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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized in seropositive individuals by the presence of anti-cyclic citrullinated protein (CCP) antibodies. RA is linked to the intestinal microbiota, yet the association of microbes with CCP serology and their contribution to RA is unclear. We describe intestinal phage communities of individuals at risk for developing RA, with or without anti-CCP antibodies, whose first-degree relatives have been diagnosed with RA. We show that at-risk individuals harbor intestinal phage compositions that diverge based on CCP serology, are dominated by Streptococcaceae, Bacteroidaceae, and Lachnospiraceae phages, and may originate from disparate ecosystems. These phages encode unique repertoires of auxiliary metabolic genes, which associate with anti-CCP status, suggesting that these phages directly influence the metabolic and immunomodulatory capability of the microbiota. This work sets the stage for the use of phages as preclinical biomarkers and provides insight into a possible microbial-based causation of RA disease development.Human naive pluripotent cells can differentiate into extraembryonic trophectoderm and hypoblast. Here we describe a human embryo model (blastoid) generated by self-organization. Brief induction of trophectoderm leads to formation of blastocyst-like structures within 3 days. Blastoids are composed of three tissue layers displaying exclusive lineage markers, mimicking the natural blastocyst. Single-cell transcriptome analyses confirm segregation of trophectoderm, hypoblast, and epiblast with high fidelity to the human embryo. This versatile and scalable system provides a robust experimental model for human embryo research.Developing female human germ cells undergo genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming, but de novo DNA methylation dynamics and their interplay with chromatin states and transcriptional activation in developing oocytes is poorly understood. Here, we developed a single-cell multi-omics sequencing method, scChaRM-seq, that enables simultaneous profiling of the DNA methylome, transcriptome, and chromatin accessibility in single human oocytes and ovarian somatic cells. We observed a global increase in DNA methylation during human oocyte growth that correlates with chromatin accessibility, whereas increases of DNA methylation at specific features were associated with active transcription. Integrated analyses of multi-omics data from humans and mice revealed species-specific gene expression, and promoter accessibility contributes to gene body methylation programs. Alu elements retained low DNA methylation levels and high accessibility in early growing oocytes and were located near developmental genes in humans and mice. Together, these findings show how scChaRM-seq can provide insight into DNA methylation pattern establishment.O-Methyltransferases are ubiquitous enzymes involved in biosynthetic pathways for secondary metabolites such as bacterial antibiotics, human catecholamine neurotransmitters, and plant phenylpropanoids. While thousands of putative O-methyltransferases are found in sequence databases, few examples are functionally characterized. From a pathway engineering perspective, however, it is crucial to know the substrate and product ranges of the respective enzymes to fully exploit their catalytic power. In this study, we developed an in vitro prototyping workflow that allowed us to screen ∼30 enzymes against five substrates in 3 days with high reproducibility. We combined in vitro transcription/translation of the genes of interest with a microliter-scale enzymatic assay in 96-well plates. The substrate conversion was indirectly measured by quantifying the consumption of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine co-factor by time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer rather than time-consuming product analysis by chromatography. This workflow allowed us to rapidly prototype thus far uncharacterized O-methyltransferases for future use as biocatalysts.G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of cell surface drug targets. Advances in stabilization of GPCRtransducer complexes, together with improvements in cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) have recently been applied to structure-assisted drug design for GPCR agonists. Nonetheless, limitations in the commercial application of these approaches, including the use of nanobody 35 (Nb35) to aid complex stabilization and the high cost of 300 kV imaging, have restricted broad application of cryo-EM in drug discovery. Here, using the PF 06882961-bound GLP-1R as exemplar, we validated the formation of stable complexes with a modified Gs protein in the absence of Nb35. In parallel, we compare 200 versus 300 kV image acquisition using a Falcon 4 or K3 direct electron detector. Moreover, the 200 kV Glacios-Falcon 4 yielded a 3.2 Å map with clear density for bound drug and multiple structurally ordered waters. Our work paves the way for broader commercial application of cryo-EM for GPCR drug discovery.Species is the fundamental taxonomic unit in biology and its delimitation has implications for conservation. In giraffe (Giraffa spp.), multiple taxonomic classifications have been proposed since the early 1900s.1 However, one species with nine subspecies has been generally accepted,2 likely due to limited in-depth assessments, subspecies hybridizing in captivity,3,4 and anecdotal reports of hybrids in the wild.5 Giraffe taxonomy received new attention after population genetic studies using traditional genetic markers suggested at least four species.6,7 This view has been met with controversy,8 setting the stage for debate.9,10 Genomics is significantly enhancing our understanding of biodiversity and speciation relative to traditional genetic approaches and thus has important implications for species delineation and conservation.11 We present a high-quality de novo genome assembly of the critically endangered Kordofan giraffe (G. camelopardalis antiquorum)12 and a comprehensive whole-genome analysis of 50 giraffe representing all traditionally recognized subspecies. Population structure and phylogenomic analyses support four separately evolving giraffe lineages, which diverged 230-370 ka ago. These lineages underwent distinct demographic histories and show different levels of heterozygosity and inbreeding. Our results strengthen previous findings of limited gene flow and admixture among putative giraffe species6,7,9 and establish a genomic foundation for recognizing four species and seven subspecies, the latter of which should be considered as evolutionary significant units. Achieving a consensus over the number of species and subspecies in giraffe is essential for adequately assessing their threat level and will improve conservation efforts for these iconic taxa.Odor perception in non-humans is poorly understood. Here, we generated the most comprehensive mouse olfactory ethological atlas to date, consisting of behavioral responses to a diverse panel of 73 odorants, including 12 at multiple concentrations. These data revealed that mouse behavior is incredibly diverse and changes in response to odorant identity and concentration. Using only behavioral responses observed in other mice, we could predict which of two odorants was presented to a held-out mouse 82% of the time. Considering all 73 possible odorants, we could uniquely identify the target odorant from behavior on the first try 20% of the time and 46% within five attempts. Although mouse behavior is difficult to predict from human perception, they share three fundamental properties first, odor valence parameters explained the highest variance of olfactory perception. Second, physicochemical properties of odorants can be used to predict the olfactory percept. Third, odorant concentration quantitatively and qualitatively impacts olfactory perception. These results increase our understanding of mouse olfactory behavior and how it compares to human odor perception and provide a template for future comparative studies of olfactory percepts among species.

Internet cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) is a viable delivery format of CBT for depression. However, iCBT programmes include training in a wide array of cognitive and behavioural skills via different delivery methods, and it remains unclear which of these components are more efficacious and for whom.

We did a systematic review and individual participant data component network meta-analysis (cNMA) of iCBT trials for depression. We searched PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) published from database inception to Jan 1, 2019, that compared any form of iCBT against another or a control condition in the acute treatment of adults (aged ≥18 years) with depression. Manogepix molecular weight Studies with inpatients or patients with bipolar depression were excluded. We sought individual participant data from the original authors. When these data were unavailable, we used aggregate data. Two independent researchers identified the included components. The primary outcome was depressi 0·93]). The risk of bias was low for the randomisation process, missing outcome data, or selection of reported results in most of the included studies, uncertain for deviation from intended interventions, and high for measurement of outcomes. There was moderate to high heterogeneity among the studies and their components.

The individual patient data cNMA revealed potentially helpful, less helpful, or harmful components and delivery formats for iCBT packages. iCBT packages aiming to be effective and efficient might choose to include beneficial components and exclude ones that are potentially detrimental. Our web app can facilitate shared decision making by therapist and patient in choosing their preferred iCBT package.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.Brains are indispensable drivers of human progress. Why not invest more heavily in them? We seek to place Brain Capital at the center of a new narrative to fuel economic and societal recovery and resilience.Chronic pain is a disabling disease with limited treatment options. While animal models have revealed important aspects of pain neurobiology, therapeutic translation of this knowledge requires our understanding of these cells and networks of pain in humans. We propose a multi-institutional collaboration to rigorously and ethically address this challenge.In a recent issue of Nature, Sanmarco et al. reveal a novel mechanism by which astrocytes maintain an anti-inflammatory state in the central nervous system (CNS). IFNγ released by gut-licensed meningeal NK cells was found to induce TRAIL expression on astrocytes, causing effector T cell apoptosis.In this issue of Neuron, Zhu et al. (2021) reveal that activities in posterior substantia innominate (pSI) neurons that project to the periaqueductal gray (PAG) are both necessary and sufficient to drive aggressive attacks in mice under various conditions.In this issue of Neuron, Johnson et al. show that mice rely on binocular vision when hunting insect prey. Specific types of retinal output neurons support this behavior. They have functional properties and brain connections well-suited to their role.

Autoři článku: Hermannwoodruff1011 (Sun Skovbjerg)