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Heterologous expression of connexins and innexins in Xenopus oocytes is a powerful approach for studying the biophysical properties of gap junctions (GJs). However, this approach is technically challenging because it requires a differential voltage clamp of two opposed oocytes sharing a common ground. Although a small number of labs have succeeded in performing this technique, essentially all of them have used either homemade amplifiers or commercial amplifiers that were designed for single-oocyte recordings. It is often challenging for other labs to implement this technique. Although a high side current measuring mode has been incorporated into a commercial amplifier for dual oocyte voltage-clamp recordings, there had been no report for its application until our recent study. We have made the high side current measuring approach more practical and convenient by introducing several technical modifications, including the construction of a magnetically based recording platform that allows precise placement of oocytes and various electrodes, use of the bath solution as a conductor in voltage differential electrodes, adoption of a commercial low-leakage KCl electrode as the reference electrode, fabrication of current and voltage electrodes from thin-wall glass capillaries, and positioning of all the electrodes using magnetically based devices. The method described here allows convenient and robust recordings of junctional current (Ij) between two opposed Xenopus oocytes.Stereotaxic surgery to target brain sites in mice is commonly guided by skull landmarks. Access is then obtained via burr holes drilled through the skull. This standard approach can be challenging for targets in the caudal brainstem and upper cervical cord due to specific anatomical challenges as these sites are remote from skull landmarks, leading to imprecision. Here we outline an alternative stereotaxic approach via the cisterna magna that has been used to target discrete regions of interest in the caudal brainstem and upper cervical cord. The cisterna magna extends from the occipital bone to the atlas (i.e., the second vertebral bone), is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, and is covered by dura mater. This approach provides a reproducible route of access to select central nervous system (CNS) structures that are otherwise hard to reach due to anatomical barriers. Furthermore, it allows for direct visualization of brainstem landmarks in close proximity to the target sites, increasing accuracy when delivering small injection volumes to restricted regions of interest in the caudal brainstem and upper cervical cord. Finally, this approach provides an opportunity to avoid the cerebellum, which can be important for motor and sensorimotor studies.The continued use of insecticides for public health and agriculture has led to widespread insecticide resistance and hampering of control methods. Insecticide resistance surveillance of mosquito populations is typically done through Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bottle bioassays or World Health Organization (WHO) tube tests. However, these methods can result in a high degree of variability in mortality data due to variable insecticide contact with the insect, the relatively small numbers of organisms tested, extensive variation in mass between populations, and constantly changing environmental conditions, leading to variable outcomes. This paper presents the topical application bioassay, adapted as a high-throughput phenotypic bioassay for both mosquitoes and fruit flies, to test large numbers of insects along a range of insecticide concentrations. This assay 1) ensures consistent treatment and insecticide contact with every organism, 2) produces highly specific dose-response curves that account for differences in average mass between strains and sexes (which is particularly important for field-collected organisms), and 3) allows for the calculation of statistically rigorous median lethal doses (LD50), which are necessary for resistance ratio comparisons-an alternative surveillance approach from diagnostic dose mortality, which is also used for larvicide resistance surveillance. This assay will be a complementary tool for accurately phenotyping mosquito populations and, as illustrated using fruit flies, is easily adaptable for use with other insects. We argue that this assay will help fill the gap between genotypic and phenotypic insecticide resistance in multiple insect species.Nanoindentation refers to a class of experimental techniques where a micrometric force probe is used to quantify the local mechanical properties of soft biomaterials and cells. This approach has gained a central role in the fields of mechanobiology, biomaterials design and tissue engineering, to obtain a proper mechanical characterization of soft materials with a resolution comparable to the size of single cells (μm). The most popular strategy to acquire such experimental data is to employ an atomic force microscope (AFM); while this instrument offers an unprecedented resolution in force (down to pN) and space (sub-nm), its usability is often limited by its complexity that prevents routine measurements of integral indicators of mechanical properties, such as Young's Modulus (E). A new generation of nanoindenters, such as those based on optical fiber sensing technology, has recently gained popularity for its ease of integration while allowing to apply sub-nN forces with µm spatial resolution, therefore being suitable to probe local mechanical properties of hydrogels and cells. In this protocol, a step-by-step guide detailing the experimental procedure to acquire nanoindentation data on hydrogels and cells using a commercially available ferrule-top optical fiber sensing nanoindenter is presented. Whereas some steps are specific to the instrument used herein, the proposed protocol can be taken as a guide for other nanoindentation devices, granted some steps are adapted according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Further, a new open-source Python software equipped with a user-friendly graphical user interface for the analysis of nanoindentation data is presented, which allows for screening of incorrectly acquired curves, data filtering, computation of the contact point through different numerical procedures, the conventional computation of E, as well as a more advanced analysis particularly suited for single-cell nanoindentation data.The histologic analysis of brain and spinal cord specimens isolated from mice is common practice for the assessment of pathology in this model system. To maintain the morphology of these delicate tissues, it is routine to administer a chemical fixative such as paraformaldehyde via cannulation of the heart in anesthetized animals (transcardial perfusion). Transcardial perfusion of the mouse heart has traditionally relied on the use of peristaltic pumps or air pressure to deliver both the saline and fixative solutions necessary for this process. As an easily accessible alternative to these methods, this work demonstrates the use of a gravity-fed method of perfusate delivery that uses materials available in most hardware stores. To validate this new perfusion method, this work demonstrates all the subsequent steps necessary for the sensitive detection of phosphorylated α-synuclein in both the brain and spinal cord. Included in these steps are the dissection of the fixed brain and spinal cord tissues, rapid freezing/embedding and cryosectioning of the tissues, and immunofluorescent staining. As this method results in whole-body delivery of the fixative, it may also be used to prepare other non-neuronal tissues for histologic analysis.Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a congenital disorder predominantly inherited in an autosomal recessive trait. The disorder causes disturbance in the motion of cilia, leading to severe impairment of mucociliary clearance (MCC). If undiagnosed or diagnosed too late, the condition leads to the development of bronchiectasis and serious damage to the lungs in later life. Most of the methods for diagnosing PCD are time-consuming and demand extensive economic resources to establish them. High-speed video microscopy analysis (HSVMA) is the only diagnostic tool to visualize and analyze living respiratory cells with beating cilia in vitro. It is fast, cost-effective, and, in experienced hands, very reliable as a diagnostic tool for PCD. In addition, classical diagnostic measures such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are not applicable for some mutations as morphological changes are absent. This paper describes the process of collecting respiratory epithelial cells, the further preparation of the specimen, and the process of HSVMA. We also describe how brushed cells can be successfully kept unharmed and beating by keeping them in a nourishing medium for storage and transport to the investigation site in cases where a clinic does not possess the equipment to perform HSVMA. Also shown are videos with pathologic beating patterns from patients with a mutation in the dynein arm heavy chain 11 gene (DNAH11), which cannot be diagnosed with TEM; the result of an inconclusive HSVMA due to infection of the upper airways, as well as an unsuccessful brushing with superimposition of red blood cells. With this article, we would like to encourage every unit dealing with pulmonology patients and rare lung diseases to perform HSVMA as part of their daily routine diagnostics for PCD or send the specimens over to a center specializing in performing HSVMA.Membrane protein trafficking regulates the incorporation and removal of receptors and ion channels into the plasma membrane. This process is fundamentally important for cell function and cell integrity of neurons. Drosophila photoreceptor cells have become a model for studying membrane protein trafficking. Besides rhodopsin, which upon illumination becomes internalized from the photoreceptor membrane and is degraded, the transient receptor potential-like (TRPL) ion channel in Drosophila exhibits a light-dependent translocation between the rhabdomeral photoreceptor membrane (where it is located in the dark) and the photoreceptor cell body (to which it is transported upon illumination). learn more This intracellular transport of TRPL can be studied in a simple and non-invasive way by expressing eGFP-tagged TRPL in photoreceptor cells. The eGFP fluorescence can then be observed either in the deep pseudopupil or by water immersion microscopy. These methods allow detection of fluorescence in the intact eye and are therefore useful for high-throughput assays and genetic screens for Drosophila mutants defective in TRPL translocation. Here, the preparation of flies, the microscopic techniques, as well as quantification methods used to study this light-triggered translocation of TRPL are explained in detail. These methods can be applied also for trafficking studies on other Drosophila photoreceptor proteins, for example, rhodopsin. In addition, by using eGFP-tagged rhabdomeral proteins, these methods can be used to assess the degeneration of photoreceptor cells.The Glyco@Expasy initiative was launched as a collection of interdependent databases and tools spanning several aspects of knowledge in glycobiology. In particular, it aims at highlighting interactions between glycoproteins (such as cell surface receptors) and carbohydrate-binding proteins mediated by glycans. Here, major resources of the collection are introduced through two illustrative examples centered on the N-glycome of the human Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and the O-glycome of human serum proteins. Through different database queries and with the help of visualization tools, this article shows how to explore and compare content in a continuum to gather and correlate otherwise scattered pieces of information. Collected data are destined to feed more elaborate scenarios of glycan function. Glycoinformatics introduced here is, therefore, proposed as a means to either strengthen, shape, or refute assumptions on the specificity of a protein glycome in a given context.

Autoři článku: Hedegaardwoods4639 (Reynolds Daniels)