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We investigate the anomalous dynamics in smectic phases of short host rods where, counter-intuitively, long guest rod-shaped particles diffuse faster than the short host ones due to their precise size mismatch. In addition to the previously reported mean-square displacement, we analyze the time evolution of the self-Van Hove functions G(r, t), as this probability density function uncovers intrinsic heterogeneous dynamics. Through this analysis, we show that the dynamics of the host particles parallel to the director becomes non-Gaussian and therefore heterogeneous after the nematic-to-smectic-A phase transition, even though it exhibits a nearly diffusive behavior according to its mean-squared displacement. In contrast, the non-commensurate guest particles display Gaussian dynamics of the parallel motion, up to the transition to the smectic-B phase. Thus, we show that the self-Van Hove function is a very sensitive probe to account for the instantaneous and heterogeneous dynamics of our system and should be more widely considered as a quantitative and complementary approach of the classical mean-squared displacement characterization in diffusion processes.We revise formal and numerical aspects of collinear and non-collinear density functional theories in the context of a two-component self-consistent treatment of spin-orbit coupling. Theoretical and numerical analyses of the non-collinear approaches confirm their ability to yield the proper collinear limit and provide rotational invariance of the total energy for functionals in the local-density or generalized-gradient approximations (GGAs). Calculations on simple molecules corroborate the formal considerations and highlight the importance of an effective screening algorithm to provide the sufficient level of numerical stability required for a rotationally invariant implementation of non-collinear GGA functionals. Cariprazine The illustrative calculations provide a first numerical comparison of both previously proposed non-collinear formulations for GGA functionals. The proposed screening procedure allows us to effectively deal with points of small magnetization, which would otherwise be problematic for the evaluation of the exchange-correlation energy and/or potential for non-collinear GGA functionals. Both previously suggested formulations for the non-collinear GGA are confirmed to be adequate for total energy calculations, provided that the screening is achieved on a sufficiently fine grid. All methods are implemented in the Crystal program.The theory behind computation of absolute binding free energies using explicit-solvent molecular simulations is well-established, yet somewhat complex, with counter-intuitive aspects. This leads to frequent frustration, common misconceptions, and sometimes erroneous numerical treatment. To improve this, we present the main practically relevant segments of the theory with constant reference to physical intuition. We pinpoint the role of the implicit or explicit definition of the bound state (or the binding site) to make a robust link between an experimental measurement and a computational result. We clarify the role of symmetry and discuss cases where symmetry number corrections have been misinterpreted. In particular, we argue that symmetry corrections as classically presented are a source of confusion and could be advantageously replaced by restraint free energy contributions. We establish that contrary to a common intuition, partial or missing sampling of some modes of symmetric bound states does not affect the calculated decoupling free energies. Finally, we review these questions and pitfalls in the context of a few common practical situations binding to a symmetric receptor (equivalent binding sites), binding of a symmetric ligand (equivalent poses), and formation of a symmetric complex, in the case of homodimerization.A systematic structure and property investigation of MnGen - (n = 3-14) was conducted by means of density functional theory coupled with mass-selected anion photoelectron spectroscopy. This combined theoretical and experimental study allows global minimum and coexistence structures to be identified. It is found that the pentagonal bipyramid shape is the basic framework for the nascent growth process of MnGen - (n = 3-10), and from n = 10, the endohedral structures can be found. For n = 12, the anion MnGe12 - cluster probably includes two isomers a major isomer with a puckered hexagonal prism geometry and a minor isomer with a distorted icosahedron geometry. link2 Specifically, the puckered hexagonal prism isomer follows the Wade-Mingos rules and can be suggested as a new kind of superatom with the magnetic property. Furthermore, the results of adaptive natural density partitioning and deformation density analyses suggest a polar covalent interaction between Ge and Mn for endohedral clusters of MnGe12 -. The spin density and natural population analysis indicate that MnGen - clusters have high magnetic moments localized on Mn. The density of states diagram visually shows the significant spin polarization for endohedral structures and reveals the weak interaction between the Ge 4p orbital and the 4s, 3d orbitals of Mn.Statistical and deep learning-based methods are employed to obtain insights into the quasi-universal properties of simple liquids. In the first part, a statistical model is employed to provide a probabilistic explanation for the similarity in the structure of simple liquids interacting with different pair potential forms, collectively known as simple liquids. The methodology works by sampling the radial distribution function and the number of interacting particles within the cutoff distance, and it produces the probability density function of the net force. We show that matching the probability distribution of the net force can be a direct route to parameterize simple liquid pair potentials with a similar structure, as the net force is the main component of the Newtonian equations of motion. The statistical model is assessed and validated against various cases. In the second part, we exploit DeepILST [A. Moradzadeh and N. R. Aluru, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 1242-1250 (2019)], a data-driven and deep-learning assisted framework to parameterize the standard 12-6 Lennard-Jones (LJ) pair potential, to find structurally equivalent/isomorphic LJ liquids that identify constant order parameter [τ=∫0 ξcf gξ-1ξ2dξ, where gξ and ξ(=rρ13) are the reduced radial distribution function and radial distance, respectively] systems in the space of non-dimensional temperature and density of the LJ liquids. We also investigate the consistency of DeepILST in reproducibility of radial distribution functions of various quasi-universal potentials, e.g., exponential, inverse-power-law, and Yukawa pair potentials, quantified based on the radial distribution functions and Kullback-Leibler errors. Our results provide insights into the quasi-universality of simple liquids using the statistical and deep learning methods.Stochastic density functional theory (sDFT) is becoming a valuable tool for studying ground-state properties of extended materials. The computational complexity of describing the Kohn-Sham orbitals is replaced by introducing a set of random (stochastic) orbitals leading to linear and often sub-linear scaling of certain ground-state observables at the account of introducing a statistical error. Schemes to reduce the noise are essential, for example, for determining the structure using the forces obtained from sDFT. Recently, we have introduced two embedding schemes to mitigate the statistical fluctuations in the electron density and resultant forces on the nuclei. Both techniques were based on fragmenting the system either in real space or slicing the occupied space into energy windows, allowing for a significant reduction in the statistical fluctuations. For chemical accuracy, further reduction of the noise is required, which could be achieved by increasing the number of stochastic orbitals. However, the convergence is relatively slow as the statistical error scales as 1/Nχ according to the central limit theorem, where Nχ is the number of random orbitals. In this paper, we combined the embedding schemes mentioned above and introduced a new approach that builds on overlapped fragments and energy windows. The new approach significantly lowers the noise for ground-state properties, such as the electron density, total energy, and forces on the nuclei, as demonstrated for a G-center in bulk silicon.Microscopic mechanisms of natural processes are frequently understood in terms of random walk models by analyzing local particle transitions. This is because these models properly account for dynamic processes at the molecular level and provide a clear physical picture. link3 Recent theoretical studies made a surprising discovery that in complex systems, the symmetry of molecular forward/backward transition times with respect to local bias in the dynamics may be broken and it may take longer to go downhill than uphill. The physical origins of these phenomena remain not fully understood. Here, we explore in more detail the microscopic features of the symmetry breaking in the forward/backward transition times by analyzing exactly solvable discrete-state stochastic models. In particular, we consider a specific case of two random walkers on a four-site periodic lattice as the way to represent the general systems with multiple pathways. It is found that the asymmetry in transition times depends on several factors that include the degree of deviation from equilibrium, the particle crowding, and methods of measurements of dynamic properties. Our theoretical analysis suggests that the asymmetry in transition times can be explored experimentally for determining the important microscopic features of natural processes by quantitatively measuring the local deviations from equilibrium and the degrees of crowding.If, in a hard sphere fluid, a single (test) particle is fixed, the other particles display a density profile that possesses long-ranged oscillations. Surprisingly, one can show via classical density functional theory that it takes a simple, purely repulsive (external) potential with a finite range in addition to the fixed hard sphere that forces these oscillations to vanish completely. This can give rise to interesting phenomena; however, it gained little attention in the past. In this work, we use the potential in question as an inter-component interaction in a binary hard-sphere mixture, where it is shown that the effective interaction induced by one component resembles qualitatively the well-known Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij potential and can lead to a liquid-gas phase transition in the other component.In catalysis, MgO is often used to modify the acid-base properties of support oxides and to stabilize supported metal atoms and particles on oxides. In this study, we show how the sublimation of MgO powder can be used to deposit MgO monomers, hither on anatase TiO2(101). A combination of x-ray electron spectroscopy, high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy, and density functional theory is employed to gain insight into the MgO monomer binding, electronic and vibrational properties, and thermal stability. In the most stable configuration, the Mg and O of the MgO monomer bind to two surface oxygens and one undercoordinated surface titanium, respectively. The additional binding weakens the Mg-O monomer bond and makes Mg more ionic. The monomers are thermally stable up to 600 K, where the onset of diffusion into the TiO2 bulk is observed. The monomeric MgO species on TiO2(101) represent an ideal atomically precise system with modified acid-base properties and will be employed in our future catalytic studies.

Autoři článku: Hertzwolff4064 (Lester Saunders)