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Nurse practitioner students need effective communication skills to provide patient-centered care and work in diverse health care teams. Improvisation exercises, adapted from theater training, have been used to improve communication skills with health professions education and can be used in nurse practitioner education.

Fifty-eight family nurse practitioner students participated in a 2-hour workshop where they learned four improvisation exercises to improve listening skills, observational skills, and the ability to respond in the moment. Students learned the application of these skills for health care conversations.

The workshop was well received by the students, and evaluations reflected that students anticipated using the skills in professional practice and personal communications.

Improvisation exercises can be used in nursing education to teach communication skills. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)116-119.].

Improvisation exercises can be used in nursing education to teach communication skills. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)116-119.].

The author was asked to teach a new PhD course, Developing Literature Reviews. The course objective is to have students prepare a structured (e.g., integrative, systematic) literature review manuscript that is suitable for publication submission.

Course pedagogy and materials were created, including a novel literature review manuscript template. The template served as a guide for communicating essential section components of a rigorous and reproducible literature review manuscript and allowed for an iterative process and efficient faculty-student evaluation system to simulate the peer-review process. To measure student outcomes, standardized course evaluations were reviewed, and the number of students who were successful in disseminating manuscripts was recorded.

Students' standardized course evaluations were high. Eighteen students published integrative or systematic literature reviews as first author. Eleven students have presented peer-reviewed abstracts at scientific conferences.

The template successfully facilitates PhD student dissemination. The Doctor of Nursing Practice student pedagogy may also benefit from the template. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)111-115.].

The template successfully facilitates PhD student dissemination. The Doctor of Nursing Practice student pedagogy may also benefit from the template. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)111-115.].

Precision health (PH) and precision medicine are emerging approaches to health care promising more individualized care for health consumers. This improved type of care management uses innovation in science and technology to accurately identify diseases, treatments, and environmental influences to provide effective and efficient care. Akt inhibitor Multiple industries are supporting this venture, including nursing.

To respond to the national call to integrate PH in nursing curricula, a small urban university in Southern California proposed to integrate concepts of PH into six select courses in the baccalaureate curriculum.

This curriculum revision launched in fall 2020; it was the first time PH concepts were introduced to Bachelor of Science in Nursing students in the department of nursing. Student outcomes will be measured using the nine competencies developed.

Nurse educators shape future practice. It is incumbent upon them to adopt the opportunities for transformation presented by the emergent phenomenon of PH. Only then will students be prepared with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes foundational for precise care. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)107-110.].

Nurse educators shape future practice. It is incumbent upon them to adopt the opportunities for transformation presented by the emergent phenomenon of PH. Only then will students be prepared with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes foundational for precise care. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)107-110.].

An academic-practice partnership between a college department of nursing, the YMCA, and one health system was developed to provide student learning opportunities in cardiovascular disease prevention, while advancing the goal of Million Hearts


Using The Ohio State University College of Nursing's Million Hearts Fellowship Module, students learned to provide Million Hearts screenings, educate and coach participants in the college and greater community, and deliver a free home blood pressure monitor. Pre- and postscores were obtained to assess change in students' knowledge and participants' blood pressure, lifestyle scores, and perceived stress scores.

A statistically significant improvement in mean participant blood pressure and lifestyle scores was observed.

This academic-practice partnership provided an opportunity for students to learn about prevention within a national, population health initiative and for participants to achieve measurable, healthy outcomes. The college's participation in a national Million Hearts consortium enabled practice partners to prioritize cardiovascular disease prevention in the community. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)103-106.].

This academic-practice partnership provided an opportunity for students to learn about prevention within a national, population health initiative and for participants to achieve measurable, healthy outcomes. The college's participation in a national Million Hearts consortium enabled practice partners to prioritize cardiovascular disease prevention in the community. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(2)103-106.].

Family and adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner (NP) students must obtain patient clinical hours caring for older adults. Primary care occurs in a variety of settings, including long-term care (LTC) facilities. Anecdotal reports indicate that faculty in some primary NP academic programs do not recognize the robust primary care opportunities that exist in LTC settings.

This article describes a professional nursing organization's process of researching the appropriateness of designating LTC clinical hours as allowable primary care clinical experiences for NP students.

The NP serves as an integral member of the LTC team, providing the same elements of primary care provided in traditional ambulatory care settings.

Older adults receiving primary care in LTC settings have a variety of health care needs, including assessment and management of acute and chronic conditions. A position statement was developed for primary care NP students and endorsed by 22 professional organizations and NP programs.

Autoři článku: Hebertwolf2381 (Markussen Damm)