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This study demonstrated feasibility of the technique to be repeated in a country wide geometric distortion audit of all MRI scanners used clinically for RT. Recommendations were made for performing such an audit and how to derive acceptable limits of distortion in such an audit.

This study demonstrated feasibility of the technique to be repeated in a country wide geometric distortion audit of all MRI scanners used clinically for RT. Recommendations were made for performing such an audit and how to derive acceptable limits of distortion in such an audit.Health systems across the world have been baffled by the COVID19 pandemic. Tuberculosis (TB) care and prevention especially in high burden countries has faced disruption to their routine services. Though these setbacks were predicted by many modelling studies, reports and surveys from the field convey the hard reality faced by the TB services. However, health systems have not given up and have become resilient by adapting interesting strategies to overcome these obstacles. The private health sector has also stepped up to the occasion by supporting national TB programs through innovative approaches. ENOblock The scientific community has laid down several evidence-based recommendations to help TB programs get back on track. Its time to unite these forces to not just overcome the challenge posed by the pandemic but also to build a more resilient health system.

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected people globally by causing psychological, social, and economic chaos. The Assam Police, India started telephone helplines to address the psychological issues.

To evaluate the sociodemographic profile of the distress callers, their psychosocial concerns, the interventions provided by the service provider, and whether the service users were satisfied with the intervention(s) or not.

It was a cross-sectional study done during the period of lockdown (7-24 April 2020). All the callers who called the helpline were screened for anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts (when required), and the psychosocial issues which they were facing were explored. They were provided the psychological intervention(s) at the appropriate time, and they were asked to rate their experience at the end.

A total of 239 callers used the tele-counselling services. The majority of callers were male (79.1%). Most of the callers were between 19-35 years of age group (66.5%), mbidity and mortality.

The Covid-19 pandemic has put healthcare professionals around the world in an unprecedented challenge. This may cause some emotional difficulties and mental health problems. The aim of the present study was to analyze the emotional status among the health care workers form the Hospital of Igualada (Barcelona), while they were facing with Covid-19 in one of the most affected regions in all of Europe.

A total of 395 participants were included in the study. A cross-sectional assessment was carried out between the months of March and April. Information about anxiety, depression, and stress was gathered. We also collected demographic data and concerning potentially stressful factors.

A significant proportion of professionals reported symptoms of anxiety (31.4%) and depression (12.2%) from moderate to severe intensity. Symptoms of acute stress were reported by 14.5% of participants. We performed a regression analysis, which explained the 30% of the variance associated with the degree of emotional distress (R² = 0.30). The final model reveals that females (or young males), who are working in the frontline as nursing assistants, caretakers or radiology technicians, with the uncertainty of a possible infection, the perception of inadequate protection measures and having experienced the death of a close person by Covid-19, showed a heightened risk of experiencing psychological distress.

Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic caused a significant impact on emotional status of healthcare workers involved in this study.

Coping with the Covid-19 pandemic caused a significant impact on emotional status of healthcare workers involved in this study.

To report a case of linagliptin-induced acute pancreatitis and remind clinicians about risks with incretin-based drugs. Patients at risk for pancreatitis should be switched to another type of hypoglycemic treatment.

We present the case of a 74-year-old Latina who presented to the emergency department with sudden onset of epigastric pain radiating to her back. Medical history, physical exam, laboratory tests, and medical images were compatible with acute pancreatitis. Upon further investigation, common causes for her pathology were excluded. Ten weeks prior to presentation she had changed her medications for diabetes mellitus type 2 to linagliptin.

Using the Naranjo algorithm of adverse drug reactions, we concluded that linagliptin was the most likely culprit.

Incretin-based drugs, including dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, have been shown to be relatively safe for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Since their introduction to the market, conflic 1 case report associating linagliptin with acute pancreatitis in the English medical literature. Ours is the first case report in the United States associating linagliptin with acute pancreatitis. It is worth warning both patients and prescribers about this serious adverse effect, as it might affect the choice of antiglycemic agent.

Recurrent Cushing disease (CD) is a rare complication that occurs in patients who have undergone bilateral adrenalectomy (BLA). We report a case of recurrent CD in a patient with Nelson syndrome and adrenalectomy due to remnant adrenal tissue, and a novel treatment strategy using stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) to the adrenal glands.

We report a case of recurrent CD in a woman with Nelson syndrome and adrenalectomy and describe her clinical course and management. We also include a literature review of CD management and adrenal radiation.

