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This study aimed to evaluate the composition, antioxidant capacity and antibacterial effects of Pistacia atlantica subsp. kurdica (baneh) essential oil on some important bacteria in food safety. Essential oil was derived using hydro-distillation method of the baneh fruits. Essential oil composition was determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiaziline-6-sulfonate; ABTS) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods were used to evaluate antioxidant activity and Folin-Ciocalteu method was used to determine total phenolic content of essential oil. The antibacterial effect of the essential oil against six pathogen bacteria was determined using minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration and disc diffusion methods. Monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons were main compounds of total identified constituents in the essential oil (approximately 93.50% and 5.45%, respectively). The main compounds were α-pinene, myrcene, limonene, β-pinene and γ-terpineol, respectively. The mean concentration of essential oil providing 50.00% inhibition was 7.54 ± 0.01 mg mL-1. Dose-dependent and scavenging activities were seen in DPPH and ABTS tests and total phenolic content within test range of concentrations (0.0625 to 4.00 mg mL-1). The highest DPPH radical scavenging activity (48.67 ± 0.84%) was seen at a concentration of 4 mg mL-1. The responses of essential oil concentrations to ABTS assay were quite similar to the DPPH reaction, especially in higher concentrations. Both antimicrobial methods demonstrated that the essential oil had broader antibacterial effects against the Gram-positive bacteria than the tested Gram-negative bacteria. Essential oil of Pistachia atlantica subsp. kurdica can be one of the performing essential oils to be used as a preservative in food industry to increase food safety and reduce food pathogens risks. © 2019 Urmia University. C59 concentration All rights reserved.Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) in turkeys may result in immunosuppression, and inability of turkeys to resist nonpathogenic or less pathogenic organisms. A total number of 120 day-old commercial male turkeys were purchased and blood samples were collected from 20 day-old turkeys, remaining 100 were divided into four equal groups and kept in separated rooms. Groups 1 and 2 were infected with 104 CID50 of IBDV via intra-bursal route on day 1; Groups 1 and 3 were each infected with 106 EID50 of AIV (H9N2) via the oculo-nasal routes on day 30. All groups were vaccinated against Newcastle disease vaccine (NDV). Detection of avian influenza virus H9N2 in trachea and cloaca swabs and in the tissues, was confirmed by Real-time polymerase chain reaction. Anti- NDV-AIV and anti-IBD titers were measured using HI and ELISA tests, respectively. The present study showed that infectious bursal disease changed the pathogenesis of (AIV) H9N2 by affecting AI virus replication and resulted in an increase shedding due to prolonged duration of sever clinical signs. The extent of shedding and virus replication need further study. © 2019 Urmia University. All rights reserved.The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of platelet growth factors and periosteal mesenchymal stem cells on bone healing process, radiographically. Forty male White New Zealand rabbits in five equal groups were used in this study. A 2 mm full thickness bone defect was made in left radial bone of each animal. In group A (control) the defect was left with no medical intervention. In group B the defect was covered by a fibrin membrane. In group C the defect was covered by a fibrin membrane plus platelet growth factors. In group D the defect was covered by a fibrin membrane plus periosteal mesenchymal stem cells, and in group E the defect was covered by a fibrin membrane enriched with platelet growth factors and periosteal mesenchymal stem cells. Radiological evaluation was done immediately after surgery (week 0) and then at the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th weeks after operation. At the end of the eighth week, bone samples were taken to evaluate the histopathology. The radiological and histopathological observations showed a superior bone healing in the groups D and E, after eight weeks in comparison with the groups A, B and C. According to this study, it could be concluded that the platelet growth factors and periosteal mesenchymal stem cells could promote bone regeneration in long bone defects in a rabbit model. © 2019 Urmia University. All rights reserved.Crocin is a plant-derived carotenoid and bears potent antioxidant property. Ranitidine (a histamine H2 receptor blocker) is used for peptic ulcer treatment. The present study was planned to investigate the effects of crocin and ranitidine on indomethacin-induced ulcer in small intestine of rats. Animals were randomized into two major groups including indo-methacin (10.00 mg kg-1, ulcer group, 48 rats) and normal saline (1.00 mL kg-1, intact group, 48 rats) groups. Each of these two major groups was subdivided into eight subgroups for intra-peritoneal (IP) injections of normal saline, crocin (2.50, 10.00 and 40.00 mg kg-1), ranitidine (5.00 and 20.00 mg kg-1), crocin (2.50 and 10.00 mg kg-1) plus ranitidine (5.00 mg kg-1). Indomethacin induced intestinal ulcer was characterized by bleeding, inflammation, epithelial hyperplasia and crypt loss. This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), indomethacin decreased goblet cell number and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and increased small intestine weight, organo-somatic index (OSI), malodealdehyde (MDA), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and caspase-3 contents of intestine. Crocin resolved all the above-mentioned parameter changes induced by indomethacin. These treatments produced no significant effects on the above-mentioned parameters of intact group. The results of the present study showed tissue protective and anti-ulcer effects of crocin on small intestine by antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic mechanisms. Ranitidine alone showed no effect; however, in combination with crocin it exerted recovery effects. It is recommended that crocin, be considered as a therapeutic agent for NSAIDs-induced intestinal damage management. © 2019 Urmia University. All rights reserved.

Autoři článku: Hesselbergklint9634 (Boykin Houghton)