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While herpesviruses are well-known pathogens in a wide variety of chelonian species, they have only sporadically been documented in squamate reptiles. Phycocyanobilin research buy Those that have been described have most often been associated with hepatic disease and oral lesions. During a study on infectious disease in pet reptiles in Poland, herpesviruses were detected in swabs from three green iguanas (Iguana iguana) from two different owners that were presented to two different veterinary clinics in Warsaw. One iguana was presented for abscesses on the head, while the other two were partner animals and remained clinically healthy throughout the course of this study. Virus was detected in oral swabs as well as combined swab samples from the oral cavity and cloaca using a panherpesvirus PCR. PCR products from all three animals were sequenced, and the detected viruses were most closely related to iguanid herpesvirus 2 from a San Esteban chuckwalla (Sauromalus varius) in the United States (GenBank accession No. AY236869.1). The single animal was retested again 1 y later and remained clinically healthy and continued to shed the same herpesvirus. This is the first description of a herpesvirus infection in pet iguanas in Europe. While the clinical relevance of the infection is not known, it is of interest that the infected animals appeared to continue to shed virus over an extended period of time.The Milwaukee County Zoo has housed common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) since 1973. The bats are fed defibrinated cow's blood supplemented with a liquid pediatric multivitamin. From July 2013 to May 2014, multiple deaths occurred in colony bats, including five juveniles with multiple bone fractures and failure of endochondral ossification, three adults with cerebellar necrosis, and one adult with subcutaneous hemorrhage. In November 2013, an adult bat developed a nonhealing left wing hematoma and eventually succumbed 9 mo later. A postmortem examination revealed multifocal extensive necrohemorrhagic and suppurative ulcerative dermatitis with no underlying cause determined. From July to December 2014, five of nine adult bats in the colony developed similar hematomas along with gingival bleeding. One euthanized bat had a serum ascorbic acid level of 0.08 mg/dl and marked generalized subcutaneous hemorrhage. A therapeutic trial was initiated in which two bats received defibrinated cow's blood supplemented only with oral vitamin C, 100 mg/kg PO q24h for 3 d, and then 50 mg/kg PO q24h. Two other bats received nonsupplemented defibrinated cow's blood and were given vitamin K 3.3 mg/kg SC q12h for 3 d, and then 3.3 mg/kg SC q24h for 7 d. The bats supplemented with vitamin C improved, supporting a diagnosis of vitamin C deficiency. All bats were subsequently supplemented with vitamin C leading to resolution of all lesions within 10 d to 2 mo. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis, which is required for proper wound healing, capillary and cartilage strength, osteoid production, and pial membrane formation of the cerebellum. Several bat species cannot synthesize vitamin C and require a dietary source. This is the first report of vitamin C deficiency in a colony of vampire bats leading to severe chronic subcutaneous hemorrhage, bone fragility, microfractures, cerebellar necrosis, and death.High neonatal mortality among red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) challenges the long-term sustainability of the Species Survival Plan population. Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is a rare condition in domestic animals, typically due to an inherited genetic defect. Nongoitrous CH was presumptively diagnosed in 75% (n = 6/8) of red panda neonates from four successive litters, with a common sire and two closely related dams. Antemortem diagnosis of CH was made in three cubs (n = 3/6) based on elevated thyroid stimulating hormone and decreased free thyroxine and total thyroxine levels. Affected cubs also had suggestive clinical signs, which included delayed growth with cretinous dwarf appearance, atonic bladder, delayed gastrointestinal motility, hypercholesterolemia, and hypocalcemia. With sodium levothyroxine therapy, two of the three cubs developed into normal adult red pandas in terms of body size, appearance, and behavior. On necropsy cubs (n = 4) were small with varying degrees of cretin dwarf appearance and hypoplastic thyroids with reduced to no colloid in follicles. These cases demonstrate the importance of collecting thyroid tissue, (or proximal trachea/larynx if gross visualization not possible), in neonates for histopathology. Further investigation into the role of thyroid disease in neonatal red panda mortality is warranted.There are numerous reports on envenomation, even fatal, secondary to bee attacks in humans and other mammals. In birds, reports on those incidents are scarce and there are none regarding honeybee (Apis mellifera) stings in toucans. In the first case presented, an adult female red-breasted toucan (Ramphastos dicolorus) received at least five bee stings in the periophthalmic area. Within 5 h the bird was lethargic and dehydrated. The urates were yellowish. Three days later the bird showed a moderate anemia, but no changes in the leukocyte count, beyond an elevated heterophil lymphocyte ratio. Blood chemistry showed hyperglycemia, hypoalbuminemia and elevated aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase. Alterations in electrolyte values were also noted. Fourteen days later bile acid elevation was observed. Hematocrit levels normalized after 2 wk. A second incident involved a breeding pair of toco toucans (Ramphastos toco). While the female toco toucan received 10 stings and showed mild clinical manifestations, the male toco toucan was more severely attacked, receiving 40 stings, and died overnight. Despite the relative gravity of the attack (in terms of number of stingers in relation to body weight) both surviving birds recovered in less than 2 wk. To the authors' knowledge, fatal bee envenomation in birds has been reported only in pigeons and macaws. The findings described in this report suggest that toucans are less sensitive to bee venom when compared with pigeons and may have higher tolerance to bee venom compared with mammals. Honeybee envenomation must be considered a potential threat when considering toucan husbandry in zoos and collections.Trauma is a key threat to wild Formosan pangolins (Manis pentadactyla pentadactyla) and the most frequent reason for presentation to the rescue center of the Taipei Zoo from 2008 to 2017. Of the 105 cases received during this time, 72% presented for trauma. Among these 76 cases, 72% survived and were returned to the wild. Traditional wound management resulted in healing times from 45 to 410 d. Improvements in the success and duration of wound healing could increase the success rate of pangolin release back to the wild. This case series describes wound management in five cases using either traditional wound management practices (two cases) or modified Choukroun's platelet-rich fibrin (MC-PRF) in an attempt to accelerate the wound-healing process (three cases). MC-PRF is relatively easily obtainable and widely used to promote tissue healing in other species. MC-PRF was applied to the wounds of three pangolins every 1 to 2 wk with satisfactory results. The healing time with MC-PRF were 21, 45, and 51 d, shorter than the 60-98 d seen in the cases of traditional wound management in this series. Given the scarcity of literature on pangolins, these cases evaluating both traditional and MC-PRF wound management practices can serve as examples for other pangolin rescue centers in their treatment of traumatic wounds.A herd of seven captive-born Grevy's zebras (Equus grevyi) experienced an outbreak of nasal discharge and sneezing. Clinical signs, including lethargy and anorexia, were severe and acute in three animals, including a 16-mo-old male that died within 48 h. Treatment of two severely affected zebras included valacyclovir (40 mg/kg PO), meloxicam (0.6 mg/kg IM/PO), and cefquinome (2.5 mg/kg IM q48h). An adult female improved rapidly, and clinical signs resolved within 48 h of treatment. Administration of valacyclovir pellets was very complicated in a 2-mo-old female, and death occurred within 48 h. Histologic examination of the two individuals that died revealed severe fibrinonecrotic interstitial pneumonia with prominent hyaline membranes and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia. Additionally, the 16-mo-old male presented systemic endothelial activation with vascular thrombosis and necrosis and mild nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. Herpesviral DNA was detected in the lungs of both individuals by nested polymerase chain reaction. The nucleic acid sequence of the amplicons showed 100% similarity with previously published equid alphaherpesvirus 9 sequences. Three additional animals developed mild nasal discharge only and recovered spontaneously. The zebras shared housing facilities with other species, including white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), reticulated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata), and several antelope species. None of these animals showed clinical signs. Additionally, nasal swabs and whole blood samples were collected from cohoused white rhinoceroses (n = 3) and springboks (Antidorcas marsupialis, n = 3) as well as nasal swabs from cohoused reticulated giraffes (n = 4). Nucleic acid sequence from equid herpesviruses was not detected in any of these samples. The source of the infection in the zebras remains unclear.Cryosurgery, also known as cryotherapy and cryoablation, is a promising surgical technique that employs highly localized freezing to destroy damaged and diseased tissue, including benign and malignant neoplasms. This procedure has been reported in the treatment of chromatophoromas, fibromas, and peripheral nerve sheath tumors in piscine patients. This study presents eight clinical cases of cryosurgery on cyprinid pet fish for a wide array of neoplastic masses, including chromatophoromas, squamous cell carcinoma, and sarcomas that were diagnosed by histopathology. Surgical excision of external masses, liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, injectable medications (meloxicam and danofloxacin), and topical medical-grade honey were applied to the patients after biopsy sampling. Five out of seven cutaneous cases and two out of three ocular cases had complete resolution without recurrence for at least three months posttreatment. Treatment was unsuccessful for two of the cutaneous cases in which the cutaneous masses were extremely invasive, resulting in severe ulceration and deep invasion into the coelomic cavity. One of the ocular cases involved a corneal mass that did not change in size and had no complications after treatments, suggesting that the treatment might be useful in limiting growth. The effectiveness of cryotherapy appears to correlate with the tumor type, as well as the stage and progression of tumor invasion.A multiparous pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) dam produced three consecutive calves that died acutely at 13-15 wk of age from bacterial sepsis, for which diagnostic and therapeutic intervention was not possible. Streptococcus iniae (Cases 1 and 3), Escherichia coli (Case 2), and an unidentified member of the family Pasteurellaceae (Case 1) were identified in postmortem tissues through bacterial culture followed by standard and molecular identification methods. After the loss of two calves, a series of vaccinations were administered to the dam during the third pregnancy to enhance transplacental and colostral transfer of antibodies to the calf. The third calf did not survive, and the source of the bacterial infection in these three calves was undetermined. Prior to and after the birth of the fourth calf, nutritional and nutraceutical supplements were provided to the dam and calf. Additionally, pest control around the barn was enhanced. The fourth calf survived. Pygmy hippopotamus calves at the age of 13-15 wk may have increased susceptibility to bacterial infection, possibly due to waning maternally derived immunity.

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