The patient had persistent pituitary CD despite pituitary surgery and radiosurgery and underwent BLA. She developed recurrent CD due to a remnant adrenal gland post adrenalectomy. She then underwent SBRT to both adrenal beds to treat the remnant adrenal tissue. Her serum cortisol dropped rapidly after adrenal radiation and she experienced minimal side effects. She has been in remission for over 2 years.

This is the first reported case of recurrent CD in a patient post adrenalectomy that was successfully treated with SBRT to the remnant adrenal tissue.

This is the first reported case of recurrent CD in a patient post adrenalectomy that was successfully treated with SBRT to the remnant adrenal tissue.In this work, we report on a perfusion-based co-culture system that could be used for bone tissue engineering applications. The model system is created using a combination of Primary Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) and osteoblast-like Saos-2 cells encapsulated within a Gelatin Methacrylate (GelMA)-collagen hydrogel blend contained within 3D printed, perfusable constructs. The constructs contain dual channels, within a custom-built bioreactor, that were perfused with osteogenic media for up to two weeks in order to induce mineral deposition. Mineral deposition in constructs containing only HUVECs, only Saos-2 cells, or a combination thereof was quantified by microCT to determine if the combination of endothelial cells and bone-like cells increased mineral deposition. Histological and fluorescent staining was used to verify mineral deposition and cellular function both along and between the perfused channels. While there was not a quantifiable difference in the amount of mineral deposited in Saos-2 only versus Saos-2 plus HUVEC samples, the location of the deposited mineral differed dramatically between the groups and indicated that the addition of HUVECs within the GelMA matrix allowed Saos-2 cells, in diffusion limited regions of the construct, to deposit bone mineral. This work serves as a model on how to create perfusable bone tissue engineering constructs using a combination of 3D printing and cellular co-cultures.Reply to the Letter to the Editor concerning "Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Arabic Version of the Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain Questionnaire" Sports Med Int Open 2020; 4(01) E8-E12; DOI 10.1055/a-1031-0947.Reply to the Letter to the Editor concerning "Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Arabic Version of the Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain Questionnaire" Sports Med Int Open 2020; 4(01) E8-E12; DOI 10.1055/a-1031-0947.This study examined certified peer specialists' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators to mobile health (mHealth) engagement. A total of 267 certified peer specialists from 38 states completed an online survey. Of this sample, 74 certified peer specialists completed open-ended questions. Data were analyzed from the 74 respondents who responded to open-ended questions. Certified peer specialists identified previously unidentified facilitators including the augmented use of certified peer specialists in combination with mHealth to improve engagement. One emerging theme identified was the belief that mHealth interventions may promote social isolation if not designed appropriately. Certified peer specialists appear to prefer using tablets instead of smartphones. Integrating certified peer specialists' perspectives of barriers and facilitators to mHealth engagement may promote initial and sustained mHealth engagement among consumers with serious mental illness. Future research using implementation science frameworks should examine these previously identified barriers and facilitators to mHealth engagement as correlates and/or predictors of engagement among service users.The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, the national organization representing psychology regulatory/licensing boards in Canada and the USA, recently developed social media guidelines that are being recommended for use by its member boards. link2 The purposes of the guidelines were to provide guidance to psychology regulatory boards both countries in identifying and communicating what are considered appropriate and inappropriate uses of social media and to promote consistency and clarity about this across jurisdictions. The process involved reviewing the professional literature, relevant guidelines, standards, current laws, and regulations. The guidelines developed include guidelines about confidentiality, informed consent, risk management, competence, multiple relationships, professional conduct, security of information, personal use of social media, and regulatory board use of social media. Major challenges and limitations in accomplishing this task are identified and discussed.The role of misinformation diffusion during a pandemic is crucial. An aspect that requires particular attention in the analysis of misinfodemics is the rationale of the source of false information, in particular how the behavior of agents spreading misinformation through traditional communication outlets and social networks can influence the diffusion of the disease. link3 We studied the process of false information transmission by malicious agents, in the context of a disease pandemic based on data for the COVID-19 emergency in Italy. We model communication of misinformation based on a negative trust relation, supported by findings in the literature that relate the endorsement of conspiracy theories with low trust level towards institutions. We provide an agent-based simulation and consider the effects of a misinfodemic on policies related to lockdown strategies, isolation, protection and distancing measures, and overall negative impact on society during a pandemic. Our analysis shows that there is a clear impact by misinfodemics in aggravating the results of a current pandemic.

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