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Chemodynamic therapy (CDT) is an emerging therapy method that kills cancer cells by converting intracellular hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) into highly toxic hydroxyl radicals (• OH). To overcome the current limitations of the insufficient endogenous H2 O2 and the high concentration of glutathione (GSH) in tumor cells, an intelligent nanocatalytic theranostics (denoted as PGC-DOX) that possesses both H2 O2 self-supply and GSH-elimination properties for efficient cancer therapy is presented. This nanoplatform is constructed by a facile one-step biomineralization method using poly(ethylene glycol)-modified glucose oxidase (GOx) as a template to form biodegradable copper-doped calcium phosphate nanoparticles, followed by the loading of doxorubicin (DOX). As an enzyme catalyst, GOx can effectively catalyze intracellular glucose to generate H2 O2 , which not only starves the tumor cells, but also supplies H2 O2 for subsequent Fenton-like reaction. Meanwhile, the redox reaction between the released Cu2+ ions and intracellular GSH will induce GSH depletion and reduce Cu2+ to Fenton agent Cu+ ions, and then trigger the H2 O2 to generate • OH by a Cu+ -mediated Fenton-like reaction, resulting in enhanced CDT efficacy. The integration of GOx-mediated starvation therapy, H2 O2 self-supply and GSH-elimination enhanced CDT, and DOX-induced chemotherapy, endow the PGC-DOX with effective tumor growth inhibition with minimal side effects in vivo.In the Amazon region, Trypanosoma cruzi transmission cycles involve a great diversity of Triatominae vectors and mammal reservoirs. Some Rhodnius spp. mainly inhabit palm trees that act as microhabitats for hosts and vectors. The current study aimed to describe aspects of the bio-ecology of the vectors and reservoirs of T. cruzi in relation to human populations resident near areas with large quantities of palm trees, in rural, peri-urban and urban collection environments, located in the Western Brazilian Amazon. Rhodnius pictipes and Didelphis marsupialis were respectively the most predominant vector and reservoir, with rates of 71% for R. pictipes and 96.5% for D. marsupialis. The vast majority of T. cruzi isolates clustered with TcI. The most prevalent haplotype was TcI COII1 (69.7%). Mauritia flexuosa and Attalea phalerata were the main ecological indicators of infestation by triatomines. Birds were the most common food source (27,71%). T. cruzi isolated from R. robustus has the haplotype HUM-13, previously detected in a chronic Chagas patient living in the same area. Our results demonstrate the relevance of this study, with the occurrence of elevated infection rates in animals, and suggest the importance of the Amazon zones where there is a risk of infection in humans.Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) has long been accepted by courts as an area of expertise; however, that position has recently been challenged. The discipline has been criticized for limited empirical research into practitioner determination error rates and whether determinations require specialized knowledge/expertise, including whether practitioner experience level influences accuracy. This study attempted to address these knowledge gaps as they relate to bloodstain pattern recognition. The aims were twofold to establish whether practitioners would outperform lay non-practitioners, and whether practitioner experience influenced accuracy and error in determinations. Comparisons of practitioner responses under three scenarios (forced, casework, and definitive) were also made to assess conservatism/certainty in pattern recognition. Participants (both BPA practitioners and non-practitioners) analyzed photographs of bloodstain patterns and made determinations of the broad bloodstain category and specific bloodstain pattern type. When forced to provide only a single response, practitioners identified bloodstain categories and patterns significantly more accurately than non-practitioners (p = 0.0001, p less then 0.00001, respectively). Practitioner accuracy in bloodstain pattern recognition was positively associated with experience level (p = 0.0429) and this was consistent regardless of response scenario. Although no significant difference in practitioner accuracy was observed across response scenarios, practitioner conservatism/certainty varied significantly among the broad bloodstain category and specific pattern types. Overall, these results support bloodstain pattern recognition as an area of expertise and that practitioner experience positively influences accuracy. Based on these results, a series of recommendations were proposed aimed at further improving practices within the discipline to maximize accuracy and reliability of BPA evidence.Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of depression and mania, and oxidative stress has been associated with the observed neurochemical changes in this disease. We evaluated the effects of gallic acid on hyperlocomotion, acetylcholinesterase activity, and oxidative stress in an animal model of ketamine-induced mania. Rats were pretreated orally with vehicle, gallic acid (50 or 100 mg/kg), or lithium (45 mg/kg twice a day) for 14 days. Between days 8 and 14, the animals also received ketamine (25 mg/kg) or saline daily. On the 15th day, hyperlocomotion was assessed, following which the animals were euthanized, and brains were collected. Results showed that ketamine-induced hyperlocomotion and caused oxidative damage by increasing reactive oxygen species levels, lipid peroxidation, and nitrite levels, and decreasing the total thiol content and the activities of catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase in the brain. Pretreatment with gallic acid and lithium prevented hyperlocomotion and brain oxidative damage. Further, ketamine increased the acetylcholinesterase activity in the hippocampus and striatum, whereas gallic acid and lithium ameliorated this alteration. Thus, gallic acid may provide effective protection against manic-like behavior by reducing oxidative stress and preventing cholinergic signaling dysfunction in the brain regions involved in emotion regulation.Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing inflammatory cutaneous disease that is often associated with other atopic symptoms, such as food allergy, allergic rhinitis and asthma, leading to significant morbidity and healthcare costs. The pathogenesis of AD is complicated and multifactorial. Although the aetiology of AD remains incompletely understood, recent studies have provided further insight into AD pathophysiology, demonstrating that the interaction among genetic predisposition, immune dysfunction and environmental provocation factors contributes to its development. However, the increasing prevalence of AD suggests that environmental factors such as irritation and cutaneous infection play a crucial role in triggering and/or aggravating the disease. Of note, AD skin is susceptible to bacterial, fungal and viral infections, and microorganisms may colonize the skin and aggravate AD symptoms. Overall, understanding the mechanisms by which these risk factors affect the cutaneous immunity of patients with AD is of great importance for developing a precision medicine approach for treatment. This review summarizes recent developments in exogenous factors involved in the pathogenesis of AD, with special emphasis on irritants and microbial infections.High temperature can promote cyanobacterial blooms, whereas ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can potentially depress cyanobacterial growth by damaging their photosynthetic apparatus. Although the damaging effect of UVR has been well documented, reports on the interactive effects of UV radiation exposure and warming on cyanobacteria remain scarce. To better understand the combined effects of temperature and UVR on cyanobacteria, two strains of nuisance species, Microcystis aeruginosa (MIRF) and Raphidiopsis raciborskii (formerly Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, CYRF), were grown at 24°C and 28°C and were daily exposed to UVA + UVB (PAR + UVA+UVB) or only UVA (PAR + UVA) radiation. MIRF and CYRF growth rates were most affected by PAR + UVA+UVB treatment and to a lesser extent by the PAR + UVA treatment. Negative UVR effects on growth, Photosystem II (PSII) efficiency and photosynthesis were pronounced at 24°C when compared to that at 28°C. Our results showed a cumulative negative effect on PSII efficiency in MIRF, but not in CYRF. Hence, although higher temperature ameliorates UVR damage, interspecific differences may lead to deviating impacts on different species, and combined elevated temperature and UVR stress could influence species competition.Mr. C is a 45-year-old male inmate who was found in his cell unresponsive and mute. He had poor food and fluid intake for the last four days and was later found standing in place, frozen, and resistant to movement when encouraged by a corrections officer to rest in his bed. His symptoms were consistent with catatonia, a severe motor syndrome that can be life-threatening. The patient had a psychiatric history of bipolar I disorder with multiple past episodes of catatonia. Lorazepam was ineffective at reversing his catatonic symptoms, and his serum creatinine kinase level eventually began to rise, suggestive of muscle breakdown and worsening severity. The treating psychiatrist wanted access to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to treat Mr. C's catatonia but encountered numerous legal and logistical barriers which made this treatment option unavailable. The article reviews the scant literature on ECT use in the adult U.S. correctional system, identifies barriers, and discusses a recommended ECT referral process for inmates.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been suggested to counteract the oxidative stress and inflammation that characterize asthma. We aimed to assess the association between vegetable and fruit diversity consumption and asthma and its related outcomes in school-aged children.

Participants included 647 children (49% females, aged 7-12years) recruited from 20 public schools across the city of Porto, in Portugal. Vegetable intake and fruit intake were ascertained using a single self-reported 24-hour recall questionnaire. A diversity score was built taking into account the different number of individual vegetables and fruits consumed and categorized into two groups based on the total reported median consumption, which was rounded to the nearest whole number (≤3 and >3, for vegetables; and ≤1 and >1, for fruits). A questionnaire was used to enquire about self-reported medical diagnosis of asthma and respiratory symptoms. Airway inflammation was assessed measuring exhaled fractional nitric oxide concentration (eNO) and was categorized into two groups (<35 and ≥35ppb). The association between fruit and vegetable diversity and respiratory outcomes was examined using logistic regression models, adjusting for confounders.

A higher vegetable diversity consumption per day was negatively associated with having self-reported asthma (OR=0.67; 95% CI 0.47, 0.95), while having a vegetable diversity consumption superior to 3 items per day was negatively associated with levels of eNO≥35ppb (OR=0.38; 95% CI 0.16, 0.88) and breathing difficulties (OR=0.39; 95% CI 0.16, 0.97).

Eating a greater variety of vegetables was associated with a lower chance of airway inflammation and prevalence of self-reported asthma in school children.

Eating a greater variety of vegetables was associated with a lower chance of airway inflammation and prevalence of self-reported asthma in school children.

Autoři článku: Hejlesenkaplan1029 (Kappel Fitzpatrick)