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Thus, the premature hyperpolarizing action of GABA or its persistent depolarizing effect beyond the postnatal period, leads to behavioral deficits associated with morphological alterations and an excitatory (E)/inhibitory (I) imbalance in selective brain areas. The aim of this review is to summarize recent data concerning the functional role of GABAergic transmission in building up and refining neuronal circuits early in development and its dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), schizophrenia and epilepsy. In particular, we focus on novel information concerning the mechanisms by which alterations in cation-chloride co-transporters (CCC) generate behavioral and cognitive impairment in these diseases. We discuss also the possibility to re-establish a proper GABAA-mediated neurotransmission and excitatory (E)/inhibitory (I) balance within selective brain areas acting on CCC.Peripheral nerve injuries are common conditions that can arise from trauma (e.g., compression, severance) and can lead to neuropathic pain as well as motor and sensory deficits. Although much knowledge exists on the mechanisms of injury and nerve regeneration, treatments that ensure functional recovery following peripheral nerve injury are limited. Schwann cells, the supporting glial cells in peripheral nerves, orchestrate the response to nerve injury, by converting to a "repair" phenotype. However, nerve regeneration is often suboptimal in humans as the repair Schwann cells do not sustain their repair phenotype long enough to support the prolonged regeneration times required for successful nerve regrowth. Thus, numerous strategies are currently focused on promoting and extending the Schwann cells repair phenotype. Low-intensity ultrasound (LIU) is a non-destructive therapeutic approach which has been shown to facilitate peripheral nerve regeneration following nerve injury in rodents. Still, clinical trials in humans are scarce and limited to small population sizes. The benefit of LIU on nerve regeneration could possibly be mediated through the repair Schwann cells. In this review, we discuss the known and possible molecular mechanisms activated in response to LIU in repair Schwann cells to draw support and attention to LIU as a compelling regenerative treatment for peripheral nerve injury.Tiling is a developmental process where cell populations become evenly distributed throughout a tissue. In this review, we discuss the developmental cellular tiling behaviors of the two major glial populations in the central nervous system (CNS)-oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) and astrocytes. First, we discuss OPC tiling in the spinal cord, which is comprised of the three cellular behaviors of migration, proliferation, and contact-mediated repulsion (CMR). These cellular behaviors occur simultaneously during OPC development and converge to produce the emergent behavior of tiling which results in OPCs being evenly dispersed and occupying non-overlapping domains throughout the CNS. We next discuss astrocyte tiling in the cortex and hippocampus, where astrocytes migrate, proliferate, then ultimately determine their exclusive domains by gradual removal of overlap rather than sustained CMR. This results in domains that slightly overlap, allowing for both exclusive control of "synaptic islands" and astrocyte-astrocyte communication. We finally discuss the similarities and differences in the tiling behaviors of these glial populations and what remains unknown regarding glial tiling and how perturbations to this process may impact injury and disease.Insects detect volatile chemicals using antennae, which house a vast variety of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that innervate hair-like structures called sensilla where odor detection takes place. In addition to OSNs, the antenna also hosts various support cell types. These include the triad of trichogen, tormogen, and thecogen support cells that lie adjacent to their respective OSNs. The arrangement of OSN supporting cells occurs stereotypically for all sensilla and is widely conserved in evolution. While insect chemosensory neurons have received considerable attention, little is known about the functional significance of the cells that support them. For instance, it remains unknown whether support cells play an active role in odor detection, or only passively contribute to homeostasis, e.g., by maintaining sensillum lymph composition. To investigate the functional interaction between OSNs and support cells, we used optical and electrophysiological approaches in Drosophila. First, we characterized the diste turbulent sensory landscape of insect flight.Accumulating evidence indicate that astrocytes are essential players of the excitatory and inhibitory signaling during normal and epileptiform activity via uptake and release of gliotransmitters, ions, and other substances. Polyamines can be regarded as gliotransmitters since they are almost exclusively stored in astrocytes and can be released by various mechanisms. The polyamine putrescine (PUT) is utilized to synthesize GABA, which can also be released from astrocytes and provide tonic inhibition on neurons. The polyamine spermine (SPM), synthesized form PUT through spermidine (SPD), is known to unblock astrocytic Cx43 gap junction channels and therefore facilitate astrocytic synchronization. In addition, SPM released from astrocytes may also modulate neuronal NMDA, AMPA, and kainate receptors. As a consequence, astrocytic polyamines possess the capability to significantly modulate epileptiform activity. In this study, we investigated different steps in polyamine metabolism and coupled GABA release to asses astrocytic polyamines contribute to epileptiform activity is the production of GABA. Modulation of astrocytic polyamine levels, therefore, may serve for a more effective antiepileptic drug development in the future.Chick hair cells display calcium (Ca2+)-sensitive spontaneous action potentials during development and regeneration. The role of this activity is unclear but thought to be involved in establishing proper synaptic connections and tonotopic maps, both of which are instrumental to normal hearing. Using an electrophysiological approach, this work investigated the functional expression of Ca2+-sensitive potassium [IK(Ca)] currents and their role in spontaneous electrical activity in the developing and regenerating hair cells (HCs) in the chick basilar papilla. The main IK(Ca) in developing and regenerating chick HCs is an SK current, based on its sensitivity to apamin. Analysis of the functional expression of SK current showed that most dramatic changes occurred between E8 and E16. Specifically, there is a developmental downregulation of the SK current after E16. The SK current gating was very sensitive to the availability of intracellular Ca2+ but showed very little sensitivity to T-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, which are one of the hallmarks of developing and regenerating hair cells. Additionally, apamin reduced the frequency of spontaneous electrical activity in HCs, suggesting that SK current participates in patterning the spontaneous electrical activity of HCs.Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a fragment of the bacterial cell wall, specifically interacting with protein complexes on the cell surface, can induce the production of pro-inflammatory and apoptotic signaling molecules, leading to the damage and death of brain cells. Similar effects have been noted in stroke and traumatic brain injury, when the leading factor of death is glutamate (Glu) excitotoxicity too. But being an amphiphilic molecule with a significant hydrophobic moiety and a large hydrophilic region, LPS can also non-specifically bind to the plasma membrane, altering its properties. In the present work, we studied the effect of LPS from Escherichia coli alone and in combination with the hyperstimulation of Glu-receptors on the functional state of mitochondria and Ca2+ homeostasis, oxygen consumption and the cell survival in primary cultures from the rats brain cerebellum and cortex. In both types of cultures, LPS (0.1-10 μg/ml) did not change the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in resting neurons but slowed down the median of the decrease in [Ca2+]i on 14% and recovery of the mitochondrial potential (ΔΨm) after Glu removal. LPS did not affect the basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of cortical neurons; however, it did decrease the acute OCR during Glu and LPS coapplication. selleck Evaluation of the cell culture survival using vital dyes and the MTT assay showed that LPS (10 μg/ml) and Glu (33 μM) reduced jointly and separately the proportion of live cortical neurons, but there was no synergism or additive action. LPS-effects was dependent on the type of culture, that may be related to both the properties of neurons and the different ratio between neurons and glial cells in cultures. The rapid manifestation of these effects may be the consequence of the direct effect of LPS on the rheological properties of the cell membrane.Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a leading inherited cause of autism and intellectual disability, resulting from a mutation in the FMR1 gene and subsequent loss of its protein product FMRP. Despite this simple genetic origin, FXS is a phenotypically complex disorder with a range of physical and neurocognitive disruptions. While numerous molecular and cellular pathways are affected by FMRP loss, there is growing evidence that circuit hyperexcitability may be a common convergence point that can account for many of the wide-ranging phenotypes seen in FXS. The mechanisms for hyperexcitability in FXS include alterations to excitatory synaptic function and connectivity, reduced inhibitory neuron activity, as well as changes to ion channel expression and conductance. However, understanding the impact of FMR1 mutation on circuit function is complicated by the inherent plasticity in neural circuits, which display an array of homeostatic mechanisms to maintain activity near set levels. FMRP is also an important regulator of activity-dependent plasticity in the brain, meaning that dysregulated plasticity can be both a cause and consequence of hyperexcitable networks in FXS. This makes it difficult to separate the direct effects of FMR1 mutation from the myriad and pleiotropic compensatory changes associated with it, both of which are likely to contribute to FXS pathophysiology. Here we will (1) review evidence for hyperexcitability and homeostatic plasticity phenotypes in FXS models, focusing on similarities/differences across brain regions, cell-types, and developmental time points; (2) examine how excitability and plasticity disruptions interact with each other to ultimately contribute to circuit dysfunction in FXS; and (3) discuss how these synaptic and circuit deficits contribute to disease-relevant behavioral phenotypes like epilepsy and sensory hypersensitivity. Through this discussion of where the current field stands, we aim to introduce perspectives moving forward in FXS research.Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders characterized by recurrent seizures. The mechanism of epilepsy remains unclear and previous studies suggest that N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play an important role in abnormal discharges, nerve conduction, neuron injury and inflammation, thereby they may participate in epileptogenesis. NMDARs belong to a family of ionotropic glutamate receptors that play essential roles in excitatory neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity in the mammalian CNS. Despite numerous studies focusing on the role of NMDAR in epilepsy, the relationship appeared to be elusive. In this article, we reviewed the regulation of NMDAR and possible mechanisms of NMDAR in epilepsy and in respect of onset, development, and treatment, trying to provide more evidence for future studies.

Autoři článku: Hebertbendix6313 (Camp Cates)