex chromosome complement, and we propose the four core genotype mouse model as an effective tool for answering these questions.The blood-testis barrier (BTB) in the testis is an important ultrastructure to support spermatogenesis. This blood-tissue barrier undergoes remodeling at late stage VII to early stage IX of the epithelial cycle to support the transport of preleptotene spermatocytes across the BTB to prepare for meiosis I/II at the apical compartment through a mechanism that remains to be delineated. Studies have shown that NC1-peptide-derived collagen α3 (IV) chain in the basement membrane is a bioactive peptide that induces BTB remodeling. It also promotes the release of fully developed spermatids into the tubule lumen. Thus, this endogenously produced peptide coordinates these 2 cellular events across the seminiferous epithelium. Using an NC1-peptide complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) construct to transfect adult rat testes for overexpression, NC1-peptide was found to effectively induce germ cell exfoliation and BTB remodeling, which was associated with a surge and activation of p-rpS6, the downstream signaling protein of mTORC1 and the concomitant downregulation of p-FAK-Y407 in the testis. In order to define the functional relationship between p-rpS6 and p-FAK-Y407 signaling to confer the ability of NC1-peptide to regulate testis function, a phosphomimetic (and thus constitutively active) mutant of p-FAK-Y407 (p-FAK-Y407E-MT) was used for its co-transfection, utilizing Sertoli cells cultured in vitro with a functional tight junction (TJ) barrier that mimicked the BTB in vivo. Overexpression of p-FAK-Y407E-MT blocked the effects of NC1-peptide to perturb Sertoli cell BTB function by promoting F-actin and microtubule cytoskeleton function, and downregulated the NC1-peptide-mediated induction of p-rpS6 activation. In brief, NC1-peptide is an important endogenously produced biomolecule that regulates BTB dynamics.

the proportion of adolescent and young adult cancer patients is relatively small, but they require age-specific support. We conducted a survey on the present status of support for adolescent and young adult cancer patients in the Japanese Association of Clinical Cancer Centers.

in December 2018, the primary questionnaires were sent to 32 hospitals of Japanese Association of Clinical Cancer Centers regarding support for adolescent and young adult cancer patients. Secondary questionnaires were sent to doctors, nurses and medical social workers in 24 hospitals for the implementation rates of information provision and consultation on 17 unmet needs identified in the study by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.

there were marked differences in support for adolescent and young adult cancer patients among hospitals. Only one hospital facilitated an adolescent and young adult department and ward. Thirteen hospitals cooperated with the paediatric cancer designated hospitals. A learning support for high school-aged patients was provided in 15 hospitals.

Autoři článku: Hinesbean6705 (Ralston McGarry)