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In nonhuman primates, i.t. PF-04418948 in vitro administration of NBQX also attenuated peripherally elicited itch without affecting the thermal pain threshold. In a mouse model of diphenylcyclopropenone (DCP)-induced contact dermatitis, GRP, GRPR, and AMPAR subunits were upregulated in SDH. DCP-induced itch was prevented by either silencing GRP+ neurons or ablation of GRPR+ neurons. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that GRP and glutamate cooperatively regulate GRPR+ AMPAR+ neurons in SDH, mediating itch sensation. GRP-GRPR and the glutamate-AMPAR system may play pivotal roles in the spinal transmission of itch in rodents and nonhuman primates. Tight junctions regulate paracellular permeability size and charge-selectively. Models have been proposed for the molecular architecture of tight junctions strands and paracellular channels. However, they are not fully consistent with experimental and structural data. Here, we analysed the architecture of claudin-based tight junction strands and channels by cellular reconstitution of strands, structure-guided mutagenesis, in silico protein docking and oligomer modelling. Prototypic channel- (Cldn10b) and barrier-forming (Cldn3) claudins were analysed. FRET-assays indicated multistep claudin polymerisation, starting with cis-oligomerization specific to the claudin subtype, followed by trans-interaction-triggered cis-polymerisation. Alternative protomer interfaces were modelled in silico and tested by cysteine-mediated crosslinking, confocal- and freeze fracture EM-based analysis of strand formation. The analysed claudin mutants included also mutations causing the HELIX syndrome. The results indicated that protomers in Cldn10b- and Cldn3 strands form similar antiparallel double rows, as has been suggested for Cldn15. Mutually stabilising - hydrophilic and hydrophobic - cis- and trans-interfaces were identified that contained novel key residues of extracellular segments ECS1 and ECS2. Hydrophobic clustering of the flexible ECS1 β1β2 loops together with ECS2-ECS2 trans-interaction is suggested to be the driving force for conjunction of tetrameric building blocks into claudin polymers. Cldn10b and - 3 are indicated to share this polymerisation mechanism. However, in the paracellular centre of tetramers, electrostatic repulsion may lead to formation of pore (Cldn10b) and electrostatic attraction to barrier (Cldn3). Combining in vitro data and in silico modelling, this study improves mechanistic understanding of paracellular permeability regulation by elucidating claudin assembly and its pathologic alteration as in HELIX syndrome. The intricate details of how proteins bind to proteins, DNA and RNA, are crucial for the understanding of almost all biological processes. Disease-causing sequence variants often affect binding residues. Here, we described a new, comprehensive system of in silico methods that take only protein sequence as input to predict binding of protein to DNA, RNA and other proteins. Firstly, we needed to develop several new methods to predict whether or not proteins bind (per-protein prediction). Secondly, we developed independent methods that predict which residues bind (per-residue). Not requiring 3D information, the system can predict the actual binding residue. The system combined homology-based inference with machine learning, and motif-based profile-kernel approaches with word-based (ProtVec) solutions to machine learning protein level predictions. This achieved an overall non-exclusive three-state accuracy of 77%±1% (±one standard error) corresponding to a 1.8 fold improvement over random (best classification for protein-protein with F1=91±0.8%). Standard neural networks for per-residue binding residue predictions appeared best for DNA-binding (Q2=81±0.9%) followed by RNA-binding (Q2= 80±1%), and worst for protein-protein binding (Q2=69±0.8%). The new method, dubbed ProNA2020, is available as code through github (https//github.com/Rostlab/ProNA2020.git) and through PredictProtein (www.predictprotein.org). Brain Expressed X-linked (BEX) protein family consists of five members in humans and is highly expressed during neuronal development. They are known to participate in cell cycle and in signaling pathways involved in neurodegeneration and cancer. BEX3 possess a conserved leucine-rich nuclear export signal and experimental data confirmed BEX3 nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. Previous data revealed that mouse BEX3 auto-associates in an oligomer rich in intrinsic disorder. In this work, we show that human BEX3 (hBEX3) has well-defined three-dimensional structure in the presence of small fragments of tRNA (tRFs). Conversely, the nucleic acids-free purified hBEX3 presented disordered structure. Small-angle X-ray scattering data revealed that in the presence of tRFs, hBEX3 adopts compact globular fold, which is very distinct from the elongated high-order oligomer formed by the pure protein. Furthermore, microscopy showed that hBEX3 undergoes condensation in micron-sized protein-rich droplets in vitro. In the presence of tRFs, biomolecular condensates were smaller and in higher number, showing acridine orange green fluorescence emission, which corroborated with the presence of base-paired nucleic acids. Additionally, we found that over time hBEX3 transits from liquid condensates to aggregates that are reversible upon temperature increment and dissolved by 1,6-hexanediol. hBEX3 assemblies display different morphology in the presence of the tRFs that seems to protect from amyloid formation. Collectively, our findings support a role for tRFs in hBEX3 disorder-to-order transition and modulation of phase transitions. Moreover, hBEX3 aggregation-prone features and the specificity in interaction with tRNA fragments advocate paramount importance toward understanding BEX family involvement in neurodevelopment and cell death. In the beginning stage of heart disease, the blockage of blood flow frequently occurs due to the persistent damage and even death of myocardium. Cicatricial tissue developed after the death of myocardium can affect heart function, which ultimately leads to heart failure. In recent years, several studies carried out about the use of stem cells such as embryonic, pluripotent, cardiac and bone marrow-derived stem cells as well as myoblasts to repair injured myocardium. Current studies focus more on finding appropriate measures to enhance cell homing and survival in order to increase paracrine function. Until now, there is no universal delivery route for mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for different diseases. In this review, we summarize the advantages and challenges of the systemic and local pathways of MSC delivery. In addition, we also describe some advanced measures of cell delivery to improve the efficiency of transplantation. The combination of cells and therapeutic substances could be the most reliable method, which allows donor cells to deliver sufficient amounts of paracrine factors and provide long-lasting effects.

Autoři článku: Herndontodd4544 (Stewart Rossen